' v.- - 11 i. - A 1 ! y (l ill r T m U if if i if i r4 1 l n !! ffnifiiw Ms. 8? 1 WW f V KataMlihed al 9, 1S56. VOL. XIX., INX). 3728. nOKOIiUIiTJ HAWAIIAN ISL.AKDS. TUESDAY. JULY 1894. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Mr. Towse was followed by IX. J. Business (otjs. Business Canto. 5riuroi Sttfcttrtistmmte. A ROUSING RATIFICATION Greene, who paid: 44 1 am glad of this opportunity to r remove a false impression that has HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., gained ground in this community HAWAIIAN The Hawaiian Beerage Company The New Constitution Keeeives a throucrh remarks of our great and HARDWARE, good friend Mr. Jones, that Maasachu- - This Space is Reserved! Splendid Welcome. ustla a llin n&ntor nf thp linivfrr. - Co, IS trepared to deliver to fajulies Cutlery and Glassware although do iurtSjjS Abstract and Title IN AND AROUND THE CITY I not believe FOR would like to give a also impres&lon CELVllIIATEO INVIGORAT- 30 Fort Street. on any subject. The THEIIi y DRILL SHED FILLED TO OVERFLOW. center of the Williams Bros., ING STIMULATING AND 3575-l- universe and the Athens of America KO. i.2 .MERCHANT 8T. is Rhodo Island. Massachusetts is Pioneer Furniture Com'y. Non Hop Beer ! J. DAVIDSON, Speeches Made by C. Jones, .1. AV. nothing but a great wart on Uhodo - Intoxicating a. Island. In the war of the Revolution HONOLULU. H. 1. Kalus, K. J. Greene, and Many 609 and 611 King Street. the State of Rhode Island put more JJ? LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Others President S. B. Dole's Name men into tho Held than auy other 3673-t- f Attorney &nd Ccunsslior-st-- I. Greeted by Continued Cheering. State of its size in the Union (laugh- ter), and I hope to write to my con- F. M. ttatcb 4 President Manufactory, Punchbowl St, stituents in Rhode Island that unto b . Vice-Preside- nt and unto a Cecil Brorm Between Palace Walk and King 8t. Office 36 Btreet. Th drill-she- d was Backed from end them a child is born, them li-- Oaatla . Secretary Merchant son Li n. Manager BtJ Mutual Telephone 314. in onri find from side to side last even eon is given,' and that Hawaii." J. F. Browrt, Treasurer building were There were Joud calls for a speech Auditor & WILLIAM C. PARKS, ing. Outside the nearly ascended CASTLE COOKE 500 people who could not get inside, from J. W. Kalua. He the platform, and spoke as follows, being -- -- but were content; lo iisieu irom me Tjlb'tt aTSTaO FIRK M. E. Grossman, DJ).S. ATTORNEY AT LAW outer air, and to cheer wnen any Interpreted by W. O. Smith : , mrprmred to Search was by 44ln all my experience in speaking FfSrViW tiUe to popular sentiment uttered the questions, 1 xerds and abstracta of speakers. in nuhlio. on national I eil real property in the Kingdom. JLgent to tak Ackaowldgniem. me evcuuig never spoke to such an audience oa . INSURANCE: Tne cnairmau oi speakers before n.o have . f i contemcl&t - opening meet this. The i inanann.nr 07TICK No. 13 Kaahunianu Str60t, Kcjio- B. McStocker. In the good nearly exhausted InSpSSfiSa of restate will find It lum, x. ing, he said : said a deal and company n. mppf to the subject. I regret that I am un- to their advantage to consult the Wo tncether this eveninc speak to you in your own in regard to title. AGENTS h: ratify the doings of our Constitutional able to r BEAVER SALOON, anu me u language, but I was brought up on 11 prompt- Convention appoiuiuirai ZCC7-A- attended to with potatoes. Our labors orders ntist, A CO.'A While poi, not Irisdi FORT OPPOSITE WILDER S. B. Dole as our President. ness. AGENTS FOR STREET, or will be finished on the 4th of July. $3 EOTKL STSISTi there may be a dinereuce opinion people PpII Telfbnnp 225: P. O. Box 15. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. to some of the clauses of the Con Then I will go before the with - as 1 made iu helping to ENGLAND MDTUAL First-cla- ss Lunches served with Tea, Cof- stitution, none can help feeling tnat a the record have au-navaf- inn new Constitution. That day . fee, Soda Water, Uinger Ala or miuz. loug step has been lateen lowaru form this C. BREWER & CO, LIMITED &FQTT1CX tlOUES 9 A. m.to4p. m. Tift introduced, as the will go down in the history of this gST'oVES FROM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M. birthday of freedom. Co. first speaker, P. C. Jones, who said : country as tho Life Insurance SmokerB' Requisites a specialty. nere purpuso ui I will 6taud before all Hawaii and Honolulu, H. I. "SANS SOUCI" HOTEL "We are ior uie show my people what I have done to Queen Street, OF BOSTON, ratifying the Constitution and tne country. selection of S. B. Dole as our lirst give them a newstart in this SEASIDE KESORT, A. PERRY, is hardly necessary 10 There is olo thing that I recret and AGENTS FOR President. It is that the larger part of my peo- Mtmi iDSurance Co. : HOJSTOLXJITJ. call a meeting for buch a purpose for that File WAIKIKI, ATTORNEY AT LAW every one com. i us ple do not understand the benefits that Agricultural Co., Onomca endorses inoe are coming to them under the new Hawaiian And Notary Public. mi.n mora on tinnd on tne oi Ha-waii- , Wailuku lm is sad the ans Bu?ar Co., Honomu Hufiar Co OF HARTFORD. "I desire to find noquieter haven January, 1893, have stood fast until Government. It that - Over Bishop's Bank. be so misled by a few n- WoihP Suzar Co.. Makee than the San8 SoucV, and may well Office: now, propose 10 biuuu iasu al- should Kapa- - y and misleading them for - Ranch Co., . 3692-l- proud people who are .8uj?ar Co.'.jllaleakala add with the poet: ways. We have reason to feel Who is bower, have stood by us. lney their own purposes only. it tanrersLine Francisco Packets. and Bonds In a more sacred or sequestered of all who is misleading the Hawallans? It San Stocks . M'CHBICSKT. aanc that Nor nympn nor r annus naunieu. B. W. M'CHESTTJEY, J. M. F. W. have been willing, during tne to get con- Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston 124 Clay St., 8. F. 40 Queen St, Bono. we have passed through, is the royalists, who hope ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON.11 days that trol of the country again, that they Packets 7, 1893. W. McOHESNEY & SONS, to die, ii necessary, iur uui irwHiw. for my- Aeents Boston Board of Underwriters. r. C. Advertiser, Oct. K. Nor must we forget our women. They may despoil it. I stand here Agents Philadelphia Board of Under- jriven ua noble support, ana self, and on behalf of those of my peo- FOR SALE. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer havn ple who understand this question. writers. T-- have helped our cause more than we do OP OFFICERS: A. Simpson, chants and Importers. may We should not forget. Mr. Hatch has told you that this new U9T 3523-l- y MANAGER. realize. not for any one class either, our menus in vo uuncu Constitution is tohes President 40 Queen St., Honolulu. 1833, of people, but for all. The work of the P. C r.TManager States. On the 17th of January, t.hft l;onstltutlon Is done. JroTH. Robertson C. E. JZIFLEY, a little bird of freedom was hiiilrtinr of E F. Bishop Tres. and becy. A FEW SHARES There have been a On the Fourth of July It will be pro- Auditor . ARTHUR REYNOLDS, & CO., hatched here. you my peo- Col. W. F. Allen LJsvVIC good many droits on the part oi me claimed, and I hope all, Cooke ) ... - i it A. knnlr in ple, will be there and step up and take CM. us H. Waterhousk. ..V ... ...directors nayeu-- i uouo the oath to support it. Let all ' ARCHITECTS. its shell, but tney it. ono ) - Wholesale and Retail Grocers stand firm and work together,with C.L. Carter That chicken nas iaia an eg, uu one Then it HAWAIIAN SUGAR CO. STOCK Office New Safe Deposit Building, egg liev heart, one soul and aim. T that is the uousuiuiiou. before we can IT 11 FORT STREET, egg we are going to name ew will not be long clap 4 - J ..r Ill This hands with the great father across the - . i ana won t uu uumeu ' Works it . 1 Constitution" National Iron Specifications, - w'atfcf."--- . TTott-- o Won A l1 RtTWk. Plana, and Superintend Tpipnhone 240. p. o. Uox 297. My to you is, tnat Cn. Iiulld-- 1 either. advice T?aVanaugh,. of the fechutzen ice given for e?ery description of after the Fourth of July, you semi George c.-.n- . I - faid: rvi 1 o cfnir ine Washington, and Club, was next iulroduCeu. He QTJEEN STREET, JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Thurston back to of whlOiU-- UIQ HUj, H ULUCBOi U.lljr i ciuuuoalou sing, to the tune of JJauy "Tho Schutzen Club, l, and enlarged. let him have the honor to be a member, de- . Alakea and Richard 8treets. following little song: Between I Decorations. Importer and Delar Id Bell, the to say lays all club poli- ALSO Designs for Interior answer, sires that it Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, Sammy, Sammy, pive us your do. tics aside and will work, heart and Mans or crazy 10 De uy uu. I LIEROU ANDI3E. We are almost annweu new Wo PRE-- tt f i J and Blueprinting.
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