WESTCHESTER’S OLDEST AND MOST RESPECTED NEWSPAPERS PRESORT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID White Plains, NY Permit #7164 Vol 113 Number 5 www.RisingMediaGroup.com Friday, February 1, 2019 Energy Shocker! Mary Calvi Pens Book on Con Ed Says No New Nat Gas Customers in Yonkers Washington-Philipse Love Con Edison says part of the reason for the ban of new natural gas customers is a lack of pipeline access. By Dan Murphy area has been experiencing significant growth pri- Author Mary Calvi with her book in front of a portrait of Mary Philipse in Philipse Manor Hall in Yonkers. Photo by Donna Davis. The announcement last week by Con Edison marily due to the construction of new buildings, that effective March 15 they will no longer be ac- the opening of new businesses, and conversions cepting new natural gas customers in lower West- from oil to cleaner-burning natural gas in existing By Dan Murphy an interesting topic for her first book, “Dear chester County and Yonkers came as a shock to buildings. But all of this new demand for gas is The most important and difficult task in George, Dear Mary: A Novel of George Wash- many developers, leaders and elected officials. reaching the limits of the current supplies to our writing a book is to find a topic that is both in- ington’s First Love.” The complete statement from Con Edison, service area. teresting and not yet published. Before he became our nation’s first presi- which services all of lower-mid-Westchester and “As a result, and to maintain reliable service Many of our Westchester readers may dent, George Washington fell in love with a most of northern Westchester, reads: to our existing natural gas customers on the coldest know Mary Calvi as the former anchor for young woman from Westchester and Yonkers. “The demand for natural gas in our service News 12, or watch her early morning and at Her name was Mary Philipse, who hailed from Continued on Page 8 noon as the anchor for CBS-NY-TV news (my a wealthy family that derived a large stake mom is a loyal viewer). Calvi, who is also mar- of landholdings based on its loyalty to King ried to Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, has picked Continued on Page 7 YMA Hoopster Ashley Soto Scores 1,000th Point State Approves MGM’s Purchase Of Empire Casino & Raceway YMA Superstar hoopster Ashley Soto. By Dan Murphy through-grade-12 school, which does allow Congratulations to Yonkers Montessori middle-school students to play for the high Academy senior Ashley Soto, who recently school teams provided that they pass a certifica- scored her 1,000th point in her high school ca- tion test, which Ashley did easily. reer. Ashley has, remarkably, been playing for “I’ve been playing since I was 4, and my MGM Resorts received approval to purchase and operate Empire Casino at Yonkers Raceway the YMA varsity girls’ basketball team since the grandmother kept me going and interested in this week. seventh grade. basketball,” said Soto, who played in girls’ This week, the New York State Gaming pleted the transactions for the acquisition of Because YMA is a pre-kindergarten- Continued on Page 6 Commission approved the licenses required Empire City Casino in Yonkers. to allow the sale and operation of Empire City “We are pleased to welcome the 1,200 Casino & Yonkers Raceway to MGM resorts. employees at Empire City Casino to the MGM Yonkers Celebrates After the commission’s approval, MGM com- Continued on Page 6 Black History Month State Senate Dems Pass Reproductive Health Act Gov. Andrew Cuomo signs the Reproductive Health Act, with Senate Majority Leader Andrea “Suckin’ Sugar Cane” by Patricia Stuart is featured in the Riverfront Art Gallery’s exhibit “Of Stewart-Cousins, from Yonkers, looking on. Kings and Queens.” The new majority in the State Senate last had prevented any vote or passage of reproductive The City of Yonkers will celebrate Black youth. Community partners for this event in- week passed a series of bills that will protect and rights for women in the Senate, while the Assem- History Month in February with a series of lec- clude the Nepperhan Community Center, Youth ensure New York women’s health rights. Passed bly and Gov. Andrew Cuomo supported the mea- tures, workshops and events. Friday, Feb. 1, the Theatre Interactions and Harambee Dance Com- on the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Su- sure, which became more important as the U.S. Yonkers Public Schools will hold a districtwide pany. preme Court decision, the Reproductive Health Supreme Court recently confirmed two justices Black History Month celebration, “Standing on The Yonkers Public Library begins a Act will codify that decision into New York law that may be the deciding votes to overturn Roe v the Shoulders of Giants,” at 6 p.m. at Roosevelt month-long celebration of Black History Month and modernize New York’s statutes to protect Wade. Cuomo said last year, “Kavanaugh is going High School-Early College Studies. this week with a number of family-friendly women’s rights. to reverse Roe v. Wade, I have no doubt.” The keynote speaker will be State Senate events for the community to learn and reflect For several years, the republican majority in The Senate majority also passed the Com- Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, with on the history, accomplishments and culture of the State Senate, with the help and support from prehensive Contraception Coverage Act that will the former Independent Democratic Conference, musical and oratorical performances by Yonkers Continued on Page 6 Continued on Page 8 PAGE 2 - YONKERS RISING - FRIDay, FEBRUary 1, 2019 Mayer & Others Applaud Passage Call to Local Artists For Saw Of Statewide Gun Buyback Bill Mill River Daylighted Park Artists are wanted to line the latest piece of Saw Mill River daylighting in downtown Yonkers. Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, in collabora- um, size and weight; and the Photoshop render- tion with the city’s Department of Planning & ing of the sculpture. Artists should also include Development, is calling for submissions of art an artist statement, biography and website. All to be displayed at the Phase III of the Saw Mill artists must send progress photos of their work River Daylighting Park at New Main Street. The during the duration of its production. Assemblymember Shelley Mayer with James Nolan Jr. call to artists aims to connect residents and visi- Each artist is responsible for bringing their tors with original works of art, inspire creativity sculptures on site for execution Tuesday, April and continue the revitalization of Yonkers’ wa- 30. Personal tours of the park will be provided State Sen. Shelley Mayer recently an- worked closely with James Nolan Jr. of Yon- terfront district. if requested on weekdays between the hours of nounced the passage of a bill she sponsored, kers, who has been a local leader in the fight “Yonkers is quickly becoming a destination 2 and 4 p.m. The city will be accepting only one which authorizes the New York State Police against gun violence in his community. Nolan city for artists to live, work and exhibit,” said sculpture submission per artist. to create statewide protocols to encourage and has been pressing for the passage of statewide Mayor Mike Spano. “Daylighting III is one of The submission deadline is Feb. 11 by noon. support gun buyback programs throughout the legislation to promote gun buyback programs the most unique urban revitalization projects in Work must be sent to: CallForArtists@yonker- state. The bill, sponsored in the Assembly by for several years, after the murder of his broth- New York State. By local artists contributing to sny.gov. Visit www.YonkersNY.gov/Sculpture Linda Rosenthal of Manhattan, was spurred by er Michael Nolan in Yonkers. the space, it will only enhance this new and ex- for more details. Artists will be notified Friday, the experience of the Yonkers Police Depart- Michael Nolan passed away Oct. 8, 2015, citing downtown destination for our residents.” Feb. 22 if their work has been selected. ment in its Gun Tip Hotline, which resulted in after a shooting three weeks earlier outside Submissions should be sculpture-themed The Daylighting of the Saw Mill River is several-hundred guns having been turned in of a Burger King parking lot on Central Park and should relay themes of environmental a multi-phase development that encompasses from Yonkers’ streets. Avenue. Michael was a graduate of Saunders awareness, such as the paramount role of the new urban river and parks through the heart of This bill was one of several gun violence Trades and Technical High School in Yonkers. Saw Mill River influencing the return of wildlife downtown Yonkers. Prior to the completion of prevention measures the New York State Sen- A 6-foot, 8-inch left-handed pitcher and star native to the area. Another encouraged theme is these projects, the Saw Mill River was buried ate passed Jan. 29. The other bills included athlete, he had been drafted to play for the veterans due to the presence of the city’s Depart- for nearly a century beneath the city through the measures to prohibit the arming of teach- Oakland A’s. ment of Veterans’ Services, located across from 1890s to 1920s. ers or other non-law enforcement personnel “Today is an important day for the people the park. The first phase of the daylighted river near on school grounds; banning “bump stocks,” of New York State,” said Mayer. “Thank you Public artwork from local artists has been the city’s train station, now known as Van Der which accelerate the rate of fire of semi-au- to Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins a key component at Daylighting I at Van der Donck Park, was completed in 2012 and Phase tomatic weapons; extending the background for prioritizing laws that protect our families Donck Park and at Daylighting II at the Mill II at the Mill Street Courtyard was accomplished check period to allow for complete reviews; and communities from the scourge of gun vio- Street Courtyard, which has brought attention to in 2016.
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