1 - The Register Is on sale at the James Olarke Church Ooods House, The Catholic Supply House, F. F. Fisher and W . Walsh. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER V O L VIII. NO. 34 DENVER, COLORADO, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913. •1 JO PEK YEAS, f S A D VAN CE. PRICE FIVE OENm Spring Millinery was much in evidence on Easter Sunday. The hats are small. DIOCESE OF DENVER —Current Fashion Notes. ATTEM PTS TO FORCE IS SIGNALLY HONORED GIRL TO LEAVE CHURCE > ■ Tw o Local Clergy Are Created Domestic Prelates to His Holiness Sensational Scene at Pueblo Church Easter Sunday — Vile Plot th e P o p e of a Proselytizer RT. REVS. BRADY AND PHILLIPS ARE NOW MONSIGNORS SUIT FILED BY REV. GIGLIO, S. J., AGAINST W . L JOHNSOIC ----------- < Mil The Diocese of Denver was signally honored, when by Apostolic Pueblo, Colo., March 25.—The second open move whieh may be made. W il- > ■ ^ 1 act of a drama which might have its litm L. Johnson, who for some time p Brief, dated February 28th, two of our clergy were appointed Doe origin in the land of Sunny Italy was practiced law in this city and who ii I s ' mestic Prelates to His Holiness, with the title of Monsignor. The enacted here Sunday morning, when one supposed is playing the part of the t o o l, priests so honored were Fathers P. A. Phillips, Chancellor of the W. L. Johnson, a noted Socialist and of the Italian family, is being held om liater of Catholi(», walked into Mount a charge of distutbance. ar Diocese, and Richard Brady, Dioscesan Consultor. Both clergymen Carmel church, and during the solemn 'The child also is being detained in th * , are well known in Denver, and are the recipients of hearty congratu­ high mass, dragged pretty Mary Serena matron’s quarters as a witness. I t Potesh out of her seat and attempted lations from Catholics and non-Catholics alike. probable that a ;gnar(iian will be *p- ’ to force her to go with him. She ran pointed for her that her property msiy ' The date of the investiture, the ceremony of the blessing and to the rear of the church and up into be protected. She may be placed in m presentation of the purple which is conducted by the Bishop, has not the choir loft, crying for help, which boarding school in the east. was readily given her. The alleged plot seemingly waa to en­ yet been announced. •- Of course, the church was turned into tice the child into some kind of troeMe Bt. Kev. Richard Brady wae born 45 ment of diocesan work he has merited disorder, and certain members of the that she'might be sent to a reformatecy years ago in Doolreagh, Parish of Drum- the honor conferred. parish who knew Johnson of old began or that the relativies might be appointii goon (C'ootehill), County Cavan, Ireland. Rev. i'ercy A. Phillips was born fifty- to hiss and beat him, but for the timely her guardian. In this way they expected TTi» preparatory studies were made in seven years ago at Batiscan, near Que­ intervention of Father Glglio, poor old to obtain\ her fortune within the comae , National schools in Carrikallen and L«- bec. He began his education in the city Johnson would have never lived to cause of a yearVr so, it is’ said. rah. Still a seminarian, he was adopted of Quebec, going from there to Rinouski, another disturbance. He, however, was During the eervka at an ItaBaa for St. Louis Archdiocese in 1886, and where he took eight years classic and told to hurry home before some harm Since they’re small, m ere man has no longer soiy com plaiht about the “Big Hat in Church” church in the Grove on Sunday Joimaon studied the classics at St. Joseph’s Col­ was ordained in 1879. Came to Denver would befall him. entered the church and going into the lege, Teutopolis, 111., and philosophy and in 1881, where he was stationed with The first act of a gang of “Black So­ organ loft grabbed the Potesh girl b j theology at St. Patrick’s College, Car- Bishop Machebeuf at the Cathedral, with cialists,” or A. P. A.’s, was acted here EASTER SUNDAY OPPOSING; NEILL ANOTHER CURE? the arm and pulled her from her chair, r low, Ireland. whom he made many missionary jour­ about four months ago, but is only according to the story told the polieia., He was ordained a priest, June 11, neys through the State. The Cathedral known to a few people, as it was A T S P R I N G S The child was frightened and screamed. 1893, in Carlow Cathedral, by the Rt. mission extending from Brighton to Col­ Bigots Active at Washington Loyola l/niversity Fosters Lab­ titought best to keep the “cowardly act” Johnson again pulled her around, a o -; Rev. Michael Cowerford, D. D., Bishop orado Springs lie endured many of the Actively AttemptlBg to Defeat quiet- Colorado Springs, March 24th—With oratory to Test Another cording to witneaes, and started to of Kildare and Leighlin. He was ap­ hardships with the old Bishop. While at ' One Sunday afternoon two stalwart piety and in accordance with the l>eauti- Commission of Labor drag her irom the loft in an attempt, it pointed asiiistant at the Cathedral in the Cathedral he organized the parish of / Tuberculosis Serum officers, one of them a Catholic, t<x>, ful and impressive ceremonial of the is believed, to make her fight him. S t Louis by Archbishop Kenrick in Au­ St. Joseph, which embraced the wliole came to the Pueblo Day Nursery and Catholic Church, the joyous and glorious Washington, D. C., sMarcb 25—The Persons seated near by soon got Jbhm- gust of the same year. country west of Cherry Creek, and built Convinced that Doctor Peter Duket, Kindergarten, with a warrant for the festival of Easter was celebrated in St nomination of Mr. Charles P. Neill to be son out of the building. He wae ar­ ,He came to Colorado in June, 1894, a chapel at" what is now Sixth and Gal- a Chicago physician, has invented a se arrest of “One woman, Angelio Clara.” -Mary’s yesterday. The main and side Commissioner of Labor, which President rested yesterday morning by' DctaetiT* and spent two years as chaplain at the apago, after which he was made Clian- rum that has’and will cure tuberculosis, Of course, good little Sister Angelo altars and sanctuary were tastefully Wilson sent to the Senate a few days Grady. At the time he threhteaed vto- Glockner Sanatorium, and in Pueblo. cellor of the diocese- He moved from has led ex-senator William Lorimer to did not leave her house, nor let the offi­ decorated, the main adornments being ago because th6 nomination of him by lence to the detective. Bishop Mats appointed r him to Iioretto St. Joseph‘’s to the House of the Good jichly endow a research laboratory to cers inside, hut sent one of the novices Easter lilies, carnations, potted plants ex-President Taft had failed for want eff It is thought that the relatives to- Heights Academy and Fort Logan in ii.u- Shepherd, where he was made chaplain. put this and other serums to the strict immediately for FaQier Glglio, who soon and candles. The members of the Altar confirmation is being vigorously opposed. tended to compel ^h e child to create gust, 1896. The Good Shepherd home then occupied est scientific tests. This laboratory will returned the officers to the police station Society who had the work in charge de­ Senator Lee S. Overman, of North Car­ several scenes such as happened in tt o He was appointed pastor of the mis­ two small frame buildings in the same be established in connection with the with their warrant. * serve great credit for their untiring ef­ oline, and Senator Benjamin Tiiiman, of church Sunday morning, blaming the sion at Littleton in September, 1900, block with St. Joseph’s chapel. While Medical Department of Loyola Uni­ Tliat afternoon several prominent forts. L arp congregations attended the South Carolina, are conspicuous among entire affair to her and in that manner where Ife organized a flourishing congre­ chaplain to the Good Shepherd’s, he.was versity—a Jesuit School in Chicago, and Catholics were told of this awful threat, early mafses and it is estimated they those trying to defeat it. All the bigots cither send her to a reformatory or ee- gation, and built St. Mary’s crurch the instrumental in building the new home will be called the St. Rita’s Laboratory, and a conference was held 'with Com­ were about seven hundred communicants, of the Guardians of Liberty and all the cure appointment as her guardian. follow'ing year. and establishing a reform class. In 1891 because Reverend James- F. Green, the missioner Thomas D. Donnelly, who as­ The weather man suspended operations other bogus patriots who .hide their re­ Since May 13, 1898, Father Brady has Father Phillips was again commissioned president of St. Rita’s College, was the sured Father Giglio that it was “ all a until close to the noon hour so that a ligious malice under a pretence of sur­ been the Diocesan Attorney, and has to the Cathedral, where he looked after first p^sou to interest Mr. Lorimer in mistake.” A warrant was then sworn Johnson Claims to Own the Girl. capacity congregation filled the Church passing devotion to libe-ty, are ramjant been the Diocesan Consultor for four the interests of the parish until Father the discovery and cures of Dr.
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