GS Cleantech Corp. V. Adkins Energy LLC, No 10 C 4391 (N.D

GS Cleantech Corp. V. Adkins Energy LLC, No 10 C 4391 (N.D

Corrected Brief – Fed. Cir. R. 25 Appendix Attached – Fed.Case: Cir. 16-2231 R. 30 Document: 155-1 Page: 1 Filed: 11/12/2019 Nos. 16-2231, 17-1832, 17-1838 IN THE United States Court of Appeals FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT d(Nos. 16-2231, 17-1838) GS CLEANTECH CORPORATION, Plaintiff-Appellant, —v.— ADKINS ENERGY LLC, Defendant-Cross-Appellant. ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS JUDGE LARRY J. MCKINNEY 1:10-CV-04391 (Caption continued on inside cover) BRIEF FOR DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES JOHN M. WEYRAUCH MICHAEL BUCHANAN PETER R. FORREST JOSEPH RICHIE DICKE, BILLIG & CZAJA, PLLC PATTERSON BELKNAP WEBB & TYLER LLP Fifth Street Towers, Suite 2250 1133 Avenue of the Americas 100 South Fifth Street New York, New York 10036 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (212) 336-2000 (612) 767-2511 Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc., as ICM, Inc., David Vander Griend, Flottweg successor-in-interest to GEA Westfalia Separation Technology, Inc., Cardinal Separator, Inc. pursuant to the notice of Ethanol, LLC, Big River Resources West merger filed on 4/28/2011, and Burlington, LLC, Big River Resources Ace Ethanol, LLC Galva, LLC, Lincolnland Agri-Energy, LLC, Little Sioux Corn Processors, LLLP, Guardian Energy, LLC, Western New York Energy, LLC, Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy, LLC, and Pacific Ethanol Magic Valley, LLC (Counsel continued on inside cover) Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 2 Filed: 11/12/2019 (No. 17-1832) GS CLEANTECH CORPORATION, GREENSHIFT CORPORATION, Plaintiffs-Appellants, CANTOR COLBURN LLP, Interested Party, —v.— BIG RIVER RESOURCES GALVA, LLC, BIG RIVER RESOURCES WEST BURLINGTON, LLC, LINCOLNLAND AGRI-ENERGY, LLC, IROQUOIS BIO-ENERGY COMPANY, LLC, CARDINAL ETHANOL, LLC, LINCOLNWAY ENERGY, LLC, ICM, INC., BUSHMILLS ETHANOL, INC., AL- CORN CLEAN FUEL, CHIPPEWA VALLEY ETHANOL COMPANY, LLP, HEARTLAND CORN PRODUCTS, GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT US, INC., as successor-in-interest to GEA Westfalia Separator, Inc. pursuant to the notice of merger filed on 4/28/2011, ACE ETHANOL, LLC, BLUE FLINT ETHANOL, LLC, UNITED WISCONSIN GRAIN PRODUCERS, LLC, FLOTTWEG SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY, INC., ADKINS ENERGY LLC, AEMETIS, INC., AEMETIS ADVANCED FUELS KEYES, INC., LITTLE SIOUX CORN PROCESSORS, LLLP, GUARDIAN ENERGY, LLC, WESTERN NEW YORK ENERGY, LLC, SOUTHWEST IOWA RENEWABLE ENERGY, LLC, PACIFIC ETHANOL MAGIC VALLEY LLC, PACIFIC ETHANOL STOCKTON, HOMELAND ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC, PACIFIC ETHANOL, INC., DAVID J. VANDER GRIEND, Defendants-Appellees. ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA JUDGE LARRY J. MCKINNEY 1:10-CV-00180, 1:10-CV-08000, 1:10-CV-08001, 1:10-CV-08002, 1:10-CV-08003, 1:10-CV-08004, 1:10-CV-08005, 1:10-CV-08006, 1:10-CV-08007, 1:10-CV-08008, 1:10-CV-08009, 1:10-CV-08010, 1:10-CV-08011, 1:10-ML-02181, 1:13-CV-08012, 1:13-CV-08013, 1:13-CV-08014, 1:13-CV-08015, 1:13-CV-08016, 1:13-CV-08017, 1:13-CV-08018, 1:14-CV-08019, 1:14-CV-08020 CAMILLE L. URBAN J. DONALD BEST MICHAEL A. DEE JOHN C. SCHELLER BROWN WINICK GRAVES GROSS KENNETH M. ALBRIDGE, III BASKERVILLE & SCHOENEBAUM, P.L.C. MICHAEL BEST & FRIEDRICH LLP 666 Grand Avenue, Suite 2000 One South Pinckney Street, Suite 700 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (515) 242-2400 (608) 257-3501 Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees Aemetis, Inc., Homeland Energy Solutions Bushmills Ethanol, Inc., Chippewa Valley LLC, Pacific Ethanol, Inc., and Pacific Ethanol Company LLLP, Heartland Corn Ethanol Stockton, LLC Products, LLC, and United Wisconsin Grain Producers, LLC Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 3 Filed: 11/12/2019 MARC A. AL RUTH RIVARD STOEL RIVES LLP STINSON LEONARD STREET LLP 33 South Sixth Street, Suite 4200 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2600 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 373-8801 (612) 335-1500 Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee Al-Corn Clean Fuel, LLC Blue Flint Ethanol LLC SPIRO BEREVESKOS GLENN JOHNSON DANIEL J. LUEDERS NYEMASTER, GOODE, WEST, HANSELL LISA A. HIDAY & O’BRIEN, PC WOODARD, EMHARDT, MORIARTY, MCNETT 625 First Street, SE, Suite 400 & HENRY LLP Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 111 Monument Circle, Suite 3700 (319) 286-7000 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee (317) 634-3456 Lincolnway Energy, LLC Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee Iroquois Bio-Energy Company, LLC Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 4 Filed: 11/12/2019 ,583)KXZOLOIGZKUL/TZKXKYZ,UXS 8K\ ;4/:+*9:':+9)5;8:5,'66+'29,58:.+,+*+8'2)/8);/: %LJ 5LYHU 5HVRXUFHV *DOYD //& \*6 &OHDQ7HFK &RUS )GYK4U )+8:/,/)':+5,/4:+8+9: )U[TYKRLUXZNK VKZOZOUTKX GVVKRRGTZ XKYVUTJKTZ GVVKRRKK GSOI[Y TGSKULVGXZ_ IKXZOLOKYZNKLURRU]OTM [YKy4UTKz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ase: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 5 Filed: 11/12/2019 GS Cleantech Corp. v. Adkins Energy LLC, No 10 C 4391 (N.D. Ill.) Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 6 Filed: 11/12/2019 $WWDFKPHQW $ *($ 1RUWK $PHULFD ,QF LV WKH GLUHFW SDUHQW FRUSRUDWLRQ RI *($ 0HFKDQLFDO (TXLSPHQW 86 ,QF DQG RZQV RU PRUH RI LWV VWRFN *($ *URXS $NWLHQJHVHOOVFKDIW D FRPSDQ\ SXEOLFO\ WUDGHG RQ WKH *HUPDQ 6WRFN ([FKDQJH LV DQ LQGLUHFW SDUHQW FRUSRUDWLRQ RI *($ 0HFKDQLFDO (TXLSPHQW 86 ,QF !! ^ Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 7 Filed: 11/12/2019 FORM 9. Certificate of Interest Form 9 Rev. 10/17 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT GS CleanTech Corporation v. Big River Resources Galva 16-2231 / 17-1832 Case No. CERTIFICATE OF INTEREST Counsel for the: (petitioner) (appellant) (respondent) (appellee) (amicus) (name of party) Al-Corn Clean Fuel, LLC certifies the following (use “None” if applicable; use extra sheets if necessary): 2. Name of Real Party in interest 3. Parent corporations and 1. Full Name of Party (Please only include any real party publicly held companies Represented by me in interest NOT identified in that own 10% or more of Question 3) represented by me is: stock in the party Al-Corn Clean Fuel, LLC Al-Corn Clean Fuel, LLC None 4. The names of all law firms and the partners or associates that appeared for the party or amicus now represented by me in the trial court or agency or are expected to appear in this court (and who have not or will not enter an appearance in this case) are: Jonathan C. Miesen and John J. Brogan (former Stoel Rives LLP partner and associate no longer with the Firm) Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 8 Filed: 11/12/2019 FORM 9. Certificate of Interest Form 9 Rev. 10/17 5. The title and number of any case known to counsel to be pending in this or any other court or agency that will directly affect or be directly affected by this court’s decision in the pending appeal. See Fed. Cir. R. 47. 4(a)(5) and 47.5(b). (The parties should attach continuation pages as necessary). GS Cleantech Corp. v. Adkins Energy LLC, No. 16-2231 (Fed. Cir.) GS Cleantech Corp. v. Adkins Energy LLC, No. 17-1838 (Fed. Cir.) GS Cleantech Corp. v. Adkins Energy LLC, Case No. 10 C 4391 (N.D. Ill.) /s/ Marc A. Al Date Signature of counsel Please Note: All questions must be answered Marc A. Al Printed name of counsel cc: Reset Fields Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 9 Filed: 11/12/2019 Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 10 Filed: 11/12/2019 Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 11 Filed: 11/12/2019 Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 12 Filed: 11/12/2019 Case: 16-2231 Document: 155-1 Page: 13 Filed: 11/12/2019 .462!)$!+>GIA?A<;I>!E?!0DI>G>HI!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!.EGC!)! !!!!6>J$!'&%'(! 9308-,!78*8-7!+4968!4.!*55-*17!.46!8/-!.-,-6*1!+06+908! ! GS CLEANTECH CORPORATION BIG RIVER RESOURCES GALVA ! ! ! ! ! ! !J$!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0;L?!3H%!!17-1832 ! ! ! ! +-680.0+*8-!4.!038-6-78! ! 0HNGL?E!@HK!MB?-! 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