17_576690 bindex.qxd 1/24/05 10:39 AM Page 301 Index See also Accommodations index, below. GENERAL INDEX Airfares, 35–36 BBOSS, 234–235 surfing for, 31 Beaches, 179 Airlines, 34–35 Cheung Chau, 251 A ARP, 30 Macau, 263–264 Col’ane (Macau), 284 Aberdeen, 49 seating advice, 36–37 Lamma, 252, 253 restaurant, 152 Air Macau, 263 Beer, 110 sights and attractions, 168 Airport, Hong Kong Beijing-Kowloon Railway, 39 Access America, 27 International Bird shop (3 Hillier St.), 191 Accommodations, 37–38, accommodations, 86 Boat trips and tours 66–102. See also Accom- arriving at, 37–38 to Hong Kong, 39, 41 modations Index departing from, 39 within Hong Kong, at the airport, 86 getting into town from, 38 176–177 best bets, 10–13 Airport Express Line, 38, 51 Macau, 262–263 Causeway Bay and Wan Airport Shuttle, 38 Books, recommended, 41–42 Chai Air Tickets Direct, 36 Bookstores, 58 expensive, 85–86 Alexandra House, 216 Bottoms Up, 2, 235 inexpensive, 99 Al’s Diner, 230 Bowen Road, 179 moderate, 92–95 A-Ma, 190 British Airways, 35 very expensive, 76 A-Ma, Temple of (Macau), British colony, Hong Kong as, Central District 282 290–292 expensive, 83–85 American Express, 58 Bucket shops, 36 very expensive, 72–76 Macau, 266 Buddha’s Birthday, 25 expensive, 76–86 American Foundation for the Buddhism, 299–300 family-friendly, 78 Blind (AFB), 29 Buffets, 9 inexpensive, 95–99 Amusement parks, 174–175 Business hours, 59 Kowloon Antiques, 8 Business travelers, tips for, expensive, 76, 78–83 Antiques and collectibles, 296 inexpensive, 95–99 208–210 Bus tours, 175–176 moderate, 87–91 Apliu Street, 215 Bus travel, Macau, 266 very expensive, 71–72 Aqua Spirit, 2, 228–229 landing the best room, 69 Arch Angel Antiques, 209 Macau, 259, 267–273 Architecture, 297–298 abs, 56 Mid-Levels, 91–92 C Area code Macau, 265 moderate, 86–95 Hong Kong, 58 to/from airport, 38–39 money-saving tips, 68 Macau, 266 Calendar of events, 24–26 price categories, 67, 69–70 Art, Hong Kong Museum of, California, 230–231 rock-bottom (guesthouses 7–8, 162, 164, 198 Canidrome, 286 and youth hostels), Art galleries, 210–211 Cantonese food, 107–108 99–102COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Asian Artefacts (Macau), 286 Cantonese language, 61 surfing for, 31–32 ATMs (automated-teller Captain’s Bar, 231 very expensive, 70–76 machines), 20–22 Carnegie’s, 233 what’s new in, 1 Avenue of Stars, 2, 198 Carpets, 211 Addresses, finding, 46 Car races, Macau, 283 Admiralty, 48 Car rentals, 57 AFB (American Foundation ahama Mama’s, 229 Casa Museu da Taipa (Taipa for the Blind), 29 B Ballet, 225 House Museum; Macau), Afternoon tea, 8, 156, 198 Bank of China, 59 284 Agave, 230 Bank of China Tower, 184 Casinos, Macau, 260, 285 Air Canada, 35 Bars and lounges, 9 Cathay Pacific Airways, 35 17_576690 bindex.qxd 1/24/05 10:39 AM Page 302 302 INDEX Cat Street, 194 Chinese New Year, 24, 296 Des Voeux Road Central, 184 shopping on, 208–209 Chinese opera, 224 Dim sum, 6 Cat Street Galleries, 209 Chinese Products, 212 restaurants, 153–156 Causeway Bay, 49 Chinese University, 241 Dining, 9–10, 103–156. accommodations Chinese University Art Aberdeen, 152 expensive, 85–86 Museum, 241 afternoon tea, 156, 198 inexpensive, 99 Ching Ming Festival, 24 best bets, 13–16 moderate, 92–95 Chiu Chow food, 109–110 Causeway Bay and Wan very expensive, 76 Chung Ying Theatre Com- Chai, 143–149, 156 nightlife, 228, 232–234 pany, 225 Central District, 130–143 restaurants, 143–149 Chung Yueng Festival, 26 dim sum, 155–156 shopping, 208 Citybus, 54 Cheung Chau, 251 C Club, 227 Cityflyer Airbuses, 38 by cuisine, 110–113 Cellphones, 33–34 City Hall, 225–226 dim sum, 153–156 The Center, 188 Classical music, 224–225 family-friendly, 132 Centers for Disease Control Clearwater Bay Golf and Fanling, 243 and Prevention, 28 Country Club, 178 Kowloon, 113–130 Central District, 47 Climate, 23 dim sum, 153–155 accommodations, 72–76, Clock tower, 196 Lamma, 253–254 83–85 Club 97, 231 late-night, 127 nightlife, 227, 230–232 Clube Cultural (Macau), Macau, 259, 273–278 restaurants, 130–143 280–281 meals and dining customs, dim sum, 155–156 Club ING, 228 105–110 shopping, 208 Colôane Island (Macau), money-saving tips, 104 walking tour, 182–186 260, 264, 265, 284 New Territories, 240–241 Central/Mid-Levels Escalator, Colôane Village (Macau), price categories, 104–105 8, 58, 166, 188 285 Repulse Bay, 151 Central Police Station, 195 “Come Horse Racing” Tour, Sai Kung, 245 Chapel of St. Francis Xavier 177 Stanley, 151–152 (Macau), 285 Computer City, 61 Victoria Peak, 149–151 Chasers, 229 Concert halls, 225–226 Western District, 152–153 Chater Garden, 184 Consolidators, 36 what’s new in, 1–2 Che Kung Temple, 239 Consulates, 60 Disabilities, travelers with, Cheoc Van (Macau), 284 Consumer Council Hotline, 29 Cheung Chau, 246, 248–251 204 Discovery Bay Golf Club, 178 Cheung Chau Bun Festival, Continental Airlines, 35 Disneyland, Hong Kong, 2, 25 Cooking vacations, 41 174 Cheung Chau Windsurfing Court of Final Appeal, 185 The Docks (Macau), 287 Centre (Cheung Chau), 251 Craft emporiums, 212–213 Doctors, 60 Cheung Po Tsai Cave (Che- Credit cards, 22 Dog races, Macau, 260, 286 ung Chau), 250 Crime, 28 The Dorsett Seaview Hotel Children, families with CSL, 33 lounge, 200 hotels, 78 Cuisine Dragon Boat Races, 25 information and resources, Hong Kong, 106–110 Dragon Culture, 193, 210 30 Macau, 273–274 Dragon-i, 2, 231–232 restaurants, 132 Cultural life, 298 Drinks, 110 Chi Lin Buddhist Nunnery, Cunard, 41 Drugstores, 60 169 Currency and currency Dublin Jack, 232 China, 255–257 exchange, 20–21, 38, 59 Duk Ling, 177 organized tours, 255 Macau, 264, 266 Dusk til Dawn, 233 visas, 255–256 Curve, 231 Dymocks, 58 China (porcelain), 211–212 Customs regulations, 18–19 China Art, 209 China Focus Travel, 41 E ast Rail, 1, 52 China Travel Service (CTS), D ance clubs, 227–228 Edificio CTM (Macau), 267 255, 256 Dance companies, 225 Elderhostel, 30 Chinese Arts and Crafts Ltd, D’Apartment, 231 Electricity, 60 196, 212 Deep vein thrombosis, 37 Electronics, 214–215 Chinese Carpet Centre, 211 Delaney’s, 229 Emergencies, 60 Chinese gods, 190 Dentists, 60 Macau, 266 Chinese medicine, 298–299 Department stores, 213–214 Entry requirements, 18 Macau, 261 17_576690 bindex.qxd 1/24/05 10:39 AM Page 303 GENERAL INDEX 303 Escalator, Central/Mid- Gods, Chinese, 190 Hong Kong Disneyland, 2, Levels, 8, 58, 166, 188 Goldfish Market, 201 174 Escalators, 166 Golf, 178, 180 Hong Kong dollar (HK$), 20, Escorted tours, 40–41 GoToMyPC, 32 21 Expedia, 31 Government House, 185 Hong Kong Dolphinwatch, Grand Prix Museum 177 (Macau), 280 Hong Kong Golf Club, 178 F abrics, 215 Gray Line, 175–176, 235, 255 Hong Kong Heritage Factory outlets, 216–217 Great, 142 Museum, 240 Families with children Greyhound races, Macau, Hong Kong Hotel Associa- hotels, 78 260, 286 tion, 37–38 information and resources, Guangzhou (Canton), 257 Hong Kong International 30 Airport restaurants, 132 accommodations, 86 Fanling, 242–243 H ac Sa (Macau), 284 arriving at, 37–38 Fashions (clothing), Hakka, 164, 237, 239, departing from, 39 215–217. See also Tailors 242–244, 288, 295 getting into town from, 38 Fa Yuen Street, 201 Hanart TZ Gallery, 210 Hong Kong International Fa Yuen Street Market, 219 Handover of Hong Kong to Film Festival, 25 Feng shui, 299 the Chinese, 292–293 Hong Kong Island, 44 Ferries, 55–56, 160 Hang Seng Bank, 59 markets, 218 Cheung Chau, 248 Happy Valley, 49 parks and gardens, 172 Lantau, 247 Harbour City, 196, 219–220 sights and attractions, Macau, 262 Hard Rock Cafe, 229 165–169 to the Outlying Islands, Harlech Road, 179 Hong Kong Museum of Art, 246 Health concerns, 27–28 7–8, 162, 164, 198 Festival of the Hungry Health insurance, 27 Hong Kong Museum of Ghosts (Yue Lan Festival), Herbal Medicine Street, Coastal Defence, 166, 25–26 192–193 168–169 Film Festival, Hong Kong High tea, 8 Hong Kong Museum of His- International, 25 Hiking, 178 tory, 8, 164 Fireworks, Macau, 283 Lamma, 7, 252 Hong Kong Museum of Med- Fisherman’s Wharf (Macau), Sai Kung, 245 ical Sciences, 169, 194 2, 260, 286, 287 History, Hong Kong Museum Hong Kong Park, 172, 186 Five Great Clans, 164, 176, of, 164, 175 Hong Kong Philharmonic 242, 288 History of Hong Kong, Orchestra, 225 Flagstaff House Museum of 288–293 The Hong Kong Planning and Tea Ware, 186 HK Magazine, 44, 223 Infrastructure Exhibition Flower Market Road, 202 HKTB (Hong Kong Tourism Gallery, 2, 166 FlyCheap, 36 Board), 17, 37, 43 Hong Kong Railway Museum Food Fare food court, 142 HKTB Visitor Hotline, 43 (Tai Wo), 242 Fortress, 214 Holidays, 23 Hong Kong Repertory The- Fortune-tellers, 8 Holland America, 41 atre, 225 48th Street Chicago Blues, Hollywood Road, shopping Hong Kong Science Museum, 227 on, 8, 193, 208, 209, 211 164–165 Fringe Club, 225, 227 Hollywood Road Park, 193 Hong Kong Sevens Rugby Funeral and incense shops, Hong Kong Academy for Per- Tournament, 24 193–194 forming Arts, 226 Hong Kong Space Museum, Hongkong and Shanghai 165, 198 Banking Corporation Hong Kong Tourism Board G ambling. See also Casi- (Hongkong Bank or HSBC), (HKTB), 17, 37, 43 nos; Horse racing 59, 185 Hong Kong Trade Develop- Macau, 285–286 Hong Kong Arts Centre, 226 ment Council, 296 Gay and lesbian travelers, Hong Kong Arts Festival, 24, Hong Kong Trail, 178 information and resources, 223, 224 Hong Kong Youth Hostels 29–30 Hong Kong Ballet Company, Association, 102 General Tours, 41 225 Hong Kong Zoological and Giant Tian Tan Buddha (Lan- Hong Kong Chinese Orches- Botanical Gardens, 172, tau), 247–248 tra, 10, 224–225 185–186 Gifts and souvenirs, 7 Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Horse racing, 9, 180, 235, Gingseng and Bird’s Nest 196, 226 240 Street, 192 Hong Kong Dance Company, Macau, 260 Giovanni’s Room, 29 225 tours, 177 17_576690 bindex.qxd 1/24/05 10:39 AM Page 304 304 INDEX Hospitals, 61 International Airport Kowloon Motor Bus, 54 Macau, 267 (Macau), 263–264 Kowloon Park, 170–171, Hostess clubs, 234–235 International Association for 175, 179, 199 Hotel Lisboa (Macau), casino Medical Assistance to Kowloon Peninsula, 44 at, 285 Travellers (IAMAT), 28 neighborhoods, 49–50 Hotels, 37–38, 66–102.
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