Home-Coming Day Have You October 26 Subscribed? Vol. 2 Greensburg High School, Greensburg, Ohio, October, 1934 No. 1 Parents Club Is The students of Greensburg High Subscription Campaign Ends school extend their thanks to Mr. Recently Reorganized J. W. Buchman for the books which he has so very kindly donat- GREENSBURG P.-T. A. "Katy" Diebold Takes In- ed. Through this gift, the library dividual Honors Purchases Bass Horn For has been greatly improved. I am FEATURES MOVIE sure the books will be appreciated The transcontinental race of the School by both the classes of today and A free movie, "The Century of Pro- Pioneers got off to a flying start on the future and we will derive much gress," is to be given at the next Friday the 28th. Everybody in the A new bass horn has been purchas - use from them. Mr. Buchman Home and School League meeting on high school was on a team and work- ed for the school through a new or- presented the school with Taylor's Thursday evening, Oct. 11. There ganization called the Parents' Club. ed hard. to get the most subscriptions "History of Germany," Grayson's will be music with the movie and for his team. The goal was 450 sub- This horn is to be used for the bet- "Friendship," Dr. Hopkins' "Prac- everyone is cordially invited to at- scriptions, but only 325 were sold. terment of the orchestra and perhaps tical Lessons In Science," Black- tend. There were seven teams and the later as a part of a band. At the mer's "Elements of Sociology," A reception. was held for the teach- pupils were divided up among them. meeting held Monday, Oct. 1, the Blake's "Horrors of Indian Wars," ers at the last meeting. A welcome The leaders of the teams and the members of the club listening to Mr. and 14 large volumes on American address was given by Mrs. Hibbs, fol- number of subscriptions each sold Silverstein give the needs of the bass Law and Procedure. lowed by an introduction of the were: Team No. 1, Russell Bolin, cap- horn, decided en purchasing one cost- ing $125. —The Editor. teachers by Mr. Kuder. The speaker tain, 35 subscriptions; Team No. 2, of the evening was Mr. Coffeen, who Luella Corbin, 21 subscriptions; Team The Parents Club was organized spoke on the subject of -":School Or- No. 3, Nola Blankenship, 34 subscrip- last spring in order to create more ORCHESTRA AND ganization." After this, music was tions; Team No. 4, Katherine Die- interest in instrumental music for the furnished by the school orchestra. bold, 65 subscriptions; Team No. 5, school. Plans are also being made CHORUS ORGANIZES After the meeting, free ice cream was Mary Burgocn, 54 subscriptions; Team to raise money for further enlarge- served. No. 6, Harold Foltz, 70 subscriptions; During the past week the school ment of the orchestra. It is the wish At the business meeting, the league Team No. 7, Inge Goring, 48 sub- of the club to encourage the organ- orchestra, under the direction of Mr. purchased pupil's Reading Circle scriptions. ization of a band soon. It is expect- Silverstein, has been organized. The books for the grade school and high At the beginning of the last day, ed that at least eight or ten pupils orchestra consists of 20 members school. A motion was made to buy Friday, Oct. 5, it seemed that the try out to play the bass horn, and from both grade and high school. flags for the grade building. A com- contest was between Teams Nos. 5 the person showing best progress in Mr. Silverstein's brother, mittee was appointed to arrange pro- and 6, piloted by Mary Burgoon and lessons will be the one to play it. who has consented to help with the orchestra, grams for. the coming year. This Harold Foltz, respectively„ but as the Last spring temporary officers were is also going to give private lessons committee consists of Mr. Will, Mrs. time became. shorter, Team No. 4, elected, and at the meeting last Mon- to those who desire them. A special Hibbs, Mrs. Gigger, Mrs. Oberlin and with Pilot Katherine, passed both day night the same officers were re- test is being required for those who Mrs. Woodford. This committee met leading teams. At the last minute elected. The officers are as follows: wish to enter the orchestra. and planned the programs for the other subscriptions were turned in to Mrs. J. K. Oberlin, president; Mrs. The fee this year is the same as coming year. The programs are as Team No. 6, putting it in the lead L. A.. Hartong, secretary and treas- follows: just as the contest closed. urer. that of last year, and. is for the pltr- pose of purchasing music and cover- November,--Program given by the Each member - of the winning team —H. F. ing other expenses. high school. will be awarded two free tickets to the December—Christmas program by Hallowe'en party to be held in The high school chorus has' also the Greensburg High school audi- GREEN TWP. HAS been organized and is under the di- first, second, third and fourth grades. January—Lecture. torium.. LESS STUDENTS rection of Miss Taylor and consists Katherine Diebold, the individual of 60 members. The plans for the February—Program by fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. winner, had 24 subscriptions. She will The enrollment of Green township chorus are yet incomplete, but it has be awarded 10 free tickets to the same been said that an operetta or a pa- March—Parents responsible for. the schools this year totals 752. Last year program. party as a reward for her good work. the township had 765 pupils. This is geant is to be presented sometime Everybody worked very hard and during the year. The cafeteria is to be opened. Oct. a slight decrease over last year's. In 15, to serve hot lunches for the school showed real school spirit. the high school the junior and fresh- —E. H. pupils and teachers. The price of man classes are both smaller than lunches will be the same as last year, last year. However the senior class EAST LIBERTY Prof. Kuder: "Have I told this joke which is: Hot dish, 5c; sandwiches, has the largest enrollment in its his- 3c; milk, 3c; coffee, 2c. SCHOOL NEWS tory.. in class before?" The total The enrollment for the grades price of a lunch is 11c. at Greensburg is: Class ( in chorus) : "Yes." The total enrollment of the East Prof. A new cupboard is being built in 1st--38 5th—46 Kuder: "Good! This will make the cafeteria in which is to be kept Liberty school this year 246 pupils. 2nd—50 6th—42 the second time. The third time you The enrollment for each room is as 3rd—49 - 7th—53 will probably understand it!" (Continuer) on Page Four) follows: Mrs. West, Grade 1, 39 4th—48 8th—41 pupils; Mrs, Swigart, Grades 2 and 3, Total—369 41 pupils; Miss Beese, Grades 3 and 4, 42; Mrs. Foglesong, Grades 4 and The seventh grade in Greensburg 5, 45; Miss Barber, Grades 6 and '7, has the largest class in the grade New Teachers--New Subjects 41; Mr. Morgan, Grades 7 and 8, 38. school, with the second. grade follow- Mr. Morgan reports that there are ing closely. The total enrollment for a number of cases of illness such as the grade schools, both Greensburg Greensburgh High school and Grade Mr. Kleckner. our new coach, is a colds and sore throats. Hilda Rinin- and East Liberty is 506. school wish to extend their welcome graduate of our own 'Greensburg High ger is under quarantine because of The high school is proud. of having to a number of new teachers. From school in the class of '30, of which scarlet fever. five more members this year. The the high school they are: Miss Corson, he was salutatorian. He won a. schol- The school sends its thanks to the boys outnumber the girls this year Senior home room; Miss Bogart, arship to Capital university in Co- school 'board and the P.-T. A. for the 74 to 72. The enrollment for the high Sophomore home room, and Mr. lumbus, O., from which he graduated screens which they purchased for the school is as follows: Kleckner, Freshman home room. From in June, 1934. During his last three building. Freshmen 43 the grade school they are: Miss Arm- years he was on the varsity football The last P.-T. A. meeting was held strong, sixth grade, and Miss Martin, squad. During his junior year he Sept. 14. The P.-T. A. is purchasing (Continued on page four) fourth grade. was given honorable mention as guard Reading 'Circle books for the school. Miss Corson, a resident of Hope- on the "All-.Conference" team. He They decided to serve hot lunches ASSEMBLY PROGRAM well, O., is a graduate of Ohio State was treasurer of the Varsity "C" as- beginning Oct. 1, by the request of university. She was formerly a sociation for one year and also sec- pupils and parents. The program INITIATES FRESHMEN teacher at York High school in Me- retary for one year and treasurer for which followed the business meeting dina county. While in college she two years of the Pioneer Boarding consisted of music and three girls The first assembly program for this was a member of Theta Upsilon club. He teaches biology, algebra, from Akron who furnished several year was held in honor of the fresh- sorority, Y.
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