r ■MMMM MMHHH <*+ <-* a if •IlNMl * ^ X ^m 4#|J gp OCAtf* mi$ul t-i tgMfo f. * '• it# 6 W A«j«i ^BlnLiittffn'aMMMSCi U d! V/J TV* 0*1; Impifit F«lll*V* (a 0U«*"» Co»»tj- Miff i V tjuoM|u*rv, of 10 liaos JUmpNaih 1*«* osmfk .$t 66 »u Aik HorunoM, ■kN Ou« M|u*rc, four\f UU0ftioRI|••..«•►*•••*• f* 1 On# *iu#rr, Olll lltff «••••• *••••• •••• •' O m kiiur#, 'SUd |X|#f>#«»»<#f‘ satearasnajrw- On# quarter column, three Diom os,. .IP w Ou« quarter oi lamn, #is musiths,.,-.......~........... JAW Otis quarter column, one year and laier...........^..if P If ill column, ii month*,.. ........... liail column, one year... m. _____ »i oo 9* On# oolumn, on# year........................... .. - should “ Ono Dostinj', One Constitution, One Country. card*, not orer 4 Lines. 4ft Mr tear, ^jjgg^agggF^ Transientt adveitnancut# i*)AW#,uj au oas TU, erlnlMs. of ise-uly adv« strictly| to their n ► ulm i usinom, and | not pertainingtaluoc to their wdJ be •■•w »»rj?*!^5arafai~.yflLUME X. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1866 . NUMBER 35. Yearly advertising payable quarterly. It Legal idnrtiwniati published at th© i * him for 4 man of marble, or a human form WIB41 A certain farmer, who in the course of a BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DETROIT ADVERT'S. MISCELLANEOUS. RAILROADS. #*« t# hashful. * carted in tee. Bren hid dreamy eye* were Free and easy, hut not hold - inviftible beneath hi* array, sharpy eyebrow*. year purchased several dollars worth of Arroavrr at tifft! cSSm maaty, Mich. JANIES NALL, Jr„ * COw, But now he rise*, before the bar railing, goods (and always paid for them,) called at $l,0«f,deg GOLD AND SILVER.|£)ECBMBE*• a6*l'6* >4 Mat u*> loumr'sur and “wii" “tooLk” i'#W,) the store of a village merchant—hi* regular OMm or*r John Hiuk* ’ store, uu Clinton At. Half kteifcaWfriisiin , not behind it, and no near the wondering Who 1—1 ■ mad mill damli n In NEW AND FAVOWTI •Tew idnsdss, and now shy ; iry, that he might touch the foreman with place of dealing —with two doaen brooms, Til0*1. A. PARKEE, These U mischief in her dimple. which he offered for sale. The merchaut Wnoujuu Oaocsa, Bo. 7* Woodward A vmiua , Detroit CARPETS Holiday Gifta! ' There ia danger in her eye. ia long, bony tingem. With eyea still half shut, and standing rigid aa a pillar of iron, ( whOj by the way. is fond of a good bargain,) studied human nature, , r examined his stock snd said: O. L. SPACLMXU, AND ictolod in all arU, '( hia thin lip* curled gs if in meanurelea* A ttorney amp Col *bello * a% Law , iuid Solicitor in M Well, Cyrus. I will give you a shilling QR£AT ATTHACTIONI Detroit and Milwaakee ten herdlidema aoom, slightly parted, and the voice come* duoicoiy, St. John*, Clinton ooustj, UiddiraB. DRY MOODS! In oonnoction with the new and powerful V ppei Cakfta ietrsss of all heart#; forth. At tirst. low and sweet, insinuating spiece for these brooms." Steamahlpa * * ‘ . 7 J he see tell the very moment Cyrus seemed astonished at the offer, and J. R. BAHJHHA1, XI. D., Oreat kteD^ation ! When to sigh and whoa to soulc ; itself through the brain as an artless tune, PtfTMctax AMD Huuimii , Old, Uuiu>o ooustjr, Michi. T4 Woods*I I Avenue, Detroit, JRIch. “Dstx^lt” and “MUwaukaa.” fan. All j i .inptlv r^jx.ndod to. [H?3:1t ! a mahl Is sesnettmrs charming, winding its way into the deepest heart like quicVly replied: t WideepM the while! uOh, no' John. I can ’t begin to take that €. 4k 1 . MFXLU8, Agents, During this month train# will leave Ot. flits a© the melody of a magic incantation; while D. C. HTEWAHT, M. D. Watchi tenem Clocks, Diamond Piyiktav ARDftiioruN. OSct *i iia rMtopo#, ronMT follow#: u :1> ▲re Ten sedt llow very serious the speaker proceeds without a gesture or for'em, no how; but I'll let you have'em for Inga, OOINO WERT. i ’ Will her handseme fees heootu#. twenty cents apiece, and not a cent less.” of Walker and Bruah •tro«t#f St. Jo ha#, Hldugau. Manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in Are roe angry I Hhe U wretched, the least sign of excitement, to tear in All alia promptly attended te. Mixed —A4 5:80 a. w., for Oraad Hevem Z ...vis Mixed —At 3.30 a . m. for Grand Rapid#. ixu . IV. ui •i..iiom,4M*ful.dumh. pieces the argument of Ashley, which melt “Cyrus, you are crazy,” replied John. Are you min hfnl 1 Hew her laughter, “Why, see here,” showing a fine lot of W. H. WATTS, last Si«m‘I Naws. Mail—At 4:10 t. for Milwaukee. ed away at his touch, as the frost before the Baaasa amd IUjb UaiMsaa. bl»*ruig. Hair Cutting, OXE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH GOING BA8T. ’ mu ndlna, will round brooms, “Is an article a great deal better •> Hh« lure, and catch, and i aj you. sunbeam. Every one looked surprised. His shampooing and Dying, promptly don# in ih# mont to as oisrosBO or, at Mixed —At 1:50 a. m., for In trolt. approved modern striaa. I Wop ow hi# #tor*. oppodts All kind, of Saw* made to ordor, Mixed —At 7:00 a . M., for Detroit. the trout logic was at once so brief and so luminously than your ’s (which was true,) which I am retailing at twelve and a half cents apiece," St. John# Hotel, Clinton At., 4t. John#, Mich. [20 if One I>olla r Each I Mail—At 11:60 a . m., for Detroit. • AU ©u* II clear, that the rudest peasant could compre ­ rapairing done on short notice. gJT Rcfrcalimente at Detroit, Owoeeo and Grand Ha­ Wiki have iriivn so bold and true, (which was not true by seven and a half L. W. I'AnqiJELLC, JR. Dm Without regard to value ! Not to be paid for until you ven, and upon the Coaopeny 4# Ferry Steamer, Winter, Ye Adoni c* of twufttv, hend it without efft>rt. PnvuiriAM A»n HtkoKOM. (MU66 at hi# rati(l#v»oe, on know what you ire to rooeivtt With your lovoduufc* in yotfr eye#» Anon, he camo to the dazzling wit of the cents.) Wftlk#r street, cad of Clinton Avenue, Ml. Johu#, No. 60 East Fort Street, Detroit, Xioh. on Detroit river. Comfortable Hotel above Depot eft Nplendld 1^1 sit of Article*, Orand Haven. You may practice all the lonson* poet lawyer. Pike. Then the curl of his “Don't oare for that,” answered Cyrus; Michigan. All oall# promptly attended to. ___* The Telegraph Line i© open for public btudnenk Taught oy Cubtl *hica the foil. “your brooms are cheap enough, but you Wayne A Kobinsou, But Ik now a UtU« widow - lip grew sharper; his sallow face kindled DA VXD HOLLISTER, Si. IL, All to be ©old for Sleeping Car# on night trains. yybo would win and fool you all up, and his eyes began to open, dim and can ’t have mine for less than twenty cents Pm tad ian and Heat* bus . Oflloe •Ta*at hi# roeidenoo, Mr- ONE DOLLAR EACH. CONNECTIONS. - : anyhow ;” and pretending to be more than pie Rapid#, Clinton cc uty, Michigan. Ail call# A t Dxteoit —Great Western Railway for all point© dreamy no longer, but vivid as lightning, promptly responded to. Fulton Iron Works, 100 Clocks (French) I and II day ©locks, East; Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, sad Grand ----- Tiffti V4M#aiMVKUA COIMEL. red as fiery globes, and glaring as twin half angry, shouldered his brooms and start­ Brush root, ranging from. ...............................140 to |250 each. Trunk BeiLroodA. , ed for the door. A. J. WHJDIN*, X# Dm 100 Pianos, of tho best manufacture.. .360 to 600 “ A t Mir.WAVScr—With the Mississippi, La Cream, 4 Tkitlllstr *fry. meteors. Thu whole soul waft in the eyes— Phtbiciax and 8t Mono*. OiBoe over S. A. Beers' Drug Near the Detroit and Milwaukee R R. Depot, Detroit, 250 hewing Machines, of the best manu ­ Raehine, C hirogt), Watertown end Hoctoo* Reftiterd#, the full heart streamed out on the face. Jn The merchant getting nervous over the Store, corner Walker street and Clinton Avenue, St. koep on hand their celebrated facture.............................. 50 to 150 '* for all points West and North-West. We copv the following from the New probable loss of s good customer, and fear­ John#, Michigan. AU calls promptly attended to. 250 Gents' Gold Hunting-Case Watch­ Pa^oenger* for Groat Western Railway go an Ms Dad- five minutes Pike’» wit seemed the foam of - I Portable and Rln lionary Mcum Lugftnee, es.................................................. 50 to 150 “ way Ferry Httumer, at D. 4 M. R. R. Dock, leavuig York Sunday Tims*. The subject of it, folly, and his finest satire horrible profanity, ing that he might go to another store, and (ftYLVENTER HOYT, A ttorkay at Law , Solicitor w Chancery, and Tfotary « to 100 Horse power. 250 Ladies' Gold and Knamoled Hunt* Dork at 6:45 end 1015 a . m., and 6:00 r. w. John TYylor* was licensed when a youth ot when contrasted with the amiable sallies never return, said: Public, St. John#, Clinton county, Midi. Particular ing-oa#e WatchfMi........................... 35 to 70 " The Company's Time Tables can be had at amj of Iks twenty-one, to practice at the bar of thi* and exterminating sarcasms of the stranger, “See here, Cyrus, hold on a while. If I attention given to Conveyancing and to the Examin­ 500Oem#’ Hunting-case Hilver Watch- Stations.
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