For film information, follow this link: www.imdb.com TITLE FORMAT CALL NUMBER Abraham Lincoln, vampire hunter 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .A27 2012 The Amazing Spider-Man 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .A479 2012 Arthur Christmas 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .A78 2012 Brave 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .B73 2012 Captain America. The Winter Soldier 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .C37 2014 Cars 2 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .C377 2011 Dawn of the planet of the apes 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .D39 2014 Dolphin tale 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .D65 2011 Everest 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .E84 2016 Finding Dory 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .F56 2016 Finding Nemo 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.5 .F56 F56 2012 Frankenweenie 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .F73 2013 Gravity 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .G736 2014 The great Gatsby (with Leonardo DiCaprio) 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .G74 2013 The Green Hornet 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .G74 2011 Happy feet two 3D 3D BLU-RAY PN 1995.9 .C55 H37 2012 The hobbit: an unexpected journey 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .H633 2013 Home 3D BLU-RAY PN 1995.9 .C55 H66 2015 Hoodwinked too!: Hood vs. evil 3D BLU-RAY PN 1995.9 .C55 H66 2011 Hotel Transylvania 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .H68 2013 Hotel Transylvania 2 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .H68 2015 Ice age. Continental drift 3D 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.5 .I24 I2434 2012 John Carter 3D 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .J64 2012 Jurassic Park 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997 .J87 2013 Jurassic world 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997 .J873 J874 2015 The LEGO movie 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .L44 2014 The lion king 3D 3D BLU-RAY NC 1765 .L566 L56 2011 Madagascar 3: Europe's most wanted 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .M3334 2012 Man of steel 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .M433 2013 Mars needs moms 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .M369 2011 Marvel's the Avengers 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .M3787 2012 Men in black 3 3D BLU-RAY PN 1995.9 .C55 M48 2012 Minions 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .M565 2015 Monsters, Inc. 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .M66 2013 The Peanuts movie 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .P4328 2016 Percy Jackson. Sea of monsters 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .P473 2013 Pirates of the Caribbean, on stranger tides 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .P57 P57 2011 Point break 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .P65 2016 Pompeii 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .P66 2014 Prometheus 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997 .P73274 2012 The Smurfs 2 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .S68 2013 Spy kids: all the time in the world 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .S69 2011 Star trek. Into darkness 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .S73 2013 Tron: legacy 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .T76 2011 AV Collection 5/18/2020 1 Abraham Lincoln, vampire hunter 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .A27 2012 Wrath of the Titans 3D 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .W43 2012 Wreck-It Ralph 3D BLU-RAY PN 1995.9 .C55 W74 2013 ParaNorman 3D BLU-RAY & BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .P37 2012 Mission: Impossible. Fallout 4K BLU-RAY PN 1997 .M568 M568 2018 A painted House AB CASSETTE PS 3557 .R5355 P35 2001 American short stories cassette library AB CASSETTE PS 648 .S5 1977 Apollo 13 AB CASSETTE TL 789.8 .U6 A5488 1995 Bailey White AB CASSETTE PN 6162 .W465 1992 Body of evidence AB CASSETTE PS 3553 .O692 B6 2004 The Canterbury tales AB CASSETTE PR 1870 .A1 E27 1996 The cat who sniffed glue AB CASSETTE PS 3552 .R354 C36 1993 Earth in the balance AB CASSETTE GF 41 .G67 1992 Even the stars look lonesome AB CASSETTE PS 3551 .N464 E94 1997 How to deal with difficult people AB CASSETTE HD 6961 .H681 1992 The mammy AB CASSETTE PR 6065 .C36 A56 1999 Mastering Spanish AB CASSETTE PL 4121 .S76 1985 The matarese countdown AB CASSETTE PS 3562 .U26 M3 1997 May it please the court AB CASSETTE KF 4118 .M39 2000 The metamorphosis AB CASSETTE PT 2621 .A26 V42613 1976 On the pulse of morning AB CASSETTE PS 3551 .N646 O5 1993 The one minute manager AB CASSETTE HD 57.7 .B553 1994 Our sacred honor AB CASSETTE E 302.5 .O97 1997 Over the edge AB CASSETTE PS 3561 .E3865 O9 2000 Ozark ghost stories AB CASSETTE GR 108.3 .O93 1992 Ozark tall tales AB CASSETTE GR 110 .M77 O94 1992 The partner AB CASSETTE PS 3557 .R5355 P35 1997 Remember AB CASSETTE PS 3552 .R2147 R45 1991 Runaway jury AB CASSETTE PS 3557 .R5355 R85 1996 Seven up AB CASSETTE PS 3555 .V2126 S47 2001 The shepherd of the hills AB CASSETTE PS 3545 .R45 S5 1990 The sounds of Chaucer's English AB CASSETTE PR 1945 .K60 1967 Spanish: start speaking today! AB CASSETTE PC 4121 .S636 1992 Spencerville AB CASSETTE PS 3554 .E472 S67 1994 Sunset limited AB CASSETTE PS 3552 .U723 S86 1998 The teeth of the tiger (Clancy) AB CASSETTE PS 3553 .L245 T44 2003 The testament AB CASSETTE PS 3557 .R5355 T4 1999 Time management for today AB CASSETTE HD 69 .T5 1974 The undertaker's widow AB CASSETTE PS 3563 .A649 U53 1998 Walt Disney's Brer Rabbit and the tar baby AB CASSETTE PZ 8.1 .B747 1971 (Un)qualified: how God uses broken people to do big things AB CD BV 4598.2 .F87 2016 2nd chance AB CD PS 3566 .A822 A614 2002 A beautiful mind AB CD QA 29 .N25 N37 1999 A body of lies AB CD PS 3560 .O275 B63 2002 A feast for crows AB CD PS 3563 .A7239 F38 2004 A murder, a mystery, and a marriage AB CD PS 1322 .M75 2001 A searching heart AB CD PR 9199.3 .O38 S43 2000 AV Collection 5/18/2020 2 Abraham Lincoln, vampire hunter 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .A27 2012 A song flung up to heaven AB CD PS 3551 .N464 Z476 2002 Acts of malice AB CD PS 3565 .S542 A64 1999 The adventures of Huckleberry Finn AB CD PS 1305 .A1 1992 The Aeneid AB CD PA 6807 .A5 M3813 1992 All in AB CD BV 4509.5 .B385 2013 Allegiant AB CD PZ 7 .R7375 Al 2013 America at war: patriotic radio broadcasts from World War II AB CD D 799 .U6 A4 2001 An hour before daylight AB CD E 873 .C36 2001 The appeal AB CD PS 3557 .R5355 A86 2008 Approval addiction: overcoming your need to please everyone AB CD BV 4598.24 .M49 2005 The Arthur Miller audio collection AB CD PS 3521 .I5156 A6 2002 As you like it AB CD PR 2803 .A2 L27 1996 Babyhood AB CD HQ 774 .R45 1997 Believing God AB CD BV 4501.3 .M653 2004 The best of me AB CD PS 3569 .P363 B477 2011 The blood sugar solution AB CD RM 222.2 .H96 2014 Blue smoke AB CD PS 3568 .O243 B55 2005 The bonesetter's daughter (Tan) AB CD PS 3570 .A48 B6 2001 The book thief AB CD PZ 7 .Z837 Boo 2006 Boundaries with kids: how healthy choices grow healthy children AB CD HQ 770.4 .C55 2014 Brain maker AB CD QR 171 .G29 P47 2015 Breaking dawn AB CD PZ 7 .M57188 Br 2008 C.1 Breaking dawn AB CD PZ 7 .M57188 Br 2008 C.2 Breaking free: discover the victory of total surrender AB CD BT 810.2 .M66 2011 Catching fire AB CD PZ 7 .C6837 Cat 2009 Change your words, change your life: understanding the power of every word you speak AB CD BV 4529.18 .M485 2012 The chase AB CD PS 3555 .V2126 C43 2014 The cherry orchard AB CD PG 3456 .V5 C54 2001 Chestnut Street AB CD PR 6052 .I7728 C47 2014 The chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.4 The chronicles of Narnia: The horse and his boy AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.3 The chronicles of Narnia: The last battle AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.7 The chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.2 The chronicles of Narnia: The magician's Nephew AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.1 The chronicles of Narnia: The silver chair AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.6 The chronicles of Narnia: the voyage of the day trader AB CD PZ 7 .L58474 Ch 2005 V.5 The circle maker: praying circles around your biggest dreams and greatest fears AB CD BV 215 .B379 2013 City of ashes AB CD PZ 7 .C5265 Cga 2008 City of bones AB CD PZ 7 .C5265 Cit 2013 City of fallen angels AB CD PZ 7 .C5265 Cj 2011 City of glass AB CD PZ 7 .C5265 Ckg 2009 City of heavenly fire AB CD PZ 7 .C5265 Ckh 2014 City of lost souls AB CD PZ 7 .C5265 Ckl 2012 Coffey on the mile AB CD PS 3561 .I483 C656 1996 The coldest winter AB CD DS 919 .H35 2007 The collector AB CD PS 3568 .O243 C63 2014 AV Collection 5/18/2020 3 Abraham Lincoln, vampire hunter 3D BLU-RAY PN 1997.2 .A27 2012 Command authority AB CD PS 3553 .L245 C66 2013 The confident mom: guiding your family with God's strength and wisdom AB CD BV 4529.18 .M485 2014 Conspiracy in death AB CD PS 3568 .O243 C657 2002 Crazy love AB CD BV 4501.3 .C434 2008 Crime and punishment AB CD PG 3326 .P713 1994 The crucible AB CD PS 3525 .I5156 C78 1994 Daddy's little girl AB CD PS 3553 .L287 D33 2002 Dark of the moon AB CD PS 3569 .A516 D37 2007 David Copperfield AB CD PR 4558 .A1 2002 Dear John AB CD PS 3569 .P363 D43 2009 Deep midnight AB CD PS 3557 .R198 D44 2013 Dirty genes: a breakthrough program to treat the root cause of illness… AB CD QH 450 .L96 2018 Divergent AB CD PZ 7 .R7375 Di 2013 The divine comedy: Inferno ; Purgatorio ; Paradiso AB CD PQ 4315 .C36 2007 Do androids dream of electric sheep? (Dick) AB CD PS 3554 .I3 D57 2001 Doctor Sleep: a novel AB CD PS 3561 .I483 D65 2013 Dogbert's top secret management handbook (Adams) AB CD HF 5549.12 .A3 1996 Double take AB CD PS 3553 .O843 D68 2007 Dreamsongs.
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