~port of the SECOND PERU - U.S. WORKSHOP ~ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT El Bosque, Peru November 20 - 24, 1967 Volume I Report and Recommendations ~ffice of the Foreign Secretary National Academy of Sciences n In Cooperation with the Peruvian National Academy of Sciences NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Washington, D. C. .. ., ~ I :,.- {..' (~... v.l Contents Page Participant~ Observers and Staff. • • •• • ·... •• •• iii Agenda ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••• ·. vii Background Information and Summary Report •• •••••• •• 1 Session Reports I- Organization of Scientific and Technological Research•••••••••• · . 7 II - Science in Secondary Education••••••• · . 11 III - Science in Higher Education •••••••• • • 16 IV - Research: Responsibilities of Government and Industry ••••••••• 26 V- Peruvian Needs for Professional Scientific Manp~ler ••••• · . 35 Recoamendations I. Panel on Secondary Education •• • 37 II. Panel on Higher Education •• · ••· · ·• • 38 III. Panel on Research: Gcvernment ·and· ·· · Indust~, Responsibilities •• •••• •• If1 IV. Panel on Peruvian Requirements of· · Hl1man Resources for Professional Scientific Manpower • • • • 43 V. Panel on United States-Peru··· · · · · Cooperative Programs. • • 45 VI. Report of the Special Group· on the · · · · Organization of Scientific and Technological .Research. •• · · · • ·· · · • 47 Provisional Statutes of the Peruvian Association for the Advancement of Science••••••••••• •• 48 Papers Contributed by Peruvians*. ••• bl *The contributed papers, in ~nglish and Spanish, are contained in Volume II. Order from National Technical Inform3tion Servict. Springlic;ld. Va. 2216] ii l)rder No. :ffi Jo; 3113 Participants United Statel Dr. William 8011ay Dr. Jod Tola P. Department of Mlchanical Ensineering Director, Institute of Pure and Stanford Univerlity Applied Mathematici Stanford, California National Engineering Univerlity (DGIREERING EOOCATION) Lima, Pet"l1 (MATHEMAnCS) Dr. Harrison Brown Poreign Secretary Dr. Antonio Bacigalupo National Academy of Sciences Director, Inltitute of Applied Walhington, D. C. Nutrition and Food Technology (GEOCHEMISTRY) Agrarian University Lima, Pet"l1 Mr. Peter Praenkel (NUTRInON) Pord Poundation Lima, Pet"l1 cmdte. Eduardo Barrag4ft (HIGHER EDUCAnON) Office of Research and Develop- ment Dr. A. McGehee Harvey Peruvian Navy Director, Department of Medicine Lima, Pet"l1 Johns Hopkins University (ENGINEERING) Baltimore, Maryland (MEDICAL EOOCATION) Dr. V!ctor Benavides Chief Geologist Mr. William Lawless, Jr. International Petroleum Company Office of the Director of Corporate Lima, Pet"l1 Plannins (GEOLOGY) International BUliness Machines, Inc. Armonk, New York Dr. Alberto Escobar (ELECTROH1CS ADMINISTBATION) Dean, Paculty of Letterl National University of San Marcos Dr. Norman MOore Lima, Pet"l1 Vice President (LINGUISTICS) Litton Indultriel Wood I ide, California Captain Alfred Preyre (PHYSICS, EOOCATION) Director-General, Inltitute of the Sea Dr. Milner B. Schaefer Callao, Lima, Pet"l1 Science Advisor (OCEANOGRAPHY) Department of the Interior WalhinstOD, D. C. Ins. Alberto Giesecke M. (OCEANOGRAPHY) Executive Director, Geophylics Inltitute of Peru Dr. George Waggoner Lima, Pet"l1 Dean, College of Liberal Arts (GEOPHYSICS) and Sciencel Univerlity of lansas Lawrence, lanlal (BIGHIR EOOCAnON, HUMANInES) iii ParticiPants (continued) ~ Inl. Jorle Grieve If. Dr. Rolger Valqui Gene ral Manager Institute of Pure and Applied Voltswaaen of Peru Mathematics Lima, Per4 National Engineering University (ENGINEERING) Lima, Pet"l1 (MATHEMATICS) Dr. Vfctor Latorre Director, Department of Physics Dr. GastcSn Vargas National Engineering Univeraity 'aculty of Chemistry Lima, Pel'd Catholic University (PHYSICS) Lima, Pet"l1 (CHEMlSTRY) Ing. Jos4 Liz'rraaa Director-General National Office for Evaluation of Natural Resources Lima, Pet"l1 '(ENGINEERING) Dr. Carlos MOnge C. Peruvian Univeraity of Medical and Biological Sciences Lima, Pet"l1 (MEDICINE) Ing. Mario S"" 808lio Dean, 'aculty of Sciences National Inlineering Univeraity Lima, Per4 (ENGINEERING) Dr. Mauricio San Mardn Chairman, Planning Committee Inter-University Council of Rectors Lima, Pel'd (GENETICS) General Angel Valdivia M. Office of Economics General Headquarters of the Army Mintatry of War Lima, Pel'd (ECONOMICS) iv Observers Ing. Dante Brambilla Picasso, Director-General of Industry, Ministry of Development and Public Works Ing. Mateo Casaverde, Deputy Director, Geophysics Institute of Peru Dr. Carlos Collazos, Director, Institute of Nutrition Dr. Javier Correa El!as, President, Atomic Energy Commission Ing. Isa!as Flit, Chief Scientist, Peruvian Office of Naval Research Professor B. Galacho, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, National Engineering University (UNI) Ing. Roberto Heredia Zavala, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNI Professor Horn, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, UNI Dr. Andr.s Kalnay, Faculty of Sciences, National Engineering University Professor L6pez, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, UNI Cmdte. c4sar Matto, Administrative Supervisor, Ancor Satellite Tracking Station Professor Morrison, Faculty of ,Physical Sciences and Mathematics, UNI Professor Mossin-Cot!n, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, UNI Dr. George Peterson, Faculty of Mining and Geology, UN! Dr. C.sar Sotillo, Faculty of Mining and Geology, UN! Ing. Federico Vaccari, Director of Experimentation, Agrarian Research and Development Service (SIPA) Professor Varchmin, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, UN! Ing. Pablo Willstatter Greig, Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, UN! Mexico Ing. V{ctor Ram!rez, Human Resources Researcher, Bank of Mexico U. S, Embassy Ambassador J. Wesley Jones Mr. Bryan Frisbie, Regional Minerals Attach. USAID Mission Mr. Donald R. Finberg, Assistant Director for Program Development Dr. Torkel Holsoe, Development Officer Columbia University Teachers College Team Dr. Ralph Fields, Chief of Party Dr. Sidney Grant, Associate Chief of Party Dr. John Baum Dr. R. Paulston Ford Foundation Dr. Carl Bauman, Visiting Professor at Agrarian University v National Academy of Sciences Staff Miss Theresa T~llez, Head, Latin American Affairs, Science Organization Development Staff Dr. Victor Rabinowitch, Staff Director, Science Organization Development Staff Miss Diana Riehl, Research Assistant, Science Organization Development Staff Peruvian Staff Ing. Alberto Giesecke M., Executive Secretary of the Paracas Group Mr. Mario C'rdenas Zag', Administrator, Geophysics Institute of Pero Miss Plor de la Torre, Geophysics Institute of Per~ AGENDA Monday, November 20 Opening Session 3:00-6:00 p.m. Opening Addresses Adoption of Agenda Session I Or2anization of Scientific and Technological Research (Report of Developments since First Workshop) Chairman: Dr. Jos' Tola Speakers: General Angel Valdivia Dr. Harrison Brown Rapporteurs: Dr. Milner B. Schaefer Ing. Isa!as Flit Tuesday, November 21 9: 00-12: 30 p.m. Session II Science in Secondary Education Chairman: Dr. George Waggoner Speakers: Dr. V{ctor Latorre Dr. Sidney Grant Rapporteurs: Dr. Norman Moore Dr. Holger Valqui 3:00-6:00 p.m. Remarks by Ing. V{ctor Ramlrez, Observer from Mexico Session III Science in Higher Education Chairman: Dr. Mauricio San Mardn Speakers: Dr. Hol~r Valqui Dr. Alberto Escobar Dr. Harrison Brown Rapporteurs: Dr. A. McGehee Harvey Dr. Carlos Monge C. vii Wednesday, November 22 9:00-12:30 p.m. Session IV Research: Responsibilities of Government and Industry Chairman: Ing. Mario S8D18JDt! Boggio Ing. Alberto Giesecke Ing. Jorge Grieve Dr. Milner B. Schaefer Rapporteurs: Dr. Vlctor Benavides Dr. William Bollay 3:00-6:00 p.m. Session V Peruvian Needs for Professional Scientific Manpower Chairman: Mr. William Lawless Speakers: Ing. Mario Sam~ Boggio Dr. Norman Moore Dr. Jos~ Tola Rapporteurs: Dr. George Waggoner Dr. Antonio Bacigalupo 9:00-10c30 p.m. Seminar on Nuclear Agro-Industrial Complexes Presentation by Dr. Harrison Brown Thursday, November 23 9:00-12:30 p.m. Panel Meetings (Panels 1 through 4) Panel 1: Secondary Education Dr. George Waggoner (Chairman) Dr. Harrison Brown Ing. Isalas Flit Dr. V!ctor Latorre Panel 2: Higher Education Dr. Mauricio San Mart!n (Chairman) Dr. Carl Bauman Dr. William Bollay Dr. Carlos MOnge C. Dr. Holger Valqui viii Thursday, November 23 (continued) Panel 3: Research: Responsibilities of Govermnent and Industry Cmdte. Eduardo Barrag!n (Chairman) Dr. Victor Benavides Ing. Alberto Giesecke Ing. Jos~ Liz!rraga Dr. Norman Moore Dr. Milner B. Schaefer General Angel Valdivia Panel 4: Peruvian Needs for Professional Scientific ~~npower Mr. William Lawless (Chairman) Dr. Antonio Bacigallipo Dr. A. McGehee Harvey Ing. Mario Samam~ Boggio Dr. Jos~ Tola Special Peruvian Subc~lmlttee General Angel Valdivia (Chairman) Dr. Antonio Bacigalupo Cmdte. Eduardo Barrag!n Dr. Victor Benavides Dr. Andr~s Ka1nay Ing. Jos~ Liz!rraga 3:00-6:00 p.m. Preparation of Panel Reports Evening Panel 5: Peru-U.S. Cooperative Program Dr. Harrison Brown Dr. Jos~ T01a Ing. Alberto Giesecke Dr. George Waggoner Friday, November 24 9:00-12:30 ~.m. Session VI Panel Reports Chairman: Dr. Jos~ Tola 2:30-3:30 p.m. Session VII Findings and Recommendations Chairman: Dr. Harrison Brown ix Background Information and Summary Report The second in a continuing series of NAS-sponsored science workshop meetings, supported by AID, was held outside Lima, November 20-24, 1967. These binational meetings bring together scientists and government representatives of the United States and Peru to
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