Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 10-1-1953 Volume 71, Number 10 (October 1953) Guy McCoy Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation McCoy, Guy. "Volume 71, Number 10 (October 1953)." , (1953). This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OCTOBER 1953 40 CENTS $3.50 A YEAR the music magazine An American Way of Life in Art Llluritz Melchior A Century of Tradition Rose Heylbut Revival at the Opera Mllurice Dumesni/ The Piano Triumphs Jllmes Frllncis Cooke Pioneer Piano Teacher in America Doron K. Antrim Are You Doing the Joh? Willillm D. Revelli Grado 31/2 110,4D274 ARPEGGIO ETUDE Jr"'!If (ldealar/W If;Q ,ud. unJ hi er IAtu. U rUI I.- 130-41128 CLOWIll • littl {Recital, R dial, lO«dto~L J MItl~""ttr--' 2j Good lor dr' ,.Iopill ltd I nUll, tD mu.i. OIlU11t4 in L,lI') 130-41134 PUNCHINEllO ••• .llfle 31 (ExcrU,.nl ,«;tal piN". tlotl"., t'CMlftltPO,.-",id.J II0-40249 SPIIJl6 m~ . l ~ JI {Reeital, LIlUSIlDI IOtIllr sJudy In Itlunlt~ RtlftJIIUCftllofRa!l barmonieoll • ~/ild COllI mpo,..,., U1J .. ) 130-41126 IPRING IOJl6 n 31 (Rniuzl. t'IIUJutd piN' u/u It. u. '''~ lin';" ql41i11h-14t PIANO piano. MoJ~rtlt,. ronl mpor ry uJ,'tJlft) 110-40261 Sf.u OJ Wll . •• . lQoloj f-'I Jl Grade 1 (I< ilal. Adult bin" n. U'/4(/y u,IUI 110-40251 DINNERPARTY .. __frances M_ light $.35 OIU) (Words, Sluay in legato phrasing and detached notes [non- Grlbde 4 legato ]) 130-41129 HOllon IN HOLUND 110-40244 fLYING AN AIRPLANE_. ..... Babbs Travis .35 (Vny f"Qt'Clit t. '!I.,ttl..,. ,,,, I (Study in phrasing and legato, ALternate hands) mtlOfUc 1l01I. R u.,/) Grade 11(,. Grad • .5 110-40252 BICYCLERACE __Bobbs Tra,is .35 130,41130 ROMINIUtTE ,. 7j (Study in finger dexterity for both hands) (Fi,,.pi ,. ,rp"1") 8 lit f r 111111 tlul ... ,mJI 110-40270 ClRCUIBAND . _... _. _. _Louise E. 5tairs .35 (Melody in alternate hands, Should appeal to l)oy.~) VOCAL 110-40272 fOLLOWTHHEADER. __.Cleo Allen Hibbs _35 111·40046 IIIlWEl£D ~tlm IWrI ... 1I f (Preparatory studv for playing contrapuntal music) f\IH/ium. ~"I. ftJl' I I • Itl I Iii' un II, (Auld,,. • J• rilfJl.t. I (ICtI1"u(ll'n". ,Ulln ,uulJ ., 110-40271 TO A DAilY. __.... __ ___ .. Wiliiam Scber _35 . ..... tt /1 •• .' . _ (Melodic study in legato for both hands) -" ..: CHORAL ",,, ",'" -# ~.~, ~ 110-40253 TUGOf WAR_ ____ .. .. Mae-Aileen Erb .35 SATB • • • (Good rhythmic study piece in 6/8 time) , 322·40030 IHlllTMI.l LULUII lI... lopif .II - • Grade 2 ', (\f f"(Ii"mo(/.g;cu/, """) . -- •.•,, 110-40247 JOLLYJUGGLER. _... __Jean Reynoid, Davis 322·4D018 - ".. CHIISTMI.l MOU Ill... _II .35 • (Recital, Jaunty piece with good melodic ideas, Excellent study (a c(tJ)J}~/I(I. "tXI "ttl d'/Ji('IIIJ). III" t.lllt d0t4 ."d/allt«- •• in staccato and non legato touch) IjonJ. Wilt',. trjO~ (°""'1'111114/. 1-:' ,u J '.• . 110-40273 "LEI'l PLAY LEAPfROG" _ . __ __ Hubert Tillery .35 322-40D3t fOR IHII GOOO (OM~U" """ .11 (Tuneful, little scherzo with melody in alternate hands) (Piano 01' Or,JJJ' 41 , "d) nttHI 'I'..F""1. r.lttti('t. c.u 110-40256 ONA HOBBYHORlE. __ . Eiizabeth E_Rogers .35 bt' "NJlor h(ln/u ",n ) (Charming, characteristic study in 6/8, Leans toward con- 322·4DD15 GLORYLIND • .11 llo!!ol .II temporary idiom) (a COlif 110. " d',~m d'l/in,1t • r.IKW ,. /It ill 'UfO JIiril. 110-40278 ROUNDELAY- -- . __ .. __ . Gladys BI.kely Busb _35 "oJ , I ) (Lively, tuneful dance, Recital piece for early grade) 312-40f52 IN THE MIOn OF EIl!HlY liFE (,0 ~!tJf",.I6 110-40279 YlllONS Of ILEEP_ -- ...... ___ _.... Geibel-Richter .35 (Eo • Pr(I('l;col ttI'llon lor Mod "" u•• -4uff,tII1i( cM.J (Words, Original piece on which ten popular versions of mU.$ic 0/ 1611. lind Jill. C fIluFl .,J "Sleep" is based) 312-40156 LUillBY 10 THE INfl1ll JESUS J.11. .II 110-40276 S1EEPLECNASE - __ __ _G_AI" Kevan .35 ( OprOno solo. Piotto ,. Of J'lIICC.. 'Ipm~ fAsr 10 1JIldid, (Characteristic piece combining arpeggio and chord study) Quiet. eDK,il".) Grade 2% 322-40D34 PEll TE (0 NCfJ TIllIE C"ellUllrMt .18 110-40248 APRIL MOOD -- __ _ __Stanford King (Pian{) .10/0 fdlh Mi.xtd rhoTm. (fUnu.1 0/ p;.1tII anJ ~f(~~~;ua .35 (Study in thirds, Waltz, Melodic) chorlU. The lour,.. Otl OJ! orch~.$JraJ tnKmble. piMOa JDloi. 110-40275 CORNHUlKIN' -- __ _ _Margery McHale stmmem. E pecioll ~ood lor KlIooJ.s) WHEN YOU'VE CHOSEN THE BEST? .35 (Barn dance style, Opportunity for study of syncopated figure) 312-40149 ROC~·A MY IOUL. , • _.. aoo4on 6oIlcIoI 11 f I 0-40269 DOLL!' TEAPARTY. ................................ Anne Robinson (u cappella. fa ',Rht.hmic. 10,1411choradu. NwospiriJuJ) .35 (Staccato, Dance-like in character) 322-40027 TREAD DEM TllOUBlEl ODIU •. _. Georl'l,.. 10 "Ah , _, you hove a Mason & Hamlin" _, _there's a touch of reverence in the remark-and a _ _ 110-40254 FROLICKINGFAUNS_ ' _ _Alberf De Vito fa cappella. 'Tedium dil/icldt • "'epa piritU4lJ fine compliment to your discriminating judgment. In your studiO, in your home, thiS finest of (Recital, Melodic piece in light style) .35 312-40150 WUE. IWUE. fOR THE NI6HT II RYIII6 • __., ,II,", ""''''"' .II 110-40255 GRAYMOONLIGHT_... __ . (Easy, IJractjeo/ edilion lor modern usto, AUlhentic chand pianofortes is forever a source of deep satisfaction. __to the eye, to tbe ear, to the touch. _ .35 (Nostalgic mood, Reci;~l: Ait~~~~~i~~ 'h~~d;~1~~'~;;:~O~dKing mU.$i~0/161h and 17,h C't!nwr;u) Its pleasures come high _, _but its ageless styling and unmatched stamina guarantee full sattsfactlOn 110-40257 MIDNIGHTRIDERI.... _ r 312-40151 WILL OF 600 II ALWIYS ,En. ' "I"" ..... .IS far longer and make the Mason & Hamlin a sound investment for student, teacher and institution_ (Excellent study in' ~~i~k ~~~~~~t~'~~d~~l' WIIllaHm Scher .35 or COntrasts ighly (EfUY, A practical t'dilion for moJun UM'•• -4uthenlic dlo"! recommen d ed for recital) , mu.sic of 16th and lith C'f'.nltu;l!$) Grade 3 SSA 1he 'World's 'Jinest and Costliest Piano 110-40259 MEMORYOF MAYIIME 322-40029 ANGEU' LULUBY Loi' N_foil .Il (Sww waltz, Crossi~~'~; h~~d;,'R~~it~ij Frank Grey .35 (ChriJlmQ.!. diffi~l.l • Cood l'~l~e~~~~)" 110-40277 M~i(~~ PEARlSOf THE NIGHT 322-40032 NOCTURNE___ __ __ __ _____ .. __ __. Heny C.rel Mastrol.. .16 (Waltz, Tropical a~~~;~h~~~j StanfordKing .35 DIVISION or: AEOLIAN AMERICAN CORPORATION (Piano ace .• EO$Y, en.limettt-aL. wI4ble for &COmen'j clwruJts. 130-41 f27 PUPPY'I TALE.... _... East Roches,ter, N. Y. girls' glee clubs. elC.) iIl[u50n & 'Hamlin (Recital, Rapid alt~;~~;i~~ 'fi~~~~;'Ch . MargalrefWigham .35 d h - d' , romauc stye, A few as Ing Msonances to illustrate Point) 130-41133 SILYERlNADOWI ¥ * (Recital, Mel~d~ 'i~'i..:ii.: N~;t~l~i~ ~h~~~~~~;;..'.HubertTillery .40 THEODORE PRESSER CO. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania ETUDE-OCTOBER 1953 1 1 _ ~lJ .nnga:inc ~--:t BOSTON UNIVERSITY 'IlUSlC THE COMPOSER OF THE MONTH ETUDE ti,e . :4.-- College of Music Editorial and Business Offices, Bryn Mawr, Pa. OHANN STRAUSS, JR .• the "Waltz Kin17," is the October composer of the All Branches of Music Jmonth. The younger Strauss was born in and Musfc Education The churc~ Vienna October 25, 1825, and died there Robert A. Choate, Dean Feunded 1883 by THEODORE PRESSER James Francis Cooke. Editor Emeritus on June 3, 1899. In spite of jealousy on the (Editor. 1907·19491 they know part of his father, he was able, with the Courses leading to the de,grees B. Guy McCoy, Managing Editor aid of his mother, to secure instruction on Mus.; M.M.:'M.M. Ed. In conjunction Marjorie E. Mosher, Business 111.anager - the violin and also harmony lessons. In with the Graduate School-M.A.; George Rochberg, Music Editor is where 1844, declaring his freedom from all paren- tal control, he appeared as conductor of Ph.D. In conjunction with the School Harold Berkley Maurice Dumesnil Paul N. EJbin Karl \ . Gehrken$ his own orchestra with instantaneous sue- of Educotion-M.Ed.; Ed.D. Elizabeth A. Gest Guy Maier Alexander McCurdy William D. Re:u:JIi they'll Nicolas Slonimsky cess. In 1849, following the death of his Year-round Proiects and Workshops include- father, the orchestras of father .and son Workshop in Music Educ:ation go ... were combined for a tour through Austria, Poland and Germany. Opera Worbhop From 1855 to 1865 he conducted summer concerts in 51. Peters- Pianists Workshop burg. From 1863-1370 he was conductor of the court balls. He Vol. 71 No. 10 CONTENTS October /953 Eminent Faculty of Artists, Com. then relinquished this position to his brother in order to have more time for composition, turning his attention especially to posers, Scholars and Educators FEATURES composing operettas, In 1872 we find him in the .United States Moster Closses under such leaders 01- AN Al\IERICAN WAY OF LIFE IN ART •••••••• 0 ••••••••• lAl,lrll.
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