YOUTH By David L. Beck Young Men General President The Aaronic Priesthood— Greater Than You Might Think A MESSagE ABOUT DUty TO GOD our years ago I attended a Lord has called you to a wonderful memorial service for my brother work, and He expects you to be a FGary. One of the speakers paid priesthood man. a great tribute to my brother. I have been thinking about it ever since. He The Greatness of the said, “Gary was a priesthood man. Aaronic Priesthood . He understood the priesthood, Just think about the greatness of honored the priesthood, and fully the Aaronic Priesthood that you bear: embraced the priesthood and its • The Lord sent the resurrected principles.” John the Baptist to restore the When my brother died, he was Aaronic Priesthood. When a high priest in the Melchizedek John conferred this priest- Priesthood, and he had enjoyed 50 hood on Joseph Smith and years of priesthood service. Gary was Oliver Cowdery, he called a loving husband and father who had them his “fellow servants” served an honorable full-time mis- (D&C 13:1). President sion, married in the temple, magnified Gordon B. Hinckley his priesthood callings, and served (1910–2008) pointed out diligently as a home teacher. that John “did not place IRI You are an Aaronic Priesthood himself above Joseph and © D holder. Your priesthood service is just Oliver. He put them on beginning. You may not even have his same level when he 50 days of priesthood experience yet. addressed them as ‘my fel- But you can be worthy of the same low servants.’” President tribute Gary received. In fact, you Hinckley went on to say should be worthy of that tribute. The that a 12-year-old deacon PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY CRAIG DIMON PHOTO ILLUSTRATION January 2011 37 sacrament. When you prepare, experienced. Some of these activities bless, or pass the sacrament, you are personal. Others may be adapted represent Jesus Christ (see 3 Nephi for your entire quorum to use in 18:1–12). You help your family Sunday lessons or in activities during members and friends remember the week. Him, renew their covenants, and On page 39 the sample from the qualify for the companionship of book shows how this pattern works. the Holy Spirit. The comments are from young men Such opportunities require the who have already had great experi- As you grow in spiritual strength and work of priesthood men—men who ences with the new book. help others come unto Christ through are spiritually strong and who fulfill your priesthood service, you are truly their priesthood duties. A Priesthood Man a priesthood man. When I think of the phrase New Duty to God Book “priesthood man,” I obviously think Under the direction of our living of my brother Gary. But I also prophets, a resource has been pre- think of others. I think of President pared to help you be a priesthood Thomas S. Monson, who, as a can also be John’s fellow servant. 1 man. Although the resource is new, it deacon, felt that he stood on holy • The Aaronic Priesthood holds the has a familiar name: Duty to God. ground when he helped a disabled key of the ministering of angels (see I am excited about the new Duty man partake of the sacrament. 3 I D&C 13:1). As you live righteously to God book. It can help you obey think of John the Baptist, the great and serve diligently, you can receive the Lord’s command to “learn [your] Aaronic Priesthood holder who pre- the ministering of angels to guide duty” and “act in the office in which pared the way for the Savior’s mortal and strengthen you. Through your [you are] appointed, in all diligence” ministry by teaching, testifying, and administration of the sacrament, (D&C 107:99). administering the sacred ordinance you can help others receive this Using the book as a deacon, of baptism. And I think of you. blessing as well. 2 teacher, and priest, you will participate As you grow in spiritual strength IRI UKE © • The Aaronic Priesthood “holds in activities in two categories: spiritual and help others come unto Christ L the keys of . the gospel of strength and priesthood duties. through your priesthood service, H BY JOHN repentance, and of baptism by you are truly a priesthood man. ◼ P immersion for the remission of A Pattern of Becoming For more information about Duty to HOTOGRA sins” (D&C 13:1). Repentance and Each activity in the Duty to God P God, read the booklet’s introduction baptism join to form the gate that book follows a pattern that will help or visit www.DutytoGod.lds.org. people enter to start on the path to you become the priesthood holder ERSON © 2000; NOTES D eternal life (see 2 Nephi 31:17–18). the Lord wants you to become: First, UN 1. See Gordon B. Hinckley, “The Aaronic B Priesthood—a Gift from God,” Ensign, Acting under the direction of your you learn about a gospel principle TEVE May 1988, 45. S priesthood leaders, you can help or a priesthood duty. Then you act 2. See Dallin H. Oaks, “The Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament,” Liahona, people open this gate. on what you have learned. Finally, Jan. 1999, 44–45; Ensign, Nov. 1998, 37–39. • The Aaronic Priesthood includes you share your thoughts and feelings 3. See Thomas S. Monson, “Do Your Duty— That Is Best,” Liahona and Ensign, Nov. the authority to administer the about what you have learned and 2005, 56. BY PHOTO ILLUSTRATION 38 Liahona YOUTH 1. Learn: This portion of the activity 2. Act: In this portion of the 3. Share: After you have followed guides your efforts to learn about a gospel activity, you follow your plan and write your plan, you have the opportunity to principle or a priesthood duty. It includes your thoughts and feelings about your share your thoughts and feelings with fam- instruction for you to make a plan of your experiences. ily members, quorum members, and others. own based on what you have learned. “As young men in the branch, we “When you share, you want to keep “You get to learn spiritually” about decided that we would set a goal to get talking with others about it because [shar- your priesthood duties before you do together and jog. We really liked planning ing has] helped you to better understand.” them. this together and, as a group, working on Aaronic Priesthood holder in the United States Aaronic Priesthood holder in the United States becoming more physically fit.” “It was good to be able to talk with “I liked the idea of trying to come up Aaronic Priesthood holder in Guatemala my parents.” with things that could really help me as “The book is . like a diary or a jour- Aaronic Priesthood holder in the Philippines an individual.” nal where you can be . self-reflective. “In our quorum meeting we liked Aaronic Priesthood holder in Guatemala It’s a good process to go through.” talking with one another about our goals: “I liked the sections of studying the Aaronic Priesthood holder in the United States what we were doing as individuals and scriptures and praying, and I did these “I have a hard time scheduling my how this was helping us.” things and am still doing them. I am scripture study. The goals I had to Aaronic Priesthood holder in Guatemala preparing to serve a mission.” read the scriptures and pray helped me Aaronic Priesthood holder in the Philippines to make time and stay focused. It really made a difference for me, and I felt the Spirit as I did it.” Aaronic Priesthood holder in the Philippines Act Act Sections from For the Strength of Youth I will study: LIVE WORTHILY Sections from For the Strength of Youth I will study: LIVE WORTHILY Learn Learn ▪▪▪Read the section titled “Repentance” ▪▪▪Read the section titled “Repentance” in For the Strength of Youth, and write inyour For the answers Strength to ofthe Youth, following and write ques- “He who has repented of your answers to the following ques- “Hehis who sins, has the repented same is of tions in a notebook or journal: hisforgiven, sins, the and same I, theis Lord, tions in a notebook or journal: 1. What do you learn about the Specific things I will do to live these standards and help others forgiven,remember and them I, the no Lord, Specific things I will do to live these standards and help others 1. What do you learn about the remembermore” (D&C them 58:42). no Atonement and repentance from do the same: Atonement and repentance from do the same: more” (D&C 58:42). this section? this section? 2. How does repentance help you grow spiritually? 2. How does repentance help you grow spiritually? 3. What is the relationship between repentance, the Atone- 3. Whatment, is andthe relationship personal worthiness? between repentance, the Atone- ment, and personal worthiness? Discuss your answers with your parents or quorum mem- Discussbers. Discuss your answers how repentance with your will parents help youor quorum prepare mem- to enter bers.the temple Discuss and how participate repentance in willsacred help ordinances. you prepare to enter the temple and participate in sacred ordinances.For the Strength of Share ▪▪▪Choose at least three other sections fromFor the Strength of Share ConsiderConsider studying studying ▪▪▪After studying and applying these andand applyingapplying ▪▪▪ChooseYouth that at least will threehelp youother live sections worthily. from Study the standards ▪▪▪After studying and applying these “Dress and Appearance,”Appearance,” Youth that will help you live worthily.
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