ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL COUNCIL SUMMONS: PLANNING COMMITTEE Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council Planning Committee, which Committee Members are summoned to attend, will be held REMOTELY on Wednesday 7th April 2021 at 7.00pm. Michele Exton PARISH CLERK St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council c/o Monitoring Officer, Mendip District Council, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5BT T: 07498 780143 E: [email protected] W: www.stcuthbertout-pc.gov.uk Please note that this meeting will be held remotely Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority meetings) (England) Regulations 2020. The Chairman will begin the formal business of the Council which is open to the public to attend. The meeting will be hosted by Zoom software. To access this meeting, please follow the Meeting Link The Meeting ID is 868-0332-2261 and passcode 638377. During the meeting there is an opportunity for Members of the Public to speak. Please see item 04. Public Question Time for remote attendance details for members of the public who wish to speak. Visit the website to view all supporting papers for the Agenda below. CONFIDENTIAL papers are only sent to elected members and are not available on line. All documents are PDF (or equivalent) and can be downloaded to a suitable device. A G E N D A 01. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND TO CONSIDER THE REASONS GIVEN Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given. LGA 1972 s85(1). Page 1 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 02. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 SI No.1159. (NB this does not preclude any later declarations). 02.01. To receive declarations of interest from Councillors on items on the agenda. 02.02. To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any). 02.03. To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate. 03. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To agree any items to be dealt with after the Public and Press has been excluded from the meeting within the requirements of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act (as amended) 1960. 04. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Members of the Public who would like to speak via Zoom on any item are asked to email [email protected] and register their request. Public speaking time is normally restricted to 15 minutes in total (up to 3 minutes per speaker) at the discretion of the Chairman. The Chairman will call from those who have indicated that they would like to speak. Alternatively, written comments can be emailed and will be represented to the Cabinet. As issues raised in public session may not relate to items on the agenda, no resolution or action can be taken. 05. MINUTES OF ST CUTHBERT OUT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 17th March 2021 To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 17th March 2021 (attached). 06. APPLICATIONS FOR RECOMMENDATION All planning applications can be viewed in detail from www.mendip.gov.uk. Members of the Public are welcome to express their views at the Parish Council Planning Committee as well as direct to Mendip District Council. No. & Detail Type Officer 2021/0532 Conversion of existing garage into annexe for use ancillary to main HSE dwelling. Callam Pearce 14 Milton Lane, Wookey Hole, Wells BA5 1DG To comment on 2021/0532/HSE, please follow this link Page 2 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/0555 Application to vary condition 2 (Drawings) of planning approval VRC 2019/2515/FUL (Conversion and lateration of redundant barns to form one dwelling with ancillary accommodation and garaging). Kelly Knapp Hill Farm, Knapp Hill, Wells BA5 3HT Pritchard To comment on 2021/0555/VRC, please follow this link 2021/0566 Retrospective change of use of the ground floor of Barn B to a medical FUL clinic. Callam Barn B, Cheese Yard, Peace Close Lane, West Horrington, Wells. Pearce To comment on 2021/0566/FUL, please follow this link 2021/0620 Erection of enclosed entrance porch to replace existing storm porch. HSE Jennifer 4 The Court, Long Lane, Dinder, Wells. Alvis To comment on 2021/0620/HSE, please follow this link 07. TO NOTE PLANNING PERMISSION APPROVED The following applications have been considered by Mendip District Council via the Planning Application process. The ‘Dec.’ column refers to the decision by Mendip District Council, which will be either ‘APPROVAL’ (A), ‘REFUSAL’ (R) or if the Application has been ‘WITHDRAWN’ (W). Items marked with an ‘*’, have been determined contrary to Parish Council recommendation, or have conditions attached not stipulated by St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council. Dec. No. & Officer Detail A/R/W 2021/0328 Erection of a car port and storage. HSE Charlotte The Old Rectory, Riverside, Dinder, Wells BA5 3PL Rogers 17/03/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2021/0329 Change of use of garage to holiday let and demolition of secondary FUL garage to facilitate parking. Improvement of access. Kelly The Old Rectory, Riverside, Dinder, Wells BA5 3PL Pritchard 17/03/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with the conditions a) that the upper windows are rooflights rather than dormers and that relevant light diffusing technology is deployed to prevent light upspill, and b) clarification is given regarding the distance between the extension’s reach and the neighbouring roof. 2021/0380 T1 x Sycamore – remove to ground level. T2 – Laurel – remove to TCA ground level. Bo 3 The Court, Long Lane, Dinder, Wells. Walsh 17/03/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL Page 3 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/0397 Repair of brickwork on front elevation LBC Felix Old Mill House, Bishops Park Way to Constitution Hill, Dulcote, Wells. Charteris 17/03/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2021/0370 Erection of dormer window and flat-roofed porch to the front HSE elevation. Jennifer Hillside, Glencot Road, Wookey Hole, Wells. Alvis 17/03/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2021/0484 Conversion of existing outbuilding to form ancillary accommodation FUL to main dwelling. Kelly Gollege, Bristol Hill to Penn Hill, wells BA5 3EJ Pritchard 17/03/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 20/00029 APP/Q3305/W/20/3257000: Application for Outline Planning for REF residential development of up to 148 dwellings including means of APPEAL access with all other matters reserved. Anna Land at 353582 146889 Wookey Hole Road, Wells. Penn To make a representation on this appeal, please do so online at the Planning Inspectorate by 9th March 2021 or by post to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/19A Eagle Wing, temple Quay House, 2 the Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. 24/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council will a) compile a letter detailing concerns over the current appeal application, and b) re-submit it’s former recommendations to object to the development formerly presented as 2019/2883/OTS. 20/00047 APP/Q3305/W/20/3263714 Erection of agricultural machinery sales, REF repairs and distribution centre (sui generis). APPEAL Anna Land at 357893 149950 Roemead Road, Green Ore, Wells. Clark To make a representation on this appeal, please do so online at the Planning Inspectorate by 17th March 2021 or by post to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/19A Eagle Wing, temple Quay House, 2 the Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. 24/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council will compile a document to lodge against the appeal with the Planning Inspectorate. 2021/0256 Works to trees covered by TPO W1, W2 M1138 and TPO G3, W1, G1 TPO M1078. (refer to Tree Works Report.) Bo Park Wood, East Somerset Way, Wells. Walsh 24/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with the condition that each felled tree is replaced with a suitable native tree. Page 4 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/0286 T38-T43 – Ash Trees – Fell. TPO TCA not The Old Rectory and West House, Riverside, Dinder, Wells. required Bo 24/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL on the condition Walsh that a minimum of 8 suitable native trees replace those felled. 2021/0187 Replacement of existing touring caravans for static caravans. R CLP Caravan site, Haybridge Farm, Haybridge Hill, Haybridge, BA5 1AJ 24/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with the condition that the lodges must be for holiday use and tourism and not be available as permanent residences. 2020/2425 Change of use of agricultural to glamping and erection of a FUL ‘Glamping Pod’ for holiday lets / visitor accommodation. Callam The Manor Farm, Woodford Lane, Upper Coxley, Wells BA5 1QS Pearce 03/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with conditions that a) the application is made retrospectively and that b) Drainage methods and techniques are satisfactory to the Land Drainage & Project Engineer requirements. 2020/2613 Application to vary conditions 2 (drawings) and 5 (parking provision), VRC and remove conditions 3 (Landscaping Scheme), 4 (External Materials), 6 (Sewage Disposal Scheme), 7 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme, and 10 (Lighting Design for Bats), of planning approval 2019/1726/FUL (Proposed change of use of existing agricultural building into a 1no. one bedroom residential dwelling and associated works – Appeal Ref APP/Q3305/W/19/3242239.) Lynsey Knapp Hill Farm, Knapp Hill, Wells BA5 3HT. Bradshaw 03/02/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with the condition to improve the lighting scheme to incorporate technology to prevent light spill from roof lights, as well as the current lighting scheme to be wholly sympathetic to the bat population. 2020/2665 Conversion of garage/store to 1 no one bedroom dwelling house.
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