SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 03 EDITORIAL 13 CHANGE OF FILTER TECHNOLOGY Double bag reduces waste CONTENT 04 RESPONSIBILITY 14 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE Structuring production sustainably New initiatives on track to success 06 GLOBAL PRESENCE 15 CHINESE SITES REDUCE EMISSIONS Our locations Smart energy recycling 07 INTERVIEW 16 PROGRESS IN MANY WAYS “We require a social consensus on Environmental performance animal husbandry.” 17 GLOBAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY 09 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Improving a little every day Award-winning innovations 18 EMPLOYEES 10 SUSTAINABLE CYCLE Headcount development From nature for nature 19 SOCIAL COMMITMENT 11 FOCUS ON NITRIFICATION Focus on children and young adults Small bubbles, less compressed air 12 NEW TECHNOLOGY IN BRAZIL Removing ammonia anaerobically GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 02 EDITORIAL Dear readers, 2018 was another successful year for GELITA. Despite customers and suppliers, and to minimize negative challenging market conditions, we succeeded in consequences. In order to document our activities, expanding our business in line with our long-term we are publishing our fourth Sustainability Report. commitment to sustainability. It provides information on the progress made in 2018, on projects to improve our environmental record, on In order to further strengthen our position as one of safety measures for our employees, and on initiatives the world’s leading manufacturers of gelatine, colla- that benefi t people in our surrounding communities. gen and collagen peptides, we invested heavily last year in modern technology, the maintenance of our GELITA is active in more than 20 locations worldwide. production facilities, the expansion of our capaci- Large sections of our plant in New Zealand were de- ties, and the quality of our products. Our GO-BEST stroyed in a fi re on January 4, 2018. Since then, produc- improvement program also helps us to improve in tion has continued on a smaller scale. We are currently what we do every day. We are proud of our innovative looking into the future of the facility closely. Customer products – the result of our culture of innovation. requirements are being met by other GELITA plants. They increase the enjoyment of food, demonstrably promote health and the quality of life, and play an Our strategic goal is the sustained and profi table important role in the manufacture of pharmaceutical growth of our global market share. We see sustainable products. GELITA innovations received a number of solutions as a competitive advantage. Our objective is awards in 2018. This validates our work and strength- therefore to also consolidate our leading position in ens our mission: “Improving quality of life”. the industry when it comes to sustain ability. We consider our mission – just like our more than 140-year tradition – to be an obligation: As a re- sponsible company, it is our duty to assess the impact Dr. Franz Josef Konert of our activities on the environment, employees, CEO GELITA AG GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 03 RESPONSIBILITY FOR MANKIND AND THE ENVIRONMENT Structuring production sustainably What defi nes a good product? On the one hand, We are currently conducting a large number its high quality, but on the other, the corporate of individual projects to reduce our ecological responsibility behind it. Our goal is to produce as footprint. For example, GELITA has begun with environmentally friendly and as safely as possible the installation of modern spray towers in its worldwide. In doing so, we aim to surpass the own plants. In the past, spray drying – a process legal requirements that apply in the respective step in the production of collagen peptides – was regions. often outsourced to suppliers using conventional technology. The relocation enables us to achieve Reducing energy consumption – our vision energy savings of up to 10 % while reducing We consider reducing energy consumption and the environmental impact of transport. GELITA thus improving our CO2 balance to be at the core operates spray towers in Brazil, China, Germany of our sustainability vision and as one of our and the USA. Further plants are planned. most urgent priorities. In the short to medium term, investments in state-of-the-art technical Successfully certifi ed infrastructure and continuous improvements We have made signifi cant progress on the road to will help us to exploit energy-saving potential environmentally friendly production. One goal to and gradually reduce our consumption. To be achieved by the end of 2020 is environmental achieve signifi cant improvements in our energy certifi cation in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements and CO2 emissions, we are focusing (environmental management) for all sites. Last in the long term on innovative production year, three further plants were certifi ed, making processes and new manufacturing technology. us confi dent that we will reach our target. The perspective of our sustainability vision is to In addition, an energy management system Michael Van Elsacker is a member of shift the remaining energy requirements to the complying with ISO 50001 has been introduced GELITA AG’s Executive Board and is use of renewable energy sources. at all German locations. Furthermore, all our responsible for Operations as COO. GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 04 production facilities are certifi ed according to are therefore among our most important values. ISO 9001 (quality management) and FSSC 22000 GELITA is committed to the standards of the (food safety). Our plant in Memmingen has GMP+ International Labour Organization (ILO) and the certifi cation (product safety for animal feed). Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Codes. All our sites are also registered with the SEDEX (Supplier Exploiting digitization Ethical Data Exchange) collaboration platform. Digitization also infl uences sustainability at We place high demands on our suppliers and GELITA. Particularly in the area of operations, sales partners. Since 2018, our minimum require- we see promising opportunities to reduce the ments have been summarized in a Code of consumption of resources. In addition, digital Conduct. The corresponding rules of conduct for technology helps us improve our employees’ all employees were drawn up last year and have working environments and address the been in place since the start of 2019. challenges posed by demographic change. Commitment to greater animal welfare Responsible employer GELITA is committed to a more sustainable meat Our employees are a key factor in GELITA’s industry; since 2018 we have been supporting success. They integrate sustainability into their the “Tierwohl” animal welfare initiative as a work processes and contribute new ideas, thus sponsor. GELITA is also a member of the Chemie3 providing important inspiration. Our responsibility sustainability initiative. is to provide all the necessary foundations and optimal framework conditions for the safety, Companies that act responsibly, thus making health and satisfaction of our employees a positive contribution to improving people’s worldwide. We do this through ongoing further quality of life today and securing opportunities development in areas such as work safety and for future generations, will also be more success- health protection, training and further education, ful in the long term. We are fi rm believers in this. and a motivating workplace environment. Accordingly, sustainability is fi rmly anchored in our strategy. As a global player, we work together with people from a variety of cultures. Empathy and trust GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 05 GELITA has its roots and GLOBAL PRESENCE headquarters in Germany, but is active as a global Our locations company on every conti- nent except Antarctica. With our more than 20 production sites and sales offi ces, we are repre- sented in the world’s most THAILAND CHINA important markets. SWEDEN Bangkok Shanghai Stidsvig Sales offi ce Sales offi ce Pig skin Liaoyuan USA Bone 2,548 GREAT BRITAIN THE NETHERLANDS Chicago, Illinois Pingyang EMPLOYEES Pig skin Holmes Chapel Ter Apelkanaal (two plants) * Pig skin Sioux City, Iowa Sales offi ce Functional proteins Beef hide Pig skin Pig skin FRANCE Beef bone Aix-en-Provence 22 % Beef hide GERMANY Sales offi ce MARKET SHARE Eberbach Beef bone MEXICO Beef hide AUSTRALIA SOUTH AFRICA Leon** Göppingen Beaudesert Beef hide West Krugersdorp Pig skin 696 BRAZIL Beef hide Toluca** Beef hide MILLION EUROS TURNOVER Mococa Memmingen Beef hide Beef hide Bone preparation Maringá Minden NEW ZEALAND Pig skin Beef hide Christchurch 34 Cotia Sinsheim Beef hide Milling / blending Central storage MILLION EUROS INVESTMENT facility IN OUR LOCATIONS * JV minority share, ** JV majority share GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 06 INTERVIEW WITH DENNIS WITTHÖFT “We require a social consensus on animal husbandry.” GELITA has been a supporting member of the right platform with the possibility of a the animal welfare initiative “Tierwohl” sponsoring membership. since August 2018. Why do you support the campaign? Have there been any reactions to your As processors of animal by-products for commitment? the production of collagen proteins such as The discussion on the conditions under which gelatine, collagen peptides and collagen, animal animals are kept does not end at the slaughter- welfare plays an important role. Although the house. As processors of food of animal origin, public debate largely concerns itself with the we too are increasingly being asked to explain production of meat, by-products cannot be the measures we are
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