Naturopathic Books on Philosophy, Principles & Theories as of May 28th, 2017 Author Year Title Type (Book, ISBN Cateogory: Region Language Source Published Chapter, History, Journal, Philosophy, Presentatio Theory, n, Research) Therapies Allen, Colene 2009 Handbook of Naturology Suggestions: Book 978-1449511524 Philosophy, English https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/14 Beginning One's Natural Healing Journey Theory 4951152X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=n Natural Alternative Guidelines dhealthfacts- American Naturopathic 1944 Naturopath and Herald of Health. Journal Philosophy, North America English 20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative= Association Theory Beck, T. 1907 Hippokrates Erkenntnisse Book Philosophy, Europe German https://archive.org/stream/hippokrateser Theory ke00hippgoog#page/n9/mode/2up Bilz, Friedrich Eduard 1888 The Natural Method of Healing, a new and Book 978-1141176946 Theory Europe English https://archive.org/stream/naturalmetho complete guide to health dhe00bilzgoog#page/n28/mode/2up Bilz, Friedrich Eduard 1900 Das neue Naturheilverfahren-2 Bände Book ASIN: B005XVQIKM Theory Europe German https://www.amazon.de/Naturheilverfahr Jubiläumsausgabe en-Gesundheitsführung-Jubiläums- Bingen, v. Hildegard 1992 Causae et Curae Book 978-3701302116 Theory Europe German https://www.amazon.de/Heilkunde- Causae-Curae-Heilung- Bingen, v. Hildegard 1935 Causae et Curae Book Theory Europe Latin https://archive.org/stream/hildegardiscau s00hildgoog#page/n12/mode/2up Bingen, v. Hildegard 2013 De las Causas y Remedios document Theory Europe Spanish http://www.hildegardiana.es/5pdf/causas _y_remedios.pdf Block, M. Daniel 2003 The Revolution of Naturopathic Medicine: Book 978-0973140620 Philosophy, North America English https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/097 Remaining True to Our Philosophy Theory 3140623/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=nd healthfac09- Bodeker G., Burford G., 2005 WHO Global Atlas of Traditional, Chapter 978-9241562867 History, English https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/92420&linkCode=as2&camp=15121&creative Grundy C., and Ong C.K. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Philosophy 1562862/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=nd healthfac09- Boenninghausen, C.v. 1863 Aphorismen des Hippokrates nebst den Book Theory Europe German https://archive.org/stream/dieaphorisme20&linkCode=as2&camp=15121&creative Glossen eines Homöopathen ndes00hipp#page/n7/mode/2up Boice, Judith 2002 Pocket Guide to Naturopathic Medicine Book 978-8173032431 Philosophy English Brauchle, Alfred 1951 Die Geschichte der Naturheilkunde in Book Philosophy, Europe German https://www.amazon.de/Geschichte- Lebensbildern History Naturheilkunde-Lebensbildern-Alfred- Carton, Paul 1996 L’essentiel de la médecine d’Hippocrate Book 81800001 Philosophy Europe French Brauchle/dp/B0000BGS9F/ref=sr_1_1?s=bhttps://books.google.es/books/about/L_e Carton, Paul 1999 Conduite et diagnostic des tempéraments Book 80300007 Theory Europe French http://www.chire.fr/A-127339-diagnostic-ssentiel_de_la_doctrine_d_Hippocrate.ht Chaitow, Leon 2008 Naturopathic Physical Medicine: Theory and Book 978-0443103902 Theory Europe English et-conduite-des-temperaments.aspxhttps://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/044 Practice for Manual Therapists and 3103909/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=nd Naturopaths healthfac09- Cordingley, Ernest 1925 Principles and Practice of Naturopathy Book B0008CBVF8 Philosophy, English http://www.lulu.com/shop/dr-ernest-w-20&linkCode=as2&camp=15121&creative Theory cordingley/the-principles-and-practice-of- Czeranko, Sussanna 2013 Origins of Naturopathic Medicine Book 978-0977143528 History North America English https://www.amazon.com/Origins-naturopathy/paperback/product- Czeranko, Sussanna 2013 Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine Book 978-0977143535 Philosophy North America English https://www.amazon.com/Philosophy-Naturopathic-Medicine-Sussanna- Naturopathic-Medicine-Sussanna- Copyright 2017 1 www.worldnaturopathicfederation.org Dunn, Jon 2010 The Family Guide to Naturopathic Medicine Book 978-0578051451 Theory English https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/057 8051451/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=nd Durville, Henri 1999 La vraie médecine Book 978-2913695405 Philosophy, Europe French healthfac09-https://www.amazon.fr/vraie-médecine- Theory Henri-Durville/dp/291369540X Ebstein, E. 1964 Hippokrates-Grundsätze seiner Book Philosophy, Europe German https://archive.org/stream/hippokratesgr Schhriftensammlung Theory und00hippuoft#page/n3/mode/2up El-Hashemy Shehab, 2007 Textbook of Naturopathic Family Medicine & Book 978-1897025437 Theory North America English https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/18 Skowron Jared, Integrative Primary Care: Standards & 97025432/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=n Sorenson Linda Guidelines dhealthfacts- FENAHMAN 2008 Livre blanc de la Naturopathie (en France) Book 978 2 913492 58 5 Philosophy, Europe French http://www.yvesmichel.org/product-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative= Theory, History page/sante/livre-blanc-de-la- Fuchs, Dr. R. 1900 Hippokrates sämtliche Werke Book Philosophy, Europe German https://archive.org/stream/hippokratessnaturopathie/ Theory mmt02hippgoog#page/n6/mode/2up Galen 2011 Method of Medicine Vol I, Books 1-4 Book 978-0674996526 Philosophy, Europe English https://www.amazon.com/Galen-Method- Theory Medicine-Classical- Galen 2011 Method of Medicine, Books 5-9 Book 978-0674996793 Philosophy, Europe English https://www.amazon.com/Galen-Method-Library/dp/0674996526 Theory Medicine-Classical- Galen Method of Medicine, Volume III: Books 10-14 Book 978-0674996809 Philosophy, Europe English https://www.amazon.com/Galen-Method-Library/dp/0674996798/ref=pd_sim_14_1 Theory Medicine-Classical- Galen 1916 On the Natural Faculties 978-0674990784 Philosophy, Europe English https://www.amazon.com/Galen-Natural-Library/dp/0674996801/ref=pd_sim_14_1 Theory Faculties-Classical- Graham, Sylvester 1839 Lectures on the Science of Human Life Journal 978-1146836319 Theory North America English https://archive.org/stream/lecturesonscieLibrary/dp/0674990781/ref=pd_sbs_14_i Grimes, J. Melanie 2005 Dr. John Bastyr: Philosophy and Practice Book 978-0965955041 Philosophy, English nc00grah#page/n5/mode/2uphttps://www.amazon.com/gp/product/09 Theory 65955044/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=n Hahn, Johann Sigmund 1743 Unterricht von Krafft und Würckung Des Frischen Wassers in die Leiber der Menschen Book urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1- Philosophy, Europe German dhealthfacts-http://digitale.bibliothek.uni- 297717 Persistent Theory halle.de/vd18/content/titleinfo/4304258 Identifier (URN) Hahn, Theodor Hahn's Water Doctor Book Theory English Hippocrates & Galen collection The works of Hippocrates and Galen Book Philosophy Europe English https://archive.org/stream/TheWorksOfHi published ppocratesAndGalen#page/n15/mode/2up 2012 Holtum, Ronald A Thesis on the Philosophy of Naturopathy Book Philosophy, Canada English Theory Hufeland, Christoph 1798 The Art of Prolonging Human Life Book 978-0766167186 Philosophy Europe English https://archive.org/stream/hufelandsartp Wilhelm ro02hufegoog#page/n4/mode/2up Hufeland, Christoph 1852 Enchirdion medicum Book Philosophy, Europe English https://archive.org/stream/61540520R.nl Wilhelm Theory m.nih.gov/61540520R#page/n3/mode/2u Hufeland, Christoph 1844 Enchiridion medicum or the practice of Book Philosophy, Europe English phttps://archive.org/stream/62720890R.nl Wilhelm medicine: the result of fifty years`experience Theory m.nih.gov/62720890R#page/n33/mode/2 up Hufeland, Chrostoph 1830 Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Heilkunde Book Theory Europe German https://archive.org/stream/lehrbuchderall Wilhelm ge00hufe#page/n3/mode/2up or ISBN: Hufeland, C.W. 1799 Pathologie Book Theory Europe German https://archive.org/details/pathologie00h9783776013702 Just, Adolph 1912 Return to Nature Book ASiN: B00089L566 Philosophy Europe English https://archive.org/stream/returntonaturufe Katzoff, Simon Louis 1921 Timely Truths on Human Health Book 978-1295639212 Philosophy North America English https://archive.org/details/timelytruthsonetr00just#page/n7/mode/2up Kieffer, Daniel 2007 Encyclopédie historique de la naturopathie Book 978-2883535299 History Europe French https://www.amazon.fr/Encyclop%C3%A9h00katzgoog die-historique-naturopathie-pionniers- Copyright 2017 2 www.worldnaturopathicfederation.org Kieffer, Daniel 2010 Naturopathie Book 978-2733911280 Philosophy, Europe French https://www.amazon.fr/Naturopathie- Theory Daniel-Kieffer/dp/2733911287 Kirchfeld Friedhelm and 2005 Nature Doctors: Pioneers in Naturopathic Book 978-0977143504 History North America English https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/09 Boyle Wade Medicine 77143503/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=n Kneipp, Sebastian 2002 Meine Wasserkur Book 978-3431029819 Theory Europe German dhealthfacts-https://www.amazon.de/Meine- Kneipp, Sebastian 2015 Thus shalt thou live Book 978-1332284788 Philosophy, Europe English https://www.amazon.com/Thus-Shalt-Wasserkur-Sebastian- Theory Thou-Live-Rational/dp/1332284787 Kneipp, Sebastian 1895 My Will a legacy to the healthy and the sick Book 978-0787305055 Philosophy, Europe English https://archive.org/stream/mywilllegacyt Theory ohe00knei#page/n7/mode/2up Kneipp, Sebastian 1896 Codicil to my will for the healthy and the sick Book 978-1428606586 Theory Europe English https://archive.org/stream/39002086176 451.med.yale.edu#page/n5/mode/2up Kneipp, Sebastian 1896 The Kneipp Cure Book Theory Europe English https://archive.org/details/390020861764 Kneipp, Sebastian 1886 The water Cure Book Theory Europe English https://archive.org/stream/b20417299#p69.med.yale.edu Kneipp, Sebastian 1892 Mi cura
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