
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2009 No. 16 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was Science Committee for 1 year, and then this case was not for Ray to stay here called to order by the Speaker pro tem- came to my office. on Earth, but to take him up in His pore (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas). Ray, during his time here, met the loving arms with Him in Heaven and f love of his life, Kristin Wolgemuth, thus be truly healed. who also was a Congressional staffer This battle that was raged joined nu- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO and also from Chicago, and who had merous people from across the country TEMPORE worked for Harris Fawell, a Congress- as Kristin was faithful in providing us The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- man and Congresswoman JUDY BIGGERT the highs and the lows of the battles; fore the House the following commu- from the Chicagoland area. They fell in the times when they were able to take nication from the Speaker: love, got married, and then were able the girls out to parks and to zoos and WASHINGTON, DC, to enjoy D.C. and the community and the times the family was very hopeful, January 27, 2009. work hard for this country. They have but also times when Ray was really I hereby appoint the Honorable SHEILA three children; Nora, 7, Maggie, 4, and physically just struggling. She contin- JACKSON-LEE to act as Speaker pro tempore Lucy, 2. Ray was a devout Roman ued to ask for prayer and support and on this day. Catholic, and Ray was able to live his focus on her husband, her family and NANCY PELOSI, faith, along with his wife, Kristin, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. that loving environment. affect many lives positively. One of the last e-mails I sent to them f Ray just last week lost his life in a was talking about how they were able MORNING-HOUR DEBATE terrible battle with cancer. Many of us to comply with God’s will. I really from around the country attended his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- hated when Ray left Washington, D.C. funeral yesterday in Chicago and the He was a trusted confidant and a good ant to the order of the House of Janu- wake the night before. The wake was ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- friend. But, in hindsight, I see how God as large as you would expect when you was preparing for his departure to get nize Members from lists submitted by have a loved one who has left you. Of the majority and minority leaders for him in and around his family. He has course, the funeral was just as large, five sisters. His mother is still there. morning-hour debate. and I appreciated the funeral service The Chair will alternate recognition Kristin has an extended family in that focusing on the hope of salvation to area. They were there to lift Ray, Kris- between the parties, with each party those who believe, and remembering limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- tin and the girls up and provide the Ray’s life. love and care that they needed in this ber, other than the majority and mi- But the thing that highlighted Ray’s battle, and they will be there for the nority leaders and the minority whip, service here in Washington and the re- duration of strengthening the family limited to 5 minutes. spect he garnered was his honesty, his and helping Kristin raise these three transparency, the friendships that he f young girls. developed and his work effort. Many TRIBUTE TO RAYMOND M. people from the Washington, D.C. area I would like to share one of the last FITZGERALD went out for the wake and for the fu- e-mails that Kristin sent to us as a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The neral yesterday, and we will pass the whole on the announcement of her hus- Chair recognizes the gentleman from word out to the Washington, D.C. com- band’s death. Illinois (Mr. SHIMKUS) for 5 minutes. munity about a memorial service that She writes, ‘‘Loved ones, oh to never Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, will be conducted here in Washington have to write this e-mail. After meet- today I come to the well and before my in the weeks to come. Kristin and the ing with all of Ray’s doctors yesterday colleagues to remember one of my em- girls are coming out, along with Ray’s and today it is clear that they have ployees who was with me for 5 years mother and other family members and done all they can do to fight his can- and a true Chicago South Sider, an in- friends. cer. dividual who worked diligently here in What was as important in this fight ‘‘Despite the many rounds of chemo, the Washington, D.C. community for with cancer was the ministry that the cancer is growing and getting many, many years, Ray Fitzgerald. Kristin and Ray did as they struggled stronger and Ray is much too weak to Ray was my legislative director for 5 with what is God’s will. Many times we endure another round of chemo. Even if years. Before that, he worked for the pray for God’s will to be done, hoping he weren’t so sick, Ray’s liver status State of Illinois in Gov. Jim Edgar’s that it is the answer to our desires and renders chemo dangerous and ineffec- administration. He then moved to the aspirations and prayers. God’s will in tive.’’ b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H529 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:27 Jan 28, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JA7.000 H27JAPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 27, 2009 In this, she is talking about putting laughed and cried together, and I am The second suggestion I would make him into hospice, and Ray died shortly going to miss him very much, but I is that we not use a lot of onerous pa- after that. wish him well. perwork to make sure that people are Now, think of a young wife and f complying with the use-it-or-lose-it mother of three children, ages 7, 4 and provisions. NEW LEGISLATIVE PROCESS A 2, to be so strong in faith. She always We have very powerful compliance BREATH OF FRESH AIR would end her e-mails with the phrase tools. We could simply make modest ‘‘not afraid and not alone,’’ and this is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The reductions in future revenue streams in the 10 month battle with cancer. Chair recognizes the gentleman from for people that don’t make their tar- ‘‘Not afraid and not alone.’’ In the fu- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- get—hold them accountable, get the neral yesterday, I thought I heard Kris- utes. spending, and be able to protect the tin say many people attributed that to Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, Treasury. her. She attributed it to her husband. we are hearing a lot here on Capitol Third, we ought to consider having Hill about Otto von Bismarck’s old local incentives for people that are ac- f sausage metaphor, that one doesn’t tually going to reach in and put more TRIBUTE TO KATIE STAM, MISS want to watch either sausage or legis- of their own money into projects, being AMERICA 2009, AND RYAN GUTH- lation being made. Well, for too long, able to provide some modest incentive RIE, CHIEF OF STAFF Madam Speaker, the legislative process so that we reward and not penalize those who will get more money into The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in this House was a scene right out of Upton Sinclair’s graphic novel, ‘‘The the economy faster. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Last, we ought to assure that States Indiana (Mr. HILL) for 5 minutes. Jungle.’’ But currently with a new Congress put the money where it can be spent. TRIBUTE TO KATIE STAM, MISS AMERICA 2009 and new Administration I would say For example, if the State of New York Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise for that it has been a breath of fresh air has areas that can’t take advantage of two reasons this morning, on this watching this legislative process. It their allocation in time, but there are snowy day in Washington, DC. has been open. The ingredients have areas that can, we encourage the shift. Number one is to congratulate Katie been great. The legislative leadership, The City of New York has almost $2 Stam, who is the new Miss America, the new President and his administra- billion worth of projects that could who won her crown last Saturday in tive team, have been involved, talking meet that 2010 guideline. We ought to Las Vegas. Katie is from my hometown with people in both parties, in both put language into this bill that encour- of Seymour, Indiana, and we could not chambers, and we are moving towards ages States to reallocate to areas that be more proud of Katie and her accom- a package that I think people ought to can use it, not risk losing it.
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