Gr8 Ideas, Themes and Characters Short Stories by the 8th Graders of PVC 2012 Gr8 Ideas, Themes and Characters is the literary magazine published by the 8th Grade students of Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle School. Cover Art Design by Dillon O’Keefe Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle School Superintendent: Dr. Edward R. Fuhrman, Jr. Principal: Dr. Barbara Ulm Assistant Principal: Mr. Michael Plotkin Contents Jasper Rogal 76 Alison Garbarini 211 Jesus Steenwerth 226 Amelia Glickman 107 Johnny Pauta 134 Amy Clerkin 90 Justin Bell 244 Andre Dvorak 42 Justin Crowe 104 Andrew Kane 24 Kailey Tichenor 221 Angelica Gaines 98 Kristine Rojas 75 Armand Pappas 36 Laura Rodriguez 252 August Perry 14 Leanne Macaione 178 Benton Baltich-Schecter 206 Madelynn Seruya 54 Blake Walther 30 Maggie Rothberg 261 Brandon Ferguson 175 Malinka Drabek 140 Carly Livingston 86 Marissa Lewis 17 Caroline Anson 62 Maya Leveen 144 Charlotte Brodie 110 Maya Nolan 199 David Carullo 186 Melanie Sanchez 184 David Luntz 48 Mike Bello 215 Declan McManus 94 Mollie Matzkin 137 Delphine Bussiere 113 Natalie Danett 234 Dillon O’Keefe 32 Niki Lam 146 Duncan McManus 116 Noah Gordon 150 Edith Neidhart 122 Nora Cleary 193 Emily Riedel 247 Ollie Shaw 153 Emma Cheshire 44 Saskia Lane 158 Emma Pound 172 Susan Rykowski 265 Erin Noel 21 Tom Urbanowski 204 Forest Balemian-Spencer 228 Tyler Cammann 163 Frank Addeo 59 William Rickett 166 Giuiliano Duce 196 Will Sheng 168 Xavier Yozwiak 240 Hannah Elsner 128 Hannah Stydahar 78 Hannah Wolland 132 Ijangmarie Abam-DePass 9 Isabel Anzani 81 Iza Solarz 50 Jack Carullo 68 Jack O’Connell 224 Jamie Koultukis 5 Jared Douglas 26 We Are Watching You Jamie Koultukis A young attractive lady in her early twenties was driving down the highway in East Hampton N.Y. She had the music blasting, the sun was shining, and suddenly an old thrift shop caught her eye. She pulled over to the side of the road to explore the little enchanted shop. She spotted two old arm chairs situated right next to each other as if they were old close friends. She tilted her head and examined them. There were stains scattered all over them, their fabric was a faded chocolate brown, their buttons were hanging by a frayed thread, the fabric was ripped and torn as if a cat did some kitty claw needle point. They made her feel as if they have been around forever. “Excuse me can you tell me how much those chairs cost?” Skye asked. An old creature of a man peeked out from the door in the back. “Uh - uh …. Those chairs? They're - um - um 10 dollars… and their both yours!” He screeched. He was so old that the lines on his face look liked dried up river beds. His teeth looked like mustard colored popcorn kernels. He looked like a deep fried prune on a stick. As she was rummaging through her bag, he somehow managed to get those chairs inside the back of her SUV. “Did you put those chairs into the back of my car?” Skye inquired. Yepperoni, they’re yours…..now!” He said with a stained yellow smile. Skye drove home, happy as a young woman could be who just scored a great shop- ping deal. When she arrived at her house she noticed that her friend Lelia was waiting for her on her door step. “Where have you been? You said you would be her at 4:00!” Lelia barked. “I know, I know I’m sorry Leila I got side tracked by these really cool chairs that I 5 PB spotted at this thrift shop. And I just had to take them home. They were calling my name! Come on help me carry them in.” Skye said kindly. Lelia and Skye headed over to the back of the SUV. “You take the front and I’ll take the back.” Skye said. As Lelia picked up the front of the chair she noticed that they had an unpleasant smell, then she noticed that they had strange buttons that were right were their eyes would be… if chairs had eyes. It gave Lelia the creeps so she did not look at them. After they got both chairs in the house and put them in a nice cozy spot in the living room of Skye’s apartment, they went over into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. “Lelia do you want some sugar?” asked Skye. “Yes, two teaspoons, and I don’t like my coffee too light so just a drop of cream and I can’t drink it if it’s not the right temperature, so please make sure it’s not sitting too long before you put the cream in.” Lelia demanded. “Lelia that’s a tall order I’ll do my best.” Skye responded. “I was listening to the radio on the way home. They were talking about the origin of certain woman's names, and did you know that your name means loyalty?” Skye asked. “Oh my name!?” Leila asked as if taken off guard. “Of course I knew that! My mother told me when I was born everyone in the hospital thought that there was a light coming off me, and I was so special that she just had to name me after my true nature.” Lelia babbled. “Really? That’s pretty cool my name mea -- --” Skye tried to speak. “And did I mention to you that the whole lineage of my family comes from honest and hard-working people and that’s why I am who I am today.” Lelia rattled on. “Oh and one more thing, those chairs smell extremely unpleasant. I can’t imagine anyone who “Really I kind of like their scent, it gives them character.” Skye said sweetly. Meanwhile in the living room… “Whata wind bag that Leila is. We smell? Didn’t we taka showa the otha day.” Beans said. “Beans ….. we are chairs remember? We don’t take showers.” Replied Snap . “Oh right. But I’ll tell ya boss I gotta strong feelin this Lelia smells if ya know whata mean.” Beans whispered. “Listen Beans, we got a real head case here, let’s keep both our eyes wide open.” Snap mumbled. Skye needed to run to the store to get more cream. While she was gone, Lelia started snooping around the living room. She looked in the draws of the cabinet, opened up a jar 6 PB “Hey Boss getta load of this one, she’s snoopy Sally. What’s she looking for?” Beans inquired. “I got a feeling we have Patty pockets over here,” replied Snap. At that moment Lelia dumped half the jar of quarters into her pocketbook and then peeked out the window to make sure Skye wasn’t coming home yet. “WHOOOOO WHOOOO-WEEEE, Patty pockets gone wild. Now look she’s headin for the liquor cabinet, WHOOOOOO she’s clipped’a bottle a wine, Yikes..... Now she’s goin for the chocolate easta bunny. Whoooo Waoh WOW!!!!” Beans shouted. “Let’s take care of this one,” Snap said. Beans and Snap started inching their way towards Lelia while she was busy as a bee rummaging through Skye’s bookshelf. “Beans... Beans slow down and watch where you’re going. You’re on my foot and you might break my leg,” Snap pleaded. had backed her into the book shelf. Now they were staring her down big time. The chairs started to rock back and forth. It made the coins and wine in Lelia’s bag rattle like the chatter of teeth. Suddenly Skye walked in. Her eyes were getting wider by the minute. “WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Skye screeched. “These, these, these ….. chairs they, they -- they … backed me into into a – a cor- ner – I can’t move I can’t move!!! They’re over there freaking me out!!” Lelia cried with horror. A queer feeling began to grow in the pit of her stomach. “What are you talking about, your hallucinating! The chairs are nowhere near you Lelia.” Skye said with disgust. The chairs were in their original cozy spot that Skye had placed them in. “What is that… in your bag there Lelia, it that the… bottle of wine that I brought back from my trip to France?” Skye said enraged. from my change jar? Wait.... yes ..... those are my quarters!! The jar is empty! Skye said screaming. "DING -- DING -- DING-- BINGO -- BOSS WE SCORED. YIPPY!!!" Chuckled Beans. 7 PB "What else is in that bag of yours? Is that my gruyere cheese from my refrigerator!?" Skye yelled. You are stealing my cheese too?! I think your mother named you the wrong name, she should have named you liar not Lelia." Skye said with eyebrows tilted down- ward. "Skye b-but let me.....me j-just explain!!!" Lelia moaned. "What's there to explain, how are you going to talk yourself out of this one Lelia?" Said Skye As Skye was pointing Lelia out the door, Beans and Snap inched slowly behind her, making Lelia hyperventilate. Lelia ran out the door and drove away with a cloud of smoke behind her wheels. both the chairs, her head on Beans’ arm and her feet on Snaps’ stomach. She peacefully sunk into them. “I think I am going to like these chairs.” Skye said to herself. One might say that the wrinkles on the fabric of the chairs looked as though the chairs were indeed smiling. 8 PB Patience Ijangmarie Abam-DePass Faith Meredith Connelly had always been a very smart girl.
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