COUP DE FOUET 6 2005 COUP DE FOUET Rafael Guastavino: Introducing the Catalan Vault in America Rafael Guastavino: Introducció de la volta catalana a Amèrica Barcelona, the Cradle of Modernisme Barcelona, bressol del Modernisme Hagbarth Schytte-Berg Art Nouveau - Scandinavian Style Hagbarth Schytte-Berg modernisme d’estil escandinau Antoni Gaudí's dome in Palau Güell (1885-1889) 42La cúpula d'Antoni Gaudí al Palau Güell (1885-1889)AGENDA THEAGENDA ROUTE 433 Barcelona, QUÈ ON QUAN QUI WHATthe WHERE Cradle of WHEN Modernisme WHO EXPOSICIONS EXHIBITIONS – “Nova umetnost vizije in resnicnost” Ljubljana Fins al 19 de març de 2006 Narodni Muzej Slovenije Lluís– “Nova Bosch umetnost vizije in Ljubljana Until March 19th 2006 Narodni Muzej Slovenije Un segle de Modernisme a Europa www.narmuz-lj.si Institutresnicnost” del Paisatge - Art Urbà, Nouveau Barcelona in www.narmuz-lj.si www.artnouveau-net.com Progress www.artnouveau-net.com – –“Càntirs modernistes i els seus Argentona Fins a l'abril de 2006 Museu del Càntir “Modernista Waterjugshe new Barcelonaand Their ModernismeArgentona Route, published Until AprilCarlos Iglésias © IMPUQV 2006 Museu del Càntir derivats en la terrissa catalana” www.museucantir.org Influence on Catalan Pottery” www.museucantir.org in summer 2005, includes 115 buildings and Montserrat Baldomà © Palau Güell Montserrat Baldomà © Palau other examples of Modernisme from districts th –“La imatge sobre el mur: Barcelona Fins al 17 d'abril de 2006 Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) –“Image on the Wall:around Toulouse- the city. AlthoughBarcelona in no way an Until April 17 2006 Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) Lautrec” www.mnac.es Toulouse-Lautrec” www.mnac.es exhaustive compilation of Barcelona Modernisme, the guide is to a certain degree a th rd –“La imatge sobre el mur: Barcelona Del 7 de febrer al 23 de d'abril de Museu d'Història de Catalunya –“Image on the Wall:catalogue Ramon of Casas”the city's architectureBarcelona in the lateFrom February 7 to April 23 Museu d'Història de Catalunya Ramon Casas” 2006 www.mhcat.net 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the guide's proposals to 2006 www.mhcat.net locals and visitors is a one-day walking route that leads the reader T th –”El bestiari de Louis Pergaud i la La Chaux-de-Fonds Fins al 7 de maig de 2006 Musée d'Histoire Naturelle to– discover“The bestiary the cream of Louis of Modernisme. Pergaud It is Laat Chaux-de-the same time a Until May 7 2006 Musée d'Histoire Naturelle seva època (1900-1915)” www.mhnc.ch pleasantand his way period to get (1900-1915)” to know the city. Fonds www.mhnc.ch The route starts where it all began: the Parc de la Ciutadella. In –“Picasso. La passió del dibuix” Barcelona Del 8 de febrer al 8 de maig de Museu Picasso 1888,–“Picasso the Universal - The Passion Exposition for Design” was raised Barcelonain this city park upon Fromthe February 8th to May 8th Museu Picasso 2006 www.museupicasso.bcn.es ruins of the military citadel that from 1719 to 1868 had embodied2006 www.museupicasso.bcn.es the subjugation of Barcelona. The city promised itself international –“Art nouveau en projet” La Chaux-de-Fonds Del 30 de març al 18 de maig de Halle aux Enchères recognition–“Art Nouveau with thisen Projet” trade fair. - Art It proved aLa commercial Chaux-de- flop, but From March 30th to May 18th Halle aux Enchères Un segle de Modernisme a Europa 2006 www.artnouveau-net.com markedNouveau the turning in Progress point for the spread andFonds popularity of 2006 www.artnouveau-net.com Modernisme, a completely new form of architecture that was being –“El desig de la bellesa. Els Weiner Brussel·les Del 22 de febrer al 21 de maig de Bozar developed–“The Desire in Barcelona. for Beauty; An the architecture Weiners thatBrussels made use of the latestFrom February 22nd to May 21st Bozar Werkstätte i el palau Stoclet” 2006 www.bozar.be industrialWerkstätte techniques and the at Stoclet the same Palace” time as it revived traditional 2006 www.bozar.be trades and combined a philosophy of modern quality of life with –“International Arts & Crafts” San Francisco Del 18 de març al 18 de juny de de Young Museum the– “Internationalunabashed rediscovery Arts & Crafts” of Catalonia's history San Francisco and myths. It wasFrom March 18th to June 18th de Young Museum 2006 www.thinker.org/deyoung a new art that produced new structures and forms, often inspired2006 www.thinker.org/deyoung by nature or medieval aesthetics. Lluís Domènech i Montaner, 1888, Castle of the Three Dragons Elies Rogent, master of the first generation of Modernista st st –“El cartell suís en l'Art Nouveau” La Chaux-de-Fonds De l'1 d'abril al 31 de juliol de Bibliothèque de la Ville de la Chaux-de-Fonds –“The Swiss Poster in Art Nouveau” La Chaux-de- From AprilLluís 1 Domènechto July 31 i Montaner, 2006 1888,Bibliothèque Castell del Tres Dragons de la Ville de la Chaux-de- coupdefouet 6 | 2005 www.artnouveau.eu 2006 www.chaux-de-fonds.ch architects, directed the construction of the Fondsfair pavilions and Fonds coupdefouet 6 | 2005 www.artnouveau.eu exhibition area. Speculation on the involvement of Antoni Gaudí in www.chaux-de-fonds.ch the work abounds, but it was another of Rogent's favoured –”Postals Art Nouveau a Suïssa” La Chaux-de-Fonds Del 7 de març al 7 de setembre de Musée d'Histoire –“Art Nouveau Postcards in La Chaux-de- From Marchdisciples, 7th to September Lluís Domènech 7th Musée i Montaner, d'Histoire who stood out. His main 2007 www.chaux-de-fonds.ch Switzerland” Fonds 2006 contribution, the enormouswww.chaux-de-fonds.ch/ Gran Hotel Internacional raised in just 55 days, was demolished at the end of the Exposition. We can, – – however,th still admireth the exposed-brick café-restaurant, popularly “Mon beu sapin...” El meu bonic avet La Chaux-de-Fonds Del 13 maig al 17 de setembre de Musée des beaux-arts Xavier Bolao © IMPUQV “Mon beu sapin...” My Beatiful La Chaux-de- From May 13 to September 7 Musée des Beaux-Arts 2006 www.chaux-de-fonds.ch Firtree Fonds 2006 known as the Castle of thewww.chaux-de-fonds.ch Three Dragons because of its medieval fortress appearance and now part of the Natural Science Museum. –“L'estil Guimard. L'obra d'Hector París Del 29 de juny al 15 de setembre Le Cercle Guimard. Hotel Mezzara –“Guimard's Style” - Hector Paris From JuneNext 29th todoor September stand the HivernacleLe Cercle and Guimard. Umbracle, Hôtel greenhouses Mezzara created Guimard en postals antigues” de 2006 www.lecercleguimard.com Guimard's Work in old Postcards 15th 2006 in 1883 by Josep Amargóswww.lecercleguimard.com and Josep Fontseré respectively. The exotic flora they house presents a delicious counterpoint to the –“La rellotgeria a la belle époque” La Chaux-de-Fonds Del 16 de febrer al 22 d'octubre Musée International d'Horlogerie –“Watchmaking in the belle époque” La Chaux-de- From Februaryfrugal 16 industrialth to October aesthetic Musée of their International structures. d'Horlogerie de 2006 www.mih.ch Fonds 22nd 2006 The Route continues,www.mih.ch traversing the medieval quarter and ancient Roman city, to the Rambla. This celebrated Barcelona boulevardth reveals someth gems of early Modernisme. The façade of –“La línia decorativa Art Nouveau- Art Brussel·les Del 18 de març al 29 d'octubre de Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire -Musée –“The Decorative Line Art Nouveau- Brussels From March 18 to October 29 Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire -Musée Déco” 2006 des Aveugles Art Déco” 2006 the palace built by Gaudídes between Aveugles 1885 and 1889 for the www.kmkg-mrah.be aristocratic industrialist Eusebiwww.kmkg-mrah.be Güell stands out for its combination of ststone and wrought iron in severe forms with a medieval, even –“L'art decoratiu popular: la naturalesa La Chaux-de-Fonds De l'1 d'abril de 2006 al 25 de Musée Paysan et Artisanal –“Popular Decorative Art: Nature for La Chaux-de- From April 1 2006 to February Musée Paysan et Artisanal en la decoració” febrer de 2007 www.chaux-de-fonds.ch/services/museepaysan Decoration” Fonds 25th 2007 Venetian, flavour. The broadwww.chaux-de- façade is deceptive, as the building was raised on a narrow plotfonds.ch/services/museepaysan of land. Gaudí found a clever solution for the interior, making masterful use of natural light through –“L'apartament d'una cortesana París Fins al 31 de desembre de 2009 Musée La Collection 1900 –“A Courtesan’s Flat 1900, Paris Until December 31st 2009 Musée La Collection 1900 1900 moblat en estil Art Nouveau” www.maxims-musée-artnouveau.com Furnished in Art Nouveau grand windows and a spectacularwww.maxims-musée-artnouveau.com conical dome. The Palau Güell Style” closed in 2005 for thorough restoration that will last two years. Josep Domènech i Estapà's Academy of Sciences building (1883) is considered Per a informació actualitzada, coupDefouet recomana el lloc web del Réseau Art Nouveau Network, www.artnouveau-net.eu oneFor of the the first latest examples updates, of Modernisme coupDefouet recommends the Réseau Art Nouveau Network website, www.artnouveau-net.eu L'Acadèmia de les Ciències de Josep Domènech i Estapà (1883) és considerat un dels primers edificis del Modernisme 440 INICIATIVESLA RUTA ENDEAVOURSthe route 415 Barcelona, El Modernisme bressola les exposicions del Modernisme universals Art Nouveau Exhibited Worldwide coupDefouet artístiques i una plataforma de llançament per al coupDefouet Brussel·les Brussels The lab's presentations showed that The Réseau Art Nouveau Network will Modernisme durant més d'una dècada. De fet, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, 1908.
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