8334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOU.SE OCTOBER 14 Elinor E. Arick, Valley City, Ohio. Office CONFffiMATIONS 0 wondrous Saviour, whose holy feet became Presidential July 1, 1943. Executive nominations confirmed by .. touched the scarred earth at Bethlehem OKLAHOMA the Senate October 14 (legislative day of and whose spiritual impulse lives, cross William T . Barnes, Mountain Park, Okla., October 12), 1943: the hearts of men like the shaft of a great tn Jllace of L. L. Bennett, resigned. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE light. Let us beware of the atrophy of Ella Miller, Ramona, Okla., in place of A. A. victory and understand that liberty of Powel1, removed. James Patrick McGranery to be The Assist­ ant to the Attorney General. speech, thought, and act is our eternal OREGON possession and stamped with the blood of Eugene E. Mulcare, Canyon City, Oreg., in THE JUDICIARY our fathers and not to be pierced by any place of E. M. Hoare, deceased. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE weapon nor withstood by any barrier. PENNSYLVANIA Luther M. Swygert to be United States dis­ Blessed Lord, lead us to be grateful for trict judge for the northern district of Indi- the great mass of laboring people who are Marjorie Lowery, Boston, Pa . Office became ana. Presidential July 1, 1943. reaching the high note of patriotic devo­ Amidee T. Seese, Markleysburg, Pa. Office CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION tion and service. Our privileges and op­ became Presidential July 1, 1943. Col. Edwin C. Kelton, Corps of Engineers, portunities are · countless and we pray Emma J. Roof, Monroeton, Pa. Office be­ United States Army, to be president and a that Thy benefactions may be upon all came Presidential July 1, 1943. memner of the California Debris Commission. like the geod river of water of life whose Harry ·c. Mickle, New Paris, Pa. Office be­ Col. Rufus W. Putnam, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, to be a member of the streams are for the healing of the na­ came Presidential July 1, 194;3 . tions. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. Esther Smith, Renton, Pa. Office became California Debris Commission. Presidential July ·1. 1943. IN THE NAVY The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Dennis A. Phelan, St . Marys, Pa., in place T:CMPOUARY SERVICE terday was read and approved. of Frank O'Neill, deceased. Herbert F. Leary to be vice edmiral..in the RESIGNATIONS FROM COM!I. .UTTEES Alice B. Smith, Shawnee on Delaware, Pa., Navy, for temporary service, t~.- ranK from in place of C. W. Callaway, retired. November 1, 1943, and to continue during The SPEAKER laid before the House SOUTH DAKOTA h is ass:gnment as commander, Eastern Sea the following resignation from commit­ Hilda J. Gross, Doland, S. Dak., in place of Frontier. - tees: A. E. Paine, retired. ·RETIRED LIST OCTOBER 11, 1943. Hon. SAM RAYBURN, Iva M. Bowen, Egan, S. Dak. Office became Rear Admiral Adolphus Andrews, to be Presidential July 1, 1943. placed on the retired list with the rank of Spea.1cer of the House ot Representatives, Washington, D. C. Gustave I. Honsey. Hecla, S. Dak., in place vice admiral when retired on November 1, I of G. I. Honsey. Incumbent's commission DEAR MR . .SPEAK ER: hereby t ender · my 191:3. resignation from the following committees expired June 23, 1942. Rear Admiral Roland M. Brainard, to be placed on the retired list with the rank of and ask that ttie same be accepted: Terri­ TEXAS tories, and the Select Committee to Investi­ vice admiral when retired on November 1, gate Acts of Executive Agencies Beyond the David F. Stamps, Dime Box, I'ex., in place 1913. of D. F. Stamps. Incumbent's commission Scope of Their Authority. expired April 6, 1942. POSTMASTERS With best wishes, I am, Gorden S Barker, Sulphur Bluff Tex Of­ FLORIDA Sincerely yours, fice became Presidential July 1, 1943. Stanley V. Buss, Vero Beach. JOHN B. BENNETT, Vaughn M. Price, Three ivers, Tex., in HAWAII The SPEAKER. Without objection, . place of H. D. House, transferred. Fra ncis Hughes, Lanikal. the resignation will be accepted. UTAH LOUISIANA There was no objection. Edna F'. Nicholls, Farmington, Utah., in Girtherine Evans Lloyd, Grambling. The SPEAKER laid before the House place of M. J. M. Smith, resigned. MISSOURI the following resignation 'from a com­ Reuben J. Peterson, Santaquin, Utah, in W. Llcyd Wiley, Crane . mittee: place of R. J. Peterson. Incu!llbent's com­ OCTOBER 12, 1943. mission expired Dzcember 7, 1941. Parl\:s Bacon, El Dorado Springs. Lewis A. Newkirk, Everton. Hon. SAM RAYBURN, VERMONT Cecil E. Schwartz, Hannibal. Speaker, House of Representatives, Mabel M. Hemenway, Jeffersonville, Vt., in JaMes R. Daily, Schell City. Washington, D. C. place of M. M. Hemenway. Incumbent's com­ Ernest C. Buehler, South St. Joseph. MY DEAR SPEAKER: I hereby tender my res­ ign ation as a member of the Committee on mission expired June 23, 1942. OKLAHOMA Rosa M. Stewart, Tunbridge, Vt., in place World War Veterans' Legislation. of R. M. Stewart. Incumbent's commission Maude A. Cumming, Adair. Sincerely yours, expired June 23, 1942. WASHINGTON ALBERT J. ENGEL. Timothy J . Murphy, Windsor, Vt., in place Jehu 0 Patterson, Pullman. The SPEAKER. Without objection, of T. J. Murphy. Incumbent's commission John 0. Mills, Woodland. the resignation will be accepted. expired June 23, 1942. There was no objection. VIRGINIA The SPEAKER laid before the House Louis C. Dawson, Afton, Va. Office became the followint.; resignation from ,a com­ Presidential July 1, 1943. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mittee: Mabel C. Harris, Gladstone, Va. Office be­ OCTOBER 12, 1943. came Presidential July 1, 1943. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1943 Hon. SAM RAYBURN, Elza s. Cave, Madison, Va., in place of A. H. Speaker, House of Represen tatives, Cave, deceased. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Washington, D. C. Charles G. Arey, Mount Salol), Va. Office The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I respectfully tender became Presidential July l, 1943. my resignation as a member of the Com­ Gilbert T. Allen, Wakefield, Va., in place Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ ing prayer: mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. of L. E. Stephenson, retired. Cordially yours, Annie R. B. Knight, Whaleyville, Va. Of­ HuGH D. ScoTT, Jr. fice became Presidential July 1, 1943. 0 Thou eternal 'Father, from whom all blessings flow, who breathes hope into The SPEAKER. Without objection, WASHINGTON hopeless hearts and unto whom little Willene M. Ratliff, Electric City, Wash.,• in the resignation will be accepted. children may come and the patriot with There was no objection. place of 0. N. Handel, resigned . his victory, consider and hear us. Re­ WEST VIRGINIA assure us that the paths we are passing APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEE Harry E. Riddleberger, St. Albans, W. Va., are starlit and the days which sweep our The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ tn place of H. E. Riddleberger. Incumbent's country onward are true and safe. visions of House Resolution 102, Seven­ commission expired June 23, 1942. Grant that we may meet the soul of the ty-eighth Congress, the Chair appoints WYOMING world without blot or shame, prophesy­ . as a member of the Select Committee to J chn W. Powell, Superior, Wyo., in place ing the coming of Thy kingdom and the Investigate Acts of Executive Agencies of John Barwick, removed. parliament of man. Beyond the Scope of Their Authority, 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8335 the gentleman from Michigan [Mr. which is brief, and then the further con­ ceed for 1 minute and revise and extend HoFFMAN] to fill the existing vacancy sideration, under the 5-minute rule, of my remarks. thereon. the bill which will come up today. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? ELECTION TO COMMITTEE On Tuesday the Private Calendar will There was no objection. be called and there will also be consid­ Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. ered th~ Bulwinkle resolution giving to Speaker, on May 27 I introduced in the Speaker, I offer a resolution <H. Res. the Committee on Interstate and Foreign House a bill <H. R. 2820) to create a per­ 323) and ask for its immediate adoption. Commerce power to investigate certain manent medical corps in the Veterans' The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ aspects of air transportation. · Administration. That bill has been be­ lows: On Wednesday the Chinese Exclusion fore the Veterans' Committee. It has Resolved, That JoHN B. BENNETT, of Michi­ Act will be brought up. · not yet been reported, because we have gan, be, and he is hereby, elected to the Com­ On Friday-! see the chairman of the been waiting for a report from General mittee on World War Veterans' Legislation­ of the House of Representatives. Committee on Military Affairs here; if I Hines and the Bureau of the Budget. make any observation about this which We are short 258 doctors in the veterans' The resolution was agreed to. he feels should be corrected I hope he hospitals, and 500 · nurses. General EXTENSION OF REMARKS will do so-the fathers' draft bill will be Hines says they are trying to get help (Mr. REED of New York asked and was brought up. I understand the report on from the Army and the Navy from time · given permission to extend his own re­ this bill will soon be completed and filed, to time, but nothing has been done. In marks in the RECORD.) and if a i"ule is granted for the con­ the meantime men disabled in the First sideration of this bill, which I hope it will World War and men disabled in the REPEAL OF THE CHINE3E EXCLUSION ACT be, it is my intention to bring it up on present World War are not receiving ad­ Mr.
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