, ~ • ,.,, _,.-#.✓ !R ~-.• i:' _~'Y - ,.,.~ . ..!tl~ - ... '· :.. .. ~ '-., - -; ~ ,- ... 4'• Aro--"•~ ::.~ ~ ~. I .1::,-·~- ' In 1890 Miyata took the lead in Japan by con - struct ing the first Japanese-made bicyc les. Today . we're st ill the pioneer, always aiming tor the best that advanced technology and superior craftsmansh ip can provide. MIYATA's Chronology Developed and began production of Japan's first bicycle. =. ,.. Annual production reached 7,000 units. History of Firsts in Bicycle Miyata Professional Racing Team Production Beats European Competition Export ing started. Over the course of our 91-year history, In bicycle racing the most demanding Miyata has been the firs t Japanese pro ­ testing ground is Euro pe. Here cycl ing ducer to update production methods to is a highly compet itive and lucrat ive sport. Miyata bicycles are used exclu­ Annual production match the most advanced techno logy increased to 50,000 units. used anywhere in the world. We were sively by the CAPRI -SONNE KOGA­ first to introduce f lash butt welding and M I YA TA team -winners of the prest igious an electrostatic painting system . Today 1981 Wor ld Cup. Developed Japan's fi rst flash as always, Miyata is constantly improving butt weld ing it s products and production methods to bicycle frames. assure that you; the consumer, receive the most advanced product 9vailab le. Introd uced Japan's first electrostatic painting systems and infrared rav dryer . Began production of Japan's first powder fire extinguis hers. --- Awarded First Prize by the Direc t or of Indust rial Science and Technology Agency. Constructed new, advanced CHIGASAK I plant. Started production of Japan's first stainless bicycles. Commemorati on of our 90th anniversary. Becomes first bicycle manufacturer to produce own double- butted tubing Only Miyata Machines Its Own CHROMOL Y Double-Butted Tubes The frame is the most impor tant part of any bicyc le. Miyata engineers have chosen seamless drawn chromo ly as the best tub ing for bicyc le appl ication. Our chromoly straight gauge and double butted tubing have superior weight ! strength ratios and high strength reten- Double Butted Tubes Aero Dynamics - '========[ ~] the New Cycling Science Cycling at high speed is a constant fight against wind resistance. Miyata, an in­ tion after braz ing. novat ive leader in design, has now pro­ This aircraft quality tubing is double duced its "AERO MIYATA" made butted at our own factory to custom exclusive ly to maximize the benefits design each frame to the specific purpose gained from the new ly developed aero­ of the bicycle. All Miyata mode ls are dynamic component systems. produced with seamless drawn ch romoly At Miyata, the spirit of challenge 1n tubes. techno logy grows stronger every day. - -_--- ,__ ::_,::~~:--=-- . _-:-::_:-_.-_,-: . -· _-- - -- - . -- - - ---- - --- ---- -- -- --- . ·, . -- - ~ . ------······ PROFESSIONALRACING -- SERIES·,--::___:::.__c::~.'-',:C." - - - ------ - ----- Both the frame and the components of th is fut I-aero model employ state-of-the art aerodynam ic technology for the lowest possible wind resistance. You can see the difference in the tear-shape tubes used in the stream-l ined Miyata frame of chromoly double butted tubing. This is engineered to increase the effectiveness of the Shimano Dura-Ace AX aerodynamic com­ ponents. The "Aero Miyata" is truly for th e rider who wants to combine pedaling power with the latest in scient ific research. Frame size: Men's 580mm(D.D.) .....,_- 550 --4~ 73•30· - . 996.9 _ ___::,i~ -- 413 --1 \_.---- "93.1 FRAME COLOR Bright Blue ' This model is designed for the professional road racers of Europe. The frame is met ic­ ulously hand crafted with Miyata double­ Model butte d chromoly tubes and combines the SEANJ­ best of t he Shimano Dura Ace EX and AX components. A beautifu l machine with MIYATA proven race perfo rmance. Frame size: Men 's 580mm(D.D.) ----- - '550 - -+ ~ 992 .3 - ~~ ,,s9 .1 413 ---1 -----~ /: , FRAME COLOR .... t .: _.. .-- ' ---, --l,- Bright Blue .. --~ ..._\'i This model uses many of the same hand craft ed aerodynamic frame designs as found on t he "Aero Miyata ." It features Model a Sugino Aero crank set, Dia Compe aero brakes, and 100 lb. low profile t ires. The - water bottle and frame pump also feature aerodynamic design. The Pro is ready to MIYATA meet your most demanding requi rements. " Frame size:Men 's 570mm 56 5 - ------ ' 9991- - ~ . -.. 4 l O- -J \_,.--- 1:,99.3 FRAME COLOR ;--- ===== ---s \l! \~11 i Bright Blue ' : i,f iiJf,..,..,~_: ' I rv,,_;i ·,, ''" ~ 'tl[E.' " ....._ .__ ._ .,,_ ' . .1,-,4 · :-.~ ~ The newest member of the Miyata family. The 1200 is hand constructed featuring a Miyata double butted chromoly frame with Model Suntour Superbe Pro ends. Specially selected alloy components from Japans' f200 foremo st manufactures complete this new machine. Built for the road whether racing or just having fun. Frame size: Men's 570mm 565,- --'...., 1000 .5---" ~ 2 L_ 4 ~~ \ __ _..soo- FRAME COLOR 11/'1'1 ----.. Gold Metallic - . - I h><l ..O'Y1·' I , ' • r - . ,_>_ ,Jr--~"J"_ _ , -.1L •v1 . l JliL ~-~ T •• • ' .~ ·'· . ' .................• . ... Each uniquely designed The NINE -TWELVE is Miyata's top semi­ pro model, with virtua lly all the essential features of a profession al racing machine­ Model including a frame of CHROMOL Y double­ butted tub ing and Miyata Professional long 9f2 po int lugs. The 700C alloy rims can be easily interchanged w ith tubular rims and tires for both the fast spo rt rider who also wants to compete and the amateur racer who wants the versatil ity of everyday str eet . rid ing. Precision 12-speed gearings, toe clips, toe straps, and a water bott le are standard. , Frame size:Men's 570mm • •· 1002.6 - ~ _ _ , \_.----- n99 s . FRAME COCOAS •·11, l ~ .1/'1 , - l c,-;qoe11L I ~I !'-.,"iDL-,-~'~B~~<.~~ur~ B lack ' .-, •-~•,. .J t:__,· -".> ·- . • - L.:..: A perfect model for the sport rider or serious commuter who demands both durabi lity and perfo rmance f rom his Model bicyc le. Miyata 's double -butted chromoly frame is designed to provide excellent 7f0 handling characterist ics and a superior ride. Note that on all semi-pro models the crank arms and handlebar stems are ta ilored to each frame size. Frame size: Men's 23" '--- 4 15,_ _ , FRAME COLORS ''l , 'il'l-1• • /I' J • Camel Beige I f CHH • rv1C r··'1\/;(.J> ..yGr/Lr\Jl ···- ~,·'".It I 1 ·r uu::--:s ___ ,: "his versatile model shares the chromoly ouble-butted t ubing and othe r outstand- 1g features t hat are standard on all the ~mi-pro models at a price that is very ffordable . The handsome frame design f bot h mens and womens models are ased on the superior technology of ~iyata's higher priced bicycles. The speci­ icat ions include bott le basements and an Model talian-st yle crown found only on high uality bicycles. Durab ility and long-wear- BIOS 1g lightweight alloy parts make the 3 10 a 1odel th at will continue to save you 1oney long after your purchase. Frame size: Men's23" 73• 565 -. 1,000 - ~ 9 4-· -· 415-..,J \_---" ? FRAME COLORS I Silver Blue \ I' Burgundy 1 ' B l;ick - - . -- .. ' ,. - . - -- . - GRAND TOURING SERIES= Designed for long-distance rides A serious tour ing bicycle designed for the comfor t and dependabi lity that a long­ distance rider demands. The frame uses the same CHROMOL Y double -butted tubing and Miyata Professional long point lugs as on all ou r top models. Brazed-on features inc lude cable stops, shifter base­ ments, cant i lever brake basements, water bot t le mounts, cable guides and holders, rear carrier mount for the heavy-duty carri er, and more. Upgraded D ia-Compe NGC 960 brakes insure quick response in all cond itions. The 15-speed gearing, 40 spoke rear wheel, and front and rear carriers are standard. Frame size : 72 55 Men's 23" ======~ FRAME COLORS Royal Blue Royal Green This 15-speed tour ing and deluxe sport mode l is ready for whatever distance you want to cover w ith its strong CH ROMO­ Model LY double -butted tubing, down-tube shif­ ter, alloy ri ms, and 1001bs tires. Toe ero clips and straps are now standard features , as are the new, higher performance brakes and many brazed-on components. An excellent choice for pleasure rid ing and long reliability. Frame size : Men's23" 1,022 - __,,~ . 600 .s- 430 -----1 , _____ FRAM E COLORS Silver Blue Burgundy Bl;ick -- - - - - --- ~-- - ----- -------- ------------c--=- - ---·---- ----- -- - -____, ----=c:::-·-=-_:__-:...:.::__ _- ---.-----=----=---------=---- _-,_=____ - = = _ __ _ _ _ _ • . --_ _ ___ _ -- -- - . _ •,:. c_. c, __ --"-=-. - - -------:-•;- =--------- ----=_::-"~--_ -----~---~- ..::-?' __-_ _--=-;-".-'--:----: ___ =---- - - _---~-=~-~-~~~-- -_-------=-~c - -~~:_:::.'-·_ -~~- .:;_-_--·_-__ : :-: ·:-:_ . ---':c::.---=cc---------c.--=;-c-, ___ -- ; ·.·cc-·.- - - _, --c ··- • . - . .• -----.- ·• ;__:._ __ · ,.- • - --· •·• .. • •· , HE ALL-ROUND-SPORTS SERIES ~odels for all ages ~iyata's most-up-dated sport model is vailable in a wide variety of sizes for nen and women. The th ree chromo ly nain tubes add strength and lightness o the frame while the extensive use of lloy components reduce unnecessary veight. A model any cyclist can ride with :onfidence. Frame size : Men·s23 " 72° FRAME COLORS OceanBlue Brown Model HOSP I A special version of ou r 110 model. The SP offers di rect frame mount for rear deraille ur, alloy rims, alloy crank set , and Model a centering device on the brakes for easy ,,o adjustment under all . co ndit ions. \ I Frame size: Men's 23" . Th is basic Miyata 10-speed model has many fine feat ures not found on othe r bicyc les in t he same price range.
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