University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1984 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 8-22-1984 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 089, No 4, 8/ 22/1984 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1984 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 089, No 4, 8/22/1984." 89, 4 (1984). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1984/86 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1984 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ;)E~t..s. 3 Jg. 7'3'(:i vN3 ~w ~,::Z MlGV-51 I 'i ~ '-f' Vol. 89 No. 4 Wednesday, August 22, 1984 Faculty unite against regents By Harrison Fletcher "I was told that I could not receive support or feedback from any constituents," she said. "But I accepted it be· In a standing-room only emergency meeting, the Uni­ cause l thought if l didn't, the faculty would not get any versity of New Mexico general faculty Tuesday approved a representation at all." vote of no confidence in the University Board of Regents. Another faculty member also said that the regents had The vote of no confidence, the second this week, came only met twice in the last five months, the last "open" following an open discussion on the appointment of John meeting being June 18. Elac as the next president of UNM, and the manner in However, the main thrust of the meeting was to form a which the search process was conducted. consensus among faculty and a united voice. Jane Slaugh· The language of the resolution, similar to that passed ter, assistant professor of history, said the meeting would Monday by the Arts and Sciences Council of Chairs. read: be to provide support or a "concrete basis for other ac­ "because the public trust vested in the University of New tions." Mexico Board of Regents has been betrayed; because stu­ Merkx also said that the faculty should struggle to main­ dents, faculty and citizens deserve superior academic lead­ tain a high standard of education at UNM. "Faculty will ership at UNM; because of the manifestly inappropriate fight for the University, even if the regents won't," he procedures and unsatisfactory results produced; and to said. avert further damage to UNM's reputation: we the faculty vote no confidence in the UNM Board of Regents.'' Several faculty members proposed amendements sug­ The 68-signature petition that prompted the emergency gesting that the regents resign. meeting and set the agenda, was initiated to "discuss the David Darling, chaim1an of elementary education, said selection of a new president" and "to consider amotion of that this was the most critical time in UNM's hiMory. He no confidence in the Board of Regents." Although legally also said that although Elac's ''credentials" speak for limited to this agenda, faculty members frequently over- themselves and there arc conflicting reports about his rcla· tionship with Robert Cox, president of the firm that con­ ducted the presidential search, the major reason for a vote of no confidence was the secrecy in which the search was "We are not going to accept him, conducted. period." ... David Darling. "We will not tolerate a secret institution, •• he said. Darling also recommended that the faculty adopt a plan of "passive resistance," which cssentiaJJy means non· cooperation. ruled the chail' in order to open discussion on new items. The faculty must let the regents know that *'we are not Janet Roebuck, history professor, former president of going to accept him, period," he suid. John Samora the Faculty Senate and member of the Council of Five, chaired the meeting in the absence of of John Perovich, However, Associate Provost Joel Jones said that if the De11n Barbara R1111s of the College of Nursing dishes up ice faculty adopted a "no-cooperation" attitude and refused to cream to students on the north campus Tuesday afternoon. who, it was decided, would have been placed in an awk­ ward position. meet with Elac it would strengthen the regents• resistance Welcome Back Daze continues today at noon with a chili feed to reconsideration. He also said that "four out of five" Nearly 40 minutes after the meeting was called, regents firmly believe that Elac is the most qualified. at the duck pond. Roebuck asked tor a -vote. Approximately I5 of the mem­ bers present abstained, or were against the motion. The Elac is attending a Council of Deans meeting today, not vote was met with applause. because the regents requested it, •'but because the Council Questions were raised by faculty members immediately of Deans requested it," he said. following the vote, addressing the direction they should Following nearly 40 minutes of open disucussion. in Jaramillo says he's not suprised now follow. which several points were raised as to the legal actions that Various amendments were discussed, and some faculty would result from the meeting, political science Professor members questioned whether Elac was being given a fair Phillip Roeder recommended that the meeting be ad­ at Council's no-confidence ~ote chance. Several faculty members, however, reiterated journed. attention to that group. It's an exer­ Elac's qualifications and the manner in which the process Roeder suggested that in the midst of discussion, faculty By Kristie Jones cise in futility.'' was conducted to defend their position. members had forgotten their purpose, which was to make a After hearing that the general Gilbert Merkx, sociology professor and director of the strong, unified statement against the presidential seatch President of the University of faculty meeting called for Tuesday Latin American Institute, listed a number of criticisms of and selection process. He said their vote had sent three New Mexico Board of Regents Hen­ afternoon was expected to yield the Elac and the search process. Based on information he signals to the regents: that their judgement was flawed, that ry Jaramillo said in a phone inter­ same vote or one similar, Jaramillo obtained from contacts in Washington, Merkx said Elac he (Eiac) "better not come, •• and that the University needs view Tuesday that he was "not sur­ said "It's not an official action. No­ "was not respected in the bank he worked in," he was a better system for selecting regents in the future. prised" at the action taken by the thing is to be derived from a no con· "opportunistic," and that he made no major financial Roeder then motioned that the meeting be adjourned. chairmen of the College of Arts and fidence vote. There's a small num­ decisions at the bank. The motion was passed. Sciences, and that the opposition to ber of people who want to pick their Pauline Turner; assistant home economics professor, Elac is scheduled to meet with various faculty and stu­ the appointment ofJohn Elac is •'the own president, and that's our job as and president of the Faculty Senate, said she was told by dent members this week. However, Elac has not con finned work of a handful of rabble­ regents. If they're not happy with the regents that she could meet with Elac, under the condi­ any of the appointments. He is scheduled to arrive at UNM rousers." who they're working for, they ought tion that lhe meetings remain secret. sometime this afternoon. to get another job." Jaramillo said the "vast major­ ''If they're not happy ity" of phone calls he had received with who they're work­ from faculty were commending the regents on their action. "This is the ing 'for, they ought to get silent majority!' he said. "I received phone calls from all another job.'' over the state," he said. "but more than· a hundred were from UNM faculty." The Arts and Sciences Council of Jaramillo also said that Elac•s re­ Chairs passed a vote of no confi­ sume is public information as of the dence against the UNM Board of date he was hired by the regents. Regents during an otherwise routine "I'm sure there are copies out by meeting Monday afternoon. now,'' he said in response to hearing JaramiHo. who said he did not of rumors that a copy had been know of Monday's M confidence obtained by faculty members with· vote prior to hearing about it from a out Jaramillo's cooperation. New Me:rico Daily Lobo reporter, Jaramillo had not released the re­ said, ''I'm not surprised. It really sume as of Tuesday evening, saying means nothing at all. I don't pay any "I have no authority to do that." Inside: Berthold: see page 48 Narrow gauge: see page 8 Spikers set: see page 13 John Samora Leah Neeland Cris Baca man one of UNM's several information booths situated around campus. The booths are in place to assist newcomers with campus orientation. Page 2, New Mexico Daily LobQ, August 22, 1984 Page 3, New Mexico Daily Lol!o, August 22, 1984 Wire Report by United Press lnternotional Noted physicist to lecture on science, church, state A Science, Philosophy and Religion (SPAR) mini-symposium Cruiseship fire leaves one woman missing Aquino death Saturday will feature Dr. Edward Teller, noted for his work in the area of nuclear explosives. Teller will speak on "State, Church and Scien­ ce: Should They Be Separated?" II remembered MIAMI- Firefighters used dogs to search the Scandinavian Sun cruise­ The Scandinavi&n Sun docked at the Port of Miami shortly after p.m.
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