Six Generations of LaRues And Allied Families: Containing Sketch of Isaac LaRue, Senior, who died in Frederick County, Virginia, in 1795, and some account of his Amer­ ican Ancestors and Three Generations of his Descendants and Families · who were connected •·by Intermarriage, among others, · CARMAN, HODGEN, HELM_~ BUZAN, RUST, McDONALD, CAS·T:LE~MAN, WALTERS, ALEXANDER, MEDLEY, McMAHON, VERTREES, KEITH, WINTERSMITH, CLAY, NEILL, GRAN­ THAM, VANMETER AND ENLOW; Copies of Six Old Wills and Other Old Documents; Va­ rious Incidents connected with the Settlement of the No)ynn Valley in Kentucky; also, a Chapter on the LaRue Family and the Child Abraham Lincoln. -0 By OTIS M. MATHER, of Hodgenville, LaRue County, Kentucky Attorney at Law; LL M. (George Washington University, Washington, D. C.); Vice President of Kentucky State Bar Association; Member of Filson Club, Louisville. Ky. CHART AND ILLUSTRATIONS HODGENVILLE, KENTUCKY 1921 Press of C. T. Dearing Printing Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. Copyright, 1921 By OTrs M. MATHER All rights reserved. THE OLDEST LARUE HOME NO"\\" STANDING. "Bloomfield," in Clarke Co., Va., built by Jacob LaRue (I.) in 1775. In the gable end is a dressed stone with in~~ription "Jacob and Mary 1775". INSCRIPTION. To the Memory of Sarah Jane LaRue Castleman (Born October 9, 1808, died February 22, 1904), who for more than twenty years was the sole survivor of all the fifty-seven grand­ children of Isaac LaRue, Senior, and in whose retentive mind was preserved for t~e present generation much of· the history of the colo­ nial family whose branches are traced herein, this little volume is inscribed by her grandson, the Author. OHART-THE FAMILY OF ISAAO LARUE, SENIOR, 1. Abraham LaRue, grandlathe~ Immigrant, about 1880, D.1'712, a. Peter LaRue, lather, (1888-1783), · 3. laaac LaRue, Senior, (1'712-1798)-wlte, Phebe Carman. OHILDREN, IV V VI VII I II III Elizabeth Mary Sarah Rebecca IX X John Isaac VIII James Jabez Jacob La.Rue Oarman Hof/en Helm Sa,.uel I 13 4 6 6 6 1 4 0 GHAN D•OI-J I LD REN. ' John Rebecca John Isaac Oaleb Margaret Margaret Phebe Samuel - Helm Vertrees Olay Neill A, 9 8 3 12 8 -- 0 X 7 12 Phebe Squire Joseph Abraham Isaac Phebe John B, Buza.n La.Rue B. 8 9 9 X X lI. G,) 3 Hannah Phebe Phebe Lambert --Joshua Isaac Phebe Rust La.Rue Alexander Grantham o. 4 (I. I) X X X 8 6 Isaac Margaret Jabez Jacob James -~arah - Olarissa ' Walters La.Rue Vanmeter D. 2 13 X 7 X lI. F,) 1 Mary Squire Phebe Nancy lP) John McDonald Medley E, 9 X 3 X 12 , -Willfam- Eliza.beth Sa.rah Peg~y lF) Rebecca McMahon Keith F. 13 X 1 ~ 11 Jacob Elizabeth Wintersmith G, 9 4 · Sd.muel Mary H. 6 0 Jameu · Samuel I. 4 8 Deidam,ia Jacob Hod,en K. lV • E.) 4 MorranJ, James L. 4 ----·---X Sarah Jane Jabez Oastleman M. 8 0 Jesse N. 7 NOTE-FJgur •s 11ndor names lndloato number of children of persons named ,~hove. Letter X lndlcntee 11umber of children is u11k11own. Whore ,key 11umbers appear under names children arc shown under persons to whom the key number applies, FOREWORD. This book, including the introductory chapter as it appears herein, was ,Yritten in the summer of 1920. It was put aside, and until inquiries in regard to the LaRue family thereafter began to come to the writer requiring long letters in reply, no plans for printing or publication were made. Toward the close of February, 1921, circulars setting out the scope of the work were sent to LaRue descendants whose addresses were known to the author. Responses have entirely removed doubt as to whether the demand would be sufficient to justify publication. Another result of se11ding- out the prospectus has been a deluge of new materials, from which much has been added. The author is under obligations to many persons for friendly assistance in the-preparation of this work. He cannot name all, but he is under special obligations to the following : Mrs. Emily Cumings Ellis, of Summit, New Jersey. l\Ir. M. H. Dubbs, of St. Louis, l\lo. Prof. A. L. Keith, of Northfield, Minn. Mr. Will w~ Henton. of Canton, Mo. Mr. Francis Corbin LaRue, of Rippon, West Virginia. Miss Fannie LaRue, of Summit Point, West Virginia. Mrs. Laura Wiechelman, of Effingham, Ill. Mr. Jacob LaRue, of Etna, Ill. Mr. Samuel D. Caldwell, of Cave City, Ky. Dr. Will S. Hodgen, of Lebanon, Ky. Miss Anna Asper, of Chicago, Ill. Mr. Archie R. Arnette: of Berryville, Va. Mr. A. C. Hodgen~ of Russellville, Ky. Mrs. Margaret A. Faris, of Kansas City, Kan. Mrs. Josephus Hopwood, Milligan College, Tenn. Mrs. Rose Cornforth, She]by·ville, Tenn. l\'Ir. Henry A. La Rue: Columbus, Kansas. Mrs. Isa Hodgen Watson, of Santa Cruz, California. Mrs. Delia Hayden, of Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Letiiia Ransdell, of St. Louis, J\fo. Miss Gertrude Finley, of New Bloomfield, Mo. Mrs. Louise A. Shane, Eldon, Iowa. Miss MaymeLaRue, Franklin, Ky. l\frs. Laura Hayes~ Bardstown, Ky. Mr. A. E. LaRue, Russell, Iowa. 1\Ir. H. C. LaRne, Chariton, Iowa. Hon. H. Clay Howard, Pari8, Ky. V FORE,"\VORD With the exception of the four first named, all these are direct descendants of Isaac LaRue, Sr. Others who have given assistance are mentioned in the sections to which they have specially contributed. Needless to say, many of the author's more immediate relatives, of the families of Jacob LaRue (I.) and John LaRue (II.), have afforded him access to family records and have given him n1uch helpful information. The writer has also heen greatly assisted by use of the valuable private library of l\ir. R. C. Ballard Thruston, of Louisville, and the library of the Filson Club, for which he is under obligations to l\fr. Thruston and to his Secretary, Miss Kinkead. But for the aid which has thus been freely given, this work could not have been prepared. The author claims credit and is readv to take the blame onlv for the plan and arrangement, not fo; the substance, of this book. Many of his correspondents have had different ideas as to what it should be--some desiring that much more space be given to the unsupported~ if not mythical, tales of the fortunes and titles of--the LaRues in France, others urging the apparently impossible task of including all the LaRue families who came to America~ still others suggesting- that the book show all the de­ scendants of Isaac LaRue~ Sr., down to the present day. The author, aware of his limitations, has taken a middle ground, and has undertaken only to satisfy the reasonable expectations of the reader of his title page. His one chief regret is that in the limited space allotted he has been unable to give scarcely more than a bare recital of dates in connection with the names of worthy m~n and women whose lives deserve much more extended notice. In a few instances. where materials have been available, details of the movement of certain families have been shown. These are given as fair illustrations of the general trend of the LaRue descendants westward. The supplementary · 1ist of some of the living descendants of the various branches, with their present addresses, was -an afterthought. Many of these addresses were obtained after the prospectus was sent out. The key numbers used in the book in connection with the descendants of Isaac LaRue, Sr., may be readily understood from the explanation given in the introductory chapter and from the chart which appears on page IV. Further explanation of terms hardly seems necessary. Few abbreviations are used. ·' B, '' of course, stands for born, and '' D '' for died. This book is intended primarily for LaRue descendants, not for general circulation. In the ordinary acceptation of the word, VI FORE"\VORD it is not published. This is a limited edition, printed for the author. He is having twice as many copies printed as have already been subscribed for. in order to meet future demand. In all probability the edition will be exhausted within a short time. \Vhile it lasts, copies in cloth binding may be had from the author at $3.00 each, postpaid. A few copies have been bound in limp leather, for which price will be $5.50 each. 'l"he author of this book will endeavor to answer any question relating to this branch of the LaRue family, on receipt of inquiry, with self-addressed and stamped return envelope. Hodgenville, Ky. April 11, 1921. VII CONTENTS Page­ CHART-THE F_.\)ULY OF IS_.\-~C L_.\.RUE, SENIOR . iv FORE\l.OR.D . .. V ISTRODUCTORY . 1 THE LARUES IX A.."1ERICA ( By M. H. Dubbs) . 5- AMERIC.AJ., .AJ.,CESTORS OF IS-·L\C LARUE, SENIOR: Various forms of the word LaRue; Abraham LaRue, Immigrant, about 1680; Statement of Isaac LaRue, Senior; Genealogy by Davis, author of History of Bucks Co., Pa.; Peter LaRue; Traditions of the LaRues in France; ".Aunt Fontaine"; Abra­ ham and Peter LaRue in New York and New Jersey; Peter LaRue's death in Frederick Co., Va.; the wife of Peter LaRue; the children of Peter LaRue; the children of Peter LaRue's sons, Abraham and Jacob. 10 DE8CENDA...,TS OF A6RAH...Uf LARUE, BROTHER OF ISAAC L_.\.RUE, SENIOR . • • . 19 \YILL OF PETER LARUE . 22. THE CARMAX FAl\ULY .... : . 23 1S_.\AC LARUE, SEXIOR: Born in :Kew Jersey, 1712; his marriage to Phebe Carman; re­ moval to Frederick Co.: Va.; his home on Long Marsh; h~ "raises.
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