BROWN STATIONERS ~ 1 October-5 November ELIZABETH OGILVIE WE'RE BETTER SEA SANCTUARY Mon-Set10em-5pm 20X..-oa- SU'l!d }:dlnbutp ):Jl89DH Admi5$ionfree 031·6678&44 :66&380-t s.,---,~~SootriihMrCouttQ/ ST Thursday, October 6, 1988 K ampuchea-the forgotten story of the Killing Fields Plans for 'Free Market' universities revealed =====•y=G=,=••=m=•=W=;=,,.,=n==== ~~~~ia:ti::~i~;~d?s~~is.. ~~~ there "is a con'1ict between the PLANS TO introduce a free­ desire to increase participation markel style system of vou­ and also to increase private fll/ld­ chers to help fund univer­ ing, as there could be a tende,,cy sities were discussed at a fo r the less wealthy to miss 6ut'' . meeting of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Princi­ He went on to say that there was a view prevalenl throughout .JJa' S. (CVCP) in Oxford last the CVCP that '·it is not enough 10 . k. increase lhe percentage o( the The iclea°. which was proposed population sectors who tradition­ by Sir Graham Hills, Vice-Chan­ ally do not attend university by merely opening our doors - we cellor of Strathclyde University, must help !hem through.,_ wou ld involve a number Of univer­ sities competing for S! udcnts who Professor Wilson also' voiced would pay for their fees by cashing concern that the use of full cost in vouchers they receive from the fees, wh ich are met in whole or Government. While this proposal part by a voucher, could lead 10 is still at the fo rmative stage, its some students having acluall y to supporters aim to still retain the pay for their fees in the future. traditional grant for some un iver­ Such a scenario could further dis­ sities, and implement a mi xture of courage the less we ll off from 1he two systems in the remainder. applyi ng to universi ties, espe­ ciall y when combined with the A range of other methods of move towards loans in the area of fun ding was also discussed, but nance grants. the voucher system is believed to mainte have been particularly attractive The reaction of EUSA Presi­ to 1he Government which aims to dent Malcolm MacLeod is even increase bo1 h the numbers enter­ more damning. He believes that a ing universities, currently 14 per fu ll y fledged voucher system, cent of the country's 18-year-olds, where students are credited with a and also the amount of private fixed amount to cover both their fu nding universities receive. fees and maintenance costs, would lead to a rich/poor divide .. The official response of the and those with more wealthy CVCP. as stated by its chairman, families could spe"iild all their vou­ Sir Mark Richmond, al the e nd of cher on their course, and get Carri bean Night at Teviot - the beat goes on. last week, is mo re cautious. maintenance from their parents. Firslly the CVCPproposes that its The less well off would have to General Purposes Committee make their voucher cover course TH E BELLY D A NCER' actuall y determines how much it and maintenance, meaning they costs m educate someone and could only afford to attend lesser AS PART of the entertainment that EUSA proposed for this year 's Presidents' Bail, it was with this figure establish a number institutions. of principles about the fun~ing of suggested that there should be a belly dancer . universities, and the mcc1mg of " In Edii:iburgh,'' the EUSJ\ ihcsc costs. Once 1hese have been President stated, ''this would lead Deputy P resident PaUI Ryan informed Student that as the theme for this y~ar 's ball was decided it is hoped to secure the to the rich goi ng to the Uni ve rsity medieval perhaps that old 14th century favourite, the belly dancer , should make an appear­ and the poor attending Napier... Government's support for these However. while condemning this ance . A y~ung dancer by the name of Estelle was to wiggle a nd waggle or whatever in that time principles. system, he went on to say that he honoured fashion of belly dancin g. would not rule out the limited use However, Professor Wilson, of market forces in certain areas " Her credentials were perfect, no rubbish, she had certification and was,experieiiced,"said Edinburgh·s Vice-Principal, who attended the meeting, said that qfeducation. Paul, "but we felt some may be offended." ma~yofthose w~owcre in Oxford • Editorial ~e S 2 Thursday, October 6, 1988 BROWN THE STATIONERS The best range • • • OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS FROM £39.95!!! MANUAL CALCULATORS FROM £4.95!!! FROM£8.95 PROGRAMMABLE ENVELOPES PRINTING ANALYSIS BOOKS ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS OFFICE ACCESSORIES PAYROLL SYSTEMS PERSONAL PLANNING SYSTEMS MICROFILE HUGE RANGE OF STUDENT STATIONERY • • • SMITH CORONA ELECTRIC FROM £ 129 CASIO OVER 60 MODELS TO CHOOSE CANON DAISY WHEEL & SELF CORRECTING OLYMPIA PORTABLES PERSONAL WORD PROCESSORS PHILIPS TRANSCRIBERS SANYO DICTAPHONES The best value •••• BROWN THE STATIONERS WE'RE BETTER . 20 Nicolson Street Edinburgh EH8 9DH 031-667 8844: 668 3804 f..egal, Commercial. Educational A: Sot:ial ·------------------------ --- - Lcod felt this exercise to be rather pointless, as he claimed the stu­ dent union senior offi cers' annual EDINBURGH University is conference produces a study of one of the 15 fu rther educa­ about 30 institutio ns which woul d tio n institutions throughout provide the Government with vir­ Britain to have its student tuall y all the figures it requires. union placed under Govern­ · eonsequCntiY, lie believes the ment scrutiny. questionnaires were issued either Photos: Vktor St~kly The investigation is based : ~ ~1f~~:~ ~=~k~~ch; r~; ~~ Left to ·right: J immy Quinn, Shona Eason-Gibson, Rector Muriel Gray, Fiona C ook, Mark around a comprehensive ques­ 1 Jarman's early day motion Wheatley and Paul Ryan in the EUS A offices after the Freshe r s' Week fireworks launch )as tio nnaire concerning the union·s fi nance and expenditure, which demandi ng an survey of student Sunda y . J' the Gover.nment has requested to union activities, o r to show the Murie l w as frog.mar ched into Bristo Squa re along with the Sabbaticals by a team of piper \... :>e returned within three weeks. Government .. going thro ugh the from the G r eat Highland Ba gpipe Society. However, EUSA President ;e~~:!;e~J:~si~n~akes a pre- T he New Scottish Country Da nce Society supplied a squad of dancers to ente rtain the 2 Malcolm Macleod told Student White not su re of what ;ctio~ ._fr.;.es.;.h.;.•.;.rs.;.p:;.;r.;.ese=n.;.t·_______________________ _, that the questionnaire's demands were complex. " It would take us the Government may or may not two months with 15 accountanls take as a result of their findings, to provide the information," he Macleod does hold out a real fear said. that the present university fu nd­ He believes the Government is ing of EUSA may be replaced bya · PHOTO trying to establish whett\er un ion system in which individual stu­ expenditure is on ventures which dents wou ld each have to pay bet­ StAndrewsopt are "proper, right and free-mar­ ween £60 and £70 to fu nd their ket or whatever''. However, Mac- un ion. COMP for star rectors Although rumours are ri£e, ENTRIES ARE invited for a by Graeme Wilson Lusardi inPage 3Debate Glenda Jackson and Mr Parsons competi tion to fin d good have both definitely confirmed as photographs of student life in AS EDINB URGH slowly candidateS. the latter apparently all facul ties of the University. recovers from its own hectic refl ecting fondl y o n the days when maker Sidney Fish, and the Social by Lucy Hooker Organised by the Info rmation · rectori al election last year, St he played 'rugby for G lasgow Welfare spokesman for the Epis­ and Public Relations Services against St Andrews in his letter of copal Church of Scotland. Andrews is just begi nning to THE GUEST-speaker de­ Department. the competition's acceptance. And the list of per­ lnspite or these impressive cre­ aim is to get more attractive and accept. nominations for the sonalities does not end here. bate of the term featuring dentials fo r !he proposition the student-orientated photographs election of its own Rector. Page 3 girl Linda Lusardi organisers are expecting massive for publicity purposes, especiall y The outgoing Rector, Stanley It is believed that Sean Con­ should be a smash event. support for Linda's team, oppos­ in 1he prospectus. Adams, the man who won the nery, a previously def~ated candi­ Debates Committee are ing the motion: ''This House Entries, which should be on fam ous legal battles against the date, may stand for the position extremely "excited" about the would ban Page 3 girls" who transparencies, are open to staff pharmacutical company again. 1£ he does he could well be visit or what they describe as include former Page 3 girl and SI udcnts and modest prizes Hoffman-Laroche, rej,on edly joined by Paul McCartney, ··someone not usually associated Madelaine Wilcox and former will be awarded for the best spent a fa irly controversial fo ur Rowan Atkinson and Auberon with the intellectual world of President of the now banned Fed­ entries in each faculty. years in office. Waugh. who are believed to have eration of Conservative Students, been approached to stand fo r the debating.'' Any student interested should However. so fa r nominations T he contrast shou ld be interest­ Arthur Wainwright. submit their photograph with posl but as yet have not decided.
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