WfJRKERS ,,1NIIII1R' 25¢ No. 189 ..........~ ....i-;,. )(·sn 20 January 1978 Obscene Imp.erialist Rites for War Criminal, Witchhunter urn re ea a as Had he been shot down over Vietnam Meany mourn this obscene death of his by the peasants and workers against "old friend" on Capitol Hill. It is just whom he waged hellish war for Ameri­ one more insult in a life-long record of can imperialism it would have been a class treason. Let the "rad-libs" weep poetic death. a well deserved end for this bitter tears because, they say, Humph­ vicious anti-Communist~the Cold rey wasn't a "good enough" liberal. On Warrior fallen in a hot and losing war the contrary, he was the quintessential against the "red menace" he had fought liberal. And let the entire ruling class passionately all his life. But as Jimmy gather round the corpse to praise Carter is fond of saying, "Life is not Humphrey's spirit of "Human Rights" fair." Nor is death, and in the case of anti-Communism. We for our part, as Hubert Humphrey it has certainly not working-class revolutionaries. will been poetic. Instead it resembled the come to bury Humphrey and all that he man himself: drawn-out, puffed-up, represents. pedestrian, public, tasteless~but not without malignant reactionary purpose. There is political intent behind the Happy Cold Warrior sickening-sweet smell of the eulogies. One of the more obscene spectacles in The press is on to the scent of it as they the recent annals of American capitalist memorialize "HHH: Man of the Peo­ politics has been the protracted, ple." For this handshaker of "the little carnival-like death ecstasv of Hubert guy," vacuous windbag and baby kisser Horatio Humphrey. As s~on as it was was one of the most dangerous enemies realized over a year and half ago that the of the working class. More than any foremost symbol of American liberal­ politician of recent memory Humphrey ism was fading from the scene. the­ was touted by the labor bureaucracy as a testimonials for the living dead began. cause for hope and faith in the bosses' But in the last few months the "Happy Democratic Party. Even after death the Warrior's" final losing battle with labor fakers recite his name: the empty terminal pelvic cancer became a morbid Humphrey-Hawkins "full employment" media event as television cameras bill is again being pushed in an effort to John Dominis recorded in living color Hubert's death LBJ and "Happy Warrior." build illusions in the "pro-labor" mask profile and his penchant for the Democrats. unintentionally grotesque. When he To us he was, plainlyand simply, a liberal This left-over New Dealer was pre­ walkout from the 1948 Democratic finally expired last Friday night, every convention, the pragmatic politician rat. cisely the best "friend of labor" that major public figure was ready with a George Meany invoked as he betrayed who floor-managed the 1964 Civil statement of nauseating bourgeois Rights Act through Congress. Beyond Bad Taste labor on behalf of the capitalists. But homilies that had been waiting for Humphrey was no betrayer of his class; To do literary justice to the macabre months. To the treacherous misleaders of the he served its interests with gusto. So let affair of Humphrey's drawn-out death American labor movement, Hubert The Washington political estab­ rattle would require the low-brow Humphrey was their proverbial "friend lishment shed official tears and organ­ surrealism of a Paul Krassner. But a in Washington." United Auto Workers ized a memorial service which abounded New York Times reporter writing for president Douglas Fraser said he had in the inanities Humphrey relished. Vice the Family/Style page came pretty close always been "the champion of the PART SEVEN president Walter Mondale, one of when she described one of the endless underdog." George Meany of the AFL­ Hubert's Minnesota proteges, ended his testimonials for the rotting senator, a CIO said the senator "was our friend~a eulogy with the remark: "He taught us memorial dinner at the Washington A[!·IOK~ATW~[CKA.I ...__... _~ genuine supporter of the labor move­ 'OC"""~""'''''IfCK~~P.~J;(}~i\Jl nAPTlII ....."......,....,.._., all how to hope and how to love, how to Hilton. Although the guest of honor .!., _ • ment in good times and bad." Speaking win and how to lose; he taught us how to could not attend in the flesh, each ofthe for black liberals, Coretta Scott King live, and, finally, he taught us how to 2,000 mourners present received a called him "the most outspoken and die." It must have been comforting to personal memento~a medallion bear­ courageous leader." European social the audience, for the occasion attracted ing the likeness of Humphrey in a toothy democrats praised his dedication to the a striking number of politicians remem­ grin strangely reminiscent of Bela cause of world peace. He "wished good bered, as the Lugosi playing Count Dracula. The New York Times (16 things for all God's children," said a January) observed, "as much for their highpoint of the evening was Jimmy Times editorial. failures as for their successes." First Carter's testimonial: among them was Richard Milhouse "Mr. Carter told the crowd that Mr. The international proletariat will Humphrey had touched his family's life Nixon, Watergate criminal and like write the story of Hubert Humphrey in 'strange and wonderful ways' and Humphrey an anti-communist hatchet quite differently in the history books recalled his daughter Amy sitting in the man and Vietnam mad bomber, who Senator's lap dribbling moist brownie than does the bourgeoisie and its sneaked into town to pay "last respects" crumbs." servants. We remember him as the anti­ to his arch-rival. -Nell' York Times, 3 December Communist mayor of Minneapolis who One of the most perverse aspects of Now that he is dead and gone the drove the "reds" out of the Democratic the whole business was Humphrey's bourgeoisie wants to resurrect Humph­ Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party and the own exploitation of his fatal illness. rey as a symbol that the American Way labor movement. Wewon'tforgetthat he Following an initial X-ray treatment for sponsored the 1954 Communist Control .':-~"";"~;j:.. , of Life holds out promise for the cancerous growths, he wisecracked, ...• "disadvantaged." Here was a druggist's Act outlawing the Communist Party nor "What can be done by medicine, surgery son who made good, the poor man's that he amended the 1950 McCarran Act or radiation, I'll have it. And if it can't be candidate who campaigned in the 1960 to set up concentration camps for done, then I'll have had it, you know." Toward the West Virginia primary in a bus. So he "subversives" in the U.S. His calls for Later, when doctors removed his blad­ lost as millionaire John F. Kennedy "strengthening" the anti-union Taft­ der he padded through the halls of New Communist outdistanced him in a jet~many of Hartley Act and his hatchet job on the York's Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Humphrey's bills were enacted anyway Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party persecuting the hapless patients with his International as he cajoled the victors. It's called will also be recorded. Above all, the fatuous cheeriness, urging them to get working within the system. He was, we Happy Cold Warrior will go down in up and walk for a quicker recovery. are told, the impassioned fighter for civil history as the single main propagandist PAGE 6 rights who prompted the Dixiecrat of the U.S.' dirty war against Vietnam. continued on page 2 hoped the election of Jifumy Carter phy, The Education of a Public A/an With the Trotskyists behind bars for Humphrey... meant the resurrection of the old New ( 1975). Humphrey describes the exploits their courageous opposition to the Deal alliance. These are the same forces which won his spurs as a bourgeois (continued [rom page 1) Imperialist war, Humphrey turned his who today are singing hosannas to politician: fire on the Stalinists. Hubert Humphrey. the main spokes­ HHH seemed to be competing verbally Humphrey was the architect of the man for that coalition since the days of in crudity with LBJ's famous tummy­ "Through that job I met and worked 1944 merger of the Farmer-Labor Harry Truman. But their hopes have with the labor leaders of Minneapolis baring display for reporters after a gall Party, which under Floyd B. Olson gone unfulfilled. In the absence of a and St. Paul. Without it, I would never bladder operation. have been asked to run for mavor in dominated Minnesota politics in the serious challenge to the capitalist parties 1943. And it was there that I ran into mv 1930's, with the local Democratic Then after doctors opened up from the workers movement and op­ first intense. personal experience with machine. It was this merger that enabled Humphrey for the last time, declaring pressed minorities, Carter is mainly the Communist left.... FD R to take the state in 1944 and put him too far gone for further surgery, the concerned to restore the government's "There were essentially three groups of Hubert in the mayor's seat the next year. real celebrations over the corpse began. authority internationally from the teachers at that time on WPA; the Stalinist Communists, the Trotskyist The next step was to purge Communist When he returned to Capitol Hill his disasters of Vietnam and Watergate. bloc and a third group of everyone Party (CP) supporters who had been decaying remains were wheeled around For this he has adopted a policy of else ...
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