DARK,DARK COUNTRY DONKER, DONKER LAND Lyrics by RALPH RABIE (A.K.A. JOHANNES KERKORREL) Originally perfomed by THE GEREFORMEERDE BLUES BAND translated from the Afrikaans by ANNEKE RAUTENBACH Die klein wit republiek Is in ‘n droë wit seisoen Die bome dra nie meer vrugte nie Die damme is almal droog Uit die vlaktes van die Noord Karoo Kom ‘n sprinkaanplaag Wat uitstrek na die Noorde En die mielielande knaag En in die dorpe en die stede Ly die mense honger Kos is skaars en al het jy werk Word jou geld al minder werd En dis ‘n donker donker land Die seisoene draai, die sterre brand Die son word rooi ons het beland Aan die maan se verkeerde kant In ons huise teen die heuwels Agter tralies skuil ons teen alle euwels En ver sien ons die rook trek Die lokasies is aan die brand En die soldate kom al aangemarsjeer En elkeen dra ‘n gelaaide geweer Daar’s ‘n bom in elke supermark En die klank van glas wat breek En iets moet breek! DARK,DARK COUNTRY / 55 The small white republic Is in a dry white season The trees no longer bear fruit The dams are all empty Across the plains of the North Karoo Comes a plague of locusts It stretches out to the North And gnaws out the cornfields And in the towns and the cities People go hungry Food is scarce and even if you have work Your money has less and less worth And it’s a dark, dark country The seasons turn, the stars burn The sun flares red and we’ve landed On the wrong side of the moon In our houses on the hills Behind bars we hide from all evils From far away, we see the smoke rise The locations are on fire And the soldiers are marching on Each carrying a loaded gun There’s a bomb in every supermarket And the sound of glass breaking Something’s got to break! 56 / RALPH RABIE En dis ‘n donker donker land Die seisoene draai, die sterre brand Die son word rooi ons het beland Aan die maan se verkeerde kant Maar na sewe jaar se droogtes begin dit reën en die reën val neer hier Die reën val op my hande Die reën val op my arms Die reën val op my oë Die reën val op my lyf Die reën val op my gesig Die reën val op my rug O, reën val neer hier Die reën val neer op Voortrekkerhoogte Die reën val neer op doringdraad Die reën val op berge Die reën val op valleie Die reën word strome Die reën word riviere Die reën word ‘n see Reën was alles weg hier Was alles skoon hier Reën kom weer en weer Weer en weer DARK,DARK COUNTRY / 57 And it’s a dark, dark country The seasons turn, the stars burn The sun flares red and we’ve landed On the wrong side of the moon But after seven years of drought It begins to rain And the rain falls down The rain falls on my hands The rain falls on my arms The rain falls on my eyes The rain falls on my body The rain falls on my face The rain falls on my back Oh, the rain falls down here The rain falls down on Voortrekker Heights The rain falls down on barbed wire The rain falls on mountains The rain falls on valleys The rain becomes streams The rain becomes rivers The rain becomes a sea The rain washes everything away here Washes everything clean here The rain comes, again and again Again and again 58 / RALPH RABIE translator’s note: The 1980s longer made sense for anyone. If was a dark time in South Africa, anything was going to make the rul- to say the least. Media was cen- ing National Party relinquish its grip, sored; subversive literature, art, the- this would be it. ater, and music were banned. Resis- Absurdly, it doubled down. In tance groups like Mandela’s African August of 1985, Prime Minister P.W. National Congress and the Pan-Af- Botha was expected to announce rican Congress were still outlawed, the government’s commitment to their leaders in prison or in exile. ending apartheid, and the world’s People of color were still disenfran- media gathered with bated breath. chised, in large part barred from any Optimistically, TIME Magazine kind of meaningful education, and called it “the most important state- forced to live as second-class citi- ment since Dutch settlers arrived at zens in crowded “homelands” in rural the Cape three hundred years ago.” areas and in “locations” in the cities, Instead, South Africa and the world serving as a source of cheap labor for were subjected to more of the same the comfortable white minority. Pro- belligerent finger-wagging that had testers clashed with police more vio- become Botha’s trademark. lently than ever before. According to This could only be a sign of a an opinion poll in 1985, the majority general sense of panic, paranoia, and of South Africans believed the coun- insecurity: the National Party was try was heading toward a civil war. A losing. Not least of all, its most reli- brutal system was beginning to crack able base—white Afrikaners—was for the very reason it had once been crumbling as it aged, and the youth beneficial to its designers: econom- were rejecting the unconditional loy- ics. South Africa had become eco- alty to volk and vaderland with which nomically isolated, and business suf- they had been raised. This was the fered; economically, Apartheid no background against which the punk DARK,DARK COUNTRY / 59 band, the Gereformeerde Blues per–like diorama of its members— Band, came to fame. Its lead singer, bearded, bejeweled—feasting on Ralph Rabie, a.k.a. Johannes Kerkor- crayfish laid out on a white table- rel (John Church-Organ), was a jour- cloth inside a military-style canvas nalist who was fired from his day tent. job for using excerpts from Botha’s Biblical narratives had a spe- speeches in his song lyrics. Unsur- cial significance in upholding Apart- prisingly, his music was banned from heid ideology: Prime Minister Hen- the airwaves. The Gereformeerde drik Verwoerd, acknowledged as the Blues Band—meaning “reformed “architect” of Apartheid, referred to blues band,” a play on the Neder- Afrikaners as the Israelites of Africa, a landse Gereformeerde (N.G.) Kerk, or chosen race guided by God to claim Dutch Reformed Church—created their land and rule benevolently over a satirical collage of every institu- not only “the fish in the sea and the tion that had been forced down that birds in the sky, the livestock and all generation’s throats: the govern- the wild animals”—as Genesis would ment, the dry Afrikaans of the class- have it—but also over people of room, the army, and, of course, the every other race. The same biblical church: a central pillar in the Apart- drama is being invoked in “Donker heid power structure. The new genre Donker Land,” but in a minor key: the was dubbed Voëlvry, meaning both grand narratives have failed—or, per- “free as a bird” and “outcast,” and the haps people are being punished for band’s debut tour of the same name their perverted interpretation of the turned the church’s Calvinist ascet- scripture. The first line may refer to icism on its head with performa- the 1979 novel A Dry White Season by tive queer decadence. The cover of André Brink, the first Afrikaans novel- their one and only album, Eet Kreef! ist to have had his books banned by (Eat Crayfish!), features a Last Sup- the nationalist government. Brink’s 60 / RALPH RABIE title is itself a reference to the poem a corrupt earth. Kerkorrel, who wit- “For Don M.—Banned” by the black nessed South Africa’s first free and poet Mongane Wally Serote. fair elections in 1994, was tragically In the sixth stanza, the “sol- found hanging from a tree outside diers” with their “loaded guns” is the coastal town of Kleinmond in significant: In 1985, Prime Minister 2002. It would take a lot more than Botha declared a state of emergency, Voëlvry to end Apartheid, but the sending 35,000 troops of the South movement is still acknowledged for African National Defence Force into stoking resistance from the inside, the townships to quash the rebellion and mobilizing Afrikaners against underway. Burning gasoline-doused paternalistic leaders, like Botha, who tires, a common phenomenon during claimed to be acting in their name. such protests, would have been just The 2017 filmJohnny Is Nie Dood Nie one source of the fires in the “loca- (Johnny Isn’t Dead) is an homage tions,” an Apartheid-era word for to Kerkorrel’s life and his music. As “townships,” still used by older gener- one of its characters points out: they ations to refer to the over-populated didn’t break Botha—they only broke settlements on the outskirts of the his heart. cities. Their makeshift housing stock, a combination of shacks and govern- ment housing, are still particularly ANNEKE RAUTENBACH is prone to catching alight. a writer and doctoral candidate The song ends with the in Comparative Literature at New hopeful note of rain quenching the York University. Her academic work dry season, though the reference focuses on the role of journalists to “cleansing” also suggests the and public intellectuals in narrating world-engulfing flood of the Old societies in transition—in particular, Testament, an effective “re-do” for South Africa at the end of Apart- DARK,DARK COUNTRY / 61 heid and Eastern Europe at the end of the Cold War.
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