Page 28 Thursday, September 21, 2006 The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION WF Symphony Orchestra Director Shares Inspiration for New Season By CHRISTIE STORMS influences from exotic cultures,” he opening concert features the famous Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times said. “I thought it might be an inter- tale of a Chinese ice princess who WESTFIELD — Westfield Sym- esting way to couple different types presents three riddles to be solved in phony Orchestra (WSO) Director David of music together that have a com- order to acquire her hand in marriage. Wroe reported that there is much in store mon link.” “In addition, we are infusing this for the orchestra’s 2006-2007 season, Mr. Wroe said there are actually a theme by having a Chinese composer which begins with a presentation of number of ways the performances in residence, Zhou Long,” he said. Puccini’s Turnadot on Saturday, Sep- will incorporate an Oriental flavor. In Mr. Wroe reported that the orches- tember 30, at the Presbyterian Church in addition to capturing the very dis- tra will not only perform some of Mr. Westfield. tinctive Asian, Chinese and Persian Long’s existing work, but will also Mr. Wroe elaborated upon the in- sounds, the orchestra has also chosen commission him to write a new piece spiration behind this year’s predomi- some pieces based less on sound it- to be performed at the March 17, nantly Oriental theme. self and more on the stories and cul- 2007 concert. “There is a considerable amount of tural history of that part of the world. He believes specializing in com- David Samsky for The Westfield Leader and The Times ‘STOCK MARKET…Two Sundays ago, the Fanwood Memorial Library presented Fanwoodstock III. The day began at classical music repertoire that has For example, Mr. Wroe said the missioning new works and champi- 1 p.m. with children’s performer Mr. Ray entertaining the youngest of concertgoers. Scotch Plains resident Pat DiNizio, of oning living composers helps the or- The Smithereens, highlighted the event, which featured picnics and family fun. chestra find its own niche in the pro- Literary Journal Invites fessional community. Soloists from the New York City Opera are scheduled to perform at the Fanwoodstock Offers Community Writers to Enter Contest opening show, as are dancers from AREA – Donna Baier Stein, pub- form) in the body of the e-mail mes- the Nai Ni Chen Dance Company. lisher/editor-in-chief, and Adele sage, along with the titles of works “We pride ourselves on bringing in Kenny, (poetry editor, of Tiferet: A submitted and their genre. one of the most famous operas,” Mr. Festival, Memorializes Steve Clark Journal of Spiritual Literature invite A $20 entry fee must be included with Wroe said. “I doubt any town of our By MARYLOU MORANO who always envisioned a commu- Weiss continued. local writers to submit entries to a each submission. Entry fees may be paid size in the country can boast of a com- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times nity-wide musical event,” explained The “Friends” assist FML with contest being sponsored by Tiferet. by check made out to Tiferet or by credit parable coup. It is just unbelievable.” FANWOOD – The lawn of the Carol Campell, vice-president of the purchases not covered by the library’s Awards of $750 each are offered card by phoning the Tiferet secure line at In addition, the Shanghai String Fanwood Memorial Library (FML) “Friends.” budget. In the past, they have funded for poetry, fiction and nonfiction. The (908) 781-2556. For details, interested Quartet will perform at the February resembled a scene from the 1960s on “Fanwoodstock gives us the per- a projector and screen, furniture, com- judges will be authors Alicia Ostriker writers may visit the Tiferet website at 10, 2007 show. Sunday, September 10, as members fect opportunity to honor him,” she puter upgrades and children’s pro- (poetry), Elizabeth Cox (fiction) and http://tiferetjournal.com/ “We have touched on various of the community gathered together continued. grams at the library. Bruce Chilton (nonfiction). The con- Ms. Baier Stein established Tiferet themes in the past, but never has it to enjoy the third annual, Entertainment was provided by In addition, the “Friends” has pro- test is open to all writers, experienced in 2004. It is a multi-faith literary been so concise and with such a pow- “Fanwoodstock” music festival. Scotch Plains resident Pat DiNizio, a vided seed money for new collec- and novice alike. magazine dedicated to revealing and erful flavor for a whole season,” Mr. An estimated 250 people attended guitarist and vocalist who was part of tions, such as DVDs. Submissions must be received or celebrating spirit through the written Wroe said. “We’re very excited to do the event, which was jointly spon- the 80s and 90s rock band sensation, Funds for “Friends” projects are postmarked by December 31. Writ- word. Ms. Kenny, a Fanwood resi- it.” sored by the “Friends of the Li- Smithereens. Local band Goodman raised by events like the upcoming ers are encouraged to submit no more dent, became poetry editor of Tiferet Mr. Wroe also emphasized that the brary” and the library’s board of Brown, featuring Scotch Plains- book sale, which will be held at For- than six poems, one story up to 30 in June. The author of 21 books and orchestra will continue to perform trustees. Fanwood seniors Luke Saenz, Peter est Road Park, and open to the public pages, or one essay up to 30 pages. the recipient of numerous awards for the classics. Billed as “five hours of peace, love, Bistis, Alex Cvetovich and Alex on Friday, September 29, from 9 a.m. All entries must be previously un- her poetry, she is also director of the “We will be presenting bucketfuls music and fun,” the music festival Russo, also performed. to 12 p.m. and from 3 to 8 p.m., and on published and not under consider- Carriage House Poetry Series at the of familiar and beloved symphonic celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Children’s entertainer Mr. Ray Saturday, September 30, from 9 a.m. ation elsewhere, in print or electronic Kuran Arts Center in Fanwood and music such as Beethoven and “Friends,” and memorialized recently kicked off the program by inviting to 4 p.m. format. Each entry should be double- co-director of the Fanwood Arts Brahms,” he said. deceased Fanwood resident Steve the youngest members of the audi- For more information, contact the spaced on plain white paper and num- Council. Tickets may be purchased directly Clark with the dedication of a rain ence up to the stage for solo debuts, as library at (908) 322-6400 or the bered. The title should appear on each from the WSO office on East Broad garden in his memory. families seated nearby on blankets “Friends” at (908) 322-6559. Infor- page of the manuscript. Book Store Puts Reader Street. For further information, call Mr. Clark served for 10 years on and lawn chairs applauded. mation is also available on FML’s The author’s name should not ap- (908) 2322-9400 or e-mail the library board of trustees. “It gives me great pleasure to be website at www.fanwoodlibrary.org. pear anywhere on the manuscript. A Inside ‘Unstable Mind’ [email protected]. “[Mr. Clark] was a huge music fan, able to provide such an incredible separate cover sheet should include WESTFIELD – The Town Book day of music for everyone,” said li- the author’s name, the genre (poetry, Store of Westfield will host a meet- brary Director Dan Weiss. Academy of TV Arts fiction or nonfiction) title/s submit- and-greet book signing this week- Jewish Film Festival “[It also] gives me a special satis- Lauds WHS Graduate ted, address, phone number and e- end. faction knowing that Steve Clark, to WESTFIELD – Westfield High mail address. Please paper-clip, do On Saturday, September 23, from 2 To Return to Central NJ whom the day and the rain garden School graduate Ross Martin, now not staple, the cover sheet to the manu- to 4 p.m., New Jersey author Dan were dedicated, would have had the senior vice president and head of pro- script. Martin will be in the store to promote SCOTCH PLAINS –The JCC of vember 6). All films will be shown at best time of anyone there…” Mr. gramming for mtvU, and his team Entries may be submitted either by his new novel, “Journey Back.” Central New Jersey and Temple the Rialto Theater at 250 East Broad were honored with the Governor’s United States mail or by e-mail. Send This novel of psychological sus- O’r Beth Torah of Clark are spon- Street in Westfield, and will start at Award Emmy, the highest honor given mailed submissions to Tiferet Con- pense written by an attorney/psycho- soring the Second Annual Central 7:30 p.m. by the Academy of Television Arts & test, PO Box 659, Peapack, NJ 07977. therapist puts the reader inside the NJ Jewish Film Festival, to take Everyone is welcome to attend the Sciences Board of Governors at the By e-mail, send an MS Word (or .rtf) mind of a mentally unstable main place October 16 through Novem- screenings. Individual tickets are $9 2006 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy attachment to character as he struggles to escape ber 6. a film or $32 for all four films (prices Awards on August 19 in Los Angeles. [email protected].
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