Damir Ocko Damir Ocko

Damir Ocko Damir Ocko

DAMIR OCKO DAMIR OCKO Born in Zagreb (Croatia), 1977. He lives and works in Zagreb. EDUCATION AND RESIDENCIES 2012 AI Kre"s, K#nst$alle Kre"s, Kre"s an der Dona# (A#stria) 2011 &e"'le Bar Galler) and St#dios, D#blin (Ireland) 2010 +ordic Art Center %ale, Dale (+orwa)) !-nstlerresiden. Bl#"en, Leip.ig ((er"an)) 2008-2009 Akade"ie S,$loss Solit#de, St#ttgart ((er"an)) 2007 HIA2, Helsinki (3inland) !#lt#rKontakt, 4ien (A#stria) &irana Instit#te o5 Conte"'orar) Art, Tirana (Albania) 1997-2003 A,ade") o5 3ine Arts, Zagreb (Croatia) SOLO EXHIBITIONS (SELECTED) 2018 %esire in Lang#age, +ational Galler) Prag#e, C.e,$ Re'#blic (wit$ o"an Štetina), c#rated b) Ada" B#dak %icta, Je# de Pa#"e, Paris, Fran,e, c#rated b) Agn9s :iolea# %icta, CA2C m#s;e d'art conte"'orain de Bordea#= , Fran,e, c#rated b) Agn9s Violea# %icta, >#seo A"'aro, P#ebla, Me=ico, c#rated b) Agn9s :iolea#Je# de Pa#"e, Paris, Fran,e CA2C m#s;e d'art conte"'orain de Bordea#= , 3ran,e 2017 Agen,) Galler), London Kasia Mic$alski Galler), 4arsaw, Poland 2016 @astward 2ros'e,t#s, B#,$arest, o"ania (alleria Tiziana %i Caro, Na'oli %AZIBAO, Montreal, Canada 2015 *t#dies on *$iveringC T$e T$ird %egree, Croatian 2avilion at 56t$ :enice Biennale, :enice, Ital), c#rated b) Mar, Be"beko55 2$oton - Centre for Conte"'orar) 2$otogra'$), LD#blDana (*lovenia) *t#dies on *$ivering, Galler) Kasia Mic$alski, 4arsaw (2oland) 2014 *t#dies on *$ivering, Te"'le Bar Galler) & St#dios, D#blin (Ireland), c#rated b) Ra)ne Boot$ %a"ir AGko – Te"'orar) @n,o#nters #3, A'oteka – *'a,e for Conte"'orar) Art, Vodnjan (Croatia), c#rated b) Branka BenGić %a"ir AGko - *t#dies on *$ivering, !M - !-nstler$a#s Halle f-r K#nst & Medien, Gra. (A#stria), c#rated b) *andro %ros,$l 2013 %a"ir AGkoC 3il"s, (alleria &iziana %i Caro, Salerno (Ital)) 2sst, &ra';., B#da'est (H#ngar)) &$e Body S,ore, Yvon La"bert Galler) - proje,t s'a,e, Paris (3ran,e) 2012 &$e Kingdo" o5 (lottis, Palais de &ok)o, Paris (3ran,e), c#rated b) Mark Be"beko55 4e saw not$ing b#t t$e unifor" bl#e o5 t$e *ky, Galleria Tiziana di Caro, Salerno (Ital)) An Llterior *,ale, >#ltimedia Center /#ka, 2#la (Croatia), c#rated b) Branka BenGić AGko / &adić, /N;,ole s#';rie#re d’arts & m;dias de Caen (3ran,e), c#rated b) Brent Klinku" / &ransat :ideo &e"'le Bar Galler) and St#dios, D#blin (Ireland) 2011 An Llterior *,ale, !#nst$alle D#sseldor5, D#sseldor5 ((er"an)) Jedinstvo Hall - Galler) Mo,$vara, 26t$ M#sic Biennale, Zagreb (Croatia) 2010 Castle & @le'$ant, Coventr) (L!) @vent Horizon, !#nstverein Leip.ig, Leip.ig ((er"an)) &$e Age o5 Ha''iness, (alleria &iziana Di Caro, *alerno (Ital)) *,reening Roo", Bl#"en, Leip.ig ((er"an)) 2009 &$e Age o5 Ha''iness, Lot$ringer13-*tOdtis,$e K#nst$alle >-n,$en, >#nic$ ((er"an)) &$e Age o5 Ha''iness, Akade"ie *,$loss Solit#de, *t#ttgart ((er"an)) 2008 *a5e wa) o#t, (aller) 10m2, Zagreb (Croatia) 2007 &$e @nd o5 t$e 4orld, Miroslav Kraljevic (aller), Zagreb (Croatia) 4$) does Gravit) make t$ings fallP, &irana Instit#te o5 Conte"'orar) Art (wit$ N. Do"idiano and S. Kanani), Tirana (Albania) 2006 &$e Missing Mo#ntain, Bar#tana, Osijek (Croatia) (arden proje,t, (aller) V+, Zagreb (Croatia) Co"'ositions, M#se#" o5 Conte"'orar) Art, Lotrs,ak &ower, Zagreb (Croatia) 2005 %riving world does not end at t$e sa"e point, (aller) Moria, Hvar (Croatia) Avoid, >#se#" o5 Conte"'orar) Art, (wit$ I. 3ranke and *.:#jicic), Zagreb (Croatia) esil(i)en,e, 2> Galler), Zagreb (Croatia) 2004 I,$ leb allein in meine" Him"el (2I/A& 04), >#se#" o5 Conte"'orar) Art - 2roje,t roo", Zagreb (Croatia) GROUP EXHIBITIONS (SELECTED) 2018 CL&M @Z, c#rated b) Branka BenGić, M#se#" o5 Conte"'orar) Art Zagreb, Croatia @C&AM:@ *A, 3ondation Lo#is :#itton, 2aris, Fran,e And we were tr)ing to be t$ere, urated b) %a"ien Be)ro#t$), La C$a#55erie - &$e Lniversit) o5 Q#ebe, (LQA>), Montreal, Canada Lewben Art 3o#ndation Pla)list, c#rated b) 3ran,es,a Ferrarini, Mo m#.ieD#s, Vilni#s (/&) assegna video - "Il cor'o è un indu"ento sa,roR, c#rated b) Paola Lgolini, M#seo del +ove,ento di Firen.e I& 2017 ,olle,tion 100%, (alerie de M#ltiples. 2aris, Fran,e &e"'orarr) En,o#nters, (alerija GalTenica, :elika Gorica, Croatia, c#rated b) Branka BenGić &$e Arbitrar) Nat#re o5 Words and Ever)da) Life, Pavel$a#s, Bad Radkersb#rg, A#stria, c#rated b) Petja Petja Gra5ena#er and %avid Kran.elbinder &$e Arbitrar) Nat#re o5 Words and Ever)da) Life, Galerija :odnikova, /D#bljana, Slovenia, c#rated b) 2etja 2etja (ra5ena#er and %avid Kran.elbinder 3ra""enti di 2aradiso, Colle.ione Agovino, Le S,al.e – C$iesa di San Giuse''e a 2onte,orvo, Na'oli, Ital) 2016 Le te"'s de l<a#da,e et de l<engage"ent - %e le#r te"'s (5) - Instit#t d'art conte"'orain :ille#rbanneM $Une1Al'es (IAC), :ille#rbanne, Fran,e +A >A/I&I@* - A#strian C#lt#ral 3or#" +ew Kork, New Kork Cit), +K │ c#rated b) Marko L#lić 2olitic$e %ella Nat#ra, Fonda.ione Zimei, Pes,ara, c#rated b) Massimiliano S,#deri 2015 100%, Galerie de M#ltiples, Paris, Fran,e &$ro#g$ t$e Barricades, 3abbrica del Va'ore, Milano, Ital) │ c#rated b) Andrea Br#,iati &$e Beast and t$e Sovereign, 4Wrtte"bergis,$er K#nstverein St#ttgart, Ger"an) │ c#rated b) Hans D. C$rist, Iris Dressler, Pa#l B. Pre,iado and :alentín o"a &wo Mo#t$s5#l o5 Silen,e, %#keNs Ho#se 32-38 D#keNs Pla,e, Aldgate, London, United Kingdo" │ c#rated b) Bea Her$old de *o#sa 3rd 2roje,t Biennial %10 A ! Undergro#nd, Konjic, BIH │ c#rated b) Adela %e"etja and A&A ((ra.) 2014 /A 2@ >A+@+C@, M#s;e de la Danse, ennes, 3ran,e │ c#rated b) Boris C$ar"at. +otes on Undoing, Garis & Ha$n, +ew York (L*A), c#rated b) Branka BenGić +oli me tangere. L’arte in movimento e la malattia dei sentimenti di Mic$elangelo Antonioni, Bibliote,a Civica, Verona (Ital)), ,#rated b) @va Co"#..i and Andrea Br#,iati (reat Lndoing, 54t$ Annale, 2oreG (Croatia), c#rated b) Branka BenGić &$e *o#nds o5 *ilen,e, CAC La Halle des bo#,$ers, Vienne (3ran,e), c#rated b) Mar, Be"beko55 Attention @,ono"), !#nst$alle 4ien, 4ien (A#stria), c#rated b) Nicola#s *,$a5$a#sen and :ivien Tro""er La dis'arition des l#,ioles, Colle,tion La"bert, 2rison Sainte Anne, Avignon (3ran,e), c#rated b) @ric M;.il Jo#rne) at t$e end o5 t$e word, (alleria Ti.iana di Caro, Salerno (Ital)), c#rated b) Antonello &olve Inter'r9te, F AC le Platea#, 2aris (3ran,e), c#rated b) Yavier 3ran,es,$i 2013 8No#vre les ye#= et t# es lZ (I o'en m) e)es and yo# are t$ere) | Colle,tion ML%AM, >L%A> - M#s;e d’Art >oderne Grand1%#, Jean, L#=e"bo#rg (/#=e"bo#rg), c#rated b) C$risto'$e (allois Le ragioni della pitt#ra - @siti e Pros'ettive di un Mediu", Pala..o de *an,tis, Castelbasso (&@, Ital)), c#rated b) La#ra C$er#bini and @#genio Viola & A2@Z 1, T A2@Z, B#da'est (H#ngar)) Lig$ting o#t for t$e &erritories, & A3A - ha#se for conte"'orar) art, B#da'est (H#ngar)), c#rated b) Leila To'ić 2012 :oi,es o5 Tr#t$, :illa Ro"ana, Firen.e (Ital)), c#rated b) Adela %e"etja &akes on Me"or) & 3lig$t Pat$s, Galler) A#g#sta, HIA2, Helsinki (3inland), c#rated b) Marita >##kkonen Lig$tning o#t o5 t$e territories, K#nst$alle Wien proje,t s'a,e, 4ien (A#stria), c#rated b) Leila &o'ić Abstra,tion - Modern and Conte"'orar), Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb (Croatia) &1H& award, >#se#" o5 Conte"'orar) Art Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia) 2011 An stageC narrative and per5or"an,e in conte"'orar) Croatian video, K-nstler$a#s Wien, Wien (A#stria), c#rated b) Jasna Jakšić *o#t$ern 2anora"as, 17t$ International Conte"'orar) Art Festival S@*C]:ideobrasil, Sao Pa#lo (Bra.il) CI&I@*, Torran,e Art >#se#", L.A. (L*A), c#rated b) Ca"illa Boe"io A5ter t$e Cras$, >#seo - Orto Botanico, o"a (Ital)), c#rated b) Ca"illa Boe"io 2 @&&K VACA+& – s'a,es o5 un,ertaint) and dis,ontin#it), PA/I* 2011, 2#la (Croatia), c#rated b) Branka BenGić Jo#r de 3^te, 2rivate Art *'a,e (aller), Bar,elona (*'ain), c#rated b) 2edro Torres and Ale=andra La#do 2ict#re o5 So#nd, M#se#" o5 Conte"'orar) Art, Zagreb (Croatia), c#rated b) Evelina &#rković >it Se ife und (abeln, !#nstra#" Kre#n.lingen, Kre#n.lingen (*wit.erland), c#rated b) &anDa Tra"'e and %aniela 2etrini 2010 2ict#re o5 So#nd, M#ltimedia Center S'lit, S'lit (Croatia), c#rated b) Evelina &#rković 2ost%imension – A jo#rne) in t$e Conte"'orar) Art, &orrione 2assari, Mol5etta (Ital)), c#rated b) (ia,o"o Za.a :ideonale *arajevo Intervention - Balkan Bo=, DL2/@Y, SaraDevo (BIH), c#rated b) 2ierre Co#rten Avvent#re Minime, Convento di San Loren.o, Salerno (Ital)), c#rated b) Antonello &olve 4orking &itle, Akade"ie S,$loss *olit#de, *t#ttgart ((er"an)) Here and +ow, Bologna Art First, M#seo Ar,$eologico, Bologna (Ital)), c#rated b) 8#lia %raganoviJ 2009 4orking title, Centre for Conte"'orar) Art LDa.dowski Castle, 4arsaw (2oland), c#rated b) Anna 2tak, Ika Sienkiewic.1+owa,ka & >arianna Dobkowska (ren.enlos1Be.

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