The Church Bells of Somerset and An Olla Podrida of Bell Matters of General Interest BY Rev. H. T. Ellacombe File 01 : Preface Indices Pages 1 to 20 This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit www.whitingsociety.org.uk for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing : " Purchased from ebay store retromedia THE CHURCH BELLS OF SOMERSET. i'l' WHICH IS ADDKD AN OLLA PODIIIDA OF BELT. MATTEE8 OF GENEEAL INTEREST. THK ni:v. hkm:y tho^ias eilacombe. m.a., f.s.a., 111-' UOYAl. AlifHAKOr.OllIC'AL IXSTITUTK OK tiUVAT liHITAIN AND IIIKLAXD, .MKMBi;H THK &C. ; OK ()KI1:L COLLKtiE, OXFORU, UECTOU OF CLYST ST. GF.OUGE, BEVON : AXIl DOMKSTIC CHAl'LAIX TO THE KARL OK HAKRINUTON. " Oil 1 «'liut ;i prnafliei- is tlie time-worn cower, lieadiiij: great Scniioiis with its iron toir,'iie ! -Olil I'lieiii. EXETER PKIXTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY WILLIAM I'OLLAED, NOKTH .STKEET, is-.-i. — — — — — Purchased from ebay store retromedia iv. PEEFACE. "Bells reconcile man with man ;ind unite divers members into one body, and tighten its cords by mutual good will and sympathy." Tmnshttion from an Essay on the Si/iuhoUsm of the Bell, Poitiers, 1 S59." " An old Bell by its inscriptions, its medallions, and its oiiiMments, relates the history of the past better than a mutilated stone." TruHshitioK from M. Pardiac's Notice ahont the Pells of Bordeaux, Paris, 1858.- "I don't know that one could choose any of man's inventions which has moi-e various and t(juching associations than a Bell, and certainly Church Bells must take a leading place in the great poem that might lie wi-itten on them." Sir Stafford H. Northeote, ith Noveiaher, V^^^^. Therefore to quote an elegant passage from Cicero : " Quis mihi jure succenseat, si quantum creteris ad res suas obeundas, quantum ad festos dies ludorem celebrandos, (juantum ad alias voluptates conceditur temporum, quantum alii tribuunt tem23estivis conviviis, cjuantum denique alese, quantum pilfe ; tantum mihi egomet ad hasc tudia recolencla " sinnpsero ? Cicero, pro Arc/nd Pacta. Not, however, forgetting Cicero's quotatit)n fi-om Plato : " Non nobis solum nati sumus, ortusque nostri partem patria vindicat, partem parentes, partem amici." Cic de Off'., li. 1, c. vii, § 22. H. T. E. Festival of S. Lvke, 1875. ' " La Clofke approcLe I'lionime de I'lioiume, unit divers meniLres en iiu iir''iiio c-urp;-, et en resorro les lieus, par uue bienveillance mutuelle et une touc-liante frateriiitc"— p. '2. 2 " l"no Clocke antique redit mieux qu' ime pierre mutilie I'liistoire dn passr par sow inscriptions, ses medaillons, ses ornements.'" —p. 7. Purchased from ebay store retromedia INDEX. INDEX PAGE. Bell Founilors, Post Reformation ----- 2 8(;mson, Roger - - - - - -3, 8 T. G. ------ 4 AV. H. (William Henshawe) - . - - 4 Norton, Robert, and his six Legends - - - - 5—8, 14 Norton, Stephen - - - - - 10 Ffonuder, William - - - - - 11 Alphaliet Bells ------ 18 Number of Bells in Somerset - - - - 20 Ajipendix A. Inscriptions &c., on the Bells in the Churches, arranged alphabetically 21—96 Appendix B. Bells mentioned in Inventories of Church Goods, oTth Henry VIII. - 97 OlL.V PoDltlDA. 1. Index to matters about Bells, treated of in iZj'<<tf;-j!)«(s de Bmnia OJIeiis - 101 2. Index to matters about Bells in the Commentaries oh the Decretals of Gregory IX. 102 0. Sermon Bell - - - - - 102 4. Burmese Bell in the Museimi at Liverpool . - - 103 5. Ancient Sacring Bell at Rheims - - - - 106 6. Clocking Church BeUs - - - - - 108 7. Contract for casting two Bells for the Abbey oi Westminster- - 108 8. Grandsire Triples, &c. - - - - - 110 9. Copy of a Circidar issued by the late Mr. John Holt, 1753 - - 111 10. Ivinging Rules in the tenth century by St. Dun«tan - - 113 11. Ringing Rules of Lanfranc . - - 114 12. Earl}' Rules for ringing at Bath - - - - 114 i;>. Grant of Bell Metal to the Dean and Chapter, Christ Church, Dublin, l(i7I IIC 14. Ancient Bells at Canterbury - - - - 117 15. Ancient Bell worthy of Record - - - - 117 ; Purchased from ebay store retromedia vi. INDEX. Olla Podrida. page 16 Bell at St. Chad's Cliui-ch, Claughton in Lonsdale - - 118 17. Bell at Sedbergh, Yorkshire - - - - 118 18. Chimes of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge - - - 118 19. Bells and Bell Einging in America - - - - 121 20. A Modern American Chime or Ring of Bells - - - 122 21. Bell Einging in America . _ . 123 28. Emperor Bell at Vienna - - - - 121 23. The Emi:)eror BeU at Cologne - - - - 121 24. Bells Cast in Abbey Precincts .... 127 25. A Chiu'chwarden's Apology for breaking open a Belfry Door and ordering the Bells to be rung - - - - -128 26. BeUs of St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, Orkney - - 128 27. Cost of the Eing of Ten Bells at Wrexham, with particulai-s of the Bells 131 28. Ancient dated BeU - - - - - 132 29. Ancient Bell at Bex, Switzerland - - - - 132 30. Bell Expenses at Peterborough - - - - 133 31. Progress of Half PuU Changes in the West, at Leominster - - 133 32. Bell as a Thank Offering at Great Grimsby . - 135 33. Eleemosynary Bell ...... 13,") 34. Bell at Brailes, Warwickshire - - - - 135 35. Early BeU at St. Chad's, Lichfield - - - - 138 36. Something about Church BeU Hanging, and the Vibration of Bell Towers 138 37. A BeU with a hole in her Side - - - - 142 38. Soimd of BeUs on Water - - - - 142 39. Marvels of Change Einging .... 142 40. How Bells are Eung on the Continent ... 144 41. Charter of S. Stephen's Eingers, Bristol - - - 145 liijmns to be used at Ihe Bedicatiun of Church Bells 42. Hymn by the late J. M. Neale', D.D., of East Grinsted - - 14(1 43. Hymn by the late J. S. B. MonseU, LL.D. - - - 147 44. Hymn used at Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashii'e - - - 148 45. A Hj-mn by the late F. Kilvert, M.A., of Bath - - - 148 Purchased from ebay store retromedia INDEX TO PLATES. INDEX TO PLATES OF WOOD L! LOCKS PAGE. William Ffoimdor's Trade Mark. .... 96 Ancient Sacring Bell at Elieims ..... 106 Letter on Bell at Sedbergh, Yorksliii-e - - - - 118 Liberty BeU, Philadelphia, U.S. - - - - .122 Shields, Crowned Letter, and Stamps on Bell at Brailes, Warwickshire - 136 Plate I. Fig. 1. This loitial Cross is found on many Mediwval Bells. ,, 2. The abbreviation for Jesus, ditto. " " " ,, 3. Initial Cross of frequent use by i t and r n „ 4 & 7. Ditto. ,, 5. Robert Norton's Trade mark. ,, 6. Trade mark of an unknown founder. ,, 8. Supposed to be an error for pctrc. See page 0. ,, 9. Initial Cross, at Badgworth and Queen's Camel. ,, 10. Fleur-de-lis used by Roger Semson. ,, 11. Ditto, at Pitney. ,, 12. Ditto at Rodney Stoke, Badgworth, and Claptou-in-Gortlauo. Plate n. Nineteen ornamented Capitals occurring on several Hells. Plate III. Twelve ornamented Letters on a Bell at Chisolborough by Stephen Norton of Maidstone, Kent. Plate IV. Fig. 13. Initial Cross on 3rd and 4th at Angersleigh. „ 14. Royal Arms, probably of Heniy Yl, on tlic Tenor at West Monktou. ,, 15. Cross on the 1st and 2iid i:t Chi:;clboi-ough, and 2ud at Charlynch, with Fig. 27. ,, 16. Cross on the Treble at Nettlecombe. „ 17. Shield on a BeU at Whatley, being the initial W. H., probably William Henshaw of Gloucester. „ 18. Initial Cross at Nettlecombe and Curry Mallet. Purchased from ebay store retromedia viii. INDEX TO PLATES. Plate IV., Pig. 10, 20, 21. These two Shields and elegant Cross are found at BarM i( k and East Brent. Tliey are found on bells all over England. The licljiisses on the Shields have not been made out. ,, 22. Initial Cross found at Compton Paunceford. Gilbert, of on the -Itli lull tliere ;, 23. The Arms of WiUiam Abbot Bruton, 1528, ,, 24. Initial Stamp at Combhay, date 1671. Plate V. Pig. 2.5. Grotesque lion's face at S. Catherine's, Curry Mallet and East f liiiiuock. „ 26. This Cross is found on the same Bell. Monkton Tenor. ,, 27. Very beautiful Initial Cross on West ,, 28. Initial Cross at Charlton, Hovethorne and Horsingtou. ,, 29. ,, at East Quantox Head and Halse. ,, 30. ,, This is found in three sizes on very many oai-ly Bells, all dedicated to some Saint, and generally in small letters, after which the initials " t tf." ,, 31. Cross found at Ditcheat and Dowlish Wake. Bells dedicated to Sai.it in small ,, 32. This Initial Cross is found on many some crowned Capitals. Figs. 46, 47, 49, 50, having Pig. 46 as an Inter- vening Stop. ,, S2a. Seal of Johanna de Beauchamp at Bradford. Plate VI. Pig. S.'i. Stephen Norton's name, &e., at length at Chiselborough. the Bell. ,, 36. Initial Cross on same Intervening Stop on the same Bell. ,, 37. at Northover. ,, 37a. Initial Cross BackweU and at Compton Paunceford, 1627. ,, 38. Cross found ,, 39. Crown Stamp found at Priston. Bampfylde second. ,, 40. Cross on Weston place. ,, 41. Intervening Stop at the same " „ 42. Crown Stamp found on Bells by t g," ,, 43. Ditto. , „ 44. Ditto. ,, 45. Intervening Stop on the same BeUs. Plate VII. Fig. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. Specimens of small crowned Capitals and Stop found on many BeUs. AU dedicated to some Saint. ,, 51, 52, 53. Specimen of double lined Letters on a Bell at liatli Ivistcn and Pitney. ,, 50. Stamp on a Bell at Weston Bampfylde, date 1599. Purchased from ebay store retromedia INDEX TO PLATES. >''• three sizes on nine Bells :— riate Til., Fig. 57. t^bip Stamp foimcl iu Croweombe, Litton, Bac-kwoll, Northover, Montis, J21i;i, iSutton Lamyatt, Weston Bampfykle. Limington, N«-tliover. 58. Stop (rediicod in tlie engTaving) at 59. Eagle Stamp found at Nether Ham.
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