• -<• -1/^ - V 24 - THE HERALD. Fri.. Oct. 9, 1981 NilTiCK TO GKKIMTOHH ESTATE OF ENDEL KOOL. Autos f o r Sale 61 M otoreyelea-BIcyclea 64 deceased The Hon. William E. FitzGerald. • • • . Judge, of the Court of Probate, .page 1974 YAMAHA TX 500 - District of Manchester, at a Fire marshal orders Good condition. New rear bearing held on September 90. IMl tire. $595. Call 295^9123 ordered that all claims must be after 5:00 p.m. presented to the fiduciary on or before December 90, 1911 or be barred aa by law provided. Dawn E. Graboskl, Aaa't Gerfc space heater recall The fiduciary Is: Sunny today 1979 YAMAHA 1100 Kaja Magi Manchester, Conn. Cars SPECIAL - custom seat, 200 Maple St. HARTFORD (UPI) — The state panic that all kerosene units are il­ have barometric fuel control — a Manchester, CT 06040 and Sunday custom paint, asking $2,- 022-10 fire marshal's office has envoked a legal or unsafe — that's not the vertical needle in the tank’s cap Sat., Oct. 10, 1981 BOUGHT 395, Call 228-4077. A * for 1965 state law banning the use of case,” said Williams, who is a cap­ which allows air into the tank. At­ Don after 6 p.m. see page 2 25 Cents BurtAirtoPim r N4m4:K TO CRKDII'ORS certain space heaters in Connecticut tain in the state police. “It’s Just a mospheric pressure causes TOLLAND ESTATE OF GEORGE A. and ordered four brands of heaters very specific type.” kerosene to flow into a lower SCHACK, deceased ®anrtfrfitpr TTie units covered by the order Mmlh pulled from retail shelves in the resevoir until it covers the air B764231 6494878 The Hon. WllUam E. FitzGerald. were Sanyo’s Model OHRG 28H; Judge, of the Court of Probate, state. opening. HONDA MOPED - Low District of Manchester, at a The order issued Thursday Comfort Glo’s Model GRF 94 and Williams said the fuel control mileage, like new. With hearing held on October S. 1961 requires distributors of the Kero-Sun’s Model Radiant-36 and system had no shut-off and fuel 1973 GRAN TORINO 4- saddl^ags. Telephone 649- ordered that all claims must be door, AC, PS, Good body. barometrically fed heaters to recall Model Monitor-20. could spill out of the unit if a letik 7862. presented to the fiduciary on or Kero-Sun, which is based in Kent $400. Call 646-4463 after 6. before January S, 1962 or be barred them from retail outlets by Monday develoi^ in the lower reservoir. MUST SEE. 1979 HONDA 750 K, as by law provided. or face enforcement action and distributes nearly a dozen "There is an Inherent danger in a Excellent condition, low Sherrie L. Anderson, Ass't Clerk scheduled to begin a day later. kerosene heater models in the free-flowing tank,” he said. PLYMOUTH VALIANT - mileage. Extras. Call Mike The fiduciary Is: Deputy State Fire Marshal Leslie United States, said the order would Officials said the 1965 law was William T. Sullivan CIA knew 1968, slant 6 engine. Good at 643-5363. Williams said the order applied only affect about 3,000 heaters in its enacted after numerous fatal fires running condition. $450. 40 Keeney Street Manchester, CT 06040 to the barometrically M heaters, "Connecticut sales pipeline.” started by malfunctioning heaters 643-0315 after 5;00. ALL CHROME MOLLEY 02110 which fall under the 1965 state law The company said it was seeking a with the barometric system. A total Hamper - two rlm^, DX banning the sale, installation and court injunction to block the fire of 55 people reportedly died in such BUICK REGAL 1979 - 33,- brake set. MKS. Good con- 000 miles, PS, PB. AC, AM- use of certain space heaters in marshal’s office from carrying out fires in New Haven In one three- ditibn. Asking $300. NOTICE TO CREDITORS the recall order. FM. Excellent condition Telephone after 5 p.m. 646- ESTATE OF HAZEL M. Connecticut. year period in the late 1950s and of plotters 643-6921 or 647-0855 after 4 5436. EBERSOLD, deceased ‘T don’t want to create a public The heaters covered by the order 1960s. p.m. The Hon. William E. FitzGerald, Judge, of the Court of Probate. Campers, Trailers and District of Manchester, at a 1975 BUICK LESABRE Mobile Homes 65 hearing held on October 5. 1961 CUSTOM, Loaded, power ordered that all claims must be steering, power brakes, 1970 LIBERTY 14x60 ft. presented to the fiduciary on or cruise control, electric two bedroom mobile home. before January S, 1962 or be barred Home knitters return VS. windows and seats. 79,000 as by law provided. Sadat Skirting, wood stove, laun­ miles. Professionally dry hook-ups, must be Sherrie A. Anderson. Ass't Gerk maintained Very good The fiduciary is: LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Security entrances, safeguarding offices and moved. $14,500 for quick Vincent L. Diana condition inside and out. sale. Shown by apcwint- forces in Egypt uncovered an residences and planning $1700. Telephone 649-6784. 753 Main Street assassination plot against Anwar evacuations. ment. Telephone 643-7932. Manchester, CT 06040 to work in Vermont Sadat last month and advised the One American intelligence officer 020-10 1970 BUICK LeSabre - 2 CIA, but a roundup of 70 plotters said the shock of the grenades door hardtop. Excellent Court of Probate. will continue to apply to homework ministration has taken the step,” he failed to thwart the gunmen, it was thrown by the assassins at the start condition. Regular gas, District of Manchester NOTICE TO CREDITORS in such industries as jewelry and said. “This is one time that labor reported Friday. of their attack might explain why good engine, tires, battery, NOTICK OK IIKAKINC By Steve Valdespino ESTATE OF MICHAEL W. embroidery. and business can be happy. But, far Herald photo by Tarquinlo The Los Angeles Times, quoting Sadat’s eight-man bodyguard team muffler and brakes. $650 or ESTATE OF FANNIE P. FISH, WABREK, deceased United Press International The rule attracted national atten­ best offer 649-8481. deceased The Hon. WilUam E. Fitzgerald. more importantly, it allows Ver­ unidentified U.S. intelligence did not put up any fight to keep the Pursuant to an order of Hon. Judge, of the Court of Probate, After a year-long fight, Vermont’s tion last year, when the federal monters to apply a common sense More than 200 exhibits, ranging from cooking displaying his trade make up the 1981 Product Show newly- sources, reported that the assailants killers from reaching Sadat. 1975 DATSUN 280 Z, 53,000 William E. FitzGerald. Judge, District of Manchester, at a home knitters today retired from government began enforcing it in solution and I am very happy.” demonstrations to energy-saving methods to a blacksmith completed J.C. Penney Regional Distribution Center. arrested ’Tuesday revealed under The Times said Sadat probably dated October 7. 1981. a hearing hearing held on October 5. 1961 Vermont, where many rural women miles, original owner Air will be held on an application ordered that all claims must be the national spotlight and returned Paul Winslow, district council questioning that they were directly knew about the recently uncovered conditioned, 4-speed, mag praying that an instrument purpor­ presented to the fiduciary or to their knitting machines, in the knit ski caps and sweaters on table­ manager for the International connected to the plotters arrested assassination plot and approved the wheels, cocoa brown, ting to be the last will and testa­ before January S. 1962 or be barred wake of a U.S. Labor Department top machines in their homes for Ladies Garment Workers Union in three weeks ago. way it was dealt with. Sadat was excellent maintenance. ment of said deceased be admitted as by law provided. ruling that legalized their home- sportswear companies. Springfield, Mass., was more Chamber's Product Show “The Egyptians thought they had relatively cavalier about his safety $4800. 644-8733. to probate as in said application on Sherrie L. Anderson, Ass't Gerk based business. Kathy Hobart of Belvidere, a cautious in his response to the news. it all,” one of the American sources but was aware of the army as a file more fully appears, at the The fiduciary is: home knitter, said she worked about Court of Probate on October 22, Anna E. Wabrek “I think it is marvelous,” Cecile “The position our local took is that told the Times. potential source of plots against AUTO STORAGE - Winter 30 hours a week knitting sweaters, Special. Individual bays, 1981 at 2:30 P M. 193 Maple Street Duffany of Bennington said if it were a handcrafted industry, When the plot was first discovered him, the American sources told the 8x8 overhead doors. Dead­ Sherrie L Anderson. Ass’t Clerk Manchester. CT 06040 Thursday of the Labor Department hats and socks, and earned about $5 then it was no problem,” he said. three weeks ago, the newspaper paper. 014-10 023-10 By any measure, a success bolt locks, 24 hours securi­ decision. an hour. He said the union remains op­ said, there were extensive dis­ ty. $55 per month. STOR- Mrs. Duffany was forced out of “When my children were small I posed, however, to allowing in­ cussions between the CIA and IT-73 West Street. Court of Probate, business when the Labor Depart­ tried working outside the home and dustrial machinery in the homes. refill my combs many times,” banking machine, said he hadn’t J.C. Penney plant, according to Saidat’s security men. The Egyp­ Court of Probate. By Scot French Rickville 871-1793 District of Manchester ment began enforcing a 40-year-oId it was totally unsatisfactory,” she "We just feel that homes should Herald Reporter she laughed.
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