Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 3-30-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 30, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1988 Volume 74, Issue 123 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 30, 1988." (Mar 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbcndale Wednesday, March 30, 1988, Vol. 74, ~:o. 123, 24 Pages State rests case against Reiman By Da"a DeBltauniont Polk, is a "liar. Not mistaken, but a December 1980. The name of the want tc be involved. But I also told him StaffV• .-iter liar." The trial will resume at 9 a.m. in student is beinl withheld. that I would check it out," Polk said. Prosecution in the Johnson County the Jolmson Caunty Courthouse in Polk told II jury of seven women and Shawnee Correctional Center murder-for-hire charge against SIT~-C Vienna, about 50 miles south of Car­ five men that Reiman paid him $750 to records sbow Reiman probably visited Physical Plant assistant director bondale. have the student kidnapped on New Polk on Dec. 26, 28 and 29, 1986. rested its case Tuesday after less than Reiman is accused of attempting to Year's Eve 1986 and Iield for three Records show bow long a person was at a haH day of testimony, triggering rire Polk, an inmate at the Shawnee days. Then, the student was to be taken the institution, but nut if a \ isitor ac­ spet:ulatic.n that jury deliberation Correctional Centt:r in Johnson County, to a truck stop in Eff'mgham where tually talked to the requested inmate, could begin today. to arrangl' the murder of a male Reiman would threaten him over the witness Lawrence Hass, a Shawnee Dale Reiman'" attorney, Richard E. student worker. Reiman is accused in telephone that be'd be killed if be didn't Correctional Center employee, said. wt;.te, said he will prave that the Jackson County of kidnapping and drop the charges, Polk testified. prosecution's key witness, David Scott sexually assau~ting the same student in "I told him (Reiman) that I didn't s.. REIMAN. Page 5 Guyon disputes lEA on staff size By John Baldwin Staff Writer between the 1981-82 school year and last year. The figures Figures from an Illinois also show the chancellor'S Education Associo.tion news office grew from 17 positions to release that were used in a 35. Daily Egyptian editori::I.l The administration says the critical of administrative figures for the two years are growth Ilave been described as based on different criteria. misleading. The adminstration says the "The staff figures are not an method of determining the accurate representation of the number of faculty at the staffing patterns of the University changed in 1983, Univer~ity," University making a comparison between President John Guyon told the 1981-82 school year and the Daily Egyptian edit.ors in a 1986-87 school year inap­ meeting Tuesday. propriate. The lEA member who Guyon said an analysis from compiled the figures was his office indicated facultv una va ilabJe for comment. positions budgeted have The editorial quoted figures decreased from 915 to 907 since that indicate the University 1983. lost 152 full-time faculty The lEA based its figures on m~mbers, while it addt:d 2\1 administrative positions See FIGURES, Page 5 City debates ditching railroad relocation By Dana DeBeaumont Soggy day Staff Writer urged officials to look at less costly alternatives to the $67 B.J_ Sohn, junior In journalism, collects the Tuesday. There were 2.84 Inches of rain It's time for Carbondale to books that he dropped In the rain on reported afthe S«ithern illinois Airport. explore alternatives to its ~~~~!d~iJ~~N~oii~:nJ:l06~J railroad reloca~on project, railroad tracks running Mayor Neil Dillard said at the through the city to about 30 City Council meeting Tuesday. feet below street level, While discussing the the eliminating street crossings. Computer glitch zaps paychecks possibility of ditching the Big About $5.7 million is Ditch plan, Dillard said the currently available for the By Curtis Winston city should try to get funding proje<"t. Staff Writer About 20 cases like Hagler's have come up while Rep. Ken Gray is still in since the University Directory - a cam­ The federal Highway Ad­ The University's payroll office says a change puswide, computerized list of people who Congress. ministration "ill not release in computer policy is what caused an em­ receive Bursar's statements - was im­ More than 70 percent of funds for the rroject until the ployee's paycheck to be sent to the wrong ad­ plemented in May 1987, said James D. vehicles that cross railroad entire $67 million is secured, dress. Hamilton, payroll office director. Data in the tracks in Carbondale do so at unless the city approves an Catherine Ann Hagler, Daily Egyptian ad­ directory includes a person's name and mailing Grand Avenue, Walnut Street alternative plan. vertising supervisor, said her paycheck was address. and Main Street, according to The council is expected to sent to another Cathy Hagler who did not work The error occured because a University office a report by City Manager Bill decide whether it will explore for the University. "Fortunately," she said, the worker changed the address without checking Dixon. alternative approaches at its other Hagler "was honest" and mailed the Gray, D-West Frankfort, has AprilS meeting. check to the DE employee. s .. PAYROLL, Page 5 This ~Iorning Official: U.S. condoned Noriega's dealings SIU-C bids for WASHINGTON <uP!) - Gus Bode The U.S. government ignored earthquake center overwhelming evidence of U.S. Protests Panamanian raid - Page 6 drug dealing, money laun­ dering and other corruption by Catholic Church asks Noriega to reSign Bush wins big, Panama since the mid-1970s, a former National Security -Page 10 Dukakis leading Council official told Congress - Page 14 Tuesday. Norman A. Bailey, who money laundering and tranfer told the House Select Com­ Rain threatens served as a senior economic of technology to the Soviet mit.tee on Narcotics Abuse and adviser to the council from bloc. Contrul. softball games 1981 to 1983, said the ad­ The information was "at "AvailaDle to me as an of­ - Sports 24 ministration had un­ best ignored and at worst ficial of the NSC and available mistakeable information that hidden and denied by many to any authorized official of thl' Gen. Manuel Noreiga's different agencies and U.S. government is a plethora Gu. ..y. Re.g.n knew Showera, 80s. government was involved in departments of the govern· Norleg. w••• drug dealer, drug trafficking, gun running, ment of the United States," he $eo NOR lEIlA, Page 5 but he w •• our drug dealer. ~c: ~ Newswrap Murdal. DiNtIII CENTER I_.a."t. "-sA_II"I• world Ination .........__nt_t ."'0- General D.tht-tty Iraqi jets attack tankers, ~.~7'''HITJ. Cl. Iran attacks oil platform .~,.IO""" $8.99 MANAMA, Bahrain (uPIl - Iraq said its warplanes attacked ~".".".".".'I.I'."."1t. two supertankers serving Iranian coastal oil terminals Tuesday, For a large Quutro's cheezy deep pan and Tehra'l reported nine people were killed in Iraqi air raids on i RESUMES i Iranian cities. The Iranian news agency also reported that pizza with I-item, 4-large 160z. bottles Iranian naval forces attacked the AI Bakr oil platform off the of Pepsi topped off with fast, free delivery ! that sell ! Iraqi port of Faw in the northern Persian Gull. It said the plat­ from 11-2 & 5-close. •i You!! i• form, not in useat the time of tbeattack, was set ablaze. iii April Special! i Armenian nationalists' strike affects Soviets i Laserset Resume & i MOSCOW (uPIl - The Soviet Union acknowledged Tuesday i 50 copies i that a 6-day-old strike by Armenian nationalists over the i $19.88 Ii disputed enclave of Nagorno Karabakh has disrupted the ips: Laserset & 1 copy 14.95 Ii economies of two republics. Certain enterprises are not func­ tioning and others are not functioning normally, Foreign i ThE LASERGRApltlC i Ministry spokesman Gennady Gerasimov said, adding that ! CENTER i people stayed home from work today. Gerasimov said i another service of i Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno Karabakh, was almost shut down as Armenian nationalists struck for a sixth day to try to - KOPIES & MORE - force Soviet authorities to transfer control of the region to Ar­ i 607 S. Illinois Ave ! menia. ! 529-5679 ! ""1 ....'1.'1.11.".1'.1'.'" Three bombs explode in Argentine theaters BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UPIl - Bombs exploded almost ~.-..,.....-~ ~ simultaneously Tuesday in three downtown Buenos Aires movie theaters, injuring three people, police said. A fourth bomb planted inside another theater was defused in time by bomb disposal experts, police said. No political group immediately claimed responsibility for the wave of bombings that occurred ~ ~1A1 The Asp:/~g Tap i~ during early afternoon showfug when the theaters were not crowded. U.S. balloonists ready to go round-tha-world ~ lii-J Sp~cial . MENDOZA, Argentina (UP!) - Two Kansas balloonists said draft Tuesday last minute technical problems have been resolved and 9~.r&Utr 45C they were readying for an attempt to make the first round-the­ Special of the Month Pitchers 52.45 world balloon journey.
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