26TH ANNUAL Tennessee Williams/ New Orleans Literary Festival March 21–25, 2012 • www.tennesseewilliams.net TheThe HistoricHistoric NewNew OrleansOrleans CollectionCollection PublishingPubllisishinngg award-winningawarrddd--winninngg booksbookkss onon thethe history,histtoorryyy,, art,artt,, andand cultureculturu e ofof LLouisianaouissiana andand thethe GulfGullff SouthSSoouth forffoor moremore thanthan 3030 yearsyearrss TennesseeTTeenneesssee WilliamsWWiillllliiams AnnualAnnual ReviewReview THNOCTHNOC isis proudproud toto announceannounce thethe releaserelease ofof thethe 20122012 TennesseeTTeennessssee WilliamsWWiilliams AnnualAnnual RRevieweview——thethe oonlynly rregularlyegularly ppublishedublished jjournalournal ddevotedevvooted ssolelyolely ttoo tthehe wworksorks ooff AAmerica’smerica’s ggreatestreatest pplaywright.laywright. LLookook ffoforor tthehe ccurrenturrent eeditiondition aandnd ppreviousrevious iissuesssues at tthishis yeyear’sar’s ffefestival.estival. Paperback;Paperback; $15$15 each.each. AvailableAAvvailable atat festivalffeestival bookbook tables.tables. DrawnDrraawn toto Life:Liifffee: AlAl HirschfeldHHiirrsschffeelldd andand thetthhe TheaterTThheeaatteer ofof TennesseeTTeenneesssssee WilliamsWWiillllliiiaams byy MarkMark CaveCave andand DavidDavid LeopoldLeopold withwith a forwardffoorward by RexRReex ReedRReeed PublishedPublished inin commemorationcommemoration ofof Williams’sWilliams’s centennial,centennial, thisthis cataloguecatalogue featuresffeeatures wworksorrkks bbyy rrenownedenowned ““characterist”characterist” AAll HHirschfeldirschffeeld aandnd ccorrespondence,orrespondence, pprograms,rograms, aandnd ffafamilyamily pphotographshotographs ddocumentingocumenting WWilliams’silliams’s hhabitabit ooff ddrawingrawing ffrfromrom hhisis oownwn llifeiffee ttoo ccreatereate ssomeome ooff tthehe mmostost ccompellingompelling ccharactersharacters iinn AAmericanmerican ttheater.heater. Paperback;Paaperback; $17.95$177..95 LouisianaLouiissiiaana MusiciansMMuusiicciiaans BiographyBiioooggrraaapphhyy SeriesSSeeriieeess TheThe latestlatest seriesseries fromffrrom THNOCTHNOC documentsdocuments thethe region’sregion’s richrich musicalmusical heritage.heritage. TThehe fifirstrst ttitle,itle, UUnUnfinishednnfifiniisshed BBlues:lluueess: MMeMemoriesemoriieeess ooff a NNeNewew OOrleansrlleeeaans MMuMusicusiicc MMaManan bbyy HHaroldarold BBattisteattiste JJr.r. wwithith KKarenaren CCelestan,elestan, wwonon tthehe OOutstandingutstanding CContributionontribution ttoo PPublishingublishing awawardard ffrfromrom tthehe BBlacklack CCaucusaucus ooff tthehe AAmericanmerican LLibraryibrary AAssociationssociation iinn 22011.011. Hardcover;Hardcover; $28.95$28.95 VolumeVVoolume twotwo inin thethe series,series, ErnieErnie K-Doe:KK--Doee:: TheTThhe R&BR&B EmperorEEmmmpperor ofof NewNNeew OrleansOrlleeeaans byby BBenen SSandmel,andmel, wwillill bbee rreleasedeleased iinn AAprilpril 22012012 aandnd wwillill cchroniclehronicle oonene ooff tthehe ccity’sity’s mmostost rrecognizedecognized aandnd bbelovedeloved ccharacters.haracters. Hardcover;Hardcover; $39.95$39.95 FurnishingFFuurniisshing Louisiana:Louiissiiaana: CCrCreolereollee aandnd AAcadianccaaddiiiaan FFuFurniture,urnituree,, 11735–18357733355–18833355 byby JackJack D.D. Holden,Holden, H.H. ParrottParrott BacotBacot andand CybèleCybèle T.T. GontarGontar withwith BrianBrian J.J. CostelloCostello andand FrancisFrancis J.J. PuigPuig EditedEdited by JessicaJessica DormanDorman andand SarahSarah R.R. DoerriesDoerries ThisThis groundbreakinggroundbreaking workwork tracestraces thethe emergenceemergence ofof thethe distinctivedistinctive craftsmanshipcraffttsmanship ooff CCreolereole AAmerica—whatmerica—wwhhat tthehe NNeNewew YYoYorkork TTiTimesimes ccalledalled ““aa ssignatureignature LLouisianaouisiana sstyle”—andtyle”—and ggarneredarnered awawardsards ffrfromrom tthehe SSoutheasternoutheastern MMuseumsuseums CConferenceonffeerence aandnd tthehe SSouthouth EEastast CChapterhapter ooff tthehe AArtrt LLibrariesibraries SSocietyociety ooff NNorthorth AAmerica.merica. Hardcover;Hardcover; $95$95 ForFor thetthhe fullffuullll arrayarrraaayy ofof THNOCTTHHHNNNOOC titles,titlleess,, visit:visit: THETHE SHOPSHOP ATAT THETHE COLLECTIONCOLLECTION [ [ [ RoyalRoyal StreetStreet FrenchFrench QuarterQQuuarter www.hnoc.orgwww.hnoc.org ⁽⁾ -- 9:18 AM Table of Contents Letter From the Director 5 Available at the Board of Directors 5 Hotel Monteleone Published by: Map of Festival Sites 6 Books — Titles by Festival participants New Orleans Publishing Group waiting to be signed by the author. 111 Veterans Memorial Blvd., 26TH ANNUAL Tennessee Williams New Orleans Literary Festival Suite 1440 March 21–25, 2012 • www.tennesseewilliams.net Schedule of Events 7 Garden District Book Shop Metairie, LA 70005 Britton Trice 504-834-9292 Cover photo courtesy of New Directions Publishing. Scholars Conference 11 2727 Prytania Street Fax 504-837-2258 New Orleans, LA 70130 Theater Offerings 14 504-895-2266 www.gardendistrictbookshop.com Funding Support for the Festival 22 President/Publisher: Concessions and Souvenirs D. Mark Singletary Participants 24 Posters, T-shirts, book bags, and Associate Publisher: note cards created especially for Lisa Blossman the Festival. Digital downloads of select discussions will be available for Custom Publishing purchase through the Festival website. Editor: TImhe Tpenonesrsete aWnilliatm sR/Neew mOrleians deBrecs ause of variations in attendance, Christian Moises Literary Festival is a non-profit, tax- the purchase of a Festival panel pass Refreshments exempt organization. Contributions cannot guarantee seating for every Be sure to add to your Festival Advertising Executive/ are deductible according to the provi - panel discussion. Seating is on a sion of current tax laws. first-come, first-served basis, but is experience with one of Maureen Custom Publishing: generally available. Detweiler’s famous mint juleps! Peggy Bruce Art Director: Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival The juleps will be available at the Lisa Finnan 938 Lafayette St., Suite 514 New Orleans Roadfood Festival located at the French Market on Saturday, Production Manager: New Orleans, LA 70113 • 1-800-990-3378 or 504-581-1144 March 24 and Sunday, March 25. Julie Bernard [email protected] • www.tennesseewilliams.net T i H WHERE’S MY GUMBO, BABY? AUTHENTIC CREOLE CUISINE IN THE CASUAL ELEGANCE OF A RES TORED 1795 CREOLE COTTAGE AND GARDEN PATIO. GUMBO SHOP LUNCH AND DINNER daily www.gumboshop.com 630 SAINT PETER 1/2 BLOCK FROM JACKSON SQUARE ( ) (504) 525-1486 3 Curl upu insideinside a greatgreaatt story.storryyy.. TheThe hotelhotel thatthat inspiredinspired thethe likeslikkees ofof Capote,Capote, Hemingway,Hemingwaayyy,, andand TennesseeTTenennessee WilliamsWilliams welcomeswweelcomes youyyoou toto comecome findfind youryyoour ownown inspiration.inspiration. MeetMeet upup atat thethe newlynewwlyly renovatedrenovav ted CarouselCarousel PianoPiano BarBar andand Lounge,Lounge, wherewwhhere thesethese authorsauthors spunspun theirtheir eveningsevvenenings — andand theirtheir stories.stories. ThenThen retreatretreat forffoor a historichistoric night’snight’s sleepsleep surroundedsurrounded byby contemporarycontemporary stylestyylle andand amenities,amenities, rightright inin thethe heartheart ofof thethe FrenchFrench Quarter.Quarter. ForFor upcomingupcoming events,evveents, visitvisit hotelmonteleone.com.hotelmonteleone.com. 214 RoyalRoyyal Street | New Orleans, LA 7013 | 800.535.95959595 | fax 504.528.1019 | http://hotelmonteleone.com A Streetcar Ride to Redemption A 15 minute ride on the Canal streetcar will bring you to the heart of Mid-City. Take the Canal streetcar for a “Dinner with Tennessee” March 22, 2012 Book Signing and 5-course Wine Dinner orleans revival cuisine After 18 years at the Bistro Maison de Ville in the French Quarter, Executive Chef Greg Picolo brings his French-Creole culinary expertise to Redemption. Redemption – housed in a beautiful 100-year old historic landmark once an old church, offers divinely inspired cuisine in a heavenly atmosphere. Dinner with Te n n e s s e e Wi lli a m s by Troy Gilbert & Chef Greg Picolo with Dr. W. Kenneth Holditch Call for more information and for reservations. Seating is limited. SUNDAYSUNDAAYY BRUNCHBRUNCH 111AM-3PM1AM-3PM featuringffeeattuurinngg endlessenddllleeesss MimosasMMiiimmosas 38353835 IBERVILLEBERRVVILLE ST. ININ MIDID-C-CITYITTYY LUNCHUNCH TUESDAYUESDAAYY-F-FRIDAYRIDAAYY 1111AMAM-3-3PMPM • DINNERINNER TUESDAYUESDAAYY-S-SATURDAYAATTURDAAYY 5-105-10PMPM (504)(504) 309-3570309-3570 • WWWWWWWWWW.REDEMPTIONRREEDEMPTION-NOLANOLA.COMCOM 4 The 2012 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival BPresidoent ard of Directors Janet Daley Duval Staff Executive Director Vice President for Development Paul J. Willis Amelia W. Koch Associate Director Co-chair for Development Kevin Lovelace Mary Myrick Langlois Marketing Director Vice President for Literary Amy Wong Programming Susan Larson Project Consultants Arin Black Vice President for Theater Karissa Kary Programming Laura Lane Miller David Hoover Linda Anne Nix Members At Large Program Assistant Peggy Scott Laborde Jessica Ramakrishnan Ted Laborde Publicist Secretary Ellen Johnson Clare Beth Pierson Technical Director Treasurer Bruce Campbell Terry Verigan Web Master Board of Directors Cherry Cappel Patricia Brady, Ph.D. Maureen Detweiler, Ex Officio Festival Photographers William M. Detweiler, J.D., Ex Officio Ride Hamilton 1014 Dumaine (Tennessee Williams’ residence in 1970s); 1964;
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