BASEBALL ALL-TIME SERIES RECORDS School First Meeting W L T School First Meeting W L T School First Meeting W L T Akron 2011 0 1 0 Hofstra 1947 12 6 0 Princeton Aero 1918 1 0 0 Adelphi 1978 0 1 0 Holy Cross 1911 80 44 2 Princeton Cons. 1892 0 3 0 Air Force 1983 6 19 0 Illinois 1902 1 1 0 Providence 1934 0 3 0 Alabama State 2016 2 0 0 Illinois State 2012 0 2 0 Quinnipiac 2003 4 2 2 Albany 2001 5 0 0 Indiana 1979 2 2 0 Radford 2011 0 2 0 Amherst 1903 11 7 0 Iona 1979 10 7 0 Rensselaer Poly. Inst. 1911 2 1 0 Appalachian State 2006 0 2 0 Iowa 2004 2 0 0 Rhode Island 1996 2 2 0 Armstrong State 1990 0 1 0 Ithaca 1951 4 5 0 Rhodes 1991 1 0 0 Atlantics Gov. Isl. 1890 1 0 0 James Madison 1989 1 8 0 Rider 1959 4 4 0 Auburn 2005 0 2 0 John Jay 1975 14 3 0 Riverton Club 1890 0 0 1 “B” Co., USCC 1924 1 0 0 Johns Hopkins 1906 2 0 0 Riverview Academy 1892 3 1 0 Barry 1985 5 3 0 Kentucky 1995 0 3 0 Rochester 1910 3 0 0 Belmont 2016 0 1 0 King’s 1985 5 0 0 Rollins 1982 0 2 0 Berkeley Hall 1910 5 0 0 Lafayette 1896 91 63 2 Rowan 1994 0 1 0 Binghamton 2001 1 0 1 LaSalle 1987 0 5 0 Rutgers 1892 23 26 0 Bloomfield 2012 2 0 0 Lehigh 1893 87 47 0 Rutgers-Newark 1947 1 0 0 Boston College 1918 3 4 0 LeMoyne 1995 2 0 0 Sacred Heart 2002 12 1 0 Bowdoin 1923 3 0 0 Liberty 1987 1 6 0 St. Francis (N.Y.) 1979 14 11 0 Bowling Green 2016 1 1 0 Lipscomb 2016 0 1 0 St. John’s 1915 10 27 3 Bradley 2010 0 2 0 Long Beach State 1993 1 0 0 St. Leo 1990 1 5 0 Brigham Young 1979 0 1 0 Long Island 1964 11 8 0 St. Peter’s 1979 10 2 0 Brooklyn 1945 10 1 0 Longwood 2007 3 3 0 St. Thomas (Fla.) 1985 1 1 0 Brown 1908 37 31 1 Louisiana-Lafayette 2008 0 1 0 Sam Houston State 2007 1 2 0 Bryant 2016 1 1 0 Louisiana State 1980 0 4 0 Sampson NTS 1945 1 0 0 Bucknell 1910 77 54 0 Louisville 1981 2 3 0 San Diego 1984 0 2 0 Buffalo 1916 2 0 0 Maine 1955 4 2 0 San Diego State 1984 0 1 0 UC-Riverside 1979 0 1 0 Manhattan 1906 36 21 2 Santo Domingo 1954 1 0 0 UC-San Diego 1984 0 1 0 Manhattan AC 1891 0 2 0 Savannah State 2005 3 0 0 Campbell 2014 0 1 0 Marist 1994 13 16 0 Seattle 1979 0 1 0 Camp Merritt 1918 1 0 0 Maryland 1930 4 8 0 Seton Hall 1910 14 23 1 Carlisle 1909 1 0 0 Maryland-Balt. County 2001 10 4 0 Siena 1958 15 6 0 Catholic 1913 8 5 0 Massachusetts 1969 16 4 0 Siglar’s 1892 1 0 0 Central Connecticut 2008 2 0 0 Mass.-Lowell 1999 2 2 0 South Alabama 2005 1 0 0 Central Florida 2007 1 1 0 McNeese State 1980 0 2 0 Springfield 1915 2 4 0 Chapman 1993 0 2 0 Memphis 1992 1 8 0 Springfield YMCA 1916 1 1 0 Charleston, College of 2004 0 4 0 Merchant Marine 1945 10 0 0 South Carolina-Upstate 2009 2 0 0 Chestnut Hill 2013 1 0 0 Mercy 1992 1 0 0 South Florida 1983 4 15 0 Cincinnati 2014 0 3 0 Merrimack 1999 2 0 0 Southern Connecticut 1968 4 3 0 Citadel, The 1998 0 1 0 Miami (FL) 2015 0 1 0 Southern Illinois 1985 0 2 0 CCNY 1921 19 6 2 Miami (Ohio) 2004 1 2 0 Southwest Louisiana 1980 0 2 0 Coast Guard Acad. 1963 0 1 0 Michigan 1912 2 2 0 Stetson 1981 2 2 0 Colonial AC 1917 1 0 0 Middlebury 1933 3 1 0 Stevens Institute 1910 7 0 1 Colgate 1907 31 16 1 Middle Tennessee State 2016 1 0 0 Stony Brook 2000 1 5 0 College of St. Rose 1990 1 1 0 Minnesota 1993 0 1 0 Swarthmore 1912 30 6 1 Columbia 1893 62 52 1 Mississippi 1998 0 1 0 Sylvan’s Club 1890 1 0 0 Connecticut 1951 4 2 1 Monmouth 1987 7 7 0 Syracuse 1897 21 10 2 Connecticut AC 1924 4 0 0 Mount St. Joseph’s 1918 1 0 0 Tampa 1983 0 6 1 Coppin State 2015 1 1 0 Mount St. Mary’s 2015 2 0 0 Temple 1932 5 5 0 Cornell 1899 37 37 0 Navy 1901 113 123 0 Texas 2009 0 2 0 Cortland 1983 2 0 0 Nebraska-Omaha 2012 1 0 0 Texas-San Antonio 2004 1 4 0 Creighton 1985 1 1 0 New Hampshire 1929 3 0 0 Texas State 2009 1 0 0 Crescent AC 1918 0 2 0 New Paltz 1985 2 0 0 Texas Tech 2008 0 1 0 C.W. Post 1986 4 10 0 NJIT 2007 5 2 0 Towson 2001 0 3 0 Dartmouth 1908 30 46 0 NYNG 7th Regiment 1894 19 8 1 Trinity 1896 11 7 0 Davidson 2006 1 2 0 NYNG 23rd Regiment 1906 1 0 0 Troy State 1998 0 1 0 Dayton 2010 2 0 0 N.Y. State Normal 1901 2 0 0 Tufts 1909 6 4 0 Delaware 1922 4 6 0 New York Tech 1981 16 18 1 Tulane 1980 1 1 0 Delaware State 2013 0 1 0 New York University 1901 31 18 3 Union 1894 17 6 0 Detroit 1994 0 1 0 Newburgh YMCA 1892 1 0 0 Ursinus 1913 1 0 0 Dickinson 1903 3 1 0 Newport Naval Res. 1918 0 1 0 U.S.C.G.A. (Ellis Isl.) 1943 2 0 0 Drexel 1993 1 0 0 Niagara 1982 3 2 0 USS Amphitrite 1918 1 0 0 Duke 1936 2 8 0 North Carolina Greensboro 2007 4 7 0 USS Pennsylvania 1906 1 0 0 Eastern Illinois 2010 1 0 0 North Carolina State 2018 1 1 0 U.S. International 1984 0 1 0 Eastern Kentucky 1982 1 3 0 North Carolina Wilmington 2013 0 1 0 Utica 1982 1 0 0 Eckerd 1983 1 2 0 North Dakota State 2013 2 1 0 Vanderbilt 1990 0 1 0 Embry Riddle 1990 2 0 0 Northeastern 2003 0 1 0 Vermont 1896 12 10 0 Fairfield 1981 6 4 1 Northern Iowa 2009 1 0 0 Villanova 1915 19 16 1 Farleigh Dickinson 1969 13 4 0 Northwestern 2003 2 1 0 Virginia 1907 1 5 1 Florida 1999 1 5 0 Norwich 1911 3 0 1 Virginia Military Inst. 2002 0 2 0 Florida Atlantic 1985 2 5 0 Notre Dame 1913 1 4 0 Wagner 1948 9 9 1 Florida International 1986 3 5 0 Nova 1992 0 1 0 Wake Forest 2010 1 1 0 Florida Southern 1996 4 3 0 Nyack 2013 1 0 0 Washington & Lee 1915 2 1 0 Florida State 2005 0 1 0 Ohio 2009 1 1 0 Wesleyan 1897 20 9 1 Floyd Bennett Field 1945 1 0 0 Ohio State 1991 1 5 0 West Chester 1987 1 1 0 Fordham 1902 44 48 1 Oklahoma 2012 0 1 0 West Virginia 1918 2 2 0 Fort Monmouth 1943 1 0 0 Oral Roberts 1979 1 1 0 Western Michigan 1990 0 1 0 Fort Slocum 1918 1 0 0 Oregon 1979 1 0 0 Wheaton 1990 1 0 0 George Mason 2009 0 3 0 Pace 1979 15 7 0 William & Mary 2014 1 2 0 George Washington 2012 2 1 0 Panzer 1946 3 0 0 William Paterson 1985 4 8 1 Georgetown 1911 16 4 0 Peekskill Mil. Acad. 1895 1 0 0 Williams 1903 23 5 0 Georgia State 2016 0 2 0 Pelham Bay Nav. Res. 1918 0 1 0 Winthrop 1998 0 1 0 Gettysburg 1935 0 1 0 Pennsylvania 1902 39 37 1 Wofford 2007 1 2 0 Hamilton 1901 3 0 0 Penn State 1904 8 20 0 Wright State 2002 0 2 0 Hartford 2013 3 4 0 Pittsburgh 1916 7 3 0 Xavier 2015 0 1 0 Hartwick 1957 1 1 0 Point Loma-Nazarene 1984 0 1 0 Yale 1902 55 34 1 Harvard 1902 39 55 1 Potsdam 1978 1 0 0 York 1978 1 0 0 Harvard 2nd 1897 0 2 0 Pratt Institute 1905 1 0 0 Totals 1728 1443 41 Haverford 1924 6 0 0 Presbyterian 2016 1 2 0 High Point 2012 2 4 0 Princeton 1922 34 33 0 2018 Opponents Listed In Bold 2 @ARMYWP_BASEBALL BASEBALL THROUGH THE YEARS Year Coach Won Lost Tied 1935 Harold McCormick 9 5 0 1936 Harold McCormick (83-59-1) 4 9 0 1937 Walter French 9 2 0 1938 Walter French 9 4 0 1939 Walter French 8 6 0 1940 Walter French 5 7 0 1941 Walter French 8 6 0 1942 Walter French (49-29-1) 10 4 1 1943 Paul Amen 10 3 0 1944 Paul Amen 11 1 0 1945 Paul Amen 15 0 0 1946 Paul Amen 9 7 0 1947 Paul Amen 17 1 1 1948 Paul Amen 16 7 0 1949 Paul Amen 6 13 0 1950 Paul Amen 14 4 0 * Members of the first Army baseball team 1951 Paul Amen 8 14 1 Year Coach Won Lost Tied 1952 Paul Amen 10 10 2 1890 Self-Coached 2 0 1 1953 Paul Amen 6 9 3 1891 Self-Coached 0 2 0 1954 Paul Amen (133-76-7) 11 7 0 1892 Self-Coached 5 1 0 1955 Joe Palone 10 8 2 1893 Self-Coached 3 2 0 1956 Joe Palone 9 10 0 1894 Self-Coached 1 5 0 1957 Joe Palone (32-27-4) 13 9 2 1895 Abraham Lott 3 2 0 1958 Eric Tipton 10 11 1 1896 Abraham Lott (4-7) 1 5 0 1959 Eric Tipton 11 10 0 1897 Self-Coached 2 5 0 1960 Eric Tipton 18 5 1 # 1898 Self-Coached 1 5 1 1961 Eric Tipton 12 7 1 1899 Self-Coached 4 2 0 1962 Eric Tipton 15 6 0 1900 Self-Coached 3 4 0 1963 Eric Tipton 12 10 1 1901 Charles Irving Davis 6 2 1 1964 Eric Tipton 13 6 0 1902 Charles Irving Davis (16-8-1) 10 6 0 1965 Eric Tipton 15 6 0 # 1903 Mr.
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