Pesq. Vet. Bras. 37(7):662-666, julho 2017 Sudden death associated with Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil: importance and epidemiological aspects1 Flávio H.B. Caldeira2, Geovanny B.G. Dias2, 2, Valdecy de M. Lourenço3, Kalinne S. Bezerra2 4 and Edson Moleta Colodel5* Felipe P. de Arruda ABSTRACT.- , Franklin Riet-Correa F. & Colodel E.M. 2017. Sudden death associated with Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighi- aceae) in cattleCaldeira in the F.H.B., State Dias of MatoG.B.G., Grosso, Arruda F.P.,Brazil: Lourenço importance V.M., Bezerra and epidemiological K.S., Riet-Correa aspects. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(7):662-666. Departamento de Clínica Médica - BoaVeterinária, Esperança, Faculdade Cuiabá, deMT Agronomia, 78069-900, Medicina Brazil. E-mail: Veterinária [email protected] e Zootecnia, Universidade Fe deralThe de aim Mato of Grosso,this study Campus was to Universitário, investigate the Av. importance Fernando Corrêa of an acuteda Costa disease 2367, that Bairro was characterized by sudden death associated with exercise that affected cattle in the region of - edthe and Araguaia the pastures River, especially of these farmsin the weremunicipality inspected. of Torixoréu,Epidemiological southeastern questionnaires Mato Grosso, were Brazil. Between August and September 2013, eightyNiedenzuella farms in thestannea municipality (N. stannea) were of visit the Malpighiaceae family was attributed to the cause of sudden death in cattle, what causes majorcompleted economic from 65losses. farms. Sudden A plant death identified reports as have occurred since 1970, when livestock was introduced into the region, and sudden death reports still occur. Outbreaks were re- ported to occur from May to October, but mainly during the dry season between June and N. stannea manualAugust. application was of Tordon identified® (Picloram at 41 farms and 2.4D).and was The always administration found in near of 5g/kg to rivers. of young The leavesmost effective which were plant collected control methods from a farm included with aplowing sudden the death pastures history and in cattlefields followedalso caused by sudden death in a sheep. Thus, it is concluded that the sudden death of cattle in the region N. stannea. Niedenzuella stannea, Malpighiaceae, plant poisoning, suddenof the Araguaia death, cattle, River experimental is caused bypoisoning, the consumption sheep, Mato of Grosso. INDEX TERMS: Poisonous plants, toxic plants, 1 RESUMO.- [Morte súbita associada a Niedenzuella stan- nea (Malpighiaceae) em bovinos no Estado de Mato 2 Received on September 7, 2016. Grosso: importância e investigação epidemiológica.] O Accepted for publication on August 2, 2017. - objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a investigação sobre uma Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Faculdade de enfermidade de caráter agudo, caracterizada por morte sú- BoaAgronomia, Esperança, Medicina Cuiabá, Veterinária MT 78068-900, e Zootecnia Brazil. (Famevz), Universidade Fe deral3 de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa 2367, Bairro bita associada ao exercício, que acomete bovinos na região 4 Instituto de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado de Mato Grosso (Indea/ município de Torixoréu, sudeste do estado de Mato Grosso, MT), Rua Bela Vista s/n, Centro, Torixoreu, MT 78260-000, Brazil. - Brasil.de bacias Entre hidrográficas agosto e setembro do Rio Araguaia, de 2013, especialmenteforam visitadas no e de, Patos,Laboratório PB 58700-310, de Anatomia Brazil. Patológica, Hospital Veterinário, Centro de inspecionadas as pastagens em 80 propriedades rurais do Saúde5 e Tecnologia Rural (CSTR), Universidade Federal de Campina Gran Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária (Climev), Faculdade de município, e em 65 aplicado um questionário epidemioló- - Niedenzuella stannea daAgronomia, Costa 2367, Medicina Bairro BoaVeterinária Esperança, e Zootecnia Cuiabá, MT(Famevz), 78069-900, Universidade Brazil. *Cor Fe- (Malpighiaceae), é incriminada como causadora de morte respondingderal de Mato author: Grosso [email protected] (UFMT), Campus Universitário, Av. Fernando Corrêa súbitagico. Uma em bovinosplanta identificada gerando grandes como prejuízos econômicos. 662 Sudden death associated with Niedenzuella stannea (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil 663 - - ária começou a ser inserida na região, e ocorrem até os dias atuais.Relatos Surtos de morte ocorreram súbita datam em diferentes desde 1970, meses quando do ano, a pecu va- municipalityden death history; of Torixoréu these cattle (16o11’58”S, farms were 52o33’20”W), identified Mato by the Grosso Offi riando de maio a outubro, sendo a maior parte concentrada ce of Agricultural Protection of Mato Grosso (Indea/MT) in the- durante o período de seca, especialmente nos meses de ju- (MT), midwestern Brazil. The farms were located in the Araguaia- nho a agosto. N. stannea - ries-Tocantins of Diamantino, River Basin Guariroba on the banksand Quebra-Dente of the Araguaia Creeks. River GPS and Tra its- des, sendo presente próxima aos leitos de rios. Os métodos ckMakertributaries software, including version the Diamantino 13.8.517 was River used and to the obtain main thetributa geo- foi identificada em 41 proprieda graphical coordinates of the farms after the properties bordering o arar da pastagem e roça manual seguida da aplicação de these rivers were selected using Google EarthTM, version 7.0.8415. Tordonde controle® da planta relatados como mais eficazes foram The properties were systematically visited to distribute the epi- de 5g/kg de folhas em brotação de N. stannea, coletadas em demiological questionnaire, to inspect the pastures and mark the uma propriedade (Picloram com e 2,4D). histórico A administração de morte súbita para um em ovino, bovi- location using a global positioning system (GPS). nos, reproduziu o quadro de morte súbita. Conclui-se que The epidemiological survey was given to the owners and em- as mortes súbitas em bovinos em áreas da bacia hidrográ- ployees of the farms to collect data regarding the characteristics of - N. stannea. Niedenzuella stannea, Photosthe farms, published outbreaks by Tokarniaof sudden et death al. (2012) and mortality of the main control. plants A thatmo Malpighiaceae,fica do rio Araguaia intoxicação se devem por plantas, ao consumo morte súbita, de bovinos, in- causedified suddenmodel of death forms in 2 Brazil and 3 wereused shownby Silva to et the al. (2006)interviewed was used. sub- toxicaçãoTERMOS DEexperimental, INDEXAÇÃO: ovino, Plantas Mato tóxicas, Grosso. jects for possible recognition of these plants in the region. Collection of plant samples. Samples were collected of only INTRODUCTION the species that were suggested by the interviewed subjects as causing the disease and that were found on farms where the occur- Sudden death is important in livestock in Brazil because it is responsible for at least half of the cattle deaths caused by samples collected in November 2012 from a farm that was visited the consumption of plants in the country (Tokarnia et al. (16°18’41.38”S,rence of sudden 52°56’01.77”W)death in cattle was were frequent. sent to Leaf, the University fruit and flower of Mi- 2012). The major plants associated with this type of poiso- Experimental poisoning. Sprouting leaf samples of a similar Malpighiaceae (Tokarnia et al. 2012). In the Malpighiaceae chigan Ervaarium (Michigan, USA) for botanical identification. family,ning belong Amorimia to three septentrionalis families: Rubiaceae, and A. rigida Bignoniaceae stand out and as to a male sheep at a dose of 5g/kg body weight (bw). Six hours the most important toxic plants in the Northeast (Tokarnia plant that were sent for identification were orally administered- et al. 1990, 2012, Duarte et al. 2013), whereas A. exotropi- ter the exercise, a clinical examination was performed including monitoringafter administration of respiratory of the plant, movements, the sheep behavior, was forced posture to run. and Af ca is the most important toxic plant in the South (Gava et al. 1998, Pavarini et al. 2011) and A. sepium in the North recorded, and samples of the liver, kidney, heart, lung, intestine, (Schons et al. 2011); however, considering the geographic lymphconsumption nodes, ofspleen water and and brain food. were At necropsy, collected. gross The samples lesions were - Lee et al. 2012 suggested that the species is probably A. - Amazonicalocation of .the Poisonings outbreaks by in A. Brazil pubiflora and photoin the identification, Midwest and malfixed research in 10% formalin,was approved routinely by the processed Ethical forCommittee histology, in and the stai Use Southeast have also been reported (Tokarnia & Döbereiner ned with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic evaluation. All ani 1973, Becker et al. 2013). Numerous plant species that cause sudden death in li- of Experimental Animals of the Federal University of Mato Grosso - (CEUA-UFMT) (protocol 23108016273/13-0).RESULTS Botanical identification vestock contain the toxic organofluorine compound mono The plant that was suspected to cause sudden death in thatfluoroacetate are dependent (MFA) on (Lee energy et al. (Clarke2012), which1991). decreases In cattle, the the rural area of the municipality of Torixoréu was identi- primaryproduction effects of ATP occur and in blocks the heart other and metabolic cause sudden processes dea- Niedenzuella stannea - derson, which belongs to the Malpighiacea family. and death are precipitated by exercise (Lemos et al. 2011, fied as the species (Griseb.)
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