LUNDY 1984 By A. J. PARSONS Trichoptera Limnephilus sparsus (Curtis) 300584 by Old Light Odonata Sympetrum striolatum (Charp.) 250984 egglaying Hemiptera- Heteroptera * Palomena prasina (L.) 290584 Mi llcombe * Peritrechus genicula/us (Hahn) 290584 Millcombe * Stenodema ca/caratum (Fall. ) 270584 St. John's Valley * Stenodema /aevigatum (L.) 290584 St. John's Valley *Capsus ater (L.) 290584 Millcombe * Velia caprai Tamanini 260584 'leat' by Mi llcombe lower gate Hemiptera- Homoptera *Aphrodes albifrons (L.) 270584 very common St. John's Valley *Aphrodes albiger (Germar) 290584 St. John's Valley Thammotettix con finis (Zett.) 270584 St. John's Valley * Macrosteles sexnotatus (Fall.) 290584 St. John's Valley *Criomorphus a/bomarginatus (Curtis) 290584 St. John's Valley Lepidoptera *Glyphipterix simplicie/la (Stephens) 010684 St. John's Valley * Esperia sulphurella (Fab.) 270584 rhododendrons * Dichrorampha plumbana (Scop.) 260584 to 010684 common * Bactria lancealana (Hubner) 260584 to 010684 very common *A lucita hexadactyla (L.) 010684 Millcombe * Crambus prate/la (L.) 290584 Quarterwall *Crambus per/el/a (Scop.) 250984 Terraces Clouded Yellow- Coli a croceus (Geoff.) 250984 one, Millcombe Large White- Pieris brassicae (L.) 230984 one, St. John's Valley Small White- Pieris rapae (L.) 280584 one, Beach Road Green-veined White- Pieris napi (L.) 290584 five Small Copper- Lycaena phlaeas (L.) 220984: two , 250984: three, 290984: one Common Blue- Polyommatus icarus (Rott.) 010684 one, St. John's Valley Red Admiral- Vanessa atalanta (L.) noted on five dates between 2309 and 2909 with one to seven on four dates and twenty on 250984 Small Tortoiseshell- Aglais urticae (L.) 230984: one, 250984: three Peacock- Inachis io (L.) 250984 one, Millcombe Small Heath- Coenonympha pamphilus (L.) 270584 one, Pondsbury Fox Moth- Macrothylacia rubi (L.) 2309 to 280984, larvae very common *Blood Vein - Timandra griseata (Peters.) 300584 one, Millcombe Hummingbird Hawk Moth- Macroglossum ste//atarum (L.) 250984: one, 280984: two Lesser Ye llow Underwing- Noctua comes (Hubner) 240984 one, Millcombe White Ermine-Spilosoma lubricipeda (L.) 010684 one, St. John's Valley Broom Moth- Ceramica pisi (L.) 280984 one larva, Millcombe Coleoptera Nebria brevicollis (Fab.) 240984 Mi llcombe Abax para/lelepipedus (Pill. & Mitt.) 270984 St. John's Valley Cercyon atomarius (Fa b.) 260584 common Staphylinus a/ens (Muller) 280984 Mi llcombe Philonthus cognatus (Stephens) 300584 St. John's Valley Quedius mesomelinus (Marsham) 290584 St. John's Valley 29 Aleochara lanuginosa (Grav.) 260584 bovine faeces , common Typhaeus typhoeus (L.) several in May Geotrupes stercorarius (L.) 280984 Millcombe Geotrupes stercorosus (Scriba) common in May; 2409 to 260984, several Colobopterus foss or (L.) 260584 bovine faeces Aphodius depressus (Kugelann) 260584 bovine faeces Agrypnus murinus (L.) 290584 Beach Road Cidnorhinus quadrimaculatus (L.) 290584 St. John's Valley Hymenoptera- Symphyta Pristiphora fulvipes (Fall.) 290584 swept from Salix repens, Ponds bury Hymenoptera- Parasitica *Pimp/a instigator (Fab.) 290584 Beach Road * Hemiteles imbecillus (Grav.) 290584 St. John's Valley * Pycnocryptus director (Thunberg) 290584 St. John's Valley * Barichneumon basalis (Perkins) 290584 St. John's Valley Hymenoptera - Aculeata Myrmica ruginodis (Nyl.) 290584 Pondsbury * Andrena jacobi (Perkins) 290584 Beach Road • Andrena angustior (Kirby) 270584 path by St. John's Valley, several * Lasioglossum moria (Fa b.) 270584 path by St. John's Valley, three plus Bombus lucorum (L.) 300584 * Bombus terrestris (L.) 300584: one, 220984: one Bombus muscorum (L.) 220984 Bombus pascuorum (Scop.) 300584: one, 220984: one Diptera Tipula oleracea (L.) 290584 common Tipula paludosa (Mg.) 250984 several Limnophila fulvonervosa (Schummel) 020684 several, St. John's Valley Procladius choreus (Mg.) (su Pinder; 1978) common, Pondsbury Glyptotendipes paripes (Edwards) very common, Pondsbury Empis tessellata (Fab.) 010684 Dolichopus atratus (Mg.) very common at many sites in May * Epistrophe eligans (Harris) 270584 St. John's Valley Metasyrphus corollae (Fab.) 290584 St. John's Valley Episyrphus balteatus (Degeer) 250984 several * Platycheirus scutatus (Mg.) 290584 St. John's Valley Pyrophaena rosarum (Fab.) 010684 St. John's Valley Chrysogaster hirtella (Loew) 290584 several St. John's Valley Lejogaster metallina (Fab.) 290584 several Quarterwall Neoascia podasrica (Fab.) 290584 common St. John's Valley Eristalis tenax (L.) 250984 several * Leptocera zosterae (Haliday) 290584 in rotting seaweed on beach Scaptomyza graminum (Fall.) 290584 St. John's Valley * Napomyza scrophulariae (Spencer) 290584 St. John's Valley * Pegohylemyia dissecta (Mg.) 290584 St. John's Valley Coenosia femora/is (Rob. -Desv.) 290584 several!, Ponds bury Coenosia tigrina (Fab.) 290584 St. John's Valley Siphonaptera * Dasypsyllus gallinulae (Dale) 270584 Big St. John's (a common bird flea!) Chilopoda *Geophilus insculptus (Attems) 260584: one, under. bovine faeces, 280584: one, Pondsbury * Strigamia maritima (Leach) 230984 one, beach 30 Arachnida Pholcus pha/angioides (Fuesslin) 010684 Big St. John's Pardosa pullata (Clerck) 290584 St. John's Valley; abundant Tetrix denticulata (Olivier) 290584 St. John's Valley * Zygiella atrica (C. L. Koch) 290584 St. John's Valley *Monocephalus fuscipes (Blackwall) 290584 St. John's Valley * Erigonella hiemalis (Blackwall) 290584 St. John's Valley Linyphia clathrata (Sundevall) 290584 St. John's Valley Mollusca Lauria cylindracea ( da Costa) 290584 St. John's Valley Cochlicopa lubrica (Muller) 290584 St. John's Valley I so pod a * Philoscia muscorum (Scop.) 290584 St. John's Valley; several Mammalia Rabbit: maximum noted on any one date was four on 230984. The profusion of thrift above Jenny's Cove was possibly related to the reduction in numbers. Feral cat: On 270584 a black and white cat was seen carrying prey (unidentified­ apparently a small bird) into a pile of rocks 150m north of the Heligoland on the Terraces. It is possible that breeding may have occurred here since the animal appeared to be a lactating female. Grey Seal: On 310584 twenty were present at the North End and on 260984 eleven were present together on the east side. Sika Deer: Maximum count at one time of seven (four males, three females) on 010684. Goat: Thirteen were counted on 300584. Soay Sheep: On 310584 thirty were found , including eight lambs, and on 260984 thirty-three were found. 31 .
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