Table of Contents Reflections by Florabelle (Williams) Wilson ’49 . Page 4 CampusNews. ............Page 6 From the President’s Desk .......Page 9 “Questions Past, Questions Future” ....Page 10 by Robert McBride ’48 AlumniDay1976. ..........Page 15 MaryStreets. .............Page 18 Deaths ................Page 19 Indiana Central and the American Revolution Bicentennial by Dwight L. Smith ’40 Page 20 ICU Alumni Personals .........Page 22 Recent ICU Alumni Births .......Page 27 Recent ICU Alumni Marriages .....Page 29 Vote For All-Time Greyhound Gridiron Squad ......Page 30 I I On the cover: Work continues on the Krannert Memorial Library scheduled for completion in the summer of 1977. 2 SUMMER 1976 Alumni News Vol. 27 No. 4 Terry A. Taylor '73, Editor ALUMNI BOARD OFFICERS 'resident 'Mary Kav Anthony '65, Greenwood rice President 'Effie B. Brown '54, indianapolis mretary-Treasuror 'Donna S. Mullen '70, Indianapolis 'as1 Prmsident Lloyd E. Hiatt '40, indianapolis ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS ten ending 1977': William Kiesel '63, Indianapolis Mary W. Merryman '30, Indianapolis Donna 5. Mullen '70, Indianapolis William Rider '47, Lombard. I1 Henry Taylor '59, lndionopolis ten ending 1978: 'Larry J. Barrett '67, Indianapolis Ann C. Breh '48, Chicago, I1 Merrill D. Hoban '47, Kokamo Karen C. Koenlg '73, indianapolis James C. Shaw '64, Indianapolis tern ending 1979: Coral M. Gorsman '60, Greenwood Robert Hannl '50, Monticello Cheryl C. Larron '71, Indianapolis Cleo F. Moore '64, Indianapolis Maurice W. Nickels '69, Indianapolis 'erm ending 1980: 'Larry Axel '68, Lafayette Louise D. Bailey '50: Indianapolis Calvin Brandentyo 61, Columbus Robert Jewel1 56: Indianapolis Richard Sanderrs 65, Bargersville ALUMNI BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS la 19778 Clayton Kinkade '50, lndlanapolir la 1977, Geraldine McBride '57, lndionapolls lo1978: Gene Laurch '60. Indianapolis lo 1979: Sherman Cravens '42, Evanstan. I1 lo 1979: William Kiesel '63, Indianapolis 'Executive Committee Dr. He.nry Matinez '51 and Eloise (Hardison) Banks '47 (both above) received Distinguished Alumni Awards at Alumni Day on May 15. Also receiving lamer 1. Brunnemer '66 the award was Seaborn W. Hillis '57. For a related story on Alumni Day Director of Alumni Relations 1976, turn to page 15. lerry A. Tavlor '73 4ssistant Director of Publications Photography: Indiana Central News Bureau Member, Council for Advoncement and Support ol Education Published in October, January, March and July bv lndlano Central Universttv 1400 East Hanna Avenue Indlanapalir, Indiana 46227 Second class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana. Printed in U.S.A. 3 Reflections Books to Bulldozers by Florabelle Williams Wilson ’49 “Unforgettable, wasn’t it?” “Bet you’ll never forget this day!” “How’d you like driving that big bulldozer?” “That’s an experience that you’ll never forget!” Echoes of remarks like these whirled about my mind today as I placed my fancy red and grey hard hat carefully on the file cabinet and hurried to clean the freshly turned earth from my shoes. I had just returned to the library office following the ground-breaking ceremony for the KRANNERT MEMORIAL LIBRARY, March 23, 1976, and my mind was awash with memories of sitting behind the controls of a huge, yellow bulldozer (No. 103 ) , feeling the behemoth respond to my lightest touch. They were right, of course, it was an experience that I’ll never forget, but it was just one link in the chain of many unforgettable experiences and memories which I have shared at Indiana Central. I have prog- ressed from books to bulldozers. I stepped off the city bus at the corner of Hanna and Otterbein on a cold, January day in 1946, and saw Indiana Central for the first time. I approached the white pillars of Academic Hall, nor knowing how much my life would be changed by entering the tall wooden doors which led to the lobby and the information window, A friendly smile, an interview and within a few days I transferred from the downtown campus of Indiana Unversity to Indiana Central College. At last I was enrolled in a real college, one that looked like a college, with dormitories and a gym and a library. Most of the commuting students rode the city bus which we boarded on Monument Circle for the meandering ride past Manual High School, past Sacred Heart, through narrow tree-lined streets to the portion of the city known as University Heights. Troy Avenue was the ‘dividing line’ between city and country to my eyes, for Shelby Street was bordered with farms and open fields with only a few neat white frame houses in sight from the windows of the bus. Roehl’s Drugstore, which was located on the southeast corner of Hanna and Shelby, marked the northern edge of University Heights and served as the gathering place for those of us who walked down for an ice cream cone or a soda while waiting for the bus to ‘round Lawrence Avenue and begin its sputtering trek back to town. The student body was small and soon we came to know each other well. What a joyful celebration we shared when we learned that Indiana Central had been accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Secon- dary Schools in 1947. I formed lasting friendships with many of the persons I met at Indiana Central and shared several escapades with them. I still remember with glee the morning members of the Religious Life Committee, fired by their zeal to gather for Early Morning Prayer, removed the pins from the hinges of the locked Chapel Doors on the second floor of Academic Hall so that those of us gathered there could enter. (The pins were replaced, I think). As commuters participating in campus activities, my Little Sster, Mary Merritt, and I shared another memorable (continued on page 17) 4 The following alumni no longer have a current address on Office, Indiana Central University, 1400 E. Hanna Avenue, fie with the ICU Alumni Office. If you know the correct Indianapolis, IN 46227. Thank you. address for anyone listed below please send it to: Alumni Richard C. Allen ‘72 Charlotte Moms Ford ‘71 Verne A. Overton, Jr. William G. Alleyn ‘64 Wayne P. Girdley ‘62 Gary L. Palmer ‘65 Myra Anderson ‘39 Helen Bean Goodall‘37 Kurt M. Peters ‘66 James S. Ashcraft ‘62 Don T. Hancock ‘32 Karl M. Pipes ‘38 Verna Hardeman Banks ‘50 Yvonne L. Hanson ‘71 Nancy Price ‘72 Edward D. Barrow ‘34 Bertha Smith Harpe ‘56 Berdine Rudicel Proctor ‘53 Paul P. Bateman ‘52 Harry J. Harrison ‘51 T. James Ramsey ‘65 Marylin Hicks Benefiel‘61 Drusilla Burkhead Hartman ‘36 Mary Rose Randall ‘30 Kathryn Brown Bevens ‘32 Mickey R. Hartsock ‘64 John A. Rawlings ‘50 Robert A. Blacketer ‘71 Roseva Hughes Henderson ‘68 Evelyn Killion Reed ‘30 Dorothy B. Bonewitz ‘39 Michael Hines ‘70 Lenora Ruch Roberts ‘48 Robert H. Bonewitz ‘49 Dorothy Jensen Holdren ‘67 David L. Roessler ‘60 David A. Brittenham ‘61 Suzanne 0. Hollingsworth ‘65 John A. Rogers ‘52 Betty J. Broadus ‘66 Walter H. Hollingsworth ‘69 Shirley A. Roscoe ‘75 Stephen F. Brown ‘74 Howard T. Horn ‘27 Debra A. Rugh 73 Evelyn P. Bryant ‘66 Ruth Carson Huffman ‘66 Frances Russell ‘72 Charles R. Bugbee ‘52 Bettijo Johnson ‘67 Ronald L. Scott ‘64 Phyllis Weaver Burch ‘40 Joyce M. Johnson ‘70 Clifford J. Seyfried ‘74 Betty Burton ‘68 Sara Johnson Jones ‘38 Marilyn Broglin Shull‘67 Elizabeth Scherer Calhoon ‘35 Mary F. Julian ‘37 Zora Lee Simmons ‘44 Paul F. Campbell ‘33 Han Mu Kang ‘62 Daisy M. Smith ‘29 Douglass S. Carl ‘69 Robert G. Kelsay ‘52 Harry E. Smith ‘52 Woodie A. Carpenter ‘62 Ruth A. Keno ‘57 Nancy Kaye Smith ‘75 F. Richard Carter ‘58 Susan Berterman Kett ‘69 James M. Snead ‘54 Dellis 0. Chiddister ‘32 Perry W. Kincaid ‘72 Gary M. Stainbrook ‘71 Vernon W. Christianson ‘37 Charlotte Koning ‘57 Jay Ann Carson Stuckey ‘73 Jerome Clark ‘66 Raymond I. Kposowa ‘74 G. Eugene Talbott ‘45 Mayree Nash Clark ‘66 Kenneth Kraft ‘43 Ruth Bell Talbott ‘45 Hester Hogatt Collins ‘35 Sandra Stiles Lagoni 73 Betty Ann Thomburg ‘49 Nancy D. Copp ‘66 Herman F. Lane ‘30 Donald Tolin ‘66 Robert J. Curtis ‘61 Stephanie J. fiddle 74 Charles W. Townsend ‘62 Doris Birch Dailey ‘61 Donald R. Lindsey ‘69 Dennis P. Ukele ‘69 Linda Davidson 71 Helen Solomon Lindsey ‘39 Grace Maze Vaughn ‘52 James F. Davis ‘62 Lorraine R. Litterski ‘75 Florence VanEtten Warren ‘24 Larry E. Day ‘68 Margaret Madigan Long ‘49 Julie Zerkel Werbe ‘72 Rebecca Young Day ‘64 Verna MacCornack ‘69 Paul E. Whitsett ‘58 Robert D. Dellinger ‘65 Leigh F. Major ‘67 Margie Oldham Williams ‘74 Arthur Detherage, Jr. ‘59 Bernice Meyer ‘36 Mildred Williams ‘36 Thelma Woodburn Devine ‘24 Marilyn L. Miller ‘60 James F. Winton ‘60 June Bateman Eaton ‘37 Moms B. Moore ‘61 Willard Wirtz ‘67 Ralph W. Eaton ‘38 Rebecca Moms ‘67 Entil D. Witsman ‘50 Shirley M. Eckroth ‘60 Carol Richards Olszewski ‘69 John W. Woodard ‘70 Cliftinia Ewing ‘57 Freda Umbreit Oltman ‘57 Clark A. Wright ‘65 Robert Farmar ‘61 Julia G. Oribello ‘68 Lula Zimmerman ‘45 Onofre G. Fonceca ‘63 5 Former ICU Dean Speaks 396 Get Degrees at Commencement Dr. Robert E. McBride, vice-president of academic Right Reverend Emerson Paul Haynes, Second Episcopal affairs at Albright College, was the 1976 commencement Bishop of southwest Florida; Dale E. Robinson, superin- speaker for Indiana Central University. He told 396 grad- tendent of the McCurdy Schools in New Mexico, and uates, “The one commodity your generation will be in Robert E. McBride. most desperate need of, is not more gas, more electricity, Bishop Haynes, a graduate of Indiana Central, was more copper, more platinum, but simply virtue-and the speaker for the Baccalaureate service held earlier in virtue is not something which your degree automatically the day.
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