Cribbage World • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pre-Turkey Shootout finalists (Virginia Beach VA on November 24): Bruce Sattler (runner- up) and Jim Correa (first-time winner) American Pride finalists (Marinette WI on January 19): Jeff Shimp (winner) and Frank Danielski (runner-up) CRIBBAGE.ORG VOLUME41.03♦MARCH2020 10 13 15 18 Master #1000 15-DAY CANADA, ICELAND, BRITISH ISLES, BELGIUM & FRANCE FROM NEW YORK CRIBBAGE CRUISE APRIL 22 – MAY 7, 2021 NORWEGIAN JADE TRANS-ATLANTIC CROSSING New York – Amsterdam HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA; REYKJAVIK, ICELAND; BELFAST, N. IRELAND; HOLYHEAD, WALES; PARIS (Le HAVRE) FRANCE; BRUGGE, BELGIUM, ENDING IN AMSTERDAM INSIDE $2,868 OUTSIDE $3,070 BALCONY $4,052 PLEASE NOTE: THIS PRICING IS APPROXIMATE AND MAY GO UP OR DOWN A LITTLE DEPENDING ON WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR DEPOSIT. Prices are total cabin price for 2 people and include $248.39 p/p for cruise related taxes. Prices are for the cruise only and subject to change until the deposit is made. Airfare/Transfers/Insurance/gratuities additional. Once all group cabins in inventory are sold, pricing will be substantially higher. Also, as with previous NCL cribbage cruises, extra perks are available including free liquor (service fees apply), free upscale dining (service fees apply), $50/port/cabin shore excursion credit and free 250 minutes internet. All 4 of these are available with a balcony cabin and above; there are restrictions if you get an inside or ocean view cabin. FULLY REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT currently at $125 p/p will hold your room until Dec 23, 2020. Deposits can change between $50 p/p to $200 p/p depending on when you make your reservation. PLEASE MAKE DEPOSIT EARLY. More than 3 people/cabin, you NEED to book early. Non-cribbage playing family and friends are welcome to book at these rates. THREE 2-DAY AND ONE 1-DAY SANCTIONED CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS NORWEGIAN STARTER APRIL 23, 2021 NOVA SCOTIA CHALLENGE APRIL 25 & 26, 2021 ICELAND CHALLENGE APRIL 27 & 28, 2021 NORWEGIAN ROUND-UP MAY 1 & 4, 2021 Cribbage Directors: Winona McDaniel (541) 525-1292 and Michael McDaniel (541) 228-4955 Booking your cruise: Roger Wilson [email protected] 303-254-4670 Moving? AMERICANCRIBBAGECONGRESS Executive Committee ( 888-PEGGING David Campbell, President James Morrow, Executive VP (888.734.4464) Keith Widener, VP–Policy Terry Weber, VP–Operations 8 [email protected] David Aiken, VP–Competition Board of Directors David Aiken James Morrow Rick Allen David O’Neil Milestones! Patrick Barrett Todd Schaefer Henry Bergeron Dan Selke David Campbell Richard Shea Happy Birthday in March! Willie Evans Jeff Shimp 80—Bonnie DeMoulpied (MI) Richard Frost Mark Soule Tammy Gibbons Valerie Sumner 80—Ron Shupp (MI) Paul Gregson Diane Waite 70—Gregg Pericich (CA) Roland Hall Terry Weber John Hazlett Fred White Send info about member birthdays Jason Hofbauer Keith Widener ending in a zero two months in ad- Jeanne Jelke Ethics Committee Chair vance to cribbageworld@cribbage. Keith Widener ([email protected]) org or PO Box 313, Ada MI 49301. CRIBBAGEWORLD The ACC’s Ethics Committee Editor: David Aiken suspended Roy McGillivray Cribbage World Advisory Board Mary Burlington (Amherst MA) (Chico CA) for six months be- Paul Gregson (Antioch CA) ginning January 15 and ending Jeanne Jelke (Redding CA) July 15 plus the 2020 Grand Valerie Nozick (Seattle WA) National in Sacramento CA. Catherine Perkins (Bear Creek NC) Jeff Shimp (Grand Haven MI) Fred White (Kailua HI) Previous CW Editors Where’s Dale? DeLynn Colvert (1990–2006) Dale Bishop Munroe (1986–1990) Can you find all five Robert Madsen (1983–1986) copyright ©2020 by American Cribbage Congress copyright ©2020 by mentions of Dale James W. Arblaster (1980–1983) Magedanz in this CW? Cribbage World (USPS 007016) (ISSN 10587772) is published monthly by the American Cribbage (this one doesn’t count) Congress, 8174 Las Vegas Blvd S #109 PMB 358, Las Vegas NV 89123-1054. Periodicals postage paid at Las Vegas NV and additional mailing offic- es. Postmaster—send address changes to Cribbage World, 8174 Las Vegas Blvd S #109 PMB 358, Las ACC Judges Vegas NV 89123-1054. The following new judges have been Contact [email protected] for info certified: about commercial ads and tournament promotions. Cribbage news relevant to the ACC and its mem- • Randy Azelton (Atascadero CA) bership should be submitted in electronic format and will be published on a space-available basis. • Richard Nourse (Canton MA) Deadline is the 10th of each month. To take the judge examination send Cribbage World 616.401.8311 email to [email protected]. PO Box 313 [email protected] Ada MI 49301 President’s Column by David Campbell Some people without brains do an some new things. Gator World was one awful lot of talking, don’t you think?” of the new adventures, and if you have —Frank Baum, ever wanted to see alligators from two The Wonderful Wizard of Oz inches to sixteen feet in size, this is the place to go. This month I want to tell you about my With Reno now just a few weeks trip to Orlando FL. Every year in the away, I am hoping many of you will middle of winter I always try to take a make the trip there. I have it on good break from the snow, and so I venture authority that the weather will be terrific south for a week. This year was no dif- this year, and we will see no snow, and ferent, and in early February I started my temperatures will be in the 60s for the adventure from my house at 3am. After entire week. delays in Portland and Atlanta, I finally With all this flying, I am interested in reached my destination about fourteen proper etiquette when it comes to flying. hours later. First, what are your thoughts on reclin- I was supposed to arrive two hours ing your seat? Personally, being over six before Lana Newhouse but instead ar- feet tall I rarely ever recline mine because rived an hour after her, due to the de- I know how horribly uncomfortable it lays. We had the pleasure of seeing many makes a person with long legs. friends at the two tournaments run by Second, armrests—who do they be- Dave Fournier. As usual, he and his long to. My thought is if you are stuck whole family did a wonderful job, and I in a horrible middle seat then you are en- encourage any of you looking for some titled to both armrests. Some people feel warmth in the middle of winter to join otherwise about both topics, and I would us next February in Florida. love to hear your opinions, so email me Every year Lana and I usually go to at [email protected] and you could Epcot, but this year we decided to try be included in next month’s story. cool stuff Pat Llewellyn on the web (Bellingham MA) resigned from the Board of Directors on January 22. Per Peter Worden has a passion for crib- ACC policy, the next highest vote-getter bage, and he created a documentary in the most recent election takes her called “The Cribsionary.” To listen to place on the BOD. Please welcome Henry his story, go to cbc.ca and type “quest Bergeron (Webster NH) to the BOD. to spread cribbage” in the search box. 4 Your Deal M Letters to CW will be printed on a space-available basis and may be condensed or edited for clarity and length (150 words maximum). Send letters to [email protected] or PO Box 313, Ada MI 49301-0313. Please include your name, city, and state. The True Origin of Raggedy England. He taught Russ that A-A-6-7-8 After reading a letter in “Your Deal” in the was called the Raggedy Hand when he February Cribbage World, I feel I have to learned the game. So you see, all this pre- add my two cents. Many years ago while dates the ACC—as we both do! playing cribbage with my brother-in-law, Catherine Perkins (Bear Creek NC) he announced he had “The Raggedy.” Of Thermodynamics Made Easy course, he was holding A-A-6-7-8. As he was not an ACC player, I asked him Since I am a retired physics teacher, I was about it. He said, “It’s really The Raggedy very impressed with your editorial that in- Hand, but most of us just call it The Rag- tegrated thermodynamics with cribbage. gedy.” He explained that as a young man I would have really enjoyed sharing that growing up in England in the late 1940s with my students, as it brings the whole and early 1950s, that is what the hand was concept into language that they would called. I suspect that the person bringing have understood (whether it relates to this expression to the US was unaware that cribbage or football or even to high in parts of England some dialects drop the school). Keep up the great job of being initial h-sound when speaking and misin- the editor of this great publication. terpreted what he/she heard as the famil- Ed Johnson (Orting WA) iar “Raggedy Ann” instead of “Raggedy Quick Learner ’and.” My husband, Russ, wants to weigh I’d like to introduce you to the newest in on this too. He was taught cribbage by member of our family and the cribbage his father in the 1930s. His father learned community, Penny! At only three months to play cribbage during WWI in she is a quick learner. Lyndi Henderson (Colombia, South America) 5 My Deal by David Aiken K Play smart, play fair, play fast—but mostly rplay nice One problem with editing a monthly this year.
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