FENG SHUI ORIGIN _Cover.ai 2016/8/13 下午 10:27:36 FENG SHUI Daoism Metaphysic by Kerby Kuek B_ch00_FENG SHUI_PREFACE_CONTENTS_1-14.indd 1 2016/8/21 下午 10:09:02 B_ch00_FENG SHUI_PREFACE_CONTENTS_1-14.indd 2-3 2016/8/21 下午 10:09:03 FENG SHUI - Daoism Metaphysic PREFACE PREFACE Both Buddhism and Daoism share the same theory of creation. However, Daoism applies the theory of metaphysics to all matter on earth. Material forms, which are all subtly inÀ uenced by the ¿ ve elements, produce kind or unkind energies, an idea that is derived from Daoism Kwan Di and Feng Shui and is an integral part of this book. Through this book Jade Emperor Kerby hopes to ultimately share this profound knowledge with the world. "via planchette writing, Tze Nam Koon, The purpose of publishing this book is not to encourage superstition, Sheung Wan Hong Kong July 26th 2016" nor is it to advertise his expertise and skill, but rather to share his point of view and present something valuable for readers to ponder. Through In the beginning, the universe was nothing but a this he hopes to encourage discussion and the sharing of personal views. tumultuous expanse of chaos, but from this chaos The high quality content of this book allows the world to know that Feng sprang forth the earth and the heavens. As they Shui and Daoism metaphysics share the same root. On this auspicious were formed, matter began to slowly take day, I celebrate my birthday, and have offered this preface to promote shape and manifest in its own ways. From and uplift the image of this book. heaven came the skies and the cosmos. From earth, solid matter was born, creating forms and structure. And ᜰထࡔ֗६Ұ from humanity came reasoning and ⣑⛘ᷳ⥳侭炻㶟㷦㰴㰴䞋ˤ䈑⼿䓇侴䓇炻䎮⼿栗侴䩳ˤ knowledge. This trinity of heaven, ⛐⣑ㆸ尉炻⛐⛘ㆸ⼊炻⛐Ṣㆸ䎮炻㣼᷶ᶱㇵ䦀㼨侴侩俾ᷳḹ earth, and humanity, is known as San Chai. Laozi once said, “Void 嘃䃉Ḻ㚱ᷳ埵⊾侭Ṏ⣹慳㮷ᷳ䓇㹭婾⑱ˤἃ忻ᾙ⎴䓇㹭ᷳ佑 and form exist in a cycle of mutual ḇˤ忻ᷳ䁢䌬䎮屓⣑⛘叔䈑ˤ䈑尉㖊⁁晙晙ᷳḼ埴↞⎱炻⎴ coexistence and transformation ┇桐㯜ᷳ䤍䌬忻⎰⢡ᷳ⽿侭炻悕㮷㶙㕤㬌䞋炻Ṏ㫚䘤㎂⁁ of one another.” This idea is aligned with the Buddhism 军᷶䂱ˤ䇰㠻⌂㔯㚠⎊⍂↢炻朆ẍ埓㷔㴟ᷳ⽫侴埴℞ḳḇ炻 ideology of a cycle of ⮎㫚㉳䢂⺽䌱炻⺋㊃⎴⤥ᷳ普婾䂱ˤṲ᷶㠻↢劙㔯ⶴℨ㙊㔯 birth and death. (utpâda- 檀婾炻ἧ⮘⬯侴䞍᷶桐㯜冯䌬忻ᷳ⎴㟡䞋ˤṲῤ厗娽〕忊娽 nirodha, production and annihilation, all life, 䤅炻㶢⸷ᶨ㔯炻ẍ⊝㗗㚠ᷳ㋗䘤㗗䞋ˤ beginning and end). ६ܻеҧྑҐТӡਢॷ෫๙㨚ᢎ ʉ4ʉ ʉ5ʉ B_ch00_FENG SHUI_PREFACE_CONTENTS_1-14.indd 4-5 2016/8/21 下午 10:09:04 FENG SHUI - Daoism Metaphysic PREFACE PREFACE Early sunlight also proves to prevent bone-loss. Ancient Scripture and wisdom We are impacted by not only the Sun and Moon but the 5-elements What Feng Shui is not! as well. After reading this book, I hope readers should be able to Recent Discovery differentiate at least the essence of what Feng Shui is not. I cannot Scientists discovered that sunlight consists of at least 92 light really convey what Feng Shui is, just like Dao that can be told is not spectrums and deriving from among others the reÀ ection of other planets, the eternal Dao. The reason of such is, metaphysics is unlike actual including but not limited to, the moon, Venus (Metal element), Jupiter science, where you only believe what you see. I cannot blame you for (Wood element), Mercury (Water element), Mars (Fire element) and not believing because I was once a skeptic as well. The following few Saturn (Earth element). If sunlight has an impact on bones, what about comparative narratives would shed some light on understanding this the other elements? book: Just showing the few examples above, one can conclude that any manifestation in the form of words can only cripple our comprehension Ancient Scripture and wisdom and understanding of this world. Ancient wisdom told us that we cannot tap into the nothingness. (See Below is another example of metaphor for your understanding: below "emptiness") Matter is made up of molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. At a microscopic Recent discovery level, the constituent "particles" of matter obey the laws of quantum Only recently scientists acknowledged that we only know 4% of the mechanics and exhibit wave-particle duality. Protons and neutrons are cosmic world, and all things eventually sink into black holes. made up of quarks and gluons. "So what?" you might ask. Read on. This is the metaphysical world. Plot this on a piece of paper: the Ancient Scripture and wisdom smaller the size, the more powerful they are. From matter to molecules to Ancient scripture denoted clearly that people with illness, should atoms (we have an atomic bomb created at this level) to neutrons (neutron live in a house facing east to tap into the pure sunlight. bomb or nuclear power created). It all leads to an "emptiness" or "void" where all energy forces are from. Recent discovery Is Feng Shui about placement of furniture? Placing Feng Shui items Scientists discovered that sunlight takes at least 8.3 minutes to at different spots in your house? If the answer is yes, you need to work travel to Earth; implicating pure sunlight hits Earth early in the morning. harder and ¿nd out more about the essence of Feng Shui. The following ʉ6ʉ ʉ7ʉ B_ch00_FENG SHUI_PREFACE_CONTENTS_1-14.indd 6-7 2016/8/21 下午 10:09:05 FENG SHUI - Daoism Metaphysic CONTENTS analogy is explained by my master: "I can't explain what winter is like to CONRENTS a summer bug" (a bug born in late spring and dying in summer) and "I cannot explain to a frog in a well what seawater is like." This book is created to explain what seawater is like if you are willing to leave the well! PREFACE Kwan Di ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ4 Kerby Kuek ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ6 CHAPTER 1 FENG SHUI ORIGIN AND HISTORICAL EVENTS Earthly alignments are written in the stars ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ16 When Asian and Western astrology collide ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ18 Planetary bodies exert their inÀ uence on us ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ20 Chicken comes home to roost in SpratlysġɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ21 Wind and water a natural ¿ t in science ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ23 Han Dynasty Feng Shui-When money À owed like water for the HanɃ24 Three Kingdoms Dynasty Feng Shui-Three Kingdoms strategist cast long shadowc ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ27 Jin Dynasty Feng Shui-How Daoism grew from the ashes of war ɃɃ28 Sui Dynasty Feng Shui-Mother Earth unleashes unkind energies ɃɃ30 Tang Dynasty Feng Shui-Climate changes can affect our readings ɃɃ31 Song Dynasty Feng Shui-When China's economy ruled the waves Ƀ32 Yuan Dynasty Feng Shui-Genghis Khan tomb holds powerful secrets Ƀ33 Ming Dynasty Feng Shui-Natural disasters led to dynastic changes Ƀ35 Qing Dynasty Feng Shui-China stands to gain only by absence of warɃ36 Why Sun opted for Nanjing as burial site ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ37 Spot of bother over ¿ nal resting places ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ39 ʉ8ʉ ʉ9ʉ B_ch00_FENG SHUI_PREFACE_CONTENTS_1-14.indd 8-9 2016/8/21 下午 10:09:06 FENG SHUI - Daoism Metaphysic CONTENTS Asian giants made most of calm waters ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ40 It's time to honor Daoism with a holiday ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ78 Position is all for eclipses ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ42 Feng shui more than just wind and water ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ80 Stop eroding kind earth energies ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ43 It behooves us to believe in higher things ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ82 Chance to get in tune for inner peace ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ83 CHAPTER 2 Loyalty and empathy should be our goal ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ85 FENG SHUI AND DAOISM Stop and change direction to ¿ nd happiness ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ86 Skepticism will only drag you down ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ46 Three steps to achieving dream awakening ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ88 Pursuit of knowledge only brings distress ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ47 Set your soul free, let 'quietness' take charge ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ90 Dao is the best way to cleanse your heart ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ49 Cultivate body and soul for Dao harmony ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ92 Practice Dao through medium of the body ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ50 Thought, action and Dao ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ93 The pine temple behind so many schools ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ51 Founder of the great diagrams ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ94 Just take the right road to understanding ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ53 Don't be a conformist ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ95 Yin and yang form the basis of everything ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ54 Emptiness is much to be desired ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ96 Follow the Dao path to one's inner self ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ56 Stay away from the poisons of the world ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ98 Let life À ow but learn meaning ¿ rst ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ57 Practice to achieve nothingness ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ99 How Jade Emperor made it to the top slot ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ60 Creation and growth need balance ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ100 How the three-man band calls the tune ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ61 More conversations with Lu Ju ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ101 Daoist koon offers serenity and tranquility ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ63 Mental peace vital for success ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ103 Where fairy islands reach to the heavens ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ64 Conversations between master and disciple ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ104 Great immortal gives Daoism place on rail ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ65 Conversations with The Great sage ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ105 Great Warrior leaves his mark on station ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ67 Rocky road to enlightenment ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ107 How Tin Hau offers a line to safety at sea ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ68 A little humility goes a long way ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ109 Mystical connections help divine the future ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ69 Keep calm and carry on ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ110 Dao master who became a giant in history ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ71 A farmer's story ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ111 Legend of the 'Seven Sisters' will live on ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ74 Know yourself ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ113 Mother Nature helps keep us prosperous ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ75 Be guided by your instinct ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ114 Rise of West led to claims of superstition ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ76 Metaphors to live by ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃ115 ʉ10ʉ ʉ11ʉ B_ch00_FENG SHUI_PREFACE_CONTENTS_1-14.indd 10-11 2016/8/21 下午
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