ESO Staff Publications (2019) Peer-reviewed publications by ESO scientists The ESO Library maintains the ESO Telescope Bibliography (telbib) and is responsible for providing paper-based statistics. Publications in refereed journals based on ESO data (2019) can be retrieved through telbib: ESO data papers 2019. Access to the database for the years 1996 to present as well as an overview of publication statistics are available via http://telbib.eso.org and from the "Basic ESO Publication Statistics" document. Papers that use data from non-ESO telescopes or observations obtained with hosted telescopes are not included. The list below includes papers that are (co-)authored by ESO authors, with or without use of ESO data. It is ordered alphabetically by first ESO-affiliated author. Gravity Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., MAGIC Collaboration, Acciari, V.A., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, Berger, J.P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., L.A., Engels, A.A., Baack, D., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P.T., et al. , 2019, A Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J.A., ..., Anderson, J.P., geometric distance measurement to the Galactic center et al. , 2019, Observation of inverse Compton emission black hole with 0.3% uncertainty, A&A, 625, L10 [ADS] from a long γ-ray burst, Nature, 575, 459 [ADS] Gravity Collaboration, Lacour, S., Nowak, M., Wang, J., Melandri, A., Malesani, D.B., Izzo, L., Japelj, J., Vergani, Pfuhl, O., Eisenhauer, F., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., S.D., Schady, P., Sagués Carracedo, A., de Ugarte Anugu, N., Benisty, M., et al. , 2019, First direct Postigo, A., Anderson, J.P., Barbarino, C., et al. , detection of an exoplanet by optical interferometry. 2019, GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp: a GRB-SN at z = Astrometry and K-band spectroscopy of HR 8799 e, 0.33, MNRAS, 490, 5366 [ADS] A&A, 623, L11 [ADS] Meza, N., Prieto, J.L., Clocchiatti, A., Galbany, L., Agliozzo, C., Mehner, A., Phillips, N.M., Leto, P., Groh, Anderson, J.P., Falco, E., Kochanek, C.S., J.H., Noriega-Crespo, A., Buemi, C., Cavallaro, F., Kuncarayakti, H., Sánchez, S.F., Brimacombe, J., et al. , Cerrigone, L., Ingallinera, A., et al. , 2019, A massive 2019, The extraplanar type II supernova ASASSN-14jb nebula around the luminous blue variable star RMC 143 in the nearby edge-on galaxy ESO 467-G051, A&A, revealed by ALMA, A&A, 626, A126 [ADS] 629, A57 [ADS] Ingallinera, A., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Norris, R., Franzen, Pessi, P.J., Folatelli, G., Anderson, J.P., Bersten, M., T.M.O., Cavallaro, F., Leto, P., Buemi, C., Schillirò, F., Burns, C., Contreras, C., Davis, S., Englert, B., Hamuy, Bufano, F., ...& Agliozzo, C., 2019, Study of the M., Hsiao, E.Y., et al. , 2019, Comparison of the optical galactic radio sources in the SCORPIO survey resolved light curves of hydrogen-rich and hydrogen-poor type II by ATCA at 2.1 GHz, MNRAS, 490, 5063 [ADS] supernovae, MNRAS, 488, 4239 [ADS] Agnello, A. & Spiniello, C., 2019, Quasar lenses in the Schady, P., Eldridge, J.J., Anderson, J., Chen, T.W., south: searches over the DES public footprint, MNRAS, Galbany, L., Kuncarayakti, H. & Xiao, L., 2019, The 50- 489, 2525 [ADS] 100 pc scale parent stellar populations of Type II Birrer, S., Treu, T., Rusu, C.E., Bonvin, V., Fassnacht, C.D., supernovae and limitations of single star evolution Chan, J.H.H., Agnello, A., Shajib, A.J., Chen, G.C.F., models, MNRAS, 490, 4515 [ADS] Auger, M., et al. , 2019, H0LiCOW - IX. Cosmographic Anderson, R.I., 2019, Probing Polaris' puzzling radial analysis of the doubly imaged quasar SDSS 1206+4332 velocity signals. Pulsational (in-)stability, orbital motion, and a new measurement of the Hubble constant, and bisector variations, A&A, 623, A146 [ADS] MNRAS, 484, 4726 [ADS] Anderson, R.I., 2019, Towards a 1% measurement of the Laporte, C.F.P., Agnello, A. & Navarro, J.F., 2019, Hubble constant: accounting for time dilation in variable- Reconciling mass estimates of ultradiffuse galaxies, star light curves, A&A, 631, A165 [ADS] MNRAS, 484, 245 [ADS] Gaia Collaboration, Eyer, L., Rimoldini, L., Audard, M., Shajib, A.J., Birrer, S., Treu, T., Auger, M.W., Agnello, A., Anderson, R.I., Nienartowicz, K., Glass, F., Marchal, Anguita, T., Buckley-Geer, E.J., Chan, J.H.H., Collett, O., Grenon, M., Mowlavi, N., et al. , 2019, Gaia Data T.E., Courbin, F., et al. , 2019, Is every strong lens Release 2. Variable stars in the colour-absolute model unhappy in its own way? Uniform modelling of a magnitude diagram, A&A, 623, A110 [ADS] sample of 13 quadruply+ imaged quasars, MNRAS, Wallerstein, G., Anderson, R.I., Farrell, E.M., Guinan, E., 483, 5649 [ADS] Albright, M., Lacy, B., Davis, C.E., Ritchey, A., Eyer, L. & Anderson, J.P., 2019, A meta-analysis of core-collapse Mowlavi, N., 2019, The Behavior of the Paschen and supernova 56Ni masses, A&A, 628, A7 [ADS] Calcium Triplet Lines in Cepheid Variables II: The 16-day Davis, S., Hsiao, E.Y., Ashall, C., Hoeflich, P., Phillips, M.M., Variable X Cygni, PASP, 131, 094203 [ADS] Marion, G.H., Kirshner, R.P., Morrell, N., Sand, D.J., Boselli, A., Fossati, M., Longobardi, A., Consolandi, G., Burns, C., ..., Anderson, J.P., et al. , 2019, Carnegie Amram, P., Sun, M., Andreani, P., Boquien, M., Braine, Supernova Project-II: Near-infrared Spectroscopic J., Combes, F., et al. , 2019, A Virgo Environmental Diversity of Type II Supernovae, ApJ, 887, 4 [ADS] Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE). V. Hsiao, E.Y., Phillips, M.M., Marion, G.H., Kirshner, R.P., Properties of the ionised gas filament of M 87, A&A, Morrell, N., Sand, D.J., Burns, C.R., Contreras, C., 623, A52 [ADS] Hoeflich, P., Stritzinger, M.D., ..., Anderson, J.P., et al. Cheng, T., Clements, D.L., Greenslade, J., Cairns, J., , 2019, Carnegie Supernova Project-II: The Near- Andreani, P., Bremer, M., Conversi, L., Cooray, A., infrared Spectroscopy Program, PASP, 131, 014002 Dannerbauer, H., De Zotti, G., et al. , 2019, SCUBA-2 [ADS] observations of candidate starbursting protoclusters selected by Planck and Herschel-SPIRE, MNRAS, 490, Sequence in M15: New Insight into the Core-collapse 3840 [ADS] Process, ApJ, 876, 87 [ADS] Vio, R., Andreani, P., Biggs, A. & Hayatsu, N., 2019, The Biazzo, K., Beccari, G., De Marchi, G. & Panagia, N., 2019, correct estimate of the probability of false detection of Photometric Determination of the Mass Accretion Rates the matched filter in weak-signal detection problems. III. of Pre-main-sequence Stars. VI. The Case of LH 95 in Peak distribution method versus the Gumbel distribution the Large Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 875, 51 [ADS] method, A&A, 627, A103 [ADS] Ferraro, F.R., Lanzoni, B., Dalessandro, E., Cadelano, M., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Obreja, A., Prochaska, J.X., Hennawi, Raso, S., Mucciarelli, A., Beccari, G. & Pallanca, C., J.F., Rahmani, H., Bañados, E., Farina, E.P., Cai, Z. & 2019, Size diversity of old Large Magellanic Cloud Man, A., 2019, Discovery of intergalactic bridges clusters as determined by internal dynamical evolution, connecting two faint z ̃ 3 quasars, A&A, 631, A18 [ADS] NatAs, 3, 1149 [ADS] Arrigoni Battaia, F., Hennawi, J.F., Prochaska, J.X., Lanzoni, B., Ferraro, F.R., Dalessandro, E., Cadelano, M., Oñorbe, J., Farina, E.P., Cantalupo, S. & Lusso, E., Pallanca, C., Raso, S., Mucciarelli, A., Beccari, G. & 2019, QSO MUSEUM I: a sample of 61 extended Ly α- Focardi, P., 2019, Star-density Profiles of Six Old Star emission nebulae surrounding z ̃ 3 quasars, MNRAS, Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 887, 176 482, 3162 [ADS] [ADS] Li, Q., Cai, Z., Prochaska, J.X., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Ivison, Aguado, D.S., Ahumada, R., Almeida, A., Anderson, S.F., R.J., Falgarone, E., Cantalupo, S., Matuszewski, M., Andrews, B.H., Anguiano, B., Aquino Ortíz, E., Aragón- Neill, J.D., Wang, R., et al. , 2019, Discovery of a Lyα- Salamanca, A., Argudo-Fernández, M., Aubert, M., ..., emitting Dark Cloud within the z ∼ 2.8 SMM J02399- Belfiore, F., et al. , 2019, The Fifteenth Data Release of 0136 System, ApJ, 875, 130 [ADS] the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA- Lusso, E., Fumagalli, M., Fossati, M., Mackenzie, R., Bielby, derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar R.M., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Cantalupo, S., Cooke, R., Library, ApJS, 240, 23 [ADS] Cristiani, S., Dayal, P., et al. , 2019, The MUSE Ultra Belfiore, F., Vincenzo, F., Maiolino, R. & Matteucci, F., Deep Field (MUDF) - I. Discovery of a group of Lyα 2019, From `bathtub' galaxy evolution models to nebulae associated with a bright z ≈ 3.23 quasar pair, metallicity gradients, MNRAS, 487, 456 [ADS] MNRAS, 485, L62 [ADS] Belfiore, F., Westfall, K.B., Schaefer, A., Cappellari, M., Ji, Rickards Vaught, R.J., Rubin, K.H.R., Arrigoni Battaia, F., X., Bershady, M.A., Tremonti, C., Law, D.R., Yan, R., Prochaska, J.X. & Hennawi, J.F., 2019, A VLT/FORS2 Bundy, K., et al. , 2019, The Data Analysis Pipeline for Narrowband Imaging Search for Mg II Emission around the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU Galaxy Survey: Emission-line z ∼ 0.7 Galaxies, ApJ, 879, 7 [ADS] Modeling, AJ, 158, 160 [ADS] Stach, S.M., DudzevičiÅ«tÄ--, D.-,.U., Smail, I., Swinbank, Kumari, N., Maiolino, R., Belfiore, F. & Curti, M., 2019, A.M., Geach, J.E., Simpson, J.M., An, F.X., Almaini, O., Metallicity calibrations for diffuse ionized gas and low- Arumugam, V., Blain, A.W., et al. , 2019, An ALMA ionization emission regions, MNRAS, 485, 367 [ADS] survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey Lin, L., Pan, H.-A., Ellison, S.L., Belfiore, F., Shi, Y., UKIDSS/UDS field: source catalogue and properties, Sánchez, S.F., Hsieh, B.-C., Rowlands, K., Ramya, S., MNRAS, 487, 4648 [ADS] Thorp, M.D., et al.
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