June 2018, Vol. 15 No. 1 OriginalOriginal Article Article Original Article Original Article TheThe Behaviour Behavioural-alBased-Based Safety Safety System System for for Commuting Commuting Accident Accident in in The Behavioural-Based Safety System for Commuting Accident in SyarikatSyarikatThe Behaviour Bekalan Bekalan Airal Air-Based Selangor Selangor Safety Sdn. Sdn. Bhd.System Bhd. (SYABAS (SYABASfor Commuting) ) Accident in Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (SYABAS) Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (SYABAS) MohamadMohamad Mahathir Mahathir bin binMohamed Mohamed Younos Younosa. a. a Mohamad Mahathir bin Mohamed Younos . Mohamad Mahathir bin Mohamed Younosa. aRazakaRazak School School of Engineering of Engineering & Advance & Advance Technology, Technology, University University Technology Technology Malaysia, Malaysia, City CityCampus Campus Kuala Kuala Lumpur Lumpur aRazak School of Engineering & Advance Technology, University Technology Malaysia, City Campus Kuala Lumpur [email protected]@gmail.comaRazak School of Engineering & Advance Technology, University Technology Malaysia, City Campus Kuala Lumpur [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACTABSTRACT: Motorcycle: Motorcycle accidents accidents are arecommon common among among employees employees whose whose working working nature nature is mostly is mostly outdoors. outdoors. According According to theto thestatistics,ABSTRACT statistics, the thefrequency: Motorcycle frequency of motorcycle ofaccidents motorcycle are accidents common accidents increases among increases employees every every year. whose year. In Syarikat workingIn Syarikat Bekalannature Bekalan is Airmostly AirSelangor outdoors.Selangor (SYABAS), According(SYABAS), a a ABSTRACT: Motorcycle accidents are common among employees whose working nature is mostly outdoors. According substantialsubstantialto the number statistics, number of themotorcycle of frequencymotorcycle accidents of accidentsmotorcycle occurred occurred accidents between between increases the theyear every year 2009 year. 2009 and In and 2013.Syarikat 2013. The Bekalan The increased increased Air Selangornumber number of (SYABAS), accidents of accidents a to the statistics, the frequency of motorcycle accidents increases every year. In Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), a servesserves substantialas aas wake a wake- upnumber -callup call toof motorcyclethe to thecompany company accidents to come to come occurred up withup with betweena behavioural a behavioural the year-based 2009-based safetyand safety2013. system systemThe forincreased forcommuting commuting number accident. of accident. accidents The The substantial number of motorcycle accidents occurred between the year 2009 and 2013. The increased number of accidents objectivobjectivservese ofe this ofas thisapaper wake paper -isup to callis look to to look intothe intocompany the theeffectiveness effectiveness to come upof withbehavioural of behavioural a behavioural-based-based- basedsystem system safety in a in systemcompany. a company. for commutingA total A total of oneaccident.of onehundred hundred The serves as a wake-up call to the company to come up with a behavioural-based safety system for commuting accident. The andand thirtyobjectiv thirty (130) (130)e ofrespondents this respondents paper participatedis to participated look into in the the in effectiveness thedata data-collection-collection of behavioural session session for-based thisfor thisstudy. system study. From in Froma thiscompany. thisdata data- collection,A total-collection, of one along hundredalong with with objective of this paper is to look into the effectiveness of behavioural-based system in a company. A total of one hundred accidentaccidentand data thirty data from (130) from the respondents thecompany, company, a participated number a number of criteriain of the criteria data that- collectionthat contributes contributes session to commuting tofor commuting this study. accidents Fromaccidents this in the datain thecompany-collection, company is obtained.along is obtained. with and thirty (130) respondents participated in the data-collection session for this study. From this data-collection, along with At theAt theaccidentend endof this ofdata thisstudy, from study, the company,thebehavioural behavioural a number-based-based ofsafety criteria safety system thatsystem contributesis applied, is applied, tothus commuting thus showing showing accidents how how its inimplementationits the implementation company is assists obtained. assists in in accident data from the company, a number of criteria that contributes to commuting accidents in the company is obtained. curbingcurbingAt the the theissue end issue of commuti thisof commuti study,ng theaccidentsng behaviouralaccidents in the in-based thecompany. company. safety system is applied, thus showing how its implementation assists in At curbingthe end theof issuethis study, of commuti the behaviouralng accidents- basedin the company.safety system is applied, thus showing how its implementation assists in curbing the issue of commuting accidents in the company. KeywordsKeywords - Accident - Accident Data Data, Behavioural, Behavioural-Based-Based Safety Safety System, System, Commuting Commuting Accident, Accident, Motorcycle Motorcycle Accident, Accident, Number Number of of MotorcycleMotorcycle Keywords - Accident Data, Behavioural-Based Safety System, Commuting Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Number of KeywordsMotorcycle - Accident Data, Behavioural-Based Safety System, Commuting Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Number of Motorcycle All rights All rights reserved. reserved. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. 1.0 1. INTRODUCTION0 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION SYABASSYABAS1.0 INTRODUCTION was was established established in 8 in Jul 8 yJul 1996y 1996 under under the theMalaysian Malaysian Comp Companiesanies Act, Act, 1965 1965 to undertake to undertake the theprivatization privatization of water of water in thein thestateSYABAS state service service was supply established supply Selangor Selangor in 8 andJul y andWilayah 1996 Wilayah under Persekutuan thePersekutuan Malaysian Kuala Kuala Comp Lumpur Lumpuranies and Act,th and Putrajaya. 1965 Putrajaya. to undertake The The company companythe privatization was was granted granted of forwater afor a SYABASSyarikat Bekalan was established Air Selangor in 8 JulSdn.y 1996Bhd. under(SYABAS) the Malaysian was established Companies on 8 Act, July 1965 1996 to under undertake the Malaysian the privatization Companies of water Act, periodperiod inof the thirtyof state thirty (30) service (30) years supplyyears from Selangorfrom the thedate and date of Wilayah Januaryof January Persekutuan 1, 20051, 2005 to Kuala taketo takeLumpur over over the and thedut Putrajaya. iesdut iesand and Thefunctions functions company of Selangorwasof Selangor granted Water for Water a 1965in the to state undertake service the supply privatization Selangor of and water Wilayah in the Persekutuan state service Kuala supply Lumpur Selangor and and Putrajaya. Wilayah ThePersekutuan company Kuala was grantedLumpur for and a GovernanceGovernanceperiod Corporation of Corporationthirty (30) Berhad years Berhad (PUAS)from (PUAS) the in date the in thefieldof Januaryfield of waterof 1,water 2005supply supply to and take anddistribution over distribution the dut ofies waterof andwater to functions consumers to consumers of Selangorin the in theState WaterState of of Putrajaya.period of Thethirty company (30) years was fromgranted the for date a period of January of thirty 1, (30)2005 years to take from over the datethe ofdut Januaryies and 1,functions 2005 to takeof Selangor over the Waterduties SelangorSelangorGovernance and andthe thefederal Corporation federal territories territories Berhad of Kuala (PUAS)of Kuala Lumpur in Lumpurthe field and andofPutrajaya water Putrajaya supply involving involving and distributionmore more than than 7.3of water 7.3million million to consumersresidents residents andin the andindustrial State industrial of andGovernance functions Corporation of Selangor BerhadWater Governance (PUAS) in Corporationthe field of waterBerhad supply (PUAS) and in distribution the field of of water water supply to consumers and distribution in the Stateof water of and andcommercialSelangor commercial andusers theusers through federal through 1territories.5 21 .5million2 million of accounts.Kuala accounts. Lumpur and Putrajaya involving more than 7.3 million residents and industrial toSelangor consumersand commercial and inthe the federal users State through ofterritories Selangor 1.52 of millionand Kuala the accounts. federalLumpur territories and Putrajaya of Kuala involving Lumpur more and Putrajaya than 7.3 millioninvolving residents more than and 7.3 industrial million residentsand commercialIn SYABAS,In and SYABAS, industrial users the through theandcompany companycommercial 1.5’s2 millionmain’s mainusers revenue accounts. revenuethrough derives 1.52derives millionfrom from the accounts. theutili utilisation sation of waterof water by byconsumers consumers in thein thestate state of of SelangorSelangor and andFederalIn FederalSYABAS, Territories. Territories. the company A large A large’s number main number revenueof mofeter m deriveseter reader reader froms ares aretheemp emputililoyedsloyedation to readtoof readwater water water by consumption consumers consumption inmeter the meter sstate ats the atof the In SYABAS, the company’s main revenue
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