SUPPORT NEWARK'S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ) The NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1937 VOLUME XXVIll NUMBER 8 MAJOR TO LEAVE OOGOWNERS I ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMS ARE Heavy Snow CENTURY CLUB Eastel' dresses, bonnets and ADVISED TO DAY PLANNED ARRANGED FOR suits were forced into the back­ MARKS FORTY .. ground when a 24-hour snowfall FOR MARCH 25 LOCAL SCHOOL on Monday night followed by FOURTH ANNIV. GET LICENSE rain and sleet did much to dis­ Home Demonstration Club Reciprocal Assemblies With I perse all hopes of a balmy Over 100 Present at Luncheon lme Expired, Due March 1; holiday. Northern Delaware Warned To Conduct Annual New Castle and A. I. Held In Club HOUle Program Here du Pont High Schools Snow four inches deep covered of Rabies Danger the northern end of t he state Monday ' TO HOLD STYLE SHOW DEAN DUTrON SPEAKER when the fall stopped shortly ORGANIZED IN 1893 WILMINGTON before midnight. It was t he The ninth annual Achievement Pro- An interesting and varied calendar To Keep Pets Con­ biggest snowstorm this winter. Eight Women Changed Read­ gram and third annual luncheon of of programs has been prepared for March now boasts of more snow ing Club Into Group fined, Away from Other the New Castle County Home Demon- the remaimjer of the Newark Higb than aU of the other winter Dogs and Strangers strati on Clubs will be held in the So- School assemblies, according to an months this year combined. Which Aids Town cial Hall of the Methodist Church" a~no un.ce me~t ~ade by William K' I Efficient work on the part of Newark citiz~ advised to pur­ Over 100 member s and guests at­ Newark, on Thursday, March 25, be- Gillespie, prmclpal. the State' Highway Department, chase licenses for thei r dogs if they tended the forty-fourth birthday an­ ginning at 10.30 o'clock in the morn- By a reciprocal arrangement, pro- however, did mQch to dispense wi sh to evade the "long arm of t he MAJOR DONALD L. DUTTON niversary luncheon at the Newark ing. grams will be presented by the local with the difficulty of vehi cular law" which might snatch an animal New Century Club on Monday. Popular head of University of Del­ This meeting is held under the au- school at other institutions who will travel from Newark to Wilming­ out from undel' t heir very ' noses at spices of the County Home Demon- in turn come to Newark with their Members of the home economics de­ any time 'and subj ect them to a fine of aware department of military science tOll. partment of the Newark High School, and tactics who w ill leave Augu. t 25 stration Cou ncil , that is headed this entertai!1 ment. The storm came as a surprise, not less than $5 and costs and not under the direction of Mrs. Josephine year by MI'. Dayton Peoples of the D:an George E. Dutton, of the Um­ with spring only three days f or Flo Leavenworth, Kansas, where Hancock and Mi ss Elizabeth Deakyne, 1110rc than $50 and costs. Cedars and a member of the Wimo- verslty of Delaware, spoke to the away and "Old Man Winller" he will en tel' the 1937-38 class of t he served in the dining room which was '1'wo Mo nths Grace dausis 'Home Demonstration Club. student body yesterday on r equh'e- seems to be giving a healthy Command and General Staff School. attractively decorated with the club As provided by law, the licenses are Mr s. Kate Henley Daugherty, home ments for college e ntra ~ c e . kick as he passes out of t he Ma jor Dutton came to Newark in co lors, green and white. Those who due on J anuary 1, but a two months demonstration agent, is in charge of Photography Program pictul'e. 1934. served were: Alice Campbell, Dor­ grace is given, a nd a dog owner is not t he arrangements and predicts that On Monday, March 22, at 1.30, the g uilty of any ofl'ense unti l after ~============~ Io thy Correll, Emily Cully, Berkie Ed­ .A t hi s will be one of the most intere.st- A. J. du Pont High School Photog­ wards, Oleta Harrington, Mary Ken­ March 1. The two months grace has ing achievement days ever held in the raphy Club is scheduled to appear expired. The fec is $1, get the li cense E 52 TO GIVE nelly, Gertrude Knighton, Margaret county. before local students in what is ex- Lynam, Mary Mercer, E lizabeth Reed, 110W. Dog owners in the northern sec ti~ MUSICAL COMEDY Glove Exhibit pected to be a uni.~u e performance. On NEWARK GARDEN Marcelle Skinner, Naudaine Slack, of Delaware are being cautioned Aside from the individual reports Wednesday, Apul 7, at 8 . ~5, the E lizabeth Stewart, Virginia Stickly, on the achievements of various mem- eighth. dramatic against allowing their pets to run Dela ware Dramatic Society gr~de gro~p , und ~ r CLUB MET MON. Mildred Baylis, Alice Douglass, Bet­ free where they will come into contact bel'S, which will be given, there will the dn'ectlOn of Stanley Gibbs, w~1l ty Geesaman, Miriam Lewis, Betty with strange animals, du e to the di s­ Plans Presentation of be an exhibit of hand-stitched gloves, present a play. A return. progr~m. m G. L. Schuster Talks Before Mu mford and E lizabeth Statts. Novelty on April 30 made by the members of the 12 clubs. the form o~ a .gymnastlc exhlbtlon covery last week of a dog in Wilming­ . f under the directIOn of Ralph O'Con- Local Group on Making State Head Greets Group su1fering from rabies, in a joint In response to a great demand for One of the outstandmg features 0 II '11 b ' h A I d P t Following the luncheon, Mrs. Rob­ the day's program will be a style ne ,WI e g~ven at t e . u on and Renovating Lawns issued by the Game and Fish a mu sical comedy show at the Univer­ show at· 2 o'clock p. m., through the school on AprIl 13. Sixteen tnembers of the Newark ert T. Jones, Sr., president of the Co]mR!lss,ion and the State Board of sity of Delaware, the E 52 Players courtesy of Braunstein's of Wilming- For the convenience of students of Garden Club attended the March local club, presented Mrs. Lewis Drex­ Owners are further cautioncd has undertaken the production of a ler, head of the state federation, who their pets from co ntact with ton. Miss Saunders of that store, who the lower grades, a matinee of ' the meeting of the oJ;ganization which modem adaption of Moliere's "School greeted the guests; Mrs. Mulford persons, lest the pet shall will have charge of the show, will senior's play, "Boomarang," will be was held Monday evening at the home for Husbands." The show will be the Taylor, vice-president of the New contracted the disease and bite display on living models, the new presented on the afternoon of Thurs- of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Detjen, Old fir st of its kind ever attempted by a spring styles of gowns, coats, hats, day, April 15. The following night Oak Road. Castle County clubs and Mrs. Frank dramatic group at the college. and accessories. the pres'entation will be made for Mrs. T. F . Manns, in charge of the Reynolds, gener al federation director, More than forty students tried out The public is cordially invited to adults in the school auditorium. evening's program, introduced the who also delivered addresses of wel­ for roles in the play which will be attend any or all parts of the pro- New Castle High School will present speaker of the evening, Prof. George come. given on April 30 at Mitchell Hall, gram. The luncheon will be for club the second reciprocal program on L. Schuster, of the University of Entertainment consisted of vocal Newark. This number does not in­ members only. Wednesday, April 21 and April 28, Delaware. selections by Miss Jean Calloway, a clude those who have 'signed up for the seventh grade dramatic group PrM. '!lUster gave a very inter- student at W. C. D., accompanied by production staff positions. ~ok SucceedS Coach under the direction of Miss Hill, will esting and i~structlve talk on lawns, M1. ' ~ R ll; ],f yJrc:.!' songs by the clJ.lb "The School for Husbands" has AI. Editor of Review conduct the assembly. Mr. Robert a most timely subject for this season. chorus, under the direction of Mrs. been adapted to a modern musical Kern's students will also present a The subject was divided into two T. D. Mylrea; and a dramatic sketch, comedy by Arthur Guiterman and George Cook, of Buffalo, New York'i play on Wednesday, May 5. parts: "Making New Lawns," and "Suppressed Desires" by the dramatic Lawrence Langer. It was played by was selected to assume the editorship Oth S hed led "Renovating Old Lawns." He point- committee consisting of Mrs. Alex t he Theatre Guild of New York three of the University of Delaware's "The ers c u , ed out that fall was the best time for Cobb, Mrs. Perry Arnold and Mrs. years ago. Review," student weekly publication. Other programs include: May 12--a starting and renovating lawns and Donald Armstrong. Stage managers Tryouts Held Cook succeeds Thomas Cooch, Newark, return performance at New Castle; for the two-act production were Mrs.
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