University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-26-1918 Carrizozo News, 04-26-1918 J.A. Haley Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/carrizozo_news Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 04-26-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/carrizozo_news/205 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER -- -- DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF LINCOLN ICOUNTY, NEW MEXICO COUNTY, VOLUME ! CARRI'.OZO. LINCOLN NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, APKML 2(, V)S NUMBER 17 Buy 000 surgical ncclllcs. 1 3 I lC3S3S3S3C3S3e3C3C3 TOUR ONE FIFTY DOLLAR BOND WILL: Provide trench knives for a rifle company MAY DECIDE Buy 23 hand grenades Buy I I rifle grenades Buy 37 cases for surgicnl In- strument. Don't ever get it in your Buy 10 cases of surgical in- 'head that YOUIt dollar isn't struments for offlcera' needed. Them may be a dUjw- - belts. iHilion to consider that each fel-do- Ruidoso Residents bond purchase Is lost in Protest Railroad the bit: general shuiric, that he UsIiik their River cannot see the immediate mil practical strength of his indi- lileneoe, N. Mi April U. l'MK vidual ull'ort. This Idea In all Whereas, the undersigned iiti-nen- s (if Rio Kuidoso ami Hrnde wronif. Each dollar does Its the specific duty ami does It now, valleys, in Lincoln county, New when every energy Is needed Mexico, U. S. A , have dwelt to- to stem tills tide that is bond- gether in amity fur ninny years, ing civilization double. enjoying the use of Hit' waters of Every dollar novy, Ik worth s.iiil stream system for irrigation two presently townrd Btopping of our orchards ami crops, as well ,the war. as for domestic use and watering Wouldn't it be a satisfaction stock, during which time we have to yon, as a Ameri- received the protection of the can, to know that you had (bought the shell that had blown United .States courts and the up a submarine or your rille court) of the State of fteW Mex- - in the sniper's hands, had , in unison with the constitu- (Picked otT a Prussian officer? tion of the United States mid the ICnnnot you imagine the grati-jflcntlo- n treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo you would feel it that under which tliis territory en.ereil was your shell that had blown n (lermnn trench into kingdom the United States; ami Whereas, 'come? The oflicc of the Secretary of Your bond will feed your son, the Interior has seen fit to isMie ior some other patriotic Amer- an order superceding said state ican's son, for one whole year, and national laws and nullifying ,over there in shell-tor- n France 'OU MEN, AND WOMEN, AND CHILDREN You and Belgium. same, for the purpose of allowing A 7 Americans of the the El I'aso and South western self-sainte- self-style- Close and strict countryside - You, who love peace You, on whom a d, d ds now the watchword among Railroad company to divert the 1 agent of Heaven has laid an interdict against use You, the Allied armios in Europe, waters of said Rio Kuuloso for the of the sea-s- for and It must likewise be the slo- their own use, anil to the great whom the war was first hard to understand because no armed forces pillaged governs In gan that us at home hurt and damage of furnishing tho inews that the actual the United States and made the night shies red with hurihg farmsteads You, whom the settlers of said stream; ,makcs progress at the froijt rattlers of Potsdam" proposed to make their slaves to provide 'possible. Now, therefore, be it resolved "sabre sustetmcc for the Here are some of the vitally That the undersigned citizens and housings of Ihtar hellish hordes Uncle Sam is appealing to you at n moment of. oppor- nocossary things your money water-user- s of said stream system tunity when the fiendish assaults of our foes have been checked and the striking point will buy: tlo hereby protest such diversion for victory has come. ' ' FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOI,-LAIt- S of water, and the order of the WORTH OF LIBERTY Honorable Secretary of the (BONDS WILL: therefor, of the neicssity He does not seek a donation or a gift from you. He wants to borrow Buy a motor your money, ambulance for the order at this time, we 0 Buy a live passenger motor and and in return he offers the very peak. of security Liberty Bonds first mortgages on ask for a suspension of the car for a machine-gu- n bat- order talion. for such diversion of said water the resources of the most resourceful country of the world. until a public hearing ol TWELVE HUNDRED DOL- the fact LARS WORTH OF L1HERTY in the case be had, to the end that The moment is a critical one; never has the world been so sorely threatened with BONDS WILL: justice may be done, with due re- such a danger. Germany appears not yet defeated, is to Provide horses to draw a gun gard to our vested interests, and and our duty remove every In nn ammunition train. avoid the devastation of the Kui-dos- doubt, making her defeat decisive. We must defeat her, for unless we win this war the valley, until Hie can nation-in-servitud- ONE ONE THOUSAND matter world is lost, and our history as a e begins. We must withhold noth- DOLLAR BOND WILL: he adjusted according to law and ing from the support of the war; we must bring forth food in abundance, Buy an X-r- apparatus out- the best interests of the nation multiplying fit and the parties ut interest. And our own labor to that end. We must give into the Treasury of the United States every Buy six casos of operating we ask that said hearing he had instrumunts n base hos- cent we am simre, and our limit of what we can spare must be based upon bow much for here on the ground, as an order pital. value requiring our attendance away we Liberty. EIGHT ONE HUNDRED from home ut expense would be DOLLAR BONDS WILL: confiscatory. A of ciimiraign- - a Furnish four to just burden this summer's substantial portion of this Third mules draw Signed, James V. Tnllv, secre- - an ambulance. Liberty Loan Is up to you. As you inscribe your name upon an application" tarj); George :ind Frank l oe, L. 'J ONE FIVE HUNDRED DOL- L. Keys, H. J. Pa) ton. J M. and f blank for Liberty Howls, yours is the unieen hand that writes upon the wall before our LAR BOND WILL: I, S. Cox, Brown-illg- . John Hell. Toil unumius. "The United States hits never hceti defeated -- AND SHALL NOT BE Supply bicycles for the head- Stanley Pepper, W. II. Rose, quarters company of an lit!,, ... .. ... IfA U13MSATED NOW." Infantry regiment. win ami ito) loc, u. Mtglilnwer, Leo and I'rospcroGotisnles, K A. FOUR ONE HUNDRED Sauclics, L. P. Gonsales, H. P. DOLLAR BONDS WILL: Clarke. Roman llaragon, D. N. Buy an y outfit, Bunnell, PWipc Domes. Calistio THREE ONE HUNDRED Sedillo tut Feagiuio Flores. DOLLAR BONDS WILL: Clothe a soldier and feed hint Washington, April 17, PUS. for one year in France Hon. V. Vliese Thoughts Patriotically Offered' by Uuy n motorcycle for a Jas. Tully, company. CarrUoio, N . M . Am transmitting your telegram TWO ONE HUNDRED 1)0 Secretary BONDS WILL: to Interior with state- Buy a cavalry horse ment that he should give full op Buy an ammunition mule portunity for hearing water users BUy a horse for the captain before allowing railroad to enter! of a machino-gi- m company Indian reserve for diversion In Buy a mul to draw a water Kuldoso, Am T waters writing! cart. u..,..i.;.,o ..ir..,. i i Ihinnin.i nuinv viikki ,, Mil till i will- ONE ONE HUNDRED ing you fully, enclosing copies all T'" !D0kLAR BOND AND ONE letters FIFTY DOLLAR BOND WILL: A. B. FALL. Clothe and equip an Infantry Exchange soldier for service overseas. Bank Joint B. Baird, cattle inspector, Feed a soldier for a year. returned tills week from a trip to ONE ON E HUNDRED the Magdaleua country, where he Carrizozo, New Mexico DOLLAR BOND WILL: had gone on a tour of investiga- Clothe a soldier tion for the Panhandle associa- Feed a soldier for eight tion. He reports range condi- months tions there similar to those exist- Provide five rifles ing here, and says, like our Provide 30 rifle grenades ranges will IVovido 45 hand grenades have to be made toother localities Provido 25 pounds of ether or the losses will be enormous. 3 0 ' Mux lifLhoi wattr. few. TUB OAHUIZOZO NEWS. 99 Our Boys "Over Thero" Need "OVER THE TOP Every Assistance. Subscriptions to Liberty Loan, Invest, ment In Thrift Stamps, Contrlbu By An American Arthur Guy Empey tlons of Clothing, Conservation of Peed Neceasary to Win, .e: Machine Gunner, Serving in France (Dy QCLETT DURdESS of the Vigil, Following CepjrtcM IUTi ey ArtbOT 0 U..f antes and tha Prophet Isaiah.) Ves, I, too, snw them, many I saw, the sun with wo wero nlntiR, IniiRhlng, nn4 Indoors nml out, ut the thenter nnd tnurchliiR nt singing ono of Tommy's trench ditties: the rink, knitting, oh no.
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