■OtmOBTH CO HI3TORICAt F R E E H O L D N J Editorial Not*:—To Inform or remind th* paopl* of M atawan and adjacent munlctpsllUee of Uu historic heritage whloh It their*, a native am, ateepod In the lore of bygone days hsre, prepared for the Journal a Member Monmouth County Press Club ■ketch depleting ths commun­ ity's early development. Hoping to arouae Interest In the pro- 68th YEAR — 32nd WEEK Founded In I860 MATAWAN, N. J„ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1936 10 Pages—2 Sections Five Cents Single Copy. poead celebration In September of the 380th anniversary of the founding of Matawan, this ool- umn will be devoted for aome Dominick, Blood, Tampered Meter Is time to weekly Installments ol M o Startling Upsets Recorded Frequent Visitor In Matawan the product of William 6. Hor- nor'e research In innala of Uie Powers Winners Saw Assassination Of Lincoln Found At Matawan p ut. We hope our renders will In Community School Elections dip these chapters and file them away or place them in a scrap­ In Tuesday Vote Union Beach, Raritan, Marlboro, And Holmdel Results Account Of Tragedy Which Rocked The Nation Differs Tile Co/s Factory book about old Matawan, that future generations may be In­ Factional Opposition Is Show Normal Vote Cast; Sticker Campaign Winner In Many Points From Stories Told By Others; Mrs. Plug Prevented Accurate ' spired to record local and family In Atlantic; No Keansburg Contest Develops Nelson Todd Knew President's Slayer- Very Well history, and enoourace some to Unable To Beat Present Water Registering At study the Interesting life which District Clerk; W. P. j Voters In the Keyport school elec- equipping the Bade building for use A frequent visitor in Matawan Is company. We all knew his sympa­ Boro Plant, Warwick this settlement has enjoyed since Swanson Defeated tlon Tuesday nlte endorsed the pro­ will be carried out at once. the only survivor of those who saw thies were with the southern states Tells Councilmen 16M. ) posal submitted by the board of edu- The district clerk pointed out that; President Abraham Lincoln shot— and we learned later that he was a &DDDAVC Hfflll PHIIDOCO ; catloi* for the purchase ot the Bade' altho the voters had endorsed the! Mrs. Nelson Todd, of 39 Lincoln Park, member of a set of young fellows— By William S. Hornor A i r RU T II IfC W L v U K d C u 1 building, opposite the high school, Bade building proposition the board Newark, grandmother of VanWlnkle radicals, we would call them today, CHARGESSUPPORTED _____ | by a vote of fifty-seven to twenty- could prepare another plan and re-■ Todd, president of the Hanson-Van who drew lots to see which should s e c o n d a r t ic l e Mil Lincoln, it just happened that P -y . ___ i nine. The proposal to Install manual submit the new scheme If It felt It j Winkle-Munning Co., Matawan. Mrs. Charles Smith Bears Out In early records the locality Is £ f*'AfBinpajlgnsecures, training facilities In the new bulld- to be more desirable. All that would ! Todd, who was born In Albany, N. Y., the lot fell to Booth. sometimes referred to as. Freehold Enuf Votes To Create ting was also approved by a vote of be necessary would be to keep the : but who has spent most of her life In “1 shall never forget the first time His Superior; Reserve Landtag, Matavan, New Aberdeen, slxty-slx to twenty-two. expense within the bounds of the, Newark, will have spanned a century I saw Lincoln—nor the last. The Appointments Added Endorsement; All Of flrat time was just a little before his Mltteving. Nachnachme, and, “the Budget Items Pass The three members of the board budget adopted Tuesday nlte, he when she celebrates her birthday In To; Flood Payment • Chlngaroras.” In 1859 the old name seeking re-election were given almost said. : August four years hence. second Inauguration, when he passed waa formally and permanently re­ Asked to recount to our readers, through Newark by train. I was Despite the fact that reputably i » unanimous vote ofendorsement. In the event that next Wednesday's [ The much publicized differences | - stored, the form Matawan being ...... , , . ” . Aiif nf a tnlal n t h allfttt for this week of Lincoln’s Birthday, . horse-back riding and rode thru powerful factional Interests In the Out of a total of elghty-nlne ballots meeting resulta In the decision to' existing between the Matawan Boro adopted. her memory of that eveneng In the i slde-streets so that I saw Lincoln not boro were out to prevent the re. csst Mrs. Sophie S. Hoke received carry out the plan of installing the Counoll and the Mstawan Tile Co., All that portion of the preeent capital theater which shook tho i once but several times on the rear election of District Clerk Edwin H. eighty-four; R. O. Walling eighty- manual training racllltles in the PRES. MltS, JAMEH MARTIN are due to crop up again u the result Matawan east of the lake, beginning two, and E. H. Wharton eighty. S. world, she furnished us with "The | platform. My persistence must have Dominick to the board of education, Bade building It Is expected that ef­ True Btory of President Lincoln's J attracted President Lincoln’s attan- of dlaeloaurea nude at Tuesday nite's at Freneau and extending to the Frank Mason, former Mayor O. C. forts will be made to get the work regular council meeting. Council­ creek below the gaihouae, was known the latter had little difficulty In re­ Assaslnatlon" which ahe broadcast tlon. Bogardus and Qounollman Norman underway a s soon as possible. Tho gaining his post Tuesday's school over radio station WOR on Feb. 11, Wllllain Coulter, a friend of my man Merritt J. Warwick, chairman of as Mowhlngaon Neck. This was the J. Currie, not candidates, were cach expressed desire of board of educa­ elections. MRS. MARTIN CHAIRMAN 1038. Following Is given In full Mrs. father, the conductor of the train, the water committee, declared Tuee­ site of an early Indian village, that given one vote. tion members is to have the facilities day nlte that an InveetlgaUon had With a vote of eighty-two in Uie Todd’s account which challenges told me later that the president of the Mowhlngson Indiana. The Unlike tho situation existing lust ready for tlie opening of the new Cllffwood district and 320 in the OF LEGION PROGRAM much of what has been written pointed me out and said, ‘That young revealed that a wooden plug bad Interval between the "dully Bridge" year when there were not enuf mem­ school term. j ._____ been Jammed thru a meter at Uio and Freneau was settled very quickly boro, Dominick garnered a total of about that tragic occasion. lady there is a fine horsewoman.’ 411 which made him second only to bers of tho board present to organise unofficially it has been learned 0 n Short Notice Accepts "What a wonderful storehouse, the That waa the flrat time I saw Lin­ plant and whloh prevented It from and waa known as Midway Qrcen. for the meeting until after consld registering. Dr. Thomas F. Powers, of Cllffwood, t h a t a plan Is being conslderad to - - - r mlndl Here am 1 feeling like a com­ coln. Now I must tell you of the Local points of early Interest were: erable delay had elapsed, proceed And Names Auxiliary Councilman Warwick, along with for high mar. on the ticket. Dr. finance the scheduled Improvement-* paratively young woman, and If I last. The Oystcrbank Landing, known In lugs wero gotten underway ut once Councilman Auguat J. Muehthausen, Powers' vote was 131 in Cllffwood with WPA ttuids. Thls'angle Is due Committee To Help live twelvo years more, 1 shall bo, a "1 was married In lug, The war, late years as the Propeller Dock, the Jr. were the only members of the and 350 In Matawan. President Tuesday nlte. S. Frank Mason was to be brot up ror tlioro discussion at hundred years old. Elghty-olght as you know, followed a couple of Burrowen' mill-pond, cotnprlxlng I boro body who two week* ago re­ Lewis H. Blood, also seeking re. nominated as chulrmnn, R. O. Wall­ Wednesday's meeting. Some board Commander MlWlr Btroiig mul years old I And how many things I years later. Those were awrul times. the lower part ot the present inke, | ing as Judge, and Miss Virginia fused to endorse a refund on a water election, secured a total of 337 votes members lmve folt that an easier Raphael V. Devlin, clinlrinaii of the have seen in those years. My earliest What a relief when It ended on the the olay holes, near where the I bill charged to the plant and which tu easily regain his seat over the Wharton and C. It. Wharton as tel­ motliod of financing tho Improve­ onlerlnlnmeiit conunltteo, realising recollections date from the age of ninth of April, lSStl Mount-Barrett automobile building lers. w u objected to u too high. now standi, Drummy's Point, on the cnndldacy of Walter P. Swanson, a ments may be evolved thru eo-oper- the efricleticv nnd meritorious work three when I »a* Wllllsm Henry "Immediately upon learning nt ncwcomer In school elections. blufl directly at the foot of MMden The budget appropriation calling atlng with the federal agency. In aldlim thn Matawan Post, 110, Harrison, who csme to the old Park Leo's surronder, my husband planned According to Uie dlaelosure* made .
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