m ■> \ 7 / * V l MONDAY, APRIL 21, P ^E POURTEEir l®attrljp0tpr iS^ffnittg Upral Avera; y Net press Run The Weather FarCUw Week Ended'' 'Forecast of U. S. IVeaf^ Bnrew A ^ l If, l»S8 & ’ ' .'‘o Showers, scatteredgnunderohorw- St. Cecelia's brothers Circle has ' Memorial Temple,' Pythian Sis­ RANGt ters, will meet tomorrow evening SA Ladies p aa Al^illToM'n ■elected the following officers for \ . I, era t ^ g h t coaUmitag Uiroagh the coming season: Mrs. Arthur in Odd Fellows Hall. The degree W edncal^. L W tonight 80-W. Charlebois. leader; Mrs, Clinton team will hold a r^araa^ in ‘Mile of Pennies Member of Dm Audit lUFl OIL Bureau of drcuMtieii High WdUnes^y 65-76. A poUuck apngl ettt eupper O’Brien, co-leader; Mrs. Mario preparation for the invention Mnnche$ter-^—~A City o f Village Charm b* -#«rv«flf to the e Two Group Frattaroll, secretary"; M ts.' John next.month, * For Wing Funu \ GASOLINC ••r ■of the Concordia Lutmran Church b'l'ank, , treasurer; Mrs. Allan tomorrow night ^al 7 o ’clock, b.v iSchubert, librarian and historian; Miss Joy Hendet^oh, 120 Wad To aid the buildi.ig fiihd of the VOL, LXXyK, NO. 172 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUEsbAY, A'pRIL 22, 1958 (Claaatfled Advertising on Page 16) PRICE F IV E (3e NTK Elsie and Charlie Cone,' Barbara Mrs. Edward Duclos, publicity and dell Rd., has Imn elected cor­ Salvation Army Cc-pa, th^.Home and Bill Geaa and Ann ^ d Ed welfare, and Mrs. Frank Manna, responding sepfrary of the- New League haa started a apeclrt proj- BANTLY OIL ------- 1 . I Combers: After the supper slides representative. England Readonr of the National' ect called "A Mile of PenniO*.” ( .IMI’ i.M , l\« of the "Tournament of Roses" VllI Federatioaof Catholic College Stu­ Whin completed It will total ■ '1 I :■! I I be shown by Belle Lange. Ruth Victor R. Hampsofl, engineman dents. / ^ $844.80 with 16 pennies In caclj Bidault Drafts and Will Hills and Ann and John second class. USN, Submarine foot. - ',<?■■ '-■’’' Democrats Service, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. TFL M.'fchcll ■> 1595 Wabrek are in charge of the pro­ TM Immaculate Conception On a chart prepared for this gram. Bampson, 46 Union St., is serving Mothers Circle will meet Wednes- project, the east ade of Main St. TR .1.3271 PjMn»,Premwr g ™ a b ^ d the submarine USS Conger from Charter OaU St. to the Cita­ operating with , the U.S. Atlantic «wy night at-8 o'clock at the home Mrs. Barbara Bell Matern. of Mrs; Bernard Fogarty, Porter del has been divided into blocks, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleet. ’ / St. , . each block represei ting o.m tenth Hopes SiippirtaT?* • BelL 34 W. Middle Tpke., left yes­ -■ i o. tlie mile, and progress Is marked terday for Germany to Join her The CliaminadS Chorus will ^ TNlmanciers meet for rehearsal tonight at 8 Anderson-Shea Auxiliary will week by week as the fund grows. WASHING m a c h in e Parle,. April 22 (/P)— Pre­ husband, who is serving there with In ' addition to • collection of the Armed' Forces. o’clock with Mrs. Mary Stewart, meet tomorrow at. 7:30 p.m. at the , mier-designate Georges- Bi­ 97 Hollister St. Post Home'. .This tvill be the first pennies at eacii Home League 'ashington, Api^ 22 (JP)— meeting, the group L l^)onsorlng Repairs^nriV dault drafted his program to-v An executive •■he meeting with the new officers oc- WaaKlngton, April 22 day, although his chances of Pehiocrats went'gunning for Town Planning’ Commission will be . Zion Church choir will hold a eupylhg their stations.. special activities to help reach the All Appllancea and the ^isenhower administra- held tonight at 8, o'clock in the rchejirsal tomorrow at 7:30 p.m desired goal. S tgr they have trav- Rnfrigemtors , ,,, EUenKower fMlJ beind approved by Parliament G h a W ^'froffi Uharter Oak St. to We'lls that a Democratic-sponapred panies. Hj> wilt go before, a con­ ThuMday grew slimmer by tiorf tpdiiy with accusations Municipal Building to disniss sub- and on W’ednesday at the same that it'-^s claiming credjt for di\'1sion regulations. ! hour the .^Sunday Sch.ool teachers sKanid'are starttngi-on the second Wringer Rolls—All 8>ses , expansion of unemployment gressional committee to reiterate the I lour. I will meet. Bennettfleads tenth" of the mile from IVells to benefits would seriously jeop­ Fax relief proposals previously put Ev >n the 175 votes he could peace wlWe there is no peace S^M<^ St. ardize iiistoric federaj-state forth by the administration, snd count on yesterday seemed sltp- and robbi^ the citizen to pay St. Margar'etis Circle, Daugh­ also propose additional aid. ters of Isabella, will hold its Manchester Lodge of Masons Potterfon's relations. Republican Con­ pir^.away and he waa not gather­ off the finmciei'. will hold a business meeting to­ The unemployment Insurance ing s hy .more. There are 695 depu-, Harry 8. 'n;umay hurled the House Unit monthly business meeting tomor­ League Again ISO t>nter HI., Cor. Chnrch St. gressional leaders said today. bill approved 'by the Ways and row. at 8 p.m. in the K of C Hqmc. morrow, Lodge will open at 7:30 ties n the National Assembly and robbery Charge \laj»t night. The p.tpc A social hour with refresh- Phone MI 8-4SS7 Eisenhower's opposition to a bill Means Committee carrle% a $l',s Mrs. Anthony J. Gryk .will sen’c as Wilbur Bennett was reelected the House Ways and Means Com­ a mt ijority is needed In his favor jaunty, former Ptosident said the :nts will follow. .LIE'S Famous Ftir Service Since lOSI billion price tag. If he Is to befcome premier. :halrman of the hostess commit' president o f the Manchester Tax­ mittee approved yesterday was set The Eisenhower program calls recession is no accident, an admin­ Opposed to tee. Tonight the circle will holrt^a The powerful Socialists haile de­ istration high^tere'ld policy is Its Loyal'Circle of Kings Daugh­ forth by Senate uOP leaaar.KnoW- for a SO .per cent Increase in the military whist and setback in tl payers League yesterday at a AUTCl^ BODY land Of California after he and cided ' they will vote against him. basic cause,,-and "S%lock was a K of C Home. ters will hold a rummage sale in meeting cioeing out fhe Leagvie'a number of weeks preaenyy in­ .His.mvh .party^r the ..Catholic .Pop­ i c W ELb ll other Republican chiefs concluded sured unemployed' ' can" collect gentleman compared to,our ^Repub- Woodruff hall of fhe Center ,,Con­ fir.st year of activities. their meeting, with ihe ular Republican Movement (PRM) llCan Intwest-happy govVor Proposition gregational Church Friday, morn­ benefits, ln( cases where aid to -~ls meeting this afternoon to take Also named to 1-year terms at ★ AUTO BOby and President. which they now are entitled has A. 1956 campaign confgren^ ing at 9:30. Anyone wishing to The plan, going weH beyond pro­ Its {decision. Democratic, women from oyer the meeting in the Verplanck been exhausteej. donate may leave articles at the FENDER REFAIRS posals sponsored by the admlnis- majority qf this left-of-center nation, 2,000 strong, assembled for^ Washin^on, April 22 (/P)'— church Thursday from 7 tq 9 p.m. .School was former Town Director t FOR Group to New York Churches r k CQMFLnE ^ R tratimi is to have the federal! Knowland said neither'^he nor party opposes Bl'dault's conserv­ three days of .speeches and Work­ Secretary of Defense McElroy I Mrs. Loui.se Fairwesther Snd Mrs. Walter Mahoney, Who replaces yPF Fisit treasuiV foot the bill for a IS-wSek the President haa had opportunity ative policy for North Africa and shop .sessions to whip iip pep and argu^ today that modem j Bess Thomp.son are co-chairmen. „• Clifford Magnusort'as vice presi­ Nineteen, members o f the Senior Yoimg People's Fellowship of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church boarded PA R IN T IN G S A F E m SAKE extension of jobless pay benefits to study all the details of the la tinlikely to baqk him. NOTICE > J „ J, 1 strategy for this fall’s congres- dent; Clifford Rautenherg. who a special bus early this morning to spend three days in New TTork City. Among the memberr of and take Into the. program workers | House convmittee bill. But he weapons and war techniques tJtCqf^RR and ENAltRlL And Lengor'TIrt Wogr slonsi elections. require the Pentagon organi­ I The Dorcas Society of Emanuel succeeds Mrs. Louise LaChahee as the Fellotvship making the trip were Misa Joan Treybai, Miss Gtorgia Potterton. Gary Phelps;" not covered by existing plans un-: added that on the basis of sur- cialists were hinting they might In the same forum. Sen. Mans-i i Church will hold a rummage sale secretary.; and Joseph Sullivan, Richard Flske, and the Rev. Preaeptt Beach, aaaistont at St. Mary’s, who Is one of the chaperons. 8 GKIBWOLD ST. Drhro In For Our der state-fixed' atandards. i veys already made, the measure against BidaUlj. tooT Former zation changes propo^^ by who succeeds himself as treasurer. TEL. Ml 8-AOU field of Montana, the assistant ■ W ILROSE I In Luther hall Friday at 9 a.m. Other chaperons are Mr. and Mrs,' Neil Lawrence and Mrs. Chester Kobllnsky. The group plans to Knowland alao told a news con- ■ "would very seriously jeopardise emler Pierre ■ Mendes-lilMnce Democratic leader In the Senate.
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