THE CIVIL WAR wounded in the shoulder and lost General George B. McClellan reliev- UNION GENERALS the use of his arm during the de- ing him of command of th Army of fense of Springfield. 3" x 1". Cut sig- the Potomac. 7 1/2" x 4". Signed Note. nature with rank. “E.B. Brown Brig. “Dear Shelton, I send you above, the Gen. Vols.” Fine. $150 - up only record on my books that will throw any light on the subject of your company’s acceptance - I pre- * 126 sume however that is sufficient. Re- HENRY L. ABBOTT (1842 - 1864). cruiting is going on very well and I think Ohio will come up to the mark Union Brevet Brigadier General, for * 131 without fail. Yours truly, C. P. gallant services in the battle of the JUDSON DAVID BINGHAM Buckingham, Adj. Genl. O.” Fine. Wilderness. Killed at Wilderness, Va (1831 - 1909). Union Bvt. Brigadier $200 - up on May 6, 1864. 8" x 2 1/2". Cut signa- General. 7" x 2". Signature cut from a ture with rank. “Very respectfully, larger typed document. “Very Re- Your obdt. Servant Henry L. Abbott spectfully, Your Obedient Servant, Lieut. Colonel of Engineers Com- J.D. Bingham, Deputy Quartermaster manding”. Tape residue at left and * 129 General, Brevet Brigadier General, upper left corner missing. Fine. JAMES A. BEAVER(1837-1914), U.S. Army.” Fine $35 - up $35 - up Union Brevet Brigadier-General dur- ing the Civil War, Governor of Penn- sylvania, Judge. TLS James A. Beaver * 134 1page, 8 ½” x 11”, dated Harrisburg, AMBROSE E. BURNSIDE (1824 February 3rd, 1890, on Common- - 1881). Union general in the Civil wealth of Pennsylvania Executive War; U.S. Senator. 10" x 5 1/4". Chamber Letterhead. 1869, Indiana. Stock certificate for 200 “Hon. G. Harry Davis, 608 Chest- shares of the Indianapolis and nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. My Dear Sir: Vincennes Railroa Company. Black. Your letter of the 27th ultimo, with Attached adhesive revenue stamp at its enclosure, has been received. The left. Signed as president by Burnside. subject to which it relates is one of Very Fine. $225 - up great delicacy and must necessarily be given serious consideration be- fore any conclusion is reached. The * 127 problem is not without its difficul- JOSEPH CARTER ABBOTT ties. I have been of opinion that the * 135 (1825 - 1881). Union Bvt. Brigadier Northern Home was, in many re- GEORGE CADWALADER (1806 General, for gallant services in the spects, a model institution, and was - 1879). Union Major General. Served capture of Ft. Fisher. 7 3/4" x 9 3/4". very much disconcerted by the at- as advisor to the President and the MDS. Head Quarters Post of tacks made upon it during the late Secretary of War. 3" x 1/2". Cut sig- Goldsboro, Goldsboro, N.C. July 6, meetings of our Commission. * 132 nature. Tipped onto a larger blue 1865. To Brig. General L. Thomas. If Chester Springs had been put SAMUEL BRECK (1834 - 1918). paper with his name and rank of Maj. “Sir: I have the honor to forward in repair and used at the first instead Union Bvt. Brigadier General. 5" x 7 General U.S. Volunteers, 1862 writ- herewith monthly report of 2nd of Mt. Joy, we could more easily settle 1/2". Circular signed by Samuel Beck ten by another hand. Fine. $50 - up Brigade 1st Division 10th Army Clerks the question; but to take hold of an as Ass. Adj. General. Circular from for the month ending June 30, 1865. abandoned property under the cir- the Head Quarters Dept. of the East I am very Respectfully Your Obt. Svt. cumstances, would not only involve dated Jan. 19, 1895 concerning the Joseph C. Abbott, Bvt. Brig. Genl. very considerable expense, but would, proper dress of a soldier out in pub- Commg.” Folded in thirds with stain- I fear, appear to the public as unnec- lic. File holes at left margin, bottom ing at top fold. $75 - up essary, in view of the short time hole is torn. Fine. $30 - up which our schools will be in exist- ence. Very Cordially yours, James A. Beaver” Fine. $100 - up * 136 CHARLES DEVENS, JR. (1820 - 1891). Union Brigadier General. * 128 Wounded three times. Fought at EDWIN BURR BABBITT (1804 Seven Pines, Fredericksburg and - 1881). Union Bvt. Brigadier Gen- Chancellorsville. 3 1/2" x 1 1/2". eral. 7 1/2" x 2". Cut Signature with * 133 Cut signature with rank. Tipped to rank. “Yr. Obt. Svt. E. B. Babbitt, Bt. * 130 CATHARINUS PUTNAM another small paper. Fine. $35 - up Brig. Genl. U.S.A. Retired”. $35 - up EGBERT BENSON BROWN BUCKINGHAM (1808 - 1888). (1816 - 1902). Union Brigadier Gen- Union Brigadier General. He was the eral. In 1863 he was severely officer who brought the dispatch to 24 versed the F.J. Porter Court Martial. 2 1/2" x 1". Cut Signature. “Geo. W. Getty Brig. Genl. Vols.” Excellent. * 149 $45 - up SAMUEL B.BIRD (1826 - 1907). * 137 Union Bvt. Brigadier General. 8" x 1 PATRICK EDWARD CONNOR 3/4". Signature cut from a larger docu- * 140 (1820 - 1891). Union Brigadier Gen- ment. “Your Obt. Servt. S.B. Holabird, WILLIAM DWIGHT (1831 - 1888). eral. 3 1/2" x 1 1/4". Cut signature Deputy Qr. Ms. Genl. U.S.A.” Very Union Brigadier General. 3" x 1 1/ with Rank. $35 - up Fine. $50 - up 2". Cut signature with rank. $40 - up * 145 * 141 QUINCY ADAMS GILLMORE JAMES A. EKIN (1819 - 1891). (1825 - 1888). Union Major General Union Bvt. Brigadier General. Mem- of Volunteers. A graduate of West ber of the Military Commission for Point in 1849. The capture of Morris * 138 the Lincoln conspiracy trial. 6" x 1 Island, South Carolina is considered JOHN A. DIX (1798 - 1879). Union 1/2". Cut signature with rank and his major accomplishment. 4 1/2" x general during the Civil War; U.S. sentiment. “Very Respectfully, Your 3". Signature with rank. “Q.A. Secretary of the Treasury; Railroad obt. Servt. James A. Ekin, Bvt. Brig. Gillmore, Maj. Genl. Vols., Dec. 5th executive. 3 1/2" x 1 3/4". Cut Signa- Genl.”. Very Fine. $40 - up 1865”. Excellent. $50 - up ture. Extremely Fine. $30 - up * 150 * 142 JOSEPH HOOKER (1814 - 1879). JAMES B. FRY (1827 - 1894). Union * 146 Union Major General. Fought in the Brigadier General and provost mar- WALTER Q. GRESHAM (1832 - Mexican War in campaigns under shal general of the U.S. 3 1/2" x 2". 1895). Union Brigadier General. His Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott. Cut signature. “James B. Fry, Provost military career ended when he was Wounded at the battle of Antietam; Marshal General.” Mounting traces wounded during the Atlanta cam- Fought at Fredericksburg, on verso and hole at center not paign. 4 1/4" x 2 3/4". Signature on Chancellorsville, Lookout Mountain affectig Fry’s signature. $30 - up card. “Faithfully Yours, W.Q. and the siege of Atlanta, as well as Gresham”. Excellent. $40 - up others. 3 3/4" x 1 1/4". Cut signature with rank set into an engraving mea- suring 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". “J. Hooker, Maj. Genl.” Very Fine. $125 - up * 147 * 143 THOMAS JEFFERSON JAMES A. GARFIELD (1831 - HENDERSON (1824 - 1911). 1881). Twentieth President of the Union Bvt. Brigadier General. 6 1/2" United States; Union Major General. x 2 3/4". Cut signature. “Thos. J. 2 3/4" x 1". Cut signature on yellow Henderson, Princeton, Illinois”. Very Fine. $35 - up * 139 paper, tipped onto a larger cardboard JOHN GRAY FOSTER (1823 - backing. $225 - up 1874). Union Major General. He was chief engineer of the fortifications of Charleston Harbor, and was a lead- ing participant in th bombardment of Ft. Sumter. 8" x 10". Orders No. 63 from the Head Quarters 3rd N.Y. * 144 * 151 Artillery, New Berne, April 28, 1863. GEORGE WASHINGTON * 148 WILLIAM STERLING KING An order promoting Sergt. Major GETTY (1819 - 1901). Brigadier Gen- ALVIN P. HOVEY (1821 - 1891). (1818 - 1882). Union Bvt. Brigadier Sherwood 3rd N.Y.A. to 2nd Lieut. eral of Volunteers. Born in Union Brigadier General. Fought in General. 8" x 10 1/4". Requisition Approved by John G. Foster on Georgetown, D.C.; graduate of West the battle at Shiloh; in the Vicksburg for Stationary dated January 13, 1865. verso. “Approved J.G. Foster, Maj. Point in 1840. Commander of the campaign; the Atlanta campaign. 5 1/ Endorsed by Sterling. “Approved Gen.” Fine. $250 - up 6th Corps. Briefly he led the 7th 2" x 2 1/2". Cut signature with rank. Wm. S. K. Col. 4th M Hy arty. Comdg. Corps in 1863. After the war, he was “Alvin P. Hovey, Brig. Genl U.S.Vols”. Brigade.” Fine. $50 - up a member of the board which re Fine. $75 - up 25 gency in which you have placed us….Respectfully, Robt. Schenck, Prest. Western Air Line R. R. Co.” Excellent condition. $100 - up * 152 JOSHUA B. HOWELL (1806 - 1864). Union Brigadier General. 3 1/ 4" x 1". Cut signature. “J.B. Howell”. Scarce. $150 - up * 156 FUTURE UNION GENERAL EUGENE B. PAYNE (1835 - 1910). ROBERT SCHENCK SENDS A * 153 Union Bvt. Brigadier General. 13" x SCATHING LETTER TO THE LEWIS JOHNSON (1841 - 1900). * 160 8". 2 pages. Legal document concern- CASHIER OF THE ILION Union Bvt. Brigadier General. 11" x THOMAS WEST SHERMAN ing pension fraud.Signed at the con- BANK FOR THEIR REFUSAL 8 1/2". United States Pay voucher. (1813 - 1879). A graduate of West clusion by E.B. Payne. Fine. $50 - up TO HONOR A DEAL MADE Dated Dec. 6, 1874. Signed 3 times.
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