T OLIC" C "10 • Vol. XVIII, No.6 'June, 1936 NATION-WIDE RESPONSE IN ENCYCLICALS' OBSERVANCE Bishop Walsh-Pioneer Missioner Safeguarding Our Catholic Youth Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Religion-Essence of Education N. C. C. W. Activities in the Dioceses Our Common Catholic Interests: Call of Catholic Action to the 1936 Graduates of Our Catholic Colleges-Correspondence Courses in Catechism in the Diocese of Boise, Idaho-Teaching Power of the Church Stressed in "Vocation Day" Sermon by Monsignor Ready, Month by Month with the N. c. w. c. A NATIONAL MONTHLY-OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE Price: 20c 2 CATHOLIC ACTION JUM, 1936 FACTS ABOUT THE NATIONAL CATHOUC WELFARE CONFERENCE :-: What It I. What It Doe. :-: "Thi.orgtlnlztltion (the N. C. W. C.) d not orUf/u,e!tll, but .uce"a,."• .•• TABLE OF CONTENTS W" prai." all who in tinS/waf/ cooperate in thi. great tOork!'-PoPJ: Pros XI. The National Catholic WeHare Conference was oreanized in September 1919. The N. C. W. C. is a common agency acting under the authority of the bishops to June, 1936 promote the welfare of the Catholics of the country. It has for its incorporated purposes "unifying, coordinating and organizing the Catholic people of the United States in works of education, social welfare, immigrant PAGE aid and other activities." Our Common Catholic Interests 3 It comprises the following departments and bureaus: (Joll of Oatholic A ction to the 1936 Graduates of Our EUOUTIVJ)-Bureaui maintained: Immigration, PubUoits/ and In/ormation. HutoricaJ Oat h 0 lie Oollege:t-Oorre­ Record" P.blScation., Bu,ine" and Auditing and Latin America•. spondence Oourse, in Oate­ EDUOATION-Divisions: chi8m in the Diocese of Boise Btatutic, and Information, Teach.,.,' Regiltration, Lib,..,.". -Teaching Power of the PREss-Serves the Catholic press in the United States and abroad with regular MW', Ohurch Stre8sed in "Voca­ feature., editorial and pictorial .erf)ice•. tion Da'V" S"rmon of Mon.i­ gnor Ready. SOOIAL AOTIoN-Covers the fields of Industrial Relation., International Alair., Civic Bducation. Social Welfare. Familf/ Life and Rural Life. Religion-The Essence of Edu" LEG.AL--Serves as a clearing house of information on federal. state and localleeislation. ealion .. ..... .. ... ..... 6 LAy OBG.ANIZATIONs-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National Council of Catholic Women. which maintain at N. C. W. C. headquarters perma­ By Rev. D.r. George Johnson. nent representations in the interests of the Catholic laity. These councils function through some 3,500 affiliated societies-national. state, diocesan, district, local Bishop Walsh-Pioneer Mis- and pariah; also throueh units of the councils in many of the dioceses. sioner .. ......... ..... 7 The N. C. C. M. maintains at its national headquarten a O.tholia 1i1vidence Bu­ Bf/ Matthew Queen. reo" and sponsors a weekly nationwide radio Oatholio H 0"" over the network of the National BroadcastinK Company. Safeguarding Our Catholic The N. C. C. W. maintains in Washington, D.O.• the NGtlOf&Gl Oatholic 8ehoo' 01 Youth .. ... ......... 9 8ociol Service. By Anne Barachon Hooley. The Conference is condueted b,. an administrative board composed of ten archbishops and bishops aided by seven assistant bishops. Each department of the N. C. W. C. ia administered by an episcopal chairman. Work of the Confraternity of Through the ceneral secretary, chief executive officer of the Conference, the reports Christian Doctrine ........ 11 of the departments and information on the r: .. neral work of the headquarters' staif are By Rev. Dr. F. A.. Walsh, sent regularly to the members of the administrative board. O.S.B. The administrative bishop. of the Conference report annually upon their work to the Holy See. Month by Month with the N. C. Annually at the general meeting of the bishops, detailed reports are submitted br W. C• . .. .......... ... 12 the administrative bishops of the Conference and authorization secured for the work of the coming year. No official action is taken by any N. C. W. O. department without authorization of Nation-Wide Response in En- its episcopal chairman. cycUcals' Observance ...... IS No official action is taken in tbe name of the whole Conference without authorisa- tion and approval of the administrative board. Notes of the N. C. S. s. S • .... 18 It is not the policy of the N. C. W. C. to create new organizations. It helps, unifies, and leavea to their own fields those that already exist. Unifying Work of N. C. C. W. 19 It aiml to defend and to advance the welfare both of the Catholic Church and of our beloved Country. Bishop Leech Urges N. C. C. W. It seeks to inform the life of America of right fundamental principles of religion Progress .......... ..... 19 and morality. It is a central clearing house of information regarding a.ctivities of Catholie men Brief Reports of N. C. C. W. and women. Activities . ............... 20 All that are helped may play tbeir part in promoting the good work and in main­ taining the common agency, the National Catholic Welfare Conference. CATHOLIC ACTION reeords montbly the work of the Conference and iUl affili­ The contents of CATHOLIC AC­ ated orcanizations. It presents our common needs and opportunities. Ita Ipecial TION are fully indexed in the article. are helpful to every Catholic organization and individual. Oatholic Periodical Indell'. CATHOLIC ACTION published monthly by the National Catbolie Welfare Conference. Entered as second-clu. matter at the post-office at Washington, D. C., under tbe Act of March 3, 1879. All changes of address, "!lewala and subscrip­ tions should be sent direct to CATHOLIC ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave .. N. W., Washington, D. O. 8"'b.ori,,tion Rate. Publiccdio., Editorial and IbtlcutfvfI Ol/ice. $2.00 per year· $2..25 outside th. United lSI:! Mas~acbusetts Ave., N. W. States. Make cheeks or postal monel order. II payable to CATHOLIC ACTION. WASHINGTON, D. C. CATHOLIC ACTION "CATHOLIC ACTION eon.''', no. merel,. of .1uJ pur."i. of per­ .onal Chrlalian perfection, ",hieh fa OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TUB IwKlner before all o.her. iu fir•• end .,.ea.e•• end, "U' i. al.o eon.i." of • 'rue apo.,olate in ..,hich Catholic. of efJer,. .ocial clan participa'e, eominll dar" '0 be uni.ed in ,ho""h. and action NATIONAL CATHOLIC - around .ho.e cen.er. 0/ .o"nd doc­ 'rine and multiple .ocia' aclifJi',., legitimatel,. con.Ii,uted and, a. a r .. '"'" aided an" .".tained b,. ,he ..... _ ,hori.,. of ,he bidlDp,," WELF ARE CONFERENCE -Pope Pi,.. Xl. VOL. XVIII, No.6 JUNE, 1936 OUR COMMON CATHOLIC INTERESTS ANOTHER June and all over the country to receive their higher education under Cath- young men and young women are donning olic auspices? . the robes of academic distinction and coming Taken by and large the Catholic graduate forward to receive has given a fairly good account of himself. Call of Catholic Action from alma mater the All over the nation today men and women who to the 1936 ~raduates of diploma that gives ev- completed their education in our colleges and Our Catholic Colleges Idence of work well universities are responding to the call of our done. On the basis of consecrated leadership and proving equal to the best figures available it is estimated that the tasks that are put in their hands. We' 12,000 students will this year receive the have been so accustomed to having them bachelor's degree from Catholic universities ' around that we take them more or less as a and colleges. At the same time Catholic in- matter of fact. Because they do their work stitutions of higher learning will confer some so readily and so regularly it is not drama- 1,400 graduate degrees. Thus a new phalanx tized. It is only when we sit down and try to of men and women whose education is rooted imagine what our situation would be without and founded in the teachings of Jesus Christ them that we realize something of the extent will enter the lists of Catholic Action of their contribution. - - - equipped to do battle in the cause of truth. However, we may be excused for hoping Were we to ask anyone of them on that for even better things from the Catholic day of graduation in the midst of the enthu- graduate. He is going out into a world that siasm of the moment and under the spell per- has developed a blind.spot with regard to all haps of the stirring commencement address things religious and lost most of its sensitiv­ if they were in very fact ready to do such ity to religious values.. At the same time he battle, the answer would no doubt be "Yes." is going out into a world that is bewildered However, we look forward into the future and and that has gradually discovered that its consult the experience of the past and we can own resources are not quite enough and that be pardoned for entertaining some doubts. its happiness demands something beyond it­ Has the Catholic graduate always made an self. The Catholic graduate has a sacred re­ adequate return on the investment which the sponsibility to God and to his fellow man to Church has made in him? Has the leader- labor in the apostolate of truth. There is ship we need in all lines of human activity only one Name under heaven in which man been supplied by those whose privilege it was can be saved, a statement that he believes 4 CATHOLIC ACTION June, 1936 with all conviction. It is his duty to make ourselves politically. Yet we do have the that Name known. He knows what must al­ respect and admiration of our fellow citizens.
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