22 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ESTATE NOTICE OF MONROE COUNTY, Estate of Benjamin DeLuca , late of Cresco, Barrett PENNSYLVANIA Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. NO. 4997-CV-19 Letters of Administration in the above named estate CIVIL ACTION - LAW having been granted to the undersigned, all persons TBF FINANCIAL, LLC indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi- Plaintiff ate payment, and those having claims are directed to vs. present the same without delay to the undersigned or FUNTASTIC GAME ZONE, LLC and her attorney within four (4) months from the date LYNETTE DRAYTON and hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Com- KEITH DRAYTON mon Pleas of Monroe County, Orphan’s Court Divi- Defendants sion, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by NOTICE OF ACTION an affidavit setting forth an address within the county IN LAW where notice may be given to claimant. To: FUNTASTIC GAME ZONE, LLC Adrienne DeLuca, Executrix LYNETTE DRAYTON 105 Naomi Lane, KEITH DRAYTON Cresco, PA 18326 You are hereby notified that Plaintiff filed a Com- MICHELLE F. FARLEY, ESQ. plaint in Civil Action against you on July 1, 2019 P.O. Box 222 wherein Plaintiff seeks to be awarded damages for Cresco, PA 18326 breach of contract. PR - Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21 If you wish to defend, you must enter a written ap- PUBLIC NOTICE pearance personally by or attorney and file your de- ESTATE NOTICE fenses or objections in writing with the court. You are ESTATE OF BONNITA J. STRUNK a/k/a BONNITA warned that if you fail to do so, the case may proceed JEAN STRUNK, a/k/a BONNITA STRUNK late of without you and a judgment may be entered against Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, de- you without further notice for the relief requested by ceased. the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other Letters of Testamentary in the above-named Estate rights important to you. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAW- indebted to the Estate are requested to make imme- YER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER, GO diate payment, and those having claims are directed TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BE- to present the same, without delay, to the under- LOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFOR- signed, or to her attorney within four (4) months from MATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. the date hereof, and to file with the Clerk of the Court IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Forty-Third Ju- THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH dicial District, Orphans’ Court Division, a particular INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER statement of claim, duly verified by affidavit, setting LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A RE- forth an address within the County where notice may DUCED FEE OR NO FEE. be given to claimant. Monroe County Bar Association Wendi S. Freeman, Executrix Find a Lawyer Program c/o 913 Main Street Daniel P. Lyons, Esquire Stroudsburg, PA 18360 11 North Eighth Street 570-424-7288 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Amato and Keating, P.C. PR - Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21 By: Daniel Wechsler, Esquire Atty ID # 203922 PUBLIC NOTICE Attorneys for Plaintiff ESTATE NOTICE 107 North Commerce Way Estate of Burnham Dick , late of Cresco, Barrett Bethlehem, PA 18017 Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. 610-866-0400 Letters of Administration in the above named estate PR - Feb. 7 having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi- PUBLIC NOTICE ate payment, and those having claims are directed to ESTATE NOTICE present the same without delay to the undersigned or ESTATE OF Anthony Joseph Calandrino Jr., late her attorney within four (4) months from the date of Jackson Township, PA (died December 19, 2017). hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Com- Letters of Administration of the Estate having been mon Pleas of Monroe County, Orphan’s Court Divi- granted to Cecilia Calandrino. All persons knowing sion, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by themselves to be indebted to said Estate will make an affidavit setting forth an address within the county payment immediately, and those having claims will where notice may be given to claimant. present them for settlement to Cecilia Calandrino Cindy Ashby-Wallace, Executrix or to 39 Derwent Drive Tullio DeLuca Hayes, London England UB4DR Attorney for the Estate MICHELLE F. FARLEY, ESQ. 381 N. Ninth Street P.O. Box 222 Scranton, PA 18504 Cresco, PA 18326 PR - Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21 PR - Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME WINDING UP PROCEEDINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Richard Pacitti of Notice is hereby given that Moose Crossing, Inc. , Monroe County, Pennsylvania has filed with the De- a Pennsylvania Corporation with its registered office partment of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- located at 321 Rt. 940, Blakeslee, Pennsylvania vania, Harrisburg, PA as of Dec. 13, 2019, an applica- 18610, is voluntarily dissolving and is in the process tion for a certificate to do business under the as- of winding up its affairs. sumed or fictitious name of UPB Clothing , said busi- MOOSE CROSSING, INC. ness to be carried on at 218 Escoll Drive, East Mary K. Gearhart, Secretary Stroudsburg, PA 18301. P - Feb. 7 PR - Feb. 7 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 23 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Carolyn O. Dente , late of Canadensis, Estate of George F. Campbell a/k/a George Barrett Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Campbell , deceased Letters of Administration in the above named estate Late of Eldred Township, Monroe County having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Letters in the above named estate having been indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi- granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to ate payment, and those having claims are directed to the estate are requested to make immediate pay- present the same without delay to the undersigned or ment, and those having claims are directed to present his attorney within four (4) months from the date here- the same without delay to the undersigned or their at- of and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common torney within four months from the date hereof and to Pleas of Monroe County, Orphan’s Court Division, a file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of particular statement of claim, duly verified by an affi- the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans’ Court Divi- davit setting forth an address within the county where sion, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by notice may be given to claimant. an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County Thomas Dente, Executor where notice may be given to Claimant. 519 Big Oak Road Kimberly Anne Hoffman and Christine Houlihan, Canadensis, PA 18325 Co-Executrices MICHELLE F. FARLEY, ESQ. c/o P.O. Box 222 Timothy B. Fisher II, Esquire Cresco, PA 18326 FISHER & FISHER LAW OFFICES PR - Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21 P.O. Box 396 PUBLIC NOTICE Gouldsboro, PA 18424 ESTATE NOTICE PR - Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb. 14 Estate of Darolyn Peterson, late of Barrett Town- PUBLIC NOTICE ship, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, deceased. ESTATE NOTICE Letters of Administration in the above-named estate Estate of GEORGE O. DIEHL, a/k/a GEORGE having been granted to the undersigned, all persons OSCAR DIEHL, a/k/a GEORGE DIEHL indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi- Late of the Township of Eldred, Monroe County, ate payment, and those having claims are directed to Pennsylvania present the same without delay to the undersigned or Letters Testamentary in the above estate have been her attorney within four months from the date hereof granted to the undersigned, who request all persons and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common having claims or demands against the estate of the Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans’ decedent to make known the same, and all persons Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly indebted to the decedent to make payment, without verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address within delay to: the County where notice may be given to Claimant. David W. Diehl Roxanne Peterson, 196 Spruce Street Administratrix Lehighton, PA 18235 7658 Hemlock Lane Cresco, PA 18326 Harry L. Diehl Elizabeth Bensinger Weekes, Esq. P.O. Box 1289 Bensinger & Weekes, LLC Albrightsville, PA 18210 529 Sarah Street or to their Attorney: Stroudsburg, PA 18360 THOMAS S. NANOVIC, ESQUIRE PR - Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb. 14 NANOVIC LAW OFFICES PUBLIC NOTICE 57 Broadway, P.O. Box 359 ESTATE NOTICE Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-0359 Estate of Frank Stang, a/k/a Frank A. Stang, PR - Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21 a/k/a Frank Anthony Stang , Late of Township of PUBLIC NOTICE Middle Smithfield, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, de- ESTATE NOTICE ceased. Estate of GLENN RYERSON a/k/a GLENN ALAN Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate RYERSON, DECEASED, late of 196 WELLINGTON having been granted to the undersigned, all persons ROAD, STROUDSBURG, PA 18360, (Died DECEMBER indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi- 9, 2019). ate payment, and those having claims are directed to Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on present the same without delay to the undersigned or the above estate have been granted to KATHLEEN her attorney within four (4) months from the date MARION BALLANTINE, Executrix.
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