RADIO'S GREATEST MAGAZINE OVER 175 ILLUSTRATIONS October 25 Cents HUGO GERNBCaK EDi TOH RADIO HELPS TEST HEARING -AIDS See Page 207 New 11 -Tube Receiver Introduces "Syncrotronic" Reproduction New Tubes World- Flight Radio Set -Up Details of a 5 -inch Television Receiver! OVER 50,000 RADIO MEN READ RADIO -CRAFT MON LY A MPERI TEotta ,4D.1 REJPORfr HIGHER OR LOWER LE MICROPHONE) p ITH THE SAME ï Il ..ma -¢ .. iUety THE ACOUSTIC CO _ ATOR pend.) Here is an improvement of great value at no cost! Exclusive with Amperite, the Acoustic Compensai ves you these advantages: (11 With the flip of a finger. you can now lower or raise the re of the microphone -without introducing any peaks or other and able effects.(Not a volume control. Gradually changes operatio the microphone from constant velocity to constant pressure.) (21 Permits adjustment of the microphone for most desirable res for close talking or distant pickup. (3 /Makes the system immediately adjustable to any "taste" condition, or equipment. MODELS RBHK. RBMk. range 40 to 11000 CPS. connector and 25' of cable. i, rome. MODELS RBHn. RBMn. without acousuc compensator. S42.00 O le Models RSHK and RBSK with Acoustic Compensator and cable connector . IMPROVES ANY .00 "LOW -COST" INSTALLATION "TOPS IN MIKES" ON 4 COUNTS! NEW LOW- PRICED CONTACT Station KVOL, of Lafa- MICROPHONE , . P. A. Men, you can im- $12.00 LIST yette, La., writes us, unso- licited: the Amperite prove those jobs The success of our Model KTH ($22.00 List) has created "... the Am- mikes have been in serv- by using popular a demand for a popular- priced Amperite Contact ice here for almost three perite Model RAH (or RAL). Microphone. The new model listed below can be used years, and have proven You will get better results on most radio sets made since 1935 and on all P.A. themselves to be "tops" in because (1) it is excellent systems. It "makes an ordinary violin sound like a mikes. They have broad- for both speech and music; Strad" ... gives a small piano the tone of a Grand. And casted in the rain and in (2) has flat response with- yet, there is no distortion. No unnatural effects. No the hot sun. They have out undesirable peaks; (3) "fingering noises." Installation is simple ... no changes even been dropped, but reduces feedback; (4) in strings or instruments ... attached without tools. they always came through stands up under rough in fine shape ." The ampli- Amperite Studio Velocity handling, changes in tern - Operates with either high or low gain perature, pressure or fiers. Has frequency response of 40 to 9000 cps. Model SR8On now has -56 ' 40 to 60 Output, -40 db. 20' of cable. db output. Frequency range humidity.... Frequency range 15000 cps. Triple shielded, fitted to 7500 cps. Output, -68 db. MODEL SKH (Hi -imp); SKL (200 ohms) $12.00 LIST with switch, (optional), cable con- MODEL RAH (Hi -imp.) with 12' of SKH or SIL with toot-operated nector, and 25' of cable. MODEL RAL (200 ohms) with cable; volume control .. $20.00 LIST MODEL SR8On (200 ohms); $80.00 LIST 6' of cable ONLY $22.00 LIST Professional Model KTH (or KTL). $22.00 LIST MODEL SR80Hn (Hi.impJ.- $80.00 LIST Salo O[d9 ]ï07 Í ..Q P. - . Alan Amperite offers the following co-operation to P.A. Men. 01 FREE Window Decal advertising your Sound Service. Size 51/4 x 9 %. finished in 4 striking colors. (2.) FREE Window Display. 11 x 17. (3.) Special Sound Equipment Letterheads. Samples and prices on request. (4) FREE use of cut for printing business cards. etc. Write for these valuable sales helps, and new Illustrated Bulletins, today! Ce, CABLE ADD 561 BROADWAY. N. Y. U.S.A. r-AMPER/TE 14LKEM. NEw Y Y ELOCITY AmpERiTk RADIO -CRAFT for OCTOBER, 1939 193 Be a Radio Expert Many make a week $3O $ SO $ 7S I will train you at home for many Good Spare Time and Full Time Radio Jobs for hundreds of fellows. I send you spe- J. E. SMITH, President. National Radio Institute Do you want tut make more money ? Radio year Established 1914 cial Radio equipment and show you -how to well - who the Maur study training of more offers you many opportunities for conduct experiments and build circuits illus- The man has direeled My men for the Radio Industry than arty Other man In Amrrira. paying spare time and full time jobs. You trating important Radio principles. Train- ing gives you PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE don't have to know anything about Radio while learning. Set Servicing or electricity, give up your present job. Fixing Radio sets in leave home or spend a lot of money to I Also Give You spare time pays Radio Expert and also be trained a Professional Servicing $10, $15 a become a many $5, a Instrument extra while to "cash in" on coming Television oppor- week tundies. Here is the 11,.1 rument learning. Full time every Ha d1, expert repair pays as much Many Radio Experts Make needs and wants- -an Purpose as $30, $50, $75 a S30, $50, $75 a Week All -Wave, All- week. Set -Servicing Instru- Radio broadcasting stations employ engineers. ment. It contains operators. station managers and pay up to $5.0011 everything necessary to measure A.C. and D.C. a year. Fixing Radio sets in spare time pays test tubes, resistance; Broadcasting voltages and current; to many $200 to $500 a year -full time repair jobs adjust and align any set. old or new. It satisfies Stations with Radin jobbers. manufacturers. dealers. as your needs for professional servicing after you Employ managers, much as $30. $50, $75 a week. Many Radio Ex- graduate -can help you make extra money fixing perts open their own full tinte or part tinte radio sets while training. - engineers, operators, sales and repair businesses. Radio manufacturers installation and and jobbers employ testers. inspectors. fore- Television, Public Address, Photo EMotrie Cell maintenance men for men. engineers. servicemen, paying up to Training Included fascinating jobs and $6.000 a year. Automobile. police. aviation. N.B. f. trains you thoroughly for Radio and also for pay up to $5.000 a commercial Radio and loud speaker systems many opportunities In runnertlon With P.A. systems. are newer fields offering gond opisort tutitic. Photo -electric cells. Auto and aviation Radio and to be year. Radio the future. Television promises to Jobs g Television. Get into now and for in will got to Radio open many good soon. Men I trained have now. The best njolis jobs trained men svito also know Television. Loud Speaker good jobs in these branches of Radio. Read their the Systems letters in "Rich Rewards in Radio." Mail Get My Book About Radio and Television coupon. Building, installing, Also Sample Lesson Free There's a Real Future in Radio Act Today. Mail the coupon now for "Rich Rewards to servicing, operating years Ior Well-Trained Men Radio. It's free to any fellow over 16 old. It public address sys- Pointe out Radio's spare time and full time oppor- tems is another Radin today is young -yet it's one of our large tunities and those coming In Television; tells about my field for industries. More than 28,000,000 homes have Ince training In Radio and Television; shows you letters from growing Radios than n I trained. telling what they are ,being and earning. or more Radios. There are mure out what Radio men well trained in get out shows my Money Back Agreement. Find telephones. Each year millions of Radios YOU! MAlta THE COUPON in an envelope. or Radio. of or stew tulips. repairs. offers date, need replacing paste on a postcard- -NOw'1 Millions are spent each year for Radie repairs. Mure than 5,000.000 auto Radios are in use; J. E. SMITH, Pres., National Radio Institute mure are being sold every day. offering more Dept. 8KX, HERE'S PROOF profit -making opportunities for Radio experts. And RADIO IS STILL. YOUNG-GROWING. Washington D. C. THAT MY TRAINING PAYS Radio is expanding into other fields. The few hundred $30. $50, $75 a week jobs of 20 $50 Monthly In Spare Time ears ago have grown to thousands. Yes, and in the "1 wick on Radio part line. still holding my Radio offers opportunities-now regular jot. Sinrc enrolling seven years ^ fu irre, every mtnnll .'' I liar raged mal ario JOIIN B. r MORi SETTS, $09 Valley SI., Many Make SS, S11, $15, a Week Extia Manchester. N. II. in Spare Time While Learning The day you enroll I start sending you show you Makes $50 to $60 a Week Extra Money Job Sheets. They how to do Radio repair jobs. how to cash "I am making between t.io anti $60 a reek after all expenses paid. and I ant gelling in quickly. Throughout your training I all the Radio work I ran take rare of. thanks send you plans and ideas that have made to N. R. I." Ir. W. slANGLEII, 126Ì4 S. good spare tinte money -front $ 200 to $500 3 Gay St., Knoxville. Trout. Operates Publie Address System This Coupon is Good For ... "I have a position with the Los Angeles Civil Service. operating the Publie Address System In the City Bail Council. My salary is $1711 One FREE Copy of My Book mont[." It. II. ROOD. R. 136. City Hall, Ins Ae- 19,:. t`ait. J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. RKX National Radio Institute, Washington, D. C. Lesson on Radio Servicing Tips -FREE B , Training og, Smith: Without obligation, send me free the Sample Lesson and your 64 -page I want .
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