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About Google Book Search Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world’s books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full text of this book on the web at http://books.google.com/ 1 / THE LITUKGICAL YEAE. TIME AFTEK PENTECOST. THE LITURGICAL YEAR. BY THE Right Rev. DOM PROSPER GUERANGER, // ABBOT OF SOLESME8. FOURTH VOLUME OF THE CONTINUATION. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, BY THE BENEDICTINES OF STANBROOK. TIME AFTER PENTECOST, VOL. IV. STANBROOK ABBEY, WORCESTER; London : Dublin : Burns & Oates, 28 Orchard St. James Duffy & Co., Ltd., R. & T. Washbourne, 18 Pater 15 Wellington Quay. noster Row ; Art & Book Co., 22 Paternoster United States: Row ; B. Herder, 17 South Broadway, Thoma* Baker, 1 Soho Square. St. Louis, Mo. 1901. ./ #X If 70 v. 13 . muscrvf 273720 * CONTENTS. PAGE Chap. I. — On hearing Mass during the Time after Pentecost, .... 1 Chap. II. — On the Office of Vespers for Sundays and Feasts during the Time after Pentecost, . .35 Chap. III. — On the Office of Compline during the Time after Pentecost, ... 46 PROPER OF THE SAINTS. July 8. — Saint Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal, 55 July 10. — The Seven Brothers, Martyrs, and Saints Rufina and Secunda, Vir gins and Martyrs, July 11. — Saint Pius I., Pope and Martyr, July 12. — Saint John Gualbert, Abbot, . Commemoration of Saints Nabor and Felix, Martyrs, . July 13. — Saint Anacletus, Pope and Martyr, July 14. — Saint Bona venture, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church, . July 15. — Saint Henry, Emperor, IV CONTENTS. PAGE July 16. — Our Lady of Mount Carmel, . .113 July 17. — Saint Alexius, Confessor, . .125 July 18. — Saint Camillus of Lellis, Confessor, 130 Same day. — Saints Symphorosa and Seven Sons, Martyrs 138 Jidy 19. — Saint Vincent de Paul, Confessor, . 142 July 20. — Saint Jerome ^Emilian, Confessor, . 154 Same day. — Saint Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, 161 July 21. — Saint Praxedes, Virgin, . 165 July 22. — Saint Mary Magdalene, . 168 July 23. — Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr, 182 Conmemo'ration of Saint Liborius, Pope and Martyr 186 Jidy 24. — Saint Christina, Virgin and Martyr, 188 July 25. — Saint James the Great, Apostle, . 190 Commemoration of Saint Christopher, Martyr, . .197 July 26. — -Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, . .199 July 27. — Saint Pantaleon, Martyr, . 214 July 28. — Saints Nazarius, Celsus, and Victor, Martyrs, and Saint Innocent, Pope and Confessor, . .216 July 29. — Saint Martha, Virgin, . 223 Commemoration of Saints Felix, Sim plicity, Faustinus and Beatrice, Martyrs, 232 July 30. — Saints Audon and Sennen, Martyrs, 234 July 31. — Saint Ignatius, Confessor, . 236 August 1. — Saint Peter's Chains, . 246 Commemoration of the Seven Brothers jUachabees, 251 CONTENTS. V PAGE August 2. — Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, . .255 Commemoration of Saint Stephen I., Pope and Martyr, . 265 August 3. — Invention of Saint Stephen, Proto- martyr, ..... 267 August 4. — Saint Dominic, Confessor, . 273 August 5. — Our Lady op the Snow, . 284 August 6. — The Transfiguration of our Lord, . 293 Same day. — Saint Sixtus II., Pope and Martyr, and Saints Felicissimus and Aga- pitus, Martyrs, .... 310 August 7.— Saint Cajetan, Confessor, . 314 Commemoration of Saint Donatus, Bishop and Martyr, . 320 August 8. — Saints Cyriacus, Largus, and Smarag- dus, Martyrs, .... 321 August 9. — Vigil of Saint Laurence. — Saint Romanus, Martyr, . 324 August 10. — Saint Laurence, Deacon and Martyr, 327 First Vespers, 330 Mass 339 Second Vespers, .... 346 August 11. — Second Day within the Octave of Saint Laurence —Saints Tibur- tius and Susanna, Martyrs, . 357 August 12. — Saint Clare, Virgin, . 361 August 13. — Saint Radegonde, Queen of France, . 370 Commemoration of Saints Hippolytus and Cassian, Martyrs, . .379 August 14. — Vigil of the Assumption, . .381 Commemoration of Saint Eusebius, Confessor, . .386 vi CONTENTS. PAGE August 15.— THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, . 387 First Vespers 391 Mass 408 Second Vespers, . .417 Sunday within the Octave of the Assumption. — Saint Joachim, Confessor, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, . 434 Mass, ...... 436 Vespers, ...... 443 August 16. — Saint Hyacinth, Confessor, . 448 Same day. — Saint Roch, Confessor, . 455 August 17. — The Octave Day op Saint Laurence, 458 August 18. — Fourth Day within the Octave of the Assumption, .... 463 Commemoration of Saint Agapitus, Martyr 467 August 19. — Fifth Day within the Octave of the Assumption, . .471 August 20. — Saint Bernard, Abbot, Doctor of the Church, 477 Auyust 21. — Saint Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal, Widow, . 490 August 22.— The Octave Day of the Assumption, 501 Commemoration of Saints Timothy, Hippolytus, and Symphorian, Martyrs, 504 1 CHAPTER THE FIRST. ON HEARING MASS, DURING THE TIME AFTER PENTECOST. On the Sundays, if the Mass, at which the Faithful assist, be the Parochial, or, as it is often called, the Public Mass, two solemn rites precede it, and they are full of instruction and blessing ; — the Asperges, or sprinkling of the Holy Water, and the Procession. During the Asperges, you should unite with the intentions which the Church has in this ceremony, so venerable by its antiquity : — you should pray for that purity of heart, which is needed for worthily assisting at the Mysteries, wherein God himself becomes present, and unites heaven and earth so closely together. ANTIPHON OF THE ASPERGES. Thoushaltsprinkleme with Asperges me, Domine, hyssop, O Lord, and I shall be hyssopo, et mundabor ; la- cleansed ; thou shalt wash me vabis me, et super nivem and I shall be made whiter dealbabor. than snow. Ps. Have mercy on me, O Ps. Miserere mei, Deus, God, according to thy great secundum magnam miseri- mercy. cordiam tuam. Glory, &c. ft. Gloria Fatri, &c. Ant. Sprinkle me, <fcc. Ant. Asperges me, &c. y. Show us, O Lord, thy "flf. Ostende nobis, Domine, mercy. misericordiam tuam. 2 ' 'tivp'-Vfter » ■ pextecost. 1$. Et sjflWare tuum da 1$. And grant us thy salva nobis. tion. Domino, exaudi ora- $\ 0 Lord, hear my prayer. tionem meam. lit clamor meus ad te 1$. And let my cry come VeaiM.' unto thee. Dominus vobiscum. $\ The Lord be with you. ; * 1$. Et cum spiritu tuo. rj. And with thy spirit. OKEMUS. LET US PEAY. Exaudi nos, Domine sanc- Graciously hear us, O holy te, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Lord, Father Almighty, Eter Deus: et mittere digneris nal God : and vouchsafe to sanctum Angelum tuum de send thy holy Angel from ccelis, qui custodiat, foveat, heaven, who may keep, cher protegat, visitet atque de- ish, protect, visit, and defend feudat omnes habitantes in all who are assembled in this hoc habitaculo. Per Chris Elace. Through Christ our tum Dominum nostrum. iord. !rj. Amen. 1$. Amen. The Procession, which in many Churches imme diately precedes a Solemn Mass, is a prelude to the great Act which is about to be accomplished. It originated from the practice used in Monasteries, of going through the Cloisters, every Sunday, whilst chanting certain appointed Responsories; and during which, the Hebdomadarian went through all the Conventual Places, blessing each of them. The practice is still in use.
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