Avenge Dally Net Prcee Run TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1981 \ For Mm Week Ea4«d The Weather iiancli^Bter Evening H^rallk October 21, 1881 ForeeeaS o f C. B. WeaSB* 1 3 ,4 0 0 nsir, Chapman OoUrt, Ordar of Am­ Programs Listed eo emU toidghS. Lew ta aranth, will bbld a rummage aale Member of the Aodit Tbnreday eJondy mad n M , ^ About Town on F r i ^ at 9 a.m. hi ihe Masonic BOY SCOUT RUMMAGE Bnrean of OIreUatlon of ehowcH. Hlfh neer 88. Temple. Members wno wish ar­ By Jaycee Wives Manche§ter-^A City of Village Charm wuainc Orug* wiU oba^ ticles to be picked up mi» call "Notes and ?iew8 Talm t Nlflit at Ita nMtUng to- Mrs. Frank Crocker, 48 Russell St. Donations for the sale may be Manchester Jaycee Wives will SALE algbt « t 8 at ttw Wappta* Oom- New members iniUatsd. meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in the VOL. LXXXI* NO. J1 (OSneelfM AOverUalng ea Page 26> munlty Houm. K n . Bverett John* left at the Masonic Temple on (TWBNTT-IIGHT PA6 ES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER-. 25, 1981 PRICE FIVE CEN18 Thursday after 7 p.m. and Bobcat pins, OR* and two- Federation Room of Center Con­ ■oa, laetimr, will b* in charse of year, __ ^pins were prssaniited at a gregational Church. LUTHOI HAii. tha profram. ' ' S t Anne’s Mothers Circle will meetlKg of Cub Pack 148 Frida;riday Mrs. Sylvia Oottlieb of Motts BmaniMl Latbema Ohnreb meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tai the Nathan Hale School audl- Buperaiarket will diacuu "Buying Hatbaa Bale- District 1, Vat- torium. and Preparing Foods.” Hostesses Cites Reduction arana of World War I, USA, and home of Mrs. William Golden, 61 HUDAY.OCT.27 State News ^dgewood St. Co-hostess will be Thee opwilng was conducted by for the evening will be Mrs. 8 A.BL ladtaa auxUiary wlU oold a Joint Den 1. Those taking part were George Eagleson and Mrs. Thomas meeting tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at Mrs. Adolph Wrubel. Members are Ross Roberta, Scott Willoughby. reminded of the odds and ends Derby. Anqiloee Emaanel Ohurch tlM Ibuiford Oourant auditMium John Goiangos, Harry Jenkins and Program plana for the year, an­ Women on Broad St., Hartford. Hie ladiee sale. Gary Larson. The story of Blue R ou n d u p auxlUary wUI have an InetaUaUOn nounced by Mrs. Edward Batea « Big Bomb Fallout to Reach and Gold was enacted and the law and Mrs. Richmond Morrison, co- o f officer#.'Urs. John V. < Th'are will be no rehearsal for of the pack a^ved. Boys playing the of Mancheater, past district the Junior choir of St. Mary’s chairmen, Include "Being Artletie mrta of Indiana were I*Wl Lewie. With Paper.” by Mrs. Albert Bolti, dent, will be die installing i Episcopal Church on Friday be­ David Mullen, Michael Hayden, ICra. Gladys Rldolfl and Mrs Nov. 29; "Holly Dance" at the Gen. Walker cause of the school holiday. John Gioangoe and Glenn Gris­ KofC Home, Dec. 9; "Vice end Richard Outamer, both of Man' wold. cheater, will be conductresses. Juvenile Delinquency" by a Con­ DANISH m ro R T The Women’s Benefit .Associa­ New boys who received Bobcat necticut State Policewoman, Jan. Effect of Taxes To Continue tion Guard Club will hold ita an­ plns" were Alan Agoatlnelli, Al­ The Nathan Hale PTA executive lred Goiangos, Thomas Malcaka. 24. nual banquet and election of of­ Aleo, "Cavlllan Defense,” Feb. board will meet tonight at 7:80 in ficers at the Marco Polo Res­ John WiuTen, William Lopes, Ste­ ChHstwwwi Low Upright the school cafeteria. ven Putnam, Dennis Volkert, Scott 28; "Ceramics" by the Cem Dot Hartford, Oct .25 (JP)— The assistant comptroller of South- W ith G u ard taurant in East Hartford Thurs­ Ceramic Studio In Veuion, March day at 6:30 p.m. Donnelly, CUfton Drew, William arn New England Telephone Co. interrupted his prepared Phi Theta Chapter of Beta Sig­ Haberem, Ronald Lltrico and 28; "Flowers and Shi^bs," April Hartford, Oct. 25 (iT)— ma, Phi sorority will meet tonight 25, and annual banquM and in­ TEAK NANO testimony at the start of today’s hearing before the state Members of Mancheater Lodge Thomas Mason. Maj. Gen. Edmund F. Walker, at 7:80 at the home of Miss Lillian Cubmaster William Mullen pre­ stallation of officers, May 23. Public Utilities Commission to make a qualified statement Hattln, m HUllard St- Miss Rox of Masons will meet tonight -at sented one-year service pins to about the effect of increMed state<^ at Gov. John N. Dempsey’s anne Hewitt and Mrs. Martha 6:45 at the Masonic Temple and Michael Larala, Dale Robbina. ta xu on the company. personal request, has decided Initial Debris Total > Routhier will conduct the discus­ will proceed to the Holmes Funer­ Fred Lewie„,,Kenneth Davis and Morning Meeting Sfritingly BtouHful. Asked by the company's coun­ to remain as commander of sion entitled, “ Whom God Hath al Home, 400 Main St., at 7 to sel, "Do you admit that the fig­ Timothy Phelps, and two-year Costs Set the 43rd Division of the Con­ Joined." Members unable to at­ conduct a Masonic memorial serv­ pins to Raymond DeCobert, John ^The League of Women Voters Magnificont tono, $890 ure you gave (at Tuesday’s hear­ tend are requested to call the ice for the late Herman C. Hill. luliano, John Goiangos, Harry Jen­ meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. ing) on the gross earnings tax necticut National Guard. Small, Experts Say president or hostess. kins, Gary Larson, Ross Roberts. Thursday at the home of Mrs. i was 82,520,000 too high?” Carl N. The Governor met with Walker Rudolph C. Klssman Jr., ’ ma­ David Mullen, Gary Pierre, Scott Herbert Kiecolt, 156 Mountain Rd. Hanaen, replied: "No, I make no R ecord in yesterday and then announced that chinist repairman-foremen’s mate, Willoughby and Glenn Griswold. The Herald erroneously said the Dr. 8enn<m— 8U 9-4323 such admission. I explained yeater- the General reconsidered his re­ - t I I GILEAD USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Actirity man Russell Roberts meeting would be at 9:30 p:m. day that the Increase was 84,289,- signation' and decided to stay. United Nations. N. Y., Oct. 25 (iiP)—-The U.N. Political CONGREGATIONAL Kissman Sr., 145 Peirl St., ar­ presented a one-year service ptoi 000." Dempsey said he and the state Committee brushed asi^e repeated procedural roadblocks to­ CHURCH rived home last Friday from the to Cubmaster Mullen. It was an­ Hanaen then explained that be­ September adjutant general, Maj. Gen. Fred day and voted to consider immediately an ur^nt appeal to U.S. Naval Training Center at San nounced that the boys would go on cause of federal Income tax de­ erlck G. Reincke, were pleased a hike to the top of Lookout Moun­ with Walker's decision. the Soviet Union for cancellation of the 50-megatoa hydro­ Diego, Calif. He Is on leave until ductions and reimbursement from Washington, Oct. 25 {JP)— SALE and SUPPER Nov. 9 when he reports to Nor­ tain Saturday. the "Bell System (companies serv­ Walker, who operates a marina gen bomb explosion. OCTOBER 28 folk, Va. He served aboard the Closing was by Den 2. Boys par ' K of C Italian 'Night Speakers iced by the American Telephone Higher prices for new fall In Stonington, had submitted his 'The vole was 51-20 with 22 abstaining. ticipating were Ra^tmond DeCo­ Shoe Repairing At Its Best! lines of clothing pushed living resignation, to have been effective tender. -U.S.S. Piedmont while bert, John lullano, David Mullen. Master of Ceremonies William Belflora shows guests the order of events for the Italian N i^ t cele­ and Telegraph) there would be a Sale starting at 4 pjnn Parish stationed at San Diego, and will reduction of 82,520,000 in the ef­ costs to a record high in Sep­ yesterday, for what he called preS' House. Supper features escal- Gary Pierro and Dale Robbins. bration by the Knights of Columbus last night. Speakers were Tony Alibrio, left, head football coach sure of personal business. Washington. Oct. 25 {IP)—The initial fallout cloud from begin duties aboard the tender, at Manchester High School; L an y lannuccl, center, football coach at East Catholic High School; fect of state taxes on the esti­ tember. Russia’s superbomb test is expected to reach the Aleutian Is­ loped oysters, beans, ham, etc. U.S.S. Sierra, at Norfolk. Kiss- The 43rd Division also Includes 5 PJML and 6:80 P.M. and Sen. Peter Mariani, minority leader in the State Senate. Alibrio spoke on public support for Your shoes will look mated net income of the company. The Labor Department reported units from Vermont and Rhode Is­ man, a graduate of Manchester the MHS team; lannuccl on the value of playing football. Mariani compared the darkness which Subtracting the 82,520,000 from today that ita index rose two-tenths lands late tomorroiy and Alaska or western Canada lato Fri­ Meeting Planned land, but moat of its members J -i- s High School, entered the Navy in T day. 81A0 Adults—81.00 under 12. Columbus explored with the nuclear darknesa that challenges the world today. (Herald photo by and feel like new after the approximate state tax increase of one per cent between August and come from Connecticut. I August 1960.
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