• *• ^ / • MONDAY; APRIL 8, 1968 Average Daily Net Preea Rod lianclj^sSnr Sw nfhs Jf^n ild . For the Week Ended The Weather April 6, I M Foraeaat o f U. & Wsattiaf The Chapnun Joy Circle of The Womens Fellowship of the The Manchester Civic Orches­ Frances Herron OouticH. Pyth­ ilv W e n 13,985 Fair moat of taalgbt, olondy aad North Methodist Church will meet Presbyterian Church will meet to­ tra will rehearse tonight at 7:30 ian Sunshine Girls, wUl meet to­ eool by morulng. Law N to 88. night at 8 at the church. TheRev. in the band room at Manchester night at 6:80 at Memorial HaU. Member of tha Audit >*! J j)0|it Town Wednesday at J p.m. at the R EM O D EL ^ R O S S ET T O Doroan o f OIranlatlon Ooudy aad eooler Wednasday. Higb church. Hosteases will be Mss. and Mrs. Donald C. Chariqs of High School. Main B t A now incMber will be B ^ k Hartford will speak. Refresh­ obUgwted. Batliroonu ramodeled, m o toema, IdWhen i near N. T m lUaebMiUr >»tudenU art Clement Lewis, Mrs. Axel John­ ~ roouM cempletad. ete. ManchoBter-^A City o f VUhtge Charm son and Mrs. Erma Mason. ments will be served. The executive board of the G ted tist BiU of Uw otudent aeiuite at The VFW AuxUlary wlU nomin­ Vmvoratty of ConnecUcut, Womens Fellowship of Second The American Legion will meet ate and elect offtcefa at Its meet­ 'TOL. LXXXn, NO. 161 (Six t e e n pag es) ■ s «. IClM laiaabeth Oartaido, The Womens Christian Temper­ Congregational Church will meet Rep. Paul Groobert of Man- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1963 (Classified Advertising on Pago 14) htor of Mr. and Mra. Irvin W. ance Union will meet tomorrow tomorrow at 8:15 at the Legion tonight at 8 in the church parlor. ing tomorrow et 7:80 pjn. at the PRICE SEVEN CENlla Home. port hmne. otoeeter.baa nottfiod'Fredoriek Q. ROSSETTO 14« W. High St., la at 10:30 a.m. at South Methodist CONSTRUCTION COMPANY at^iomoro aonator, and Gerald Church to sew for patients in vet­ N aulff, president of tha Man- Rev. C. Henry Anderson, pastor Immaculate Conception Mothers Memorial Temple, Pythian Bis­ vnaUach, aon of. Mr. and Mrs. erans hospitals. A potluck wUl Circle will meet Wednesday at 8 cherter Oiamber of Commerfie, be served at noon. There will be a of Emanuel Lutheran Church, will ters, -will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. 58 DELMONT ST^MI 9-0S08 Moward H. Wallaeh, 116 Bretton spealc on "Symbolism” tomorrow p.m. at the home of Mrs. Thomas at Odd Fellowa Hall. Refrertunents tliat he v^ll “do everything in my Rusk Sees State News Jtd.i M junior senator. business meeting at 2 p.m. Host­ Albro, 50 Winter St. esses will be Mrs. Clarence Jay- at 8 p.m. at a meeting of Phebe will be served. power" to work toward paseage BnUdera and General Oontrautova Liberals Lack cox and Mrs. Ellen Starkweather. Circle at Luther Hall. Mrs. Gil­ of the equalised grand list biU for Residential and Industrial Oenatraotlan H m Manchaater Ski Club and The Disabled American Vet­ education. •fanabMter Travel Service will bert Wright will lead devotions. Roger W. Turklngton, son of W orst Over Roundup The Silk City Singers, Manches­ Mrs. Hugo Carlson, Mrs. Ame erans will meet, nominate and and Mrs, William J. Turklngton. Rep. Groobert ropUed to Nas- 0 O.s|>onBor the showing of two elect officers tomorrow at 7:30 sUfs letter from the ohamber ter Qiapter erf SPEBSQSA. will Gustafson and Mrs. Walter Hol­ 28 Bigelow S t, will Intern in medi­ NATO Nuclear Plan M movies tomorrow at 8 p.m. at land will serve as hostesses. p.m. at the American Legion which said the chamber's board of the Anmy Navy Club. “ Swiss on meet tonight at 8 at Bunce School, cine at Duke Hospital, Durham, Clear Margin Home. A dinner’ will be served af­ directora favors the bill, now pend­ In Vietnam ^(^ita," furnished by the Swiss Air Olcott St, Men of Manchester and N.C. A fourth year student at School Site Probe surrounding areas, Interested in Forty-six members and gpiests ter the business meeting. ing in the state Legislature. unes, and "Ski” from Pan Amer- Harvard Medical School, he re­ Rep. Groobert says the other tMw Air Lines, a color and sound four-part harmony barbershop of the Manchester Hammond Or­ ceived a BA, degree In 1959 from style singing, are Invited. Formal gan Society were guests of the "One Hour at the Cross” .will be Manchester representative, Steve TORONTO (AP)— Lester PARIS (A P )— U.S. Secre­ To Start Tonight Him. Admission is free. Children theme of a meeting of the Home Wesleyan University, Middletown. Cava^aro, win also give the bill hivited. voice or music training is not re­ New London Chapter Saturday He is married to Maria Elckhardt B. Pearson’s Liberals re- tary of State Dean Rusk said quired. / night. Wfliiam Dalton, radio, tele­ League of the Salvation Army to­ “his unqualified support” today the United States and morrow at 2 p.m. at Memorial Turklngton. He says, ‘T wish to call to your emerged today as Canada’s H A R T F O ^ (AP) — The vision and recording artist, gave leading political party, but South Viet Nam governments a two-hour recital, Hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Lu­ attention and to the attention of General Assembly tonight Denounced by Reds The Rotary Club will meet to­ Robert Calder, son <rf Mr. and cille Richardspn, Mrs. Ida Ogden the chamber that there appears to just short of a clear majority have made important strides formally opens its investiga­ Mrs. Lyman R. Smith, 87 Welling­ and Mrs. Nina Metcalfe. morrow at 6:30 p.m. at the Man­ The Lucy Spencer Group, Sec­ chester Country Club. A rt>eaker be a movement afoot to delay not in the House of Commons. in their efforts to control tion into the price the state ton Rd., was recently elected only the proposal of the much- president of the United Student ond Congregational Church, will will discuss the budget of the Prime minister John G. Dlefen- Communist subversion in that has agreed to pay for a medi­ LECLERC meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the The executive board of the Jun­ Manchester Board of Education. needed medical and dental school baker, although in effect repudi­ Association at the University of ior Century Club will • meet to­ In our state, but also the passage Southeastern Asian country. cal-dental school site in Farm­ FUNERAL HOME C<wmectlcut. where he is a junior. church. Mrs. George Borst and ated in Monday's election, indi­ Rusk, speaking in a closed ses­ Mrs. Lou’s Tuttle will head a re­ night at 8 at the home of Mrs. Aviation Machinist’s Mate 3.C. of the equalized nand list pro­ cated ho will hold on to the top ington. The investigation, Soviets See He was also recently elected presi­ posal which . is based in part sion of the Southeast Asia Treaty dent of Lambda <^i Alpha fra­ freshment committee. Allan Schubert, 17 Carman Rd. Gary T. McConnell, son of Mrs. teb as long as he can. It appeared initiated by Republicans, will FUNERAL Mrs. Philip H y ^ will be hostess. upon a survey made by the state Organization Ministerial Council, ternity. John E. Lindsey, 51 Breton Rd., is however, that he must eventually said the U.S. government and the be conducted by a four-mem­ St. Bridget’s Rosary Society serving with Fighter Squadron tax department. turn over the prime ministry to SERVICE Fireman Apprentice Gary C. ‘T refer speciflcally to a resolu­ regime of President Ngo Dinh ber, bipartisan subcommittee Arms Race St. Margarets Circle, Daugh­ will sponsor a spaghetti supper 102, currently on temporary duty Pearson. Diem are hopeful that the worst WALTER N. ters of Isabella, will meet tomor­ Wednesday, April 17, at 5:45 p.m. York, U.S. Navy, son of Mrs. Mary aboard the nuclesur-powered attack tion propkwed by Rep. Noyes of With only four seats outstand­ of the legislature’s appropria­ Farmlng:ton requesting an inves­ is over in tlielr fight against Viet IjECZjEiRC row at 8 p.m. at the K of C Home. at St. Bridget’s Church hall. Mrs. York, 51 Seaman Circle, is serving aircraft carrier UBS Ehiterptise ing in the tabulation of results, Cong guerrillas. tions committee. Director Michael Massaro, general cralr- aboard the anti-submarine warfare with the Sixth Fleet in the Medi­ tigation of certain aspects of the the Liberals had 126 seats in the Rep. Richard C. Noyes, R- Broadening aircraft carrier, USS Intrepid, cur­ medical-dental site at Farming- Conference sources said Ru.sk Xi Gamma Chapter, Beta Sigma man, will be assisted by Mrs. John terranean. The squadron left its House o£ Commons, seven less again expressed concern over the Farmington, a member of the sub­ C«ll Ml 9-5869 Phi, will meet tomorrow at 8 p.pi. Boland, co-chairman. Reservations rently participating in warfare home port of Norfolk, Va., in Feb- ton,” says Rep. Groobert. than the 183 that means com­ committee and sponsor of the reso­ training in the Caribbean. The “uary for the seven-month assign­ "Unfortimately, he has seen fit situation in Laos, where neutralist Main Street, Manchester at the home of Mrs. Harold are limited and will close Monday, mand over all opposition parties forces are under heavy pro-Coni- lution upon which the probe is MOSCOW (A P )— The So­ Schuets, 15 Thomas Dr, April 15.
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