122nd Year, Number 282 Eugene, Oregon, Tuesday, August I, J 989 • 25 Cents Militants kill hostage, threaten 2 more Group says tape shows body of Higgins Bush faces worst crisis By NICK WILLIAMS JR. "The American spy washan ged at J p.m (5 a m PDT Los Angeles Times Monday) 10 make him a lesson," a statement passed wflh a a e a e e e a e the videot pe to West rn news g ncy In B irut said "L t of the new presidency NICOSIA. Cyprus - Isl mic militants in B irut said Amenca and Israel shoulder the whole respons1b1hty" Monday that they had hanged Manne Lt Col. W1Jham Hig­ a a e e a e e a a e e e a gins. n Americ n hostag . rn r tali tion for th lsra h The t pe w s d hver d two hours aft r the r dical B ROBIN WRIGHT abducuoo of a Shute Moslem clenc ,n southern Lebanon. A deadline for the release of Obeid passedwith the sheik sun losAogtlHTimes �ALYSii] second group threatened to kJII another U.S. hostage, Jo­ in Israeli custody. On Fnday. lsraeh commandos seized 0 a e a l e a e n e seph C1c1pp1 . by a m PDT tod y unless th clenc 1s Obeid, who maint ins c os lies to lr n,an-back d Hezbol­ For six mo ths sinc laking the e ea e la a e 1 t e e oath or olflce, George Bush had care­ lairs dunng th R gan pr sidency freed h radic ls,from his hom in J beh1 , L banon Th Organ- a a a 1 e Earth a n "The rrJSes in China nd P nam e a a ea e za11on or the Oppress d on JS a Hezboll h faction fully neuvered lo dista ce himself e a An anonymous call r ,n Nicosi lsolllr ten d the l1le n wer not as <.enous. nd Amencan e a e a from Jhe JSSue or terron m. but o l e of Bru1sh hostage T rry W ,1e. the Anghcan Church envoy, No 1mmed1at conf,rm hon of Higgins' dealll could be n Mond y he was plunged i to the worst ives "· re not at stake This 1s a g a obtained, althOugh se"eral viewers or the grainy, pollr'<jual· accordin 10 an Associ ted Press report torelgri pohcy cns,s or his presidency can of worms" 1ty videotape rele:ised Monday said that the body appeared The caller claimed 10 speak for Ille radical Orgamza- by the same uncontrollable nemesis Th e problem conlrontmg the Bush to be that or the H-year-old Manne. He was bead or a U.N uon or the Oppressed of the Earth and told The AP that lhal damaged Ronald Reagan and end­ ea e ee g e e adm1n1strahon as a result of the re­ p c k pin forc in soulll rn Lebanon when he was kid· n Walle "ould be killed at 5 3 m. PDT today uni lsrael ed Jimmy Carter's hopes for a second ported ha ging of Manne LI Col Wil­ napped near Tyre on Feb. 17, t988. releas . Sheik Abdul Kanm Obeid term ham Higgins extends far beyond ter­ 1 n e e a e ea But there was nothing in the 1 1m that r,xed the date e e e ron<m, accordmg to ranki g curr nt Th Org nization or th Oppr ed on Earth rher n n ''ll 1s th bigg st pohhcal t st for It 1 e ea when the video was take . U conllrmed reports from Leba­ e a 1 a e and former offJc,als threaJens to claimed respons1b hty for th d lll of Higgins. II sent a n th Bush adm1nistr t on to d t :· said e a no ince Higgins' k1dnapp,ng bad claimed that he had e e \'Jdeotape showmg a man hanging from a gallo,. and de­ President Bush G offrey K mp, who was National Se­ ieopard,ze Jb dm1n1stral1on·s effort, e a clared that ll was the body of H1AA)ns Turn to HOSTAGE, Page 4A Cancels trip to Ahdwcst cunt Council d1rector for Mid ast l- Turn to CRISIS, Page 5A Drug use generally Games no declining financial Cocaine addiction growing, holl'erer bonanza By MICHAEL ISIKOFF Tht\hshlogtooPost Good will likely ll'A HllsGTON - A maior new stud) bas concluded that lhe number to pay off later By HARRY ESTEVE Th(Register-Guard Athletes from around the world line up to buy shoes at The Nike Store in the Fifth Street Pubhc Market, but one floor below only a spon_,;;;ored ,;;tudy - ba,ed on a nation­ smattering or tables are occup,ed in the outdoor ''-'lde household "Uf\t') of 1-i."'H resp,,n 1,,ting1rt:a dents - concluded that cocaine add1v And while the Eugene Mall appears busier Hon ha.1;,grown �ub,tanttal\v e�petJ;,ill Ulan normal for a e among the) oung and unemploy d Be· Monday. thanks lo n tween \985 a d \9�b. the number f knots of men and e e p ople who used cocaine one a w ek women in foreign or more Jumped from 6�7,0UO to weal suits. shop­ e a a �6�.0110, a one-third ,ncr ase lll t N ­ ke.epers stand be­ uonal Drug Polley D1rec1or W1l11am hind ,Jent cash re­ e g Bennett call d - h ekin and unac­ gisters. waiting for ceptable" customers, � a t /'!WOHLD r The tudy also eslJm ted hat \1/tth a few ex­ 484,1100 people used crack, tile highly \'ETERA 'S 1 e t C(ptions. the add1c1 ve cocain denvat,ve hat can World Veterans· CH-\MJ'JO'\;SHIPS be smoked. at least once a month and 1 e Champ1onsh1ps ha­ that 2 4 m1ll on had tned the drug onc en e 0 e e e v 't prov d 1 b • Athletes in th ir hv s These figures represent a a e e a e Ult fin nci l demand more th f1rst governm nt e«llm tes on th a a a e a bonanza th t m ny pre\ l nfe of crack - a drug th t e events 10 e e local m rchants barely e,et d three iears arher expected when the previous urvey was lalten e e e e e In contrast to pr d1cllons befor the games The urv y findings r flect d e a ee e began, vacancies abound in local hot ls and mo­ , trends that h ve b n r ported for a a a e tels, empty t bles are commonpl ce in rest u­ ome lim . particularlythe growing i.o­ a a a e e al t a e a e e r nts t n1ghl nd sal s ar norm o slow t lnleranc nf m ny m1ddl <lassAm ri­ nt a a many dow own retail stores can, tow rds drug use of ny kmd, 1n­ e n ng a At Nike. "It's b e swamped all week."' em­ clud1 lcohOI and tobacco But the l n a e e l ployee Kent Reyno ds said Mo day "They're m gnitud of th drop in so-cal ed "ca­ n a e a pending a lot of mo ey on specially shoes" and su l use of cocain and maniuan - n a a e runni g pparel that 1s hard to get " nd also from 23 m1ll1on p ople ,n 19 5 to I� 5 n m,Jhon Ja,t ,ear - caught many led· very chic" ,n Europe. Rey olds said eral official, off guard and may have ltaffpt,otobvWov�Eostt>uf'"ll A week ago most other downtown business l a <1gn1flcan1 ,mp lc lions for federal n- e Rangi hamsher ,Singh,an a.thlet from India, moves along a food line at the Carson H.all cafeteria at the University of Oregon Turn to GAMES, Page 4A 11-drug pohcymakers. some omc,als Turn to DRUG, Page 4A Army brought in to fight wildfires Fires in Eastern Oregon By ROGER PETTERSON More than 9,700 firelighters worked e t e TheAs1ocla1td Prrs 9, 700 firefighters on lines in W the lines on the two dozen biggest blaz s The Armv wa, called out \londav to in Oregon. Idaho and Cahlorn,a Washing­ n n help ballle tires raging out of conlroi on \ly husband left in shorts and no Io state hnd an 850-acre r,re. a d Mon­ e n lhousands of acr sin thell'est,and crews h1rt, · said 70-year-old Daisy Ohver. ta a had several small hres e a a e e t a 1,000-acre backfire in n ll mpt lo whose mobil home at Lowman was re­ e hall a Cahfornia blaze that destroyed ev­ e e That m ant manpower in the West duc d to blackened metal scrap "W e n e was almosl complel ly mob1hzed. a d n homes d1do't get anything. Just what we had on n g ln n a a a ea e e g ma a ers at the Boise (Idaho) terage ­ a1,on l Gu rdsmen lr dy were on our backs I don't know wher w 'll o e e e cy Fire C nter, th nallon's f,re command duly in Idaho and Or gon from here " Post.
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